Performance evaluation of BD FACSPresto™ point of care CD4 analyzer to enumerate CD4 counts for monitoring HIV infected individuals in Nigeria

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Study Justification:
– The study aimed to evaluate the validity and feasibility of using the BD FACSPresto™ point of care CD4 analyzer for monitoring HIV-infected individuals in Nigeria.
– The study addressed the challenges of access and coverage in HIV care and treatment programs by assessing the reliability and accuracy of the BD FACSPresto analyzer compared to the reference standard flow cytometry method.
– The study also investigated the feasibility of using the BD FACSPresto analyzer among non-laboratorians, which could potentially increase access to CD4 estimations in developing countries.
Study Highlights:
– The study found that the BD FACSPresto analyzer had a close agreement with the reference method, with no significant difference in CD4+ count measurements.
– The sensitivity and specificity of the BD FACSPresto analyzer were high, indicating its accuracy in identifying individuals with CD4 counts below a threshold of 500 cells/μL.
– The study also showed that there was no substantial difference in testing variability between laboratory personnel and non-laboratory operators using the BD FACSPresto analyzer.
– Overall, the BD FACSPresto analyzer was found to be a reliable and easy-to-use instrument that could potentially reduce patients’ waiting time and improve the quality of ART services, especially in rural settings.
Recommendations for Lay Reader:
– The BD FACSPresto analyzer is a reliable and accurate device for monitoring CD4 counts in HIV-infected individuals.
– The use of the BD FACSPresto analyzer can help increase access to CD4 estimations, especially in developing countries.
– The introduction of the BD FACSPresto analyzer can reduce waiting time and improve the quality of ART services, leading to increased patient satisfaction.
Recommendations for Policy Maker:
– The BD FACSPresto analyzer should be considered for implementation in HIV care and treatment programs to improve access and coverage of CD4 estimations.
– Training programs should be provided to healthcare workers, including non-laboratorians, to ensure proper and accurate use of the BD FACSPresto analyzer.
– Budget allocation should be made for the procurement of BD FACSPresto analyzers and reagents, as well as for training and capacity building of healthcare workers.
Key Role Players:
– Laboratory scientists: Responsible for operating the BD FACSPresto analyzer and ensuring accurate CD4 count measurements.
– Nurses: Can also operate the BD FACSPresto analyzer and perform CD4 testing, increasing access to CD4 estimations.
– Policy makers: Responsible for making decisions regarding the implementation and funding of the BD FACSPresto analyzer in HIV care and treatment programs.
Cost Items for Planning:
– Procurement of BD FACSPresto analyzers: Budget allocation should be made for the purchase of the analyzers.
– Procurement of reagents: Reagents for the BD FACSPresto analyzer should be included in the budget.
– Training and capacity building: Funds should be allocated for training healthcare workers on the proper use of the BD FACSPresto analyzer.
– Maintenance and calibration: Budget should be set aside for the regular maintenance and calibration of the BD FACSPresto analyzers to ensure accurate results.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is fairly strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is appropriate, with a comparison between the BD FACSPresto and the reference method BD FACSCount. The sample size of 300 HIV infected individuals is sufficient. The statistical analysis using STATA is appropriate. The results show close agreement between the two methods, with no significant difference in CD4+ count. The sensitivity and specificity of the BD FACSPresto are high. However, there are a few areas for improvement. The abstract does not mention if the study was blinded or if there were any potential biases. It would be helpful to include this information. Additionally, the abstract does not provide information on the limitations of the study or any potential sources of error. Including this information would further strengthen the evidence.

Background: Despite the upsurge in support and intervention of donor agencies in HIV care and treatment programing in Sub-Sahara African, antiretroviral (ART) programs are still confronted with access and coverage challenges which influence enrolment of new patients. This study investigated the validity of point of care BD FACSPresto™ CD4 analyzer for CD4+ cell count, overall agreement, correlation, sensitivity, and specificity in comparison to a reference standard flow cytometry method. We also assessed the feasibility of use among nonlaboratorians. Methods Blood samples from 300 HIV infected individuals were analyzed for CD4+ T cell and CD4%, using finger prick capillary sample from 150 PMTCT clients and 150 ART clients at Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital, Kano, Nigeria. Their venous samples were compared on a flow cytometry reference method using BD FACSCount CD4+ count system. The accuracy of the BD FACSPresto machine in comparison to BD FACSCount was evaluated. Statistical analysis was carried out using STATA (version 12). Bland-Altman method and correlation analysis were used to analyze agreement between both measurements. In addition, sensitivity and specificity of both measurements were determined. Statistical significance was set at p-value <0.05. Results The mean bias and limit of agreement for CD4+ count between BD FACSPresto and BD FACS count machine were 7.49 (95% CI: 2.44 to 12.54) and -8.14 to 96.39 respectively. Further analysis revealed close agreement between BD FACSPresto and BD FACSCount with no significant difference between the two methods (p = .0.95). Using a threshold of 500 cells/μL, sensitivity and specificity of BD FACSPresto were 95.1% and 97.1% respectively, compared to BD FACSCount. There was no statistically significant difference in the misclassification between BD FACSPresto and BD FACSCount results (p = 0.23). Furthermore, sensitivity and specificity were similar when BD FACSPresto machine was operated by a nurse or laboratory scientist, there was no substantial difference in testing variability observed between laboratory and non-laboratory operators using the BD FACSPresto analyzer. Conclusions Overall, BD FACSPresto Point of Care CD4+ count finger stick capillary blood results is a reliable method in comparison to venous sample cytometry method and no significant difference variability observed between laboratory personnel and non-laboratory operators. The BD FACSPresto is simple, more robust and easy to use equipment without significant variability in reliability by non-laboratory health care workers hence will be a valuable instrument in increasing access and coverage of CD4 estimations in developing countries. The introduction of the BD FACSPresto POC analyzer has a high potential in reducing patients waiting time and improving the overall quality of ART service and clients' satisfaction especially in rural settings.

The study was conducted at Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital (MMSH), Kano, one of the secondary hospitals located in Kano state, North-western Nigeria. The site has been supported by FHI 360 (Family Health International) to provide comprehensive ART program since June 2006 till date with funding from President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The site has an average of over 6,000 out-patients recorded daily. It is the largest hospital owned by the Kano State Government (State Ministry of Health) and has the highest client volume. Of the 18 ART facilities that met the inclusion criteria, MMSH was purposively selected. In this facility, patients who present for the first time are offered HIV testing and counseling. Those that test HIV positive are enrolled into the ART program. The PMTCT services is integrated into antenatal clinic (ANC) and maternal child health (MCH) services. Women testing HIV positive are enrolled into the PMTCT program. The laboratory supports HIV screening and disease monitoring tests such as CD4+ enumeration, toxicity and opportunistic Infections (OI) assays. The laboratory has BD FACSCount analyzer (Beckton Dickinson, USA) which was used as the reference method in this study. The instrument is registered for the external proficiency assessment scheme of National Health Laboratories (NHLS) South Africa. The BD FACSCount analyzer at MMSH uses CD4 absolute and CD4% count floppy diskette software. Prior to this study, two laboratory scientists and a nurse from the PMTCT clinic were trained for 2 days on CD4 count estimation using BD FACSPresto analyzer, finger prick and venous sample collection and biosafety. The BD FACSPresto™ analyzer and reagents were provided by BD Bioscience USA. Study participants were enrolled between 30th September 2015 to March 2016. Informed, consenting patients 18 years and above who tested positive for HIV infection, attending MMSH ART clinic and pregnant women 18 years and above, currently attending PMTCT clinic were considered eligible for the study. A total of 300 HIV infected patients were recruited and relevant bio data information collected. Patients who did not sign consent form were disallowed from participating in the study but not denied any relevant service. Similarly, HIV-positive individuals attending ART clinic, pregnant adolescent girls attending PMTCT clinic below 18 years of age, and those who decline finger prick collection for the BD FACSPresto study were not included in the study. This study investigated validity of POC BD FACSPresto™ CD4 analyzer for CD4+ cell count using finger prick capillary samples in comparison to a reference standard flow cytometry method, BD FACSCount using same participants venous sample. The study was designed within ART and PMTCT clinics using paired measurements of same patient sample on both BD FACSPresto and BD FACSCount system. At the ART clinic, 150 consenting patients were sent to the laboratory where venous blood sample was collected as part of routine laboratory monitoring for HIV positive patients by two trained laboratory staff. Patients who were finger pricked for BD FACSPresto testing were also bled for routine CD4 testing on BD FACSCount analyzer. The venous EDTA blood sample collection is part of routine laboratory monitoring for all HIV positive patients. Samples were drawn for routine monitoring of patient who declined participation in the BD FACSPresto study while treatment decisions for all patients were made based on the CD4 values obtained from the BD FACSCount analyzer. The BD FACSPresto™ analyzer result was used for research purposes only and the results were not handed over to the client nor recorded in the laboratory order and request form from the clinic. At the PMTCT clinic, 150 finger pricked capillary samples were tested on BD FACSPresto analyzer by a trained Nurse while matching samples was drawn by the Nurse using vacutainer EDTA tubes and sent to the hospital laboratory for comparison with the reference flow cytometer BD FACSCount. The health care workers (HCWs); two laboratory scientists and a PMTCT nurse, who provided CD4 testing related services to patients in the study were interviewed to assess provider acceptability. Finger-prick blood sample (capillary) was collected aseptically from fingertip using 1.8 mm depth lancet finger stick (Becton Dickinson Bioscience) and transferred to the BD FACSPresto labelled cartridge. The cartridge cap was closed and then placed on the BD FACSPresto work station outside the instrument for 18 minutes to allow incubation at room temperature. BD FACSPresto test cartridge contains in built control features to check the analyzer and reagent functionality daily. After incubation, the test-strip was removed and the cartridge was inserted into the analyser to read the result which takes about 4 minutes. The absolute CD4 count, %CD4 results are displayed on the screen and printed automatically. The print out result was stored at the respective point of testing (laboratory and PMTCT clinic) and not used for patients’ clinical management. Testing on BD FACSPresto analyzer was performed based on manufacturer instructions. In the laboratory, venous blood samples collected were tested on BD FACSCount analyzer. Briefly, BD FACSCount CD4 reagents tube was brought to ambient temperature and vortexed upright for 10 seconds before it was opened for use. Fifty (50) μl of whole blood was added to the CD4 reagent tube containing CD3/CD4 PE monoclonal antibody (Becton Dickinson, USA). The tube was incubated in the dark for 30 minutes at room temperature and 50μl of fixative (5% formaldehyde in PBS) was added and vortexed before reading on Becton Dickson FACS machine according to manufacturer’s instruction using CD4 Absolute and CD4% count software [19]. To ensure reproducibility and precision of CD4 count testing, daily quality controls were run for the BD FACSCount and BD FACSPresto. The BD FACS count machine quality control pack (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) was analyzed by running low, medium and high bead count following manufacturer’s procedures. The outcome reading of “passed control” indicated the testing process was under control such as reagents, equipment, personnel and standard operation procedures was followed before clients’ sample were tested. For BD FACSPresto, daily quality control was ensured by analyzing CD Chex Plus BC low and normal control (Streck, Omaha, NE). Data was entered into Microsoft Excel and exported into STATA version 12 for analysis. The variable of interest was absolute CD4 count. Absolute CD4 count was reported as median values with accompanying interquartile range. Pearson correlation was calculated for each pair of results generated by BD FACSPresto and BD FACSCount. The accuracy of the BD FACSpresto machine in comparison to the BD FACSCount was evaluated using the Bland-Altman method, and assessed statistically with Pitman’s test of difference in variance. Sensitivity, specificity and misclassification rates of BD FACSPresto were calculated at CD4 threshold of 500 cells/μl (the 2013 eligibility threshold by WHO before the current UNAIDS Test and Start guideline) compared with results of BD FACSCount. McNemar test was performed to determine any significant differences in the misclassification between BD FACSPresto and BD FACSCount. Statistical significance was set at p-value<0.05. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by FHI 360 Office of International Research Ethics (OIRE), North Carolina, IRB No 614211–1. Ethical approval was also received from Kano State Hospital Management Board, Ministry of Health with reference: HMB/GEN/488/VOL1.

Based on the provided information, it seems that the study evaluated the validity and feasibility of using the BD FACSPresto™ point of care CD4 analyzer for CD4+ cell count in comparison to a reference standard flow cytometry method. The study found that the BD FACSPresto analyzer showed close agreement and no significant difference compared to the reference method. The sensitivity and specificity of the BD FACSPresto analyzer were also high. The study concluded that the BD FACSPresto analyzer is a reliable and easy-to-use instrument that can increase access and coverage of CD4 estimations in developing countries, potentially reducing patients’ waiting time and improving the overall quality of ART service.

Based on this study, one potential innovation to improve access to maternal health could be the integration of the BD FACSPresto analyzer into maternal health clinics. This could allow for convenient and rapid CD4 testing for pregnant women living with HIV, enabling timely initiation of ART and appropriate management of HIV during pregnancy. By bringing the CD4 testing closer to the point of care, this innovation could help overcome access and coverage challenges, particularly in rural settings where access to laboratory facilities may be limited.
AI Innovations Description
The study conducted at Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital in Nigeria aimed to evaluate the validity and feasibility of using the BD FACSPresto™ point of care CD4 analyzer for monitoring HIV-infected individuals. The study compared the CD4+ cell count results obtained from the BD FACSPresto analyzer with the reference standard flow cytometry method, BD FACSCount.

The results of the study showed that there was close agreement between the BD FACSPresto and BD FACSCount methods, with no significant difference between the two methods. The mean bias and limit of agreement for CD4+ count between the two methods were within an acceptable range. The sensitivity and specificity of the BD FACSPresto analyzer were also high, indicating its accuracy in determining CD4 counts.

Furthermore, the study found that there was no substantial difference in testing variability between laboratory personnel and non-laboratory operators using the BD FACSPresto analyzer. This suggests that the analyzer can be used by non-laboratory health care workers, which can be particularly beneficial in increasing access and coverage of CD4 estimations in developing countries.

Overall, the study concluded that the BD FACSPresto Point of Care CD4+ count finger stick capillary blood results are reliable and can be used as a valuable instrument in increasing access and coverage of CD4 estimations, especially in rural settings. The introduction of the BD FACSPresto analyzer has the potential to reduce patients’ waiting time and improve the overall quality of ART services and clients’ satisfaction.
AI Innovations Methodology
The provided text describes a study that evaluated the validity and feasibility of using the BD FACSPresto™ point of care CD4 analyzer for monitoring HIV-infected individuals in Nigeria. The study compared the results obtained from the BD FACSPresto analyzer with a reference standard flow cytometry method (BD FACSCount) to determine the accuracy, agreement, sensitivity, and specificity of the point of care analyzer.

To improve access to maternal health, it is important to consider innovations that can address the challenges faced in providing antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs and CD4 monitoring for HIV-positive pregnant women. Here are some potential recommendations:

1. Integration of maternal health services: Integrate maternal health services, including HIV testing, counseling, and CD4 monitoring, into antenatal clinics and maternal child health services. This would ensure that pregnant women receive comprehensive care in one location, reducing the need for multiple visits and improving access to necessary services.

2. Point-of-care CD4 testing: Expand the use of point-of-care CD4 analyzers, such as the BD FACSPresto, in maternal health settings. These analyzers provide rapid results and can be used by non-laboratory personnel, making CD4 monitoring more accessible in resource-limited settings.

3. Training and capacity building: Provide training and capacity building programs for healthcare workers, including nurses and laboratory scientists, on the use of point-of-care CD4 analyzers and other relevant technologies. This would ensure that healthcare workers are skilled in using these innovations and can provide accurate and reliable testing services.

4. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Improve the healthcare infrastructure in rural settings by providing necessary equipment, supplies, and support for CD4 testing. This would help overcome logistical challenges and ensure that pregnant women in remote areas have access to timely and accurate CD4 monitoring.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population that would benefit from the recommendations, such as HIV-positive pregnant women in rural areas of Nigeria.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current access to maternal health services, including HIV testing, counseling, and CD4 monitoring, in the target population. This could involve surveys, interviews, and data analysis of existing healthcare records.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the recommended innovations, taking into account factors such as the number of healthcare facilities, the availability of point-of-care CD4 analyzers, and the capacity of healthcare workers.

4. Input data and parameters: Input the baseline data and relevant parameters into the simulation model, such as the number of pregnant women, the frequency of CD4 monitoring, and the capacity of healthcare workers to use point-of-care analyzers.

5. Run simulations: Run multiple simulations using different scenarios, such as varying the number of point-of-care analyzers, the level of training provided to healthcare workers, and the availability of resources. This would allow for the evaluation of different strategies and their potential impact on improving access to maternal health.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the simulation results to assess the impact of the recommended innovations on access to maternal health. This could involve measuring indicators such as the number of pregnant women receiving CD4 monitoring, the reduction in waiting times, and the overall improvement in the quality of ART services.

7. Refine and validate the model: Refine the simulation model based on the analysis of results and validate it using additional data and feedback from healthcare providers and stakeholders.

By following this methodology, it would be possible to simulate the potential impact of the recommended innovations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions on their implementation.

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