Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between household food security and child anthropometry at ages 5 and 8 years in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam

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Study Justification:
– Poor childhood nutritional status has long-term effects
– Food insecurity is associated with dietary practices that can impair nutritional status
– Understanding the associations between food insecurity and child anthropometry can inform policies and interventions to improve child nutrition
Study Highlights:
– Children from food-insecure households had lower height-for-age z scores (HAZs) in all countries at age 5
– Food insecurity at age 5 predicted HAZ at age 8 in all countries
– Food insecurity at age 5 predicted body mass index-for-age z scores (BMI-Zs) at age 8 in all countries
– Chronic food insecurity was associated with lower HAZs
– Dietary diversity mediated the association between food security and anthropometry, to varying degrees in different countries
Study Recommendations:
– Policies and interventions should focus on improving food security for children, especially in the early years
– Strategies to improve dietary diversity should be implemented to mitigate the negative effects of food insecurity on child anthropometry
– Further research is needed to understand the specific mechanisms through which food insecurity affects child nutritional status
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists to conduct further studies and analyze data
– Government officials and policymakers to develop and implement policies and interventions
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations to provide support and resources
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding for data collection, analysis, and publication
– Budget for implementing policies and interventions, including education programs, food assistance programs, and community outreach initiatives
– Resources for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some potential areas for improvement. The study used data from a large cohort study in four countries, which adds to the strength of the evidence. The study assessed associations between food insecurity and child anthropometry at ages 5 and 8 years, and also evaluated the role of dietary diversity as a mediator. The results showed that food insecurity at age 5 was associated with lower height-for-age z scores (HAZ) and body mass index-for-age z scores (BMI-Z) at age 8 in all countries, although the associations were attenuated after adjusting for confounders. The study also found that dietary diversity mediated a portion of the association between food insecurity and anthropometry, with varying levels of mediation across countries. To improve the evidence, it would be beneficial to include more details about the study design, such as the sampling methods and attrition rates. Additionally, providing information on the statistical methods used and the sample sizes for each analysis would enhance the transparency and replicability of the study.

Background: Poor childhood nutritional status has lifetime effects and food insecurity is associated with dietary practices that can impair nutritional status. Objectives: We assessed concurrent and subsequent associations between food insecurity and height-for-age z scores (HAZs) and body mass index-for-age z scores (BMI-Zs); evaluated associations with transitory and chronic food insecurity; and tested whether dietary diversity mediates associations between food insecurity and nutritional status. Methods: We used data from the Young Lives younger cohort composed of children in Ethiopia (n = 1757), India (n = 1825), Peru (n = 1844), and Vietnam (n = 1828) recruited in 2002 (round 1) at ~1 y old, with subsequent data collection at 5 y in 2006 (round 2) and 8 y in 2009 (round 3). Results: Children from food-insecure households had significantly lower HAZs in all countries at 5 y (Ethiopia, -0.33; India, -0.53; Peru, -0.31; and Vietnam, -0.68 HAZ; all P < 0.001), although results were attenuated after controlling for potential confounders (Ethiopia, -0.21; India, -0.32; Peru, -0.14; and Vietnam, -0.27 HAZ; P < 0.01). Age 5 y food insecurity predicted the age 8 y HAZ, but did not add predictive power beyond HAZ at age 5 y in Ethiopia, India, or Peru. Age 5 y food insecurity predicted the age 8 y BMI-Z even after controlling for the 5 y BMI-Z, although associations were not significant after the inclusion of additional confounding variables (Ethiopia, P = 0.12; India, P = 0.29; Peru, P = 0.16; and Vietnam, P = 0.51). Chronically food-insecure households had significantly lower HAZs than households that were consistently food-secure, although BMI-Zs did not differ by chronic food-insecurity status. Dietary diversity mediated 18.8-30.5% of the association between food security and anthropometry in Vietnam, but mediated to a lesser degree (8.4-19.3%) in other countries. Conclusions: In 4 countries, food insecurity at 5 y of age was associated with both HAZ and BMI-Z at age 8 y, although the association was attenuated after adjusting for other household factors and anthropometry at age 5 y, and remained significant only for the HAZ in Vietnam.

This study used data from the Young Lives (YL) younger cohort, a cohort study of ∼8000 children in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam. The YL study team recruited ∼2000 children aged ∼1 y from each country in 2002 (round 1) with subsequent data collection at age 5 y (round 2; Ethiopia, October 2006–January 2007; India, January–July 2007; Peru, October 2006–August 2007; and Vietnam, December 2006–April 2007) and age 8 y (round 3; Ethiopia, October 2009–January 2010; India, August 2009–March 2010; Peru, July 2009–January 2010; and Vietnam, September 2009–January 2010). Children’s ages at each round ranged from 6 to 18 mo (round 1), 4.5 to 5.5 y (round 2), and 7.5 to 8.5 y (round 3). The YL team used multistage sampling designs with the first stage consisting of a selection of 20 sentinel sites. Sampling was pro-poor; for example, in Ethiopia, the most food-insecure areas were the sampling universe. In Peru, the richest 5% of districts were excluded from the sample. Although poor clusters were moderately oversampled, the final samples provided diverse representation of social, geographic, and demographic groups. The sample in India consisted only of households from Andhra Pradesh (since split into Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), whereas the 3 other countries used nationwide samples. The YL team randomly selected ∼100 households with children aged 6–18 mo in each cluster. Additional study methods are described elsewhere (28), and are provided at (29). From age 1 y to age 8 y, the YL cohort lost between 1.5% and 5.7% of the age 1 y sample to attrition (Ethiopia, 114/1999; India, 81/2011; Peru, 106/2052; and Vietnam, 36/2000). From the complete age 8 y dataset, children were excluded for this analysis if they were missing the dependent variables, anthropometry at 5 y (2006) or 8 y (2009) (Ethiopia, 128/1885; India, 105/1930; Peru, 102/1946; and Vietnam 136/1964). The University of Oxford Ethics Committee and the Peruvian Nutritional Research Institute institutional review board approved YL study protocols. Approval for these analyses was obtained from the University of Pennsylvania and Boston University. Written parental consent was obtained at each round, and verbal child assent was obtained in round 3. Height was measured with the use of locally made stadiometers with standing plates and moveable head boards accurate to 1 mm. HAZ was calculated with the use of WHO 2006 standards for children 0–59 mo (30) and WHO 2007 standards for older children (31). Weight was measured with the use of calibrated digital balances (Soehnle) with 100 g precision. BMI-Zs also were calculated with the use of WHO growth curves. All anthropometrists were trained and used techniques according to WHO guidelines (32, 33). Birth dates were taken from children’s health cards when available, and mothers’ reports otherwise. YL collected information on consumption of 11 food groups at age 5 y and 15 food groups at age 8 y. Food groups were combined into the following 7 categories at age 5 y: 1) starches (cereals, roots, and tubers), 2) meat (meat and fish), 3) eggs, 4) legumes and nuts, 5) dairy, 6) fruit and vegetables, and 7) fats and oils. At age 8 y, vitamin A–rich fruits and vegetables were added as an additional food category. Because there is no standard dietary diversity tool for children of this age, after reviewing food groupings used by other researchers (34, 35), we chose to aggregate the questions at age 5 y to 7 food groups; with the addition of questions about vitamin A–rich foods at age 8 y, we aggregated the questions at age 8 y into 8 food groups. We assessed individual dietary diversity by asking the caregiver what food items each child had eaten the previous day, and then summing the number of food groups reported. Different questions were used to capture food insecurity across rounds. At both rounds, respondents were asked about food insecurity in the previous 12 mo. For age 5 y, YL adapted questions from the HFSM (36) with the use of formative research to create a YL adaptation (37) focused on quantitative indicators of food insecurity (food shortage, fewer meals, and smaller portions). At age 8 y, YL used the HFIAS (38), which includes additional domains such as, “In the past 12 mo, did you ever worry that your household would run out of food?” and “Were you or any household member not able to eat the kinds of foods you want because of lack of money?” At age 5 y, caregivers were asked whether households experienced various aspects of food insecurity, whereas at age 8 y, respondents were asked to quantify how frequently this occurred (rarely, sometimes, always or nearly always). We coded the age 8 y responses with the use of the HFIAS coding algorithm; households classified as moderately or severely food-insecure were considered food-insecure. After comparing the specific questions (Table 1), we determined that positive responses at age 5 y to any of the food-security questions except eating less-preferred foods captured households that had to limit food quantity, which is most comparable to HFIAS moderate and severe food-insecurity at age 8 y. Thus, households at age 5 y responding positively to any food-insecurity questions other than eating less-preferred foods were considered food-insecure. Chronic food-insecurity was assessed by comparing food-insecurity status at ages 5 y and 8 y; households that were food-insecure at both ages were considered chronically food-insecure. Households that were food-secure at both times were classified as food-secure, and households that were food-insecure at one but not both time points were classified as transitorily food-insecure. Proportion of households reporting food insecurity in the 12 mo before interview, Young Lives younger cohort1 Other measures included community wealth [measured by indexes of asset ownership, housing quality, and service access for other YL households in the same communities (39, 40)], monetary value of all household expenditures in the preceding 2 wk (household consumption), whether interviewed in a food-scarce month, maternal ages, maternal heights, maternal schooling, paternal schooling, and child ages and sex. In an analysis of associations of age 5 y food security with age 8 y anthropometry, we controlled for age 5 y anthropometry to isolate associations of food security with growth at age 8 y that were not acting through growth at age 5 y. We used Stata (version 12.0, 2011) for all analyses. We employed multiple imputation methods with 15 replications (41) with the use of the ice command to impute the following missing covariates: maternal height (n = 279), maternal age (n = 64), rural residence at age 5 y (n = 3), rural residence at age 8 y (n = 3), interviewed in a scarce month at age 5 y (n = 87), interviewed in a scarce month at age 8 y (n = 108), community wealth (n = 2), and food security at age 8 y (n = 12). We used multivariable regressions for HAZ and BMI-Z to examine associations between food insecurity and nutritional status. Results were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05. We assessed dietary diversity mediation in 2 stages. First, we assessed whether the 3 Baron and Kenny criteria (42) were met: 1) food insecurity was a significant predictor of anthropometric measures, 2) dietary diversity was significantly associated with food insecurity, and 3) when dietary diversity and food insecurity were both included in models predicting anthropometric measures, dietary diversity was significant and the food-insecurity coefficient was smaller than when dietary diversity was not included. Second, when these criteria were met, we assessed mediation levels and calculated P values for Sobel–Goodman tests of mediation.

Based on the information provided, it seems that the study focuses on the association between food insecurity and child anthropometry in four countries. It examines the impact of food insecurity on height-for-age z scores (HAZs) and body mass index-for-age z scores (BMI-Zs) at ages 5 and 8. The study also explores the role of dietary diversity in mediating the association between food insecurity and nutritional status.

To improve access to maternal health, some potential innovations could include:

1. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions: Develop mobile applications or text messaging services that provide pregnant women and new mothers with information on nutrition, prenatal care, and postnatal care. These interventions can help improve access to maternal health information and support, especially in remote or underserved areas.

2. Telemedicine: Implement telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women to consult with healthcare providers remotely. This can help overcome geographical barriers and improve access to prenatal care, especially for women living in rural or isolated areas.

3. Community health workers: Train and deploy community health workers to provide maternal health education, counseling, and basic healthcare services in communities. These workers can bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and communities, improving access to maternal health services and promoting healthy behaviors.

4. Maternal health vouchers: Introduce voucher programs that provide pregnant women with financial assistance to access essential maternal health services, such as prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care. These vouchers can help reduce financial barriers and ensure that women receive the necessary care during pregnancy and childbirth.

5. Public-private partnerships: Foster collaborations between public and private sectors to improve access to maternal health services. This can involve leveraging private sector resources and expertise to expand healthcare infrastructure, improve service delivery, and enhance the quality of care provided to pregnant women.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are general and may need to be tailored to the specific context and needs of each country or community.
AI Innovations Description
The study mentioned in the description explores the associations between household food security and child anthropometry in four countries (Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam). The study found that food insecurity at the age of 5 was associated with lower height-for-age z scores (HAZ) and body mass index-for-age z scores (BMI-Z) at the age of 8. However, these associations were attenuated after controlling for other factors and anthropometry at age 5. The study also found that chronic food insecurity was associated with lower HAZ, but not BMI-Z. Additionally, dietary diversity partially mediated the association between food security and anthropometry, with varying degrees of mediation in different countries.

Based on these findings, a recommendation to improve access to maternal health could be to implement interventions that address household food insecurity and promote dietary diversity during pregnancy and early childhood. These interventions could include:

1. Food assistance programs: Implementing programs that provide nutritious food to pregnant women and young children from food-insecure households can help improve their nutritional status. This could include distributing food baskets or vouchers for purchasing nutritious foods.

2. Nutrition education: Providing education and counseling to pregnant women and caregivers of young children on the importance of a diverse and balanced diet can help improve dietary practices. This could include teaching them about the different food groups and how to incorporate them into their meals.

3. Income generation activities: Supporting income-generating activities for women in food-insecure households can help improve their economic resources and access to nutritious foods. This could include providing training and resources for starting small businesses or agricultural activities.

4. Community-based interventions: Engaging communities in addressing food insecurity and promoting dietary diversity can help create a supportive environment for pregnant women and young children. This could involve community gardens, cooking demonstrations, and peer support groups.

5. Integration with maternal health services: Integrating food security and nutrition interventions with existing maternal health services can help reach a larger population and ensure comprehensive care. This could include incorporating nutrition assessments and counseling into prenatal and postnatal care visits.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to improve access to maternal health by addressing the underlying issue of food insecurity and promoting optimal nutrition during pregnancy and early childhood.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study you provided focuses on the associations between household food security and child anthropometry in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam. It examines the impact of food insecurity on height-for-age z scores (HAZs) and body mass index-for-age z scores (BMI-Zs) in children at ages 5 and 8.

To improve access to maternal health, here are some potential recommendations:

1. Increase availability and affordability of nutritious food: Implement policies and programs that promote the production and distribution of nutritious food, especially in areas with high rates of food insecurity. This can include initiatives such as community gardens, subsidies for healthy food, and nutrition education.

2. Enhance maternal healthcare services: Improve access to quality maternal healthcare services, including prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and postnatal care. This can be achieved through the expansion of healthcare facilities, training of healthcare providers, and community outreach programs.

3. Strengthen health education and awareness: Increase awareness among pregnant women and their families about the importance of maternal health and nutrition. This can be done through educational campaigns, workshops, and the dissemination of informational materials.

4. Address socio-economic factors: Address underlying socio-economic factors that contribute to food insecurity and poor maternal health, such as poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality. This may involve implementing social protection programs, promoting women’s empowerment, and improving economic opportunities for vulnerable populations.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Baseline data collection: Gather data on the current status of maternal health and access to healthcare services in the target population. This can include information on maternal mortality rates, healthcare infrastructure, and utilization of maternal healthcare services.

2. Define indicators: Identify key indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations. This can include indicators such as the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, the percentage of women with access to skilled birth attendants, and improvements in maternal health outcomes.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the recommended interventions and their potential impact on access to maternal health. This model should consider factors such as population size, geographical distribution, and socio-economic characteristics of the target population.

4. Input data and parameters: Input the baseline data and parameters into the simulation model. This includes data on the target population, the implementation timeline of the interventions, and the expected coverage and effectiveness of each intervention.

5. Run simulations: Run the simulation model to generate projections of the potential impact of the recommendations on access to maternal health. This can include estimates of the number of additional pregnant women receiving prenatal care, reductions in maternal mortality rates, and improvements in maternal health outcomes.

6. Evaluate results: Analyze the simulation results to assess the potential impact of the recommendations. Compare the projected outcomes with the baseline data to determine the effectiveness of the interventions in improving access to maternal health.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the evaluation of the simulation results, refine the recommendations and the simulation model as needed. Iterate the process to further optimize the interventions and improve the accuracy of the projections.

By following this methodology, policymakers and stakeholders can gain insights into the potential impact of different interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can inform decision-making and resource allocation to prioritize the most effective strategies.

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