Impact of traffic, poverty and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya

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Study Justification:
– Timely access to emergency healthcare services is limited in many low and middle-income countries (LMICs).
– Traffic congestion in urban settings can cause life-threatening delays for time-sensitive injuries and medical emergencies.
– Nairobi, Kenya, is one of the largest and most congested cities in the developing world.
– This study aims to examine travel times to hospitals in Nairobi and the impact of traffic, poverty, and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care.
Study Highlights:
– Average minimum travel time during uncongested traffic conditions to any level 4 health facility or above in Nairobi is estimated to be 4.5 minutes.
– Traffic congestion adds an average of 9.0 minutes (a 200% increase) to travel times.
– Average travel time during uncongested conditions to level 5 facilities is estimated to be 7.9 minutes, and to Kenyatta National Hospital (level 6 facility) is estimated to be 11.6 minutes.
– Traffic congestion adds an average of 13.1 and 16.0 minutes (166% and 138% increase) to travel times to level 5 and level 6 facilities, respectively.
– Individuals living below the poverty line may experience a 65% increase in travel time when preferentially using public or faith-based facilities.
– Improve traffic management and infrastructure to reduce congestion and travel time to emergency care facilities.
– Increase the number of level 4, 5, and 6 health facilities in Nairobi to improve access to emergency care.
– Implement targeted interventions to address disparities in timely access to care for individuals living below the poverty line.
– Enhance coordination between public and private health facilities to ensure efficient and effective emergency care services.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for policy-making and implementation of healthcare initiatives.
– Nairobi County Government: Responsible for local governance and infrastructure development.
– Traffic Management Authority: Responsible for managing and improving traffic flow in Nairobi.
– Public and Private Health Facilities: Responsible for providing emergency care services.
– Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Involved in healthcare delivery and advocacy.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Infrastructure development: Construction and improvement of roads, highways, and traffic management systems.
– Facility expansion: Construction and equipping of additional level 4, 5, and 6 health facilities.
– Training and capacity building: Programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare providers.
– Public awareness campaigns: Communication and education initiatives to promote timely access to emergency care.
– Data collection and analysis: Resources for monitoring and evaluating the impact of interventions.
Please note that the cost items provided are general categories and not actual cost estimates.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study uses a network approach to estimate travel times to different types of hospitals in Nairobi under both congested and uncongested traffic conditions. It also examines the correlation between travel time and socioeconomic status. The results show that traffic congestion significantly increases travel times to health facilities, and there are disparities in timely access to care for individuals living below the poverty line. The study provides specific estimates and includes relevant background information. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could include more details about the methodology used, such as the specific network analysis techniques and data sources. Additionally, it would be helpful to mention any limitations or potential biases in the study. Overall, the evidence is strong, but providing more transparency and addressing potential limitations would further enhance the study.

Background: In many low and middle-income countries (LMICs), timely access to emergency healthcare services is limited. In urban settings, traffic can have a significant impact on travel time, leading to life-threatening delays for time-sensitive injuries and medical emergencies. In this study, we examined travel times to hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya, one of the largest and most congested cities in the developing world. Methods: We used a network approach to estimate average minimum travel times to different types of hospitals (e.g. ownership and level of care) in Nairobi under both congested and uncongested traffic conditions. We also examined the correlation between travel time and socioeconomic status. Results: We estimate the average minimum travel time during uncongested traffic conditions to any level 4 health facility (primary hospitals) or above in Nairobi to be 4.5 min (IQR 2.5–6.1). Traffic added an average of 9.0 min (a 200% increase). In uncongested conditions, we estimate an average travel time of 7.9 min (IQR 5.1–10.4) to level 5 facilities (secondary hospitals) and 11.6 min (IQR 8.5–14.2) to Kenyatta National Hospital, the only level 6 facility (tertiary hospital) in the country. Traffic congestion added an average of 13.1 and 16.0 min (166% and 138% increase) to travel times to level 5 and level 6 facilities, respectively. For individuals living below the poverty line, we estimate that preferential use of public or faith-based facilities could increase travel time by as much as 65%. Conclusion: Average travel times to health facilities capable of providing emergency care in Nairobi are quite low, but traffic congestion double or triple estimated travel times. Furthermore, we estimate significant disparities in timely access to care for those individuals living under the poverty line who preferentially seek care in public or faith-based facilities.

Kenya is divided into 47 counties, the most populous of which is Nairobi county, whose borders are synonymous with those of the nation’s capital city of Nairobi. The metro area has a rapidly-growing population of greater than 6.5 million people. While communicable diseases remain the most common cause of death in Kenya, non-communicable diseases are becoming more prominent as Kenya goes through its epidemiologic transition. Time-sensitive conditions such as ischemic heart disease (5.0% of deaths), stroke (4.8% of deaths), and injury (7.7% of deaths) have seen a relative increase and are likely to continue to grow in the future [14]. Health facilities in Kenya are a mix of public and private. Facilities are assigned levels as per the Kenya Essential Packages for Health (KEPH) based on capacity and services [15]. We considered levels 4 and above as viable candidates to provide emergency care [16,17]. Level 4 facilities are primary/first level hospitals, which should provide Basic Life Support. Level 5, or secondary/second level hospitals, should provide emergency services, including Advanced Life Support. Finally, level 6, or tertiary level facilities provide a full complement of tertiary care services. However, the actual level of care provided may vary [18]. Nairobi contains a large number of hospitals, including one public level 6 hospital, Kenyatta, and four level 5 facilities, only one of which is public [19]. Facility data were downloaded from the Kenyan Ministry of Health website [19]. We selected KEPH level 4, 5, and 6 facilities that were in Nairobi, or the surrounding counties of Kiambu, Machakos, or Kajiado. We included facilities from surrounding counties in the event that those were the closest facilities for individuals living on the edge of Nairobi. We excluded specialty facilities, e.g., maternal, eye, mental, or those that were only dispensaries or only saw outpatients. This left us with 70 facilities (Fig. 1) to consider as part of the analysis. Kenyan health facilities, levels 4–6, in Nairobi and surrounding counties. Street network data was obtained from Open Street Map, an open-source database of street maps maintained by a global community ( Population data in 100 m by 100 m squares in 2015 and percent of the population below the poverty line at the 1 km by 1 km square level in 2008 were obtained from the Afripop database ( The poverty dataset used the Alkire Foster method, where someone was defined as living in poverty if they were deprived in at least one third of ten indices encompassing health, education, and standard of living. Road network data were stored in a PostgresSQL database and converted to a query-able geographic database using PostGIS and pgrouting, extensions to PostgresSQL that allow databases to store geographic data and use algorithms to do different types of routing. The shapefile for Nairobi was downloaded from the Kenyan Elections portal via the Humanitarian Data Exchange ( Our analysis utilized a method similar to that used by Lee et al. to estimate driving time to eye care services in the United States [20]. Using the network data from Open Street Maps, we created a query-able geographic database, consisting of vertices and edges that correspond to intersections and streets. Because Open Street Maps lacked speed limit information for most streets, we assigned speeds for both uncongested and congested traffic using the speeds suggested by Avner and Lall [21]. Speed limits that were available in the data set were used unless they exceeded the maximum of motorway speed of 110 km/h. For congested speeds in roads not covered by Avner and Lall, we used 2/3 of the uncongested speed. We created a grid of 0.5 × 0.5 km squares to use as samples, resulting in 2903 sample points throughout the city of Nairobi. This size was selected because it could both show variation over small areas and was computationally manageable. For each grid square centroid, we found the nearest node in the traffic network and the nodes nearest to each of the 70 facilities. The minimum time between each centroid node and each facility node was calculated using Dijkstra’s algorithm, where cost was the time it took to travel down each edge [22]. Due to inconsistencies in traffic network data, such as disconnected nodes or closed street loops, our approach yielded a small number (0.4%) of missing values, which were interpolated using simple kriging. This resulted in a raster for each facility that contained travel times to that facility. We then found the minimum value for each pixel in the raster to the closest level 4, 5 or 6 health facility. To examine the percentage of the population within a certain travel time of a facility, we aggregated the Afripop population dataset to be the same size squares as our sample grid. Then we resampled to align the grids and scaled to maintain the same overall population total. We followed a similar process for the percent of the population below the poverty line (see Fig. 2 for the resulting rasters). Combined, these two rasters allowed us to estimate the number of people living in each section of the grid, and the number of them living below the poverty line. Rasters of Nairobi population density and poverty. All database queries, data analyses, and data visualizations were performed using R version 3.3.1 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health in Nairobi, Kenya:

1. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine services can allow pregnant women to access healthcare remotely, reducing the need for physical travel to healthcare facilities. This can include virtual consultations, remote monitoring of vital signs, and remote access to medical records.

2. Mobile clinics: Setting up mobile clinics that travel to different areas of Nairobi can bring healthcare services closer to communities, especially those in remote or underserved areas. These clinics can provide prenatal care, antenatal check-ups, and basic emergency care for pregnant women.

3. Emergency transportation services: Establishing dedicated emergency transportation services, such as ambulances or emergency response vehicles, can help reduce travel time to hospitals during emergencies. These services should be equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed with trained healthcare professionals.

4. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic maternal healthcare services within their communities can improve access to care. These workers can conduct prenatal check-ups, provide health education, and refer women to appropriate healthcare facilities when necessary.

5. Public-private partnerships: Collaborating with private healthcare providers to expand access to maternal health services can help alleviate the burden on public healthcare facilities. This can involve subsidizing services, establishing referral networks, or providing incentives for private providers to offer affordable maternal healthcare.

6. Improved transportation infrastructure: Investing in improving transportation infrastructure, such as roads and public transportation systems, can help reduce travel time to healthcare facilities. This can involve constructing new roads, improving existing ones, and implementing efficient public transportation systems.

7. Health information systems: Implementing robust health information systems can help track and monitor maternal health indicators, identify areas with low access to care, and facilitate targeted interventions. This can include electronic medical records, data analytics tools, and real-time monitoring of healthcare services.

8. Financial incentives: Providing financial incentives, such as subsidies or cash transfers, to pregnant women who seek timely maternal healthcare can help overcome financial barriers and encourage utilization of services.

9. Maternal health awareness campaigns: Conducting targeted awareness campaigns to educate pregnant women and their families about the importance of timely maternal healthcare can help increase demand for services and reduce delays in seeking care.

10. Strengthening referral systems: Improving the coordination and efficiency of referral systems between different levels of healthcare facilities can ensure timely access to appropriate care for pregnant women. This can involve training healthcare providers, establishing clear referral protocols, and strengthening communication channels.

It is important to note that the implementation of these innovations should be context-specific and consider the unique challenges and resources available in Nairobi, Kenya.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the description provided, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Nairobi, Kenya could be to implement innovative transportation solutions. Here are some potential ideas for innovation:

1. Telemedicine and Mobile Clinics: Utilize telemedicine technology to provide remote consultations and medical advice to pregnant women in remote or underserved areas. Mobile clinics equipped with medical professionals and necessary equipment can also be deployed to reach areas with limited access to healthcare facilities.

2. Ambulance Services and Emergency Response: Strengthen the existing ambulance services and emergency response systems to ensure timely transportation of pregnant women in need of emergency care. This could involve improving the availability and efficiency of ambulances, training emergency medical personnel, and establishing a centralized emergency hotline.

3. Carpooling and Ride-Sharing: Collaborate with ride-sharing companies or develop a dedicated platform for pregnant women to find reliable transportation options to healthcare facilities. This could help address the issue of traffic congestion and reduce travel time for pregnant women in need of medical care.

4. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster partnerships between public and private healthcare providers to improve access to maternal health services. This could involve leveraging private sector resources, such as transportation networks or facilities, to ensure pregnant women have timely access to quality care.

5. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers who can provide basic prenatal care, education, and support to pregnant women in their communities. These workers can also assist in arranging transportation to healthcare facilities when needed.

6. Infrastructure Development: Invest in improving road infrastructure and traffic management systems to reduce travel time and congestion. This could include constructing new roads, implementing traffic control measures, and optimizing public transportation routes.

It is important to consider the specific needs and challenges of the local context when developing and implementing these innovations. Collaboration between government agencies, healthcare providers, transportation authorities, and community organizations will be crucial for the success of these initiatives.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Improve transportation infrastructure: Addressing traffic congestion and improving road networks can significantly reduce travel times to health facilities. This can be achieved through the construction of new roads, expansion of existing roads, and implementation of traffic management strategies.

2. Increase the number of health facilities: Increasing the number of health facilities, particularly at the primary and secondary levels, can help reduce travel distances and improve access to maternal health services. This can be done by building new facilities or upgrading existing ones.

3. Strengthen public and private partnerships: Collaborations between public and private healthcare providers can help expand the reach of maternal health services. This can involve partnerships to establish satellite clinics or mobile health units in underserved areas.

4. Enhance emergency medical services: Improving emergency medical services, including ambulance systems and emergency response protocols, can ensure timely access to emergency care for pregnant women in need.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology similar to the one described in the study can be used. Here is a brief description of the methodology:

1. Data collection: Gather data on the existing health facilities, road networks, population distribution, and poverty levels in the target area. This can be obtained from government sources, open data platforms, and relevant databases.

2. Network analysis: Use a network approach, similar to the one used in the study, to estimate travel times to different health facilities under both congested and uncongested traffic conditions. This involves creating a query-able geographic database of road networks and calculating travel times using algorithms such as Dijkstra’s algorithm.

3. Impact assessment: Analyze the estimated travel times to identify areas with longer travel distances and higher travel times. Assess the impact of the recommendations by comparing the travel times before and after implementing the proposed interventions.

4. Population analysis: Use population data to estimate the number of people living within certain travel times of health facilities. This can help identify areas with inadequate access to maternal health services and prioritize interventions accordingly.

5. Visualization and reporting: Present the findings using maps, graphs, and other visualizations to communicate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the methodology, results, and recommendations for further action.

By simulating the impact of these recommendations, policymakers and healthcare providers can make informed decisions to improve access to maternal health services in the target area.

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