Factors associated with utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women in rural eastern Uganda: A cross-sectional study

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to explore the factors associated with the utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women in rural eastern Uganda. The use of motorcycle ambulances can help improve health facility deliveries, but there is limited research on the motivators and barriers to their usage. Understanding these factors can inform interventions to increase utilization and improve maternal health outcomes.
– The study found that 48.3% of the women surveyed had utilized motorcycle ambulances.
– Factors independently associated with the use of motorcycle ambulances included older age of the mother, sharing a birth plan with the husband, husband participating in the decision to use the ambulance, and discussing the use of the ambulance with a traditional birth attendant.
– Qualitative findings indicated that community members were aware of motorcycle ambulances and appreciated their role in taking pregnant women to health facilities.
– The study suggests a need for interventions to involve men in reproductive health and efforts to reach women younger than 35 years of age.
– Interventions should be developed to involve men in birth preparedness and decision-making regarding the use of motorcycle ambulances.
– Efforts should be made to reach and educate women younger than 35 years of age about the benefits of utilizing motorcycle ambulances.
– Collaboration with traditional birth attendants should be strengthened to promote the use of motorcycle ambulances.
– Community sensitization and awareness campaigns should be conducted to highlight the importance of motorcycle ambulances in improving maternal health outcomes.
Key Role Players:
– District health officer
– Health facility staff
– Traditional birth attendants
– Community health workers
– Non-governmental organizations
– Local government authorities
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity building for health facility staff and traditional birth attendants
– Community sensitization and awareness campaigns
– Communication materials (brochures, posters, etc.)
– Transportation and logistics for outreach activities
– Monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the impact of interventions

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study conducted among 391 women in rural eastern Uganda. The study collected both quantitative and qualitative data to explore the factors associated with utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women. The study used logistic regression analysis to identify factors independently associated with the use of motorcycle ambulances. The qualitative findings also provided insights into the community’s awareness and attitudes towards motorcycle ambulances. The study’s sample size was estimated using a probability proportional to size strategy. However, the study design is cross-sectional, which limits the ability to establish causality. To improve the strength of the evidence, future research could consider a longitudinal study design to assess the impact of motorcycle ambulances on health facility deliveries over time. Additionally, conducting a randomized controlled trial could provide stronger evidence on the effectiveness of motorcycle ambulances in increasing health facility deliveries.

Background: Evidence suggests that use of motorcycle ambulances can help to improve health facility deliveries; however, few studies have explored the motivators for and barriers to their usage. We explored the factors associated with utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women in eastern Uganda. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study conducted among 391 women who delivered at four health facilities supplied with motorcycle ambulances in Mbale district, eastern Uganda, between April and May 2014. Quantitative data were collected on socio-demographic and economic characteristics, pregnancy and delivery history, and community and health facility factors associated with utilization of motorcycle ambulances using semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data were collected on the knowledge and attitudes towards using motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women through six focus group discussions. Using STATA v.12, we computed the characteristics of women using motorcycle ambulances and used a logistic regression model to assess the correlates of utilization of motorcycle ambulances. Qualitative data were analyzed manually using a master sheet analysis tool. Results: Of the 391 women, 189 (48.3%) reported that they had ever utilized motorcycle ambulances. Of these, 94.7% were currently married or living together with a partner while 50.8% earned less than 50,000 Uganda shillings (US $20) per month. Factors independently associated with use of motorcycle ambulances were: older age of the mother (≥35years vs ≤24years; adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR)=4.3, 95% CI: 2.03, 9.13), sharing a birth plan with the husband (aOR=2.5, 95% CI: 1.19, 5.26), husband participating in the decision to use the ambulance (aOR =3.22, 95% CI: 1.92, 5.38), and having discussed the use of the ambulance with a traditional birth attendant (TBA) before using it (aOR=3.12, 95% CI: 1.88, 5.19). Qualitative findings indicated that community members were aware of what motorcycle ambulances were meant for and appreciated their role in taking pregnant women to health facilities. Conclusion: The use of motorcycle ambulances was associated with older age of the mother, male participation in birth preparedness, and consultations with TBAs. These findings suggest a need for interventions to involve men in reproductive health as well as efforts to reach women younger than 35years of age.

This was a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study that was conducted in Mbale district, eastern Uganda, using quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The study was carried out among women who delivered in four health facilities that had motorcycle ambulances in 2013. The district has a population of 492,804 (2014 census estimates) with about 99,546 women in child bearing age. Mbale is a rural district with majority of the people living in the villages. It has 61 health facilities including one public regional referral hospital, two private hospitals, four health centers (HC) IVs, 23 HC IIIs and 34 HC IIs. Each health center IV serves as a referral center for obstetric cases from the lower-level health centers and the communities. Because of its hilly nature, transport from the rural parts of the district is difficult especially during the rainy season. Many people in the community are peasants with limited ability to afford, let alone, use private means of transport. In addition, cultural beliefs and the value attached to the placenta by women after birth [27] continue to hamper women’s willingness to deliver at health facilities. As a result, fewer women deliver at health facilities, with many opting to deliver at home or at the traditional birth attendants’ place. In view of these challenges, Mbale district introduced the use of motorcycle ambulances with the objective of increasing health facility deliveries which would in return help to reduce the high maternal mortality ratio, estimated at 567 per 100,000 live births in Mbale district (J Waniaye, personal communication). In 2010, Mbale district partnered with a local non-governmental organization; Partnership Overseas Networking Trust (PONT), to provide four motorcycle ambulances to four health facilities, i.e., Wanale HC III, Makhonje III, Busiu HC IV, and Namanyonyi HC III. Each health facility was assigned one well trained driver to man the ambulance. All ambulance services were provided free of charge; riders were provided with a monthly stipend and airtime for communication purposes from the district. About 30 traditional birth referral attendants (TBRA) were trained to work with the ambulance drivers so that pregnant women identified as needing emergency obstetric care could be referred to any of the participating health facilities using the ambulances. It was the responsibility of the TBRA in each village to call the facility where the ambulance was stationed and/or the ambulance drivers whenever there was need for referral. Communities were sensitized about the importance of motorcycle ambulances through community outreaches. TBRAs were provided with cell phones and their contacts were made known to village health team members to contact the drivers whenever a referral was necessary. Ambulance drivers didn’t have skills to conduct a delivery but TBRAs were trained to identify mothers with complications, call for an ambulance and escort the mother to the health facility while in transit on a motorcycle ambulance as needed (F Chemuto, personal communication). We obtained a representative number of women from each facility through stratified sampling procedures using a probability proportional to size strategy. A sample size of 391 women was estimated using Kish Leslie (1965) formula, assuming prevalence of use of the motorcycle ambulances at 20 %, a precision of 5 %, a standard normal deviation at 1.96 and an adjustment for non-response of 2 % [28]. Using maternity registers at each health facility, we obtained information (names, address, and telephone contact where available) on all women who delivered at each facility between January and December 2013, and generated numbered lists of all eligible women. Women were eligible to participate in the study if they delivered at any of the participating health facilities between January and December 2013; lived within the catchment area of the health facility supplied with a motorcycle ambulance; and were recorded in the maternity register. Using an online table of random numbers generator [29], specific numbers were selected and the names of women corresponding to these numbers were selected to participate in this study. This was done for each of the participating health facilities until the sample size was obtained. Women below 18 years included in this study were emancipated minors who were able to provide informed consent as guided by the national guidelines [30]. Qualitative interview participants were both men and women living in the catchment area of the health facilities supplied with motorcycle ambulances. They were all selected purposively. Women were selected to participate in the study if they had delivered in the previous two years at the participating health facilities but used other means of transport to access delivery services. On the other hand, men were selected to participate in the study as long as they had wives who were still in the reproductive age group (15–49 years). Participants were identified with the assistance of village health team (VHT) Chairpersons and the Community Development Officer (CDO). To facilitate the identification process, we informed the VHT Chairperson or the CDO about the enrolment criteria (as described above), and whenever we approved a household, either the VHT chairperson or CDO helped the research team to identify and verify the individuals that were eventually invited for the qualitative interviews. Quantitative data were collected between April and May 2014. Interviewer-administered, semi-structured questionnaires (See Additional File 1) were administered to consenting women who delivered at each of the four participating health facilities between January and December 2013. Data were collected on respondents’ characteristics, community factors, and health service factors. Respondents’ characteristics included; socio-demographic (age of the respondents, marital status, occupation, tribe, religion, level of education) and economic (monthly income, ownership of a phone) characteristics, pregnancy and delivery history (number of antenatal visits attended during that pregnancy, history of any obstetric complication) and motorcycle ambulance use-related characteristics. Community factors included; women not wanting to be seen in public while in labour and the cultural expectation that pregnant women should not sit on a motorcycle ambulance. Health service factors included; availability of obstetric drugs and supplies for delivery in the health facility, whether or not women believed that ambulance drivers have obstetric skills, health workers’ and drivers’ attitudes towards pregnant women in labour, whether or not women discussed with traditional birth attendants on whether to use or not to use a motorcycle ambulance during the course of her previous pregnancy and distance of the women’s home from the health facilities. Data were collected by four trained research assistants fluent in the local languages (Lumasaba and Luganda) and English. Women were traced and interviewed at home. At least two repeat visits were made to locate and interview all the eligible women. Those who were not found at home at the second attempt to locate were replaced with other women randomly selected from the maternity register that was used to select the initial cohort of women. All completed questionnaires were edited in the field to ensure completeness and accuracy; returned to a central office location on a daily basis and entered into Epi-data version 3.02. Qualitative data were collected using focus group discussion (FGD) guides (See Additional File 2). Data were collected on level of awareness, attitudes towards the ambulances, barriers and facilitators to using the ambulances, and suggestions for improvement on the functionality of the ambulances by a team of research assistants comprising a moderator and a note-taker. Interviews were conducted at the health facilities where the ambulances are stationed, and lasted for a period of one and a half hours on average. All data were audio-recorded with permission from the study participants. Six FGDs (3 for males and 3 for females) were conducted among 28 women and 29 men; with each FGD comprising of 8–10 participants. Male discussants were within the age group of 20–50 while females were within 20–45 years. Men and females were separated in these discussions to allow freedom of speech from all participants. FDGs were conducted in Luganda/Lumasaba/English concurrently for better understanding and all participants consented before the discussions. The primary outcome, utilization of motorcycle ambulances, was defined as a binary variable with Yes = 1 indicating that a pregnant woman used the ambulance to go to the health facility at the time of delivery and No = 2 indicating that a pregnant woman used other forms of transport to go to the facility. In this study, the term married was used to mean all forms of marriage; married in church/mosque, traditionally married or civil marriage. The term “living together” was used to mean all women who might have not been married in any of the above described forms of marriage but were living together with their spouses. The variable “occupation” was categorized into peasant, student, civil servant, business woman and others. We used the term “peasant” to refer to a woman who was engaged in subsistence farming, with no expected monthly salary. Women who said they earn some money during a typical month were asked to state how much money they earn per month, and the figures presented are based on self-reports. At the time of analysis, all quantitative data were transferred from EpiData to STATA statistical software version 12. We computed descriptive statistics to obtain characteristics of the study respondents. Categorical variables were expressed using frequencies and percentages while continuous variables were expressed as mean (standard deviation). A Chi Square test was used to assess for differences in proportions among women who used and those who didn’t use the ambulances. A logistic regression model was used to identify factors that were statistically associated with the primary outcome both at the bivariate and multivariable levels. All factors at the bivariate level that had a p-value of less than 0.2 were selected for inclusion into the multivariable logistic regression model. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant at the multivariable analysis level. Qualitative data were transcribed verbatim and entered into a Microsoft Word processing document for analysis. Data were analyzed manually using a master sheet analysis tool. All transcripts were printed out and read through by the first author to identify emerging issues based on a priori themes. These themes included knowledge about the existence of the motorcycle ambulances, attitudes towards use of motorcycle ambulances, barriers and facilitators to usage, and suggestions for improvement their role. Relevant quotations were identified and used to support each theme during the reporting process. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) before conducting the study. Permission was also obtained from the district health officer (Mbale). Written informed consent was obtained from the respondents participating in the study. Data collection tools were coded and no names of respondents appeared anywhere for confidential purposes. The study was adherent to the STROBE criteria as outlined in Additional file 3.

The study conducted in Mbale district, eastern Uganda, explored the factors associated with the utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women. The study found that factors independently associated with the use of motorcycle ambulances were older age of the mother, sharing a birth plan with the husband, husband participating in the decision to use the ambulance, and having discussed the use of the ambulance with a traditional birth attendant before using it. The study also found that community members were aware of motorcycle ambulances and appreciated their role in taking pregnant women to health facilities.

Based on these findings, potential innovations to improve access to maternal health could include:

1. Increasing awareness and education: Implementing community outreach programs to raise awareness about the availability and benefits of motorcycle ambulances. This could involve conducting information sessions, distributing educational materials, and engaging with community leaders to promote the use of motorcycle ambulances.

2. Engaging men in reproductive health: Developing interventions that specifically target men and involve them in birth preparedness and decision-making processes. This could include educational campaigns, support groups, and counseling services to encourage men to actively participate in maternal health care.

3. Strengthening partnerships with traditional birth attendants: Collaborating with traditional birth attendants to improve communication and coordination between them and motorcycle ambulance drivers. This could involve training traditional birth attendants on when and how to refer pregnant women to the ambulances, as well as establishing clear communication channels between the attendants and ambulance drivers.

4. Improving accessibility of motorcycle ambulances: Ensuring that motorcycle ambulances are readily available and accessible to pregnant women in rural areas. This could involve increasing the number of ambulances, strategically locating them in areas with high maternal health needs, and providing adequate resources and support to the ambulance drivers.

5. Addressing cultural beliefs and practices: Working with communities to challenge and change cultural beliefs and practices that hinder women from accessing health facilities. This could involve community dialogues, sensitization campaigns, and engaging with community leaders and influencers to promote the importance of delivering in health facilities.

These innovations have the potential to improve access to maternal health by addressing the specific factors identified in the study and promoting the utilization of motorcycle ambulances in rural eastern Uganda.
AI Innovations Description
The study titled “Factors associated with utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women in rural eastern Uganda: A cross-sectional study” aimed to explore the factors associated with the utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women in eastern Uganda. The study used a mixed-methods approach, collecting quantitative data through semi-structured questionnaires and qualitative data through focus group discussions.

The findings of the study revealed that 48.3% of the 391 women surveyed reported having utilized motorcycle ambulances. Factors independently associated with the use of motorcycle ambulances were older age of the mother (≥35 years), sharing a birth plan with the husband, husband participating in the decision to use the ambulance, and having discussed the use of the ambulance with a traditional birth attendant (TBA) before using it.

The qualitative findings indicated that community members were aware of motorcycle ambulances and appreciated their role in transporting pregnant women to health facilities. However, cultural beliefs and the value attached to the placenta by women after birth were identified as barriers to women’s willingness to deliver at health facilities.

Based on these findings, the study recommends interventions to involve men in reproductive health and efforts to reach women younger than 35 years of age. It also suggests the need for community sensitization programs to address cultural beliefs and promote the use of motorcycle ambulances for safe delivery.

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the factors influencing the utilization of motorcycle ambulances for maternal health in rural eastern Uganda and offers recommendations for improving access to maternal health services.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase awareness and education: Implement community outreach programs to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health and the availability of motorcycle ambulances. This can be done through health education sessions, community meetings, and media campaigns.

2. Involve men in reproductive health: Develop strategies to engage men in birth preparedness and decision-making processes. This can include educating men about the benefits of using motorcycle ambulances and encouraging their participation in discussions about maternal health.

3. Strengthen collaboration with traditional birth attendants (TBAs): Work closely with TBAs to promote the use of motorcycle ambulances. Provide training to TBAs on identifying complications and referring pregnant women to health facilities using the ambulances.

4. Improve access to obstetric drugs and supplies: Ensure that health facilities have an adequate supply of obstetric drugs and supplies to handle emergency cases. This can help increase confidence in the effectiveness of motorcycle ambulances for emergency obstetric care.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify specific indicators to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the percentage increase in the utilization of motorcycle ambulances, the reduction in home births, or the increase in the number of antenatal visits.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current utilization of motorcycle ambulances, home births, and other relevant indicators. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or analysis of existing data.

3. Implement the recommendations: Roll out the recommended interventions, such as community outreach programs, educational campaigns, and training for TBAs. Monitor the implementation process to ensure adherence to the planned activities.

4. Collect post-intervention data: After implementing the recommendations, collect data on the indicators identified in step 1. This can be done through follow-up surveys, interviews, or analysis of existing data.

5. Analyze the data: Compare the baseline data with the post-intervention data to assess the impact of the recommendations. Use statistical analysis techniques to determine if there are significant changes in the utilization of motorcycle ambulances and other relevant indicators.

6. Evaluate the results: Interpret the findings and evaluate the effectiveness of the recommendations in improving access to maternal health. Identify any challenges or limitations encountered during the implementation process.

7. Adjust and refine the interventions: Based on the evaluation results, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the interventions. This could include modifying the strategies, targeting specific populations, or addressing any identified barriers to access.

8. Monitor and sustain the improvements: Continuously monitor the utilization of motorcycle ambulances and other indicators to ensure sustained improvements in access to maternal health. Implement strategies to address any emerging challenges and maintain the positive changes achieved.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health and make evidence-based decisions for future interventions.

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