Working with what you have: How the East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative used gestational age data from facility maternity registers

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Study Justification:
The study aimed to address the challenge of accurately assessing gestational age (GA) in low-resource settings, as preterm birth is a major contributor to neonatal mortality worldwide. By evaluating the quality of GA data recorded in maternity registers and the strength of eligibility criteria, the study aimed to improve the accuracy and completeness of data sources while reducing preterm birth rates.
– The study evaluated GA data from 23 study facilities in Kenya and Uganda.
– GA was found to be the least recorded variable in the maternity registers, with a completeness rate of 77.6%.
– Implausible GAs accounted for 11.7% of births.
– Four different preterm birth rates were calculated using various criteria, ranging from 9.6% to 14.5%.
– The study concluded that the eligibility criteria used by the East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative (PTBi-EA) effectively balanced accuracy and completeness by considering both birth weight and GA.
– Emphasize the importance of accurate GA documentation in maternity registers.
– Provide ongoing data strengthening support and training to improve data quality.
– Consider using eligibility criteria that combine birth weight and GA to capture a broader range of preterm babies.
– Encourage the use of ultrasound dating for more accurate determination of preterm status.
Key Role Players:
– University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
– Kenya Medical Research Institute
– Makerere University, Uganda
– Healthcare workers in maternity and newborn units
– Nurse-midwives, nurses, and clinical officers
– Data collectors
– IRB committees
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training materials and resources for data strengthening support
– Ultrasound equipment and training for accurate GA dating
– Staff time for ongoing data collection and analysis
– Communication and coordination costs between collaborating institutions
– Equipment and resources for quality improvement interventions, such as the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist and PRONTO simulation and team training

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study conducted a retrospective analysis of maternity register data from multiple facilities, which provides a good sample size. The study also evaluated the quality of gestational age (GA) data by assessing completeness, consistency, and plausibility. However, the abstract does not provide specific details on the methodology used for data analysis, which could be improved. Additionally, the abstract does not mention any limitations of the study or potential biases in the data. To improve the evidence, the abstract should provide more information on the data analysis methodology and acknowledge any limitations or biases in the study.

Objective Preterm birth is the primary driver of neonatal mortality worldwide, but it is defined by gestational age (GA) which is challenging to accurately assess in low-resource settings. In a commitment to reducing preterm birth while reinforcing and strengthening facility data sources, the East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative (PTBi-EA) chose eligibility criteria that combined GA and birth weight. This analysis evaluated the quality of the GA data as recorded in maternity registers in PTBi-EA study facilities and the strength of the PTBi-EA eligibility criteria. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of maternity register data from March–September 2016. GA data from 23 study facilities in Migori, Kenya and the Busoga Region of Uganda were evaluated for completeness (variable present), consistency (recorded versus calculated GA), and plausibility (falling within the 3rd and 97th birth weight percentiles for GA of the INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Birth Weight Standards). Preterm birth rates were calculated using: 1) recorded GA <37 weeks, 2) recorded GA <37 weeks, excluding implausible GAs, 3) birth weight <2500g, and 4) PTBi-EA eligibility criteria of <2500g and between 2500g and 3000g if the recorded GA is <37 weeks. Results In both countries, GA was the least recorded variable in the maternity register (77.6%). Recorded and calculated GA (Kenya only) were consistent in 29.5% of births. Implausible GAs accounted for 11.7% of births. The four preterm birth rates were 1) 14.5%, 2) 10.6%, 3) 9.6%, 4) 13.4%. Conclusions Maternity register GA data presented quality concerns in PTBi-EA study sites. The PTBi-EA eligibility criteria of <2500g and between 2500g and 3000g if the recorded GA is <37 weeks accommodated these concerns by using both birth weight and GA, balancing issues of accuracy and completeness with practical applicability.

In a collaboration between the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the Kenya Medical Research Institute, and Makerere University in Uganda, PTBi-EA implemented a package of intrapartum and immediate postpartum interventions aimed at improving the quality of maternity and newborn care. The study was a cluster randomized control trial (CRCT) targeting healthcare workers in the maternity and newborn units of 10 intervention facilities, 10 control facilities, and 3 referral facilities that received the intervention but were not included in the primary analysis. The study facilities were mostly public, government hospitals and healthcare centers, staffed predominantly by nurse-midwives, nurses, and clinical officers. Success was measured by the comparison of fresh stillbirth and neonatal mortality among preterm babies born at the intervention versus control facilities. Results of the CRCT saw a 34% decreased odds in neonatal mortality in the intervention sites among eligible infants and are published elsewhere [25]. The intervention package included data strengthening, introduction of a modified version of the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist (mSCC), a quality improvement (QI) collaborative, and PRONTO simulation and team training. To address data quality concerns, all facilities received the mSCC and on-going data strengthening support which included a 2-day training during the baseline data collection period in an effort to improve baseline data for more accurate comparisons with the intervention data. The importance of GA documentation was emphasized during this training and did result in an increase in maternity register GA recordings [24]. Early data collection revealed GA quality and accuracy concerns, therefore PTBi-EA senior staff from both countries convened to agree on the CRCT 28-day follow-up eligibility criteria. These criteria were: all babies less than 2500g and babies between 2500g and 3000g if the GA is reported as less than 37 weeks. These criteria were chosen for ease of use, and because they included all low birth weight (LBW) babies, likely to be preterm using INTERGROWTH 21st Newborn Birth Weight Standards (IG21-NBWS) data as a reference, and babies between 2500g and 3000g only if they had a registered GA less than 37 weeks [26]. This would capture more late preterm babies and exclude the majority of large babies that are unlikely to be preterm. While growth-restricted term babies were also likely to be included in the cohort of babies less than 2500g, the distinction between preterm and growth-restricted term babies was not possible to make without early ultrasound dating. This nested analysis was a retrospective chart review evaluating the completeness, consistency, and plausibility of the GA data in the maternity registers during the baseline period (March 1, 2016 –September 30, 2016) of the PTBi-EA CRCT. Eligibility criteria included all live and fresh stillbirth babies born at the 23 study facilities during baseline, with recorded GA, birth weight, and sex, that were greater than 24 and less than 42 weeks GA, and greater than 500g and less than 6000g birth weight in order to compare the data to the IG21-NBWS [15]. Macerated stillbirths were excluded to comply with standard preterm birth rate definitions where live birth is the denominator. Fresh stillbirths, however, were included to parallel the PTBi-EA parent study in which they were included to account for early neonatal deaths misclassified as fresh stillbirths and to assess the impact of the intrapartum intervention package on fresh stillbirth rates. A team of data collectors conducted line-by-line extraction of the maternity register data from each of the 23 facilities. All births were included in the dataset and data were transcribed as they were written by health providers. The data were entered into an Open Data Kit (ODK) tool and uploaded to a server hosted at UCSF. The datasets were combined and cleaned using Structured Query Language (SQL) and analyzed using RStudio (Version 1.0.136). The GA data recorded in the maternity registers came from various sources, dependent on the individual midwife and data availability. Some were transcribed from ANC booklets provided by the mothers when they presented for labor, others were calculated from maternal-reported LMP or measured from fundal height, while others appeared to be adjusted based on informal post-partum provider assessments. It was unclear when the information was recorded in the register and seemed to vary dependent on the midwife, with some filling the information in throughout the shift and others filling it in batches from the patient charts at the end of a shift. Few women received ultrasounds during their pregnancy as they could only be obtained at private facilities through out-of-pocket expenditure and they were rarely received for the purpose of GA dating. Data completeness was calculated as a proportion of all births where GA, birth weight, sex, and birth outcome were recorded (looked at as separate variables and a combined variable for births where all four variables were complete). The consistency evaluation was conducted only for Kenyan data as their maternity registers list both a recorded GA and a separate LMP date, and the Ugandan registers listed only a recorded GA. We used Naegele’s rule to create a “calculated GA” variable from the LMP date and date of delivery [27]. The differences between the calculated and recorded GAs were compared and those with a difference of less than one week were considered to be equal. Descriptive statistics of calculated GA and the GA differences were included and a Bland-Altman plot displays the differences graphically. Plausibility of GAs were evaluated by calculating the percentage of births where the birth weight for a given GA fell within the 3rd and 97th percentiles according to the IG21-NBWS data. Any birth that fell outside of these boundaries was considered to have an implausible GA. As GAs were recorded in whole weeks the 3rd percentile of week, 0 days and the 97th percentile of week, 6 days was used. For example, a female baby with a GA of 30 had a range from 900g (3rd percentile for 30 weeks, 0 days) to 2070g (97th percentile for 30 weeks, 6 days). Finally, we calculated different approaches to estimating a preterm birth rate: The IRB committees of the University of California, San Francisco (Study ID# 16–19162), the Kenyan Medical Research Institute (Study ID# 0034/321), and Makerere University School of Public Health (Study ID# 189) reviewed and approved this study. All data were stored on encrypted computers and servers. The subset of data used in this analysis was de-identified prior to access.

Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile health (mHealth) technology: Implementing mobile applications or SMS-based systems that can provide pregnant women with important information about prenatal care, nutrition, and warning signs during pregnancy. These technologies can also be used to schedule appointments and send reminders to pregnant women.

2. Telemedicine: Using telecommunication technology to provide remote consultations and monitoring for pregnant women in rural or underserved areas. This can help overcome geographical barriers and provide access to specialized care.

3. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic prenatal care, education, and support to pregnant women in their communities. These workers can also help identify high-risk pregnancies and refer women to appropriate healthcare facilities.

4. Task-shifting: Training and empowering nurses, midwives, and other healthcare workers to take on additional responsibilities and tasks traditionally performed by doctors. This can help alleviate the shortage of skilled healthcare providers and improve access to maternal health services.

5. Public-private partnerships: Collaborating with private healthcare providers and organizations to expand access to maternal health services. This can involve subsidizing or providing vouchers for services, leveraging existing infrastructure, and improving coordination between public and private healthcare sectors.

6. Quality improvement initiatives: Implementing quality improvement programs in healthcare facilities to enhance the quality of care provided to pregnant women. This can involve training healthcare providers, improving facility infrastructure, and implementing evidence-based practices.

7. Financial incentives: Providing financial incentives or subsidies to pregnant women to encourage them to seek prenatal care and deliver in healthcare facilities. This can help reduce financial barriers and increase utilization of maternal health services.

8. Health education and awareness campaigns: Conducting targeted health education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, nutrition, and safe delivery practices. This can help empower women to make informed decisions about their health and seek appropriate care.

It’s important to note that the specific innovations and strategies implemented should be tailored to the local context and healthcare system.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health is the use of gestational age (GA) data from facility maternity registers. This recommendation was implemented by the East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative (PTBi-EA) to address the challenge of accurately assessing GA in low-resource settings.

The PTBi-EA chose eligibility criteria that combined GA and birth weight to reduce preterm birth rates while reinforcing and strengthening facility data sources. The analysis evaluated the quality of GA data recorded in maternity registers in PTBi-EA study facilities and the strength of the eligibility criteria.

The innovation involves improving the completeness, consistency, and plausibility of GA data in maternity registers. This can be achieved through training healthcare workers on the importance of GA documentation and providing ongoing data strengthening support. The introduction of a modified version of the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist (mSCC), a quality improvement (QI) collaborative, and PRONTO simulation and team training can also contribute to improving data quality.

By using both birth weight and GA, the PTBi-EA eligibility criteria aim to balance issues of accuracy and completeness with practical applicability. The criteria include all babies weighing less than 2500g and babies weighing between 2500g and 3000g if the GA is reported as less than 37 weeks. This approach captures more late preterm babies and excludes large babies that are unlikely to be preterm.

Overall, the innovation of using GA data from facility maternity registers can help improve access to maternal health by providing more accurate and reliable information for preterm birth interventions and research.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening data collection: Implementing standardized data collection methods and tools, such as electronic health records or mobile applications, can improve the accuracy and completeness of maternal health data. This can help identify gaps and monitor progress in maternal health outcomes.

2. Training and capacity building: Providing training and capacity building programs for healthcare workers can enhance their skills and knowledge in maternal health care. This can include training on accurate assessment of gestational age, proper documentation in maternity registers, and the use of evidence-based practices for maternal and newborn care.

3. Community engagement and awareness: Increasing community awareness about the importance of maternal health and the available services can help improve access. This can be done through community outreach programs, health education campaigns, and involving community leaders and influencers in promoting maternal health.

4. Strengthening referral systems: Developing and strengthening referral systems between different levels of healthcare facilities can ensure timely access to appropriate maternal health services. This can include improving communication channels, transportation options, and coordination between facilities.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Baseline data collection: Collect data on current access to maternal health services, including indicators such as the number of antenatal care visits, facility deliveries, and maternal mortality rates.

2. Introduce the recommendations: Implement the recommended interventions, such as strengthening data collection, training programs, community engagement activities, and referral system improvements.

3. Monitoring and evaluation: Continuously monitor the implementation of the interventions and collect data on relevant indicators. This can include tracking the number of healthcare workers trained, the number of community outreach activities conducted, and changes in maternal health outcomes.

4. Data analysis: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can involve comparing the baseline data with the post-intervention data to identify any changes or improvements.

5. Adjustments and improvements: Based on the analysis, make any necessary adjustments or improvements to the interventions to further enhance access to maternal health services.

6. Continuous monitoring and evaluation: Continue monitoring and evaluating the interventions over time to ensure sustained improvements in access to maternal health. This can involve regular data collection, analysis, and feedback loops to inform ongoing improvements.

By following this methodology, it is possible to simulate the impact of the recommended interventions on improving access to maternal health and make evidence-based decisions for further improvements.

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