The effect of an interactive weekly mobile phone messaging on retention in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (WELTEL PMTCT)

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Study Justification:
– Improving retention in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programs is crucial for maternal and infant health outcomes.
– The WelTel strategy, which uses weekly SMS messages to engage patients in care, has been shown to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and viral load suppression.
– This study aims to determine the effect of the WelTel SMS intervention on retention in PMTCT programs in Kenya.
Study Highlights:
– The study will be a four to seven-center, two-arm open randomized controlled trial conducted in urban and rural Kenya.
– 600 pregnant women will be recruited at their first antenatal care visit and followed until their infant is 24 months old.
– Participants will be randomly allocated to the intervention arm (WelTel SMS) or the control arm (standard care).
– The primary outcome will be retention in care, measured as the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months from delivery.
– Secondary outcomes include adherence to WelTel, adherence to antiretroviral medicine, acceptance of WelTel, and cost-effectiveness of the intervention.
Recommendations for Lay Reader:
– The WelTel SMS intervention has shown promise in improving adherence to HIV treatment.
– This study will determine if the intervention can also improve retention in PMTCT programs.
– The study will recruit 600 pregnant women and follow them until their infants are 24 months old.
– The primary outcome will be the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months.
– Secondary outcomes include adherence to the intervention, adherence to antiretroviral medicine, acceptance of the intervention, and cost-effectiveness.
– The results of this study will help inform policy and potential scale-up of the intervention.
Recommendations for Policy Maker:
– Improving retention in PMTCT programs is crucial for maternal and infant health outcomes.
– The WelTel SMS intervention has shown promise in improving adherence to HIV treatment.
– This study will determine if the intervention can also improve retention in PMTCT programs.
– The study will recruit 600 pregnant women and follow them until their infants are 24 months old.
– The primary outcome will be the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months.
– Secondary outcomes include adherence to the intervention, adherence to antiretroviral medicine, acceptance of the intervention, and cost-effectiveness.
– The results of this study will help inform policy decisions regarding the use of mHealth interventions in PMTCT programs.
Key Role Players:
– Pregnant women living with HIV
– PMTCT nurses
– PMTCT clinical officers
– Research assistants
– WelTel SMS platform technician
– Data manager
– Statistician
– Qualitative researchers
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Recruitment and training of research staff
– Mobile phone registration and SMS platform setup
– SMS messaging costs
– Data collection and management
– Statistical analysis
– Qualitative research
– Economic evaluation
– Participant incentives
– Administrative and logistical support

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is a randomized controlled trial, which is a robust method for evaluating interventions. The study aims to determine the effect of the WelTel SMS intervention compared to standard care on retention in PMTCT program in Kenya. The primary outcome is clearly defined as the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months from delivery. Secondary outcomes are also specified. The study population is well described, and the sample size calculation is provided. However, the abstract could be improved by including more details on the methods, such as the randomization process and blinding, as well as the statistical analysis plan. Additionally, it would be helpful to mention any potential limitations of the study. Overall, the evidence in the abstract is strong, but providing more information on the methods and limitations would further enhance its strength.

Background: Improving retention in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programs is critical to optimize maternal and infant health outcomes, especially now that lifelong treatment is immediate regardless of CD4 cell count). The WelTel strategy of using weekly short message service (SMS) to engage patients in care in Kenya, where mobile coverage even in poor areas is widespread has been shown to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and viral load suppression among those on ART. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the WelTel SMS intervention compared to standard care on retention in PMTCT program in Kenya. Methods: WelTel PMTCT is a four to seven-centers, two-arm open randomized controlled trial (RCT) that will be conducted in urban and rural Kenya. Over 36 months, we plan to recruit 600 pregnant women at their first antenatal care visit and follow the mother-infant pair until they are discharged from the PMTCT program (when infant is aged 24 months). Participants will be randomly allocated to the intervention or control arm (standard care) at a 1:1 ratio. Intervention arm participants will receive an interactive weekly SMS ‘How are you?’ to which they are supposed to respond within 24 h. Depending on the response (ok, problem or no answer), a PMTCT nurse will follow-up and triage any problems that are identified. The primary outcome will be retention in care defined as the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months from delivery. Secondary outcomes include a) adherence to WelTel; (b) adherence to antiretroviral medicine; (c) acceptance of WelTel and (d) cost-effectiveness of the WelTel intervention. Discussion: This trial will provide evidence on the effectiveness of mHealth for PMTCT retention. Trial results and the cost-effectiveness evaluation will be used to inform policy and potential scale-up of mHealth among mothers living with HIV.

The WelTel PMCT study is a 4–7 center two-arm open randomized controlled trial in which the intervention is allocated in a 1:1 ratio (Fig. 1 trial design). WelTel PMTCT trial design The study is in western Kenya and involves 4–7 facilities that are among over 192 facilities providing PMTCT services located in the catchment of Academic Model Providing Access to Health Care (AMPATH) – a large HIV Comprehensive Care Program run under the auspices of Moi University School of Medicine, located in Eldoret. These facilities implement Option B+ regimen of PMTCT. The approximate coverage of mobile phones in western Kenya is around 78 % [19]. The research setting has been carefully selected to represent urban and rural mixes that have high antenatal HIV percentage prevalence (10–15 %), about twice that of the national prevalence of 6 %. The study population will consist of: (i) pregnant women living with HIV aged 18 and over presenting at ANC for a first visit in the current pregnancy at the selected clinics; and (ii) newborns delivered to these women living with HIV. Women who will be pregnant and will be diagnosed with HIV infection will be referred to a male or female research assistant to complete a checklist for eligibility. Determination of HIV infection will be based on two repeated Determine or Colloidal Gold tests for women newly diagnosed during the current pregnancy, or, based on referral from the comprehensive care clinic for those with known HIV infection and on antiretroviral therapy (ART) or pre-ART). Individuals must fulfill all the inclusion criteria, provide consent to participate and complete an interviewer-administered questionnaire before they are randomized to either the control and intervention groups. Participants in the intervention group will register their phone numbers in the WelTel system (online or via SMS) and then receive a weekly short text message question in Kiswahili “Mambo?” (Kiswahili for “How are you?”) asking about their general wellbeing (Fig. 2). The message will be sent on a fixed day of the week and will allow the patient to respond within 24 h either that they are well for example “ok” or “sawa” or that they have a problem (for example “problem” or “shida”). A female study coordinator will be in charge of centrally monitoring the WelTel SMS platform, which automatically sends the messages and registers responses from the participants and categorizes them. All participants who respond “problem” or who do not respond will be directly linked to a regular PMTCT nurse at the woman’s clinic to assist with identified problems. Problems that cannot be immediately resolved by the nurse follow routine procedures at the clinic and are normally referred to the PMTCT clinical officer at the respective facility who will then decide if the patient needs to visit the facility or should receive a follow up phone call. The study coordinator will follow up with the respective PMTCT nurses to record action taken, which is entered directly into the WelTel platform logs as notes. Patients who will not respond to the SMS within 24 h will be traced (first by telephone then at households) within the defaulter tracing outreach program in routine PMTCT care. At enrollment, the participants will be informed that the weekly SMS support service does not replace routine clinic services, and that all appointments made by PMTCT staff should be honored and all emergencies should be handled by usual means. A WelTel SMS platform technician will handle all technical problems that may arise. WelTel SMS intervention Retention in PMTCT care is defined as the proportion of women living with HIV and their HIV-exposed infants that remain in care until infants are aged 24 months measured from when the pair is enrolled in the program from the woman’s first visit at ANC until 24 months after birth. The primary outcome of the study is defined as the proportion of mother-newborn retained in PMTCT care at 24 months; assuming i) a power of 80 %, ii) a two-sided test (alpha = 0.05), iii) and based on prior knowledge, a proportion retained in the control group of about 30 %, a sample size of 300 participants in each arm for a total of 600 subjects, with 5 % dropout rate (i.e. women who decide to withdraw from the study) in both the control and intervention arms was estimated to detect a 11 % difference (the smallest detectable difference) in the primary outcome between the intervention and control arms that is the difference that it would be important to detect is 11 %, computed as the proportion retained in the intervention arm minus the proportion retained in the control arm i.e. the proportion retained in the intervention group minus the proportion retained in the control group. Calculations were performed using Stata 14.1. A PMTCT nurse at the selected clinics will inform all consecutive pregnant women identified as living with HIV at their first ANC visit about the study. The PMTCT nurse will then refer these clients to the research assistant who will assess their eligibility and provide detailed information about the study. Individuals who are eligible will be invited to participate in the study and the research assistant will seek their consent. Participants in the intervention arm who own or have access to mobile phones will be registered directly onto the WelTel platform with their phone number. Eligible and consenting patients will be randomized to the intervention and control arms using a 1:1 allocation ratio. To ensure balance between the arms throughout the trial, we adopted a permuted-block randomization scheme. The block size will be concealed until the trial is over. Randomization will be performed separately at each clinic. We will use opaque sealed envelopes to assign participants to the intervention and control arms. The randomization list was be generated at the Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden) by an independent statistician. An interviewer- facilitated baseline questionnaire will be administered after recruitment and allocation. Questions record information on participants’ social and demographic characteristics; time of HIV diagnosis, time on ARV, disclosure of HIV status, HIV care and social support, mobile phone use as well as costs for accessing care. Follow up visits will occur at 6 and 24 months postpartum, at which time research assistant will administer the follow-up questionnaire. The follow up questionnaire will capture information on participants’ missed appointments, engagement with health workers and satisfaction with care, mobile phone access and using the WelTel intervention, and health related status/quality of life using the EuroQol 5-dimensional (EQ-5D) utility scores and twelve item short form survey (SF-12) standardized tools. To investigate quality of life, we will first develop a patient generated index (PGI) to identify areas in the women’s lives that are affected by their HIV infection during pregnancy and nursing period; periods when the risk of transmitting HIV is high. A PGI is an individualized patient reported instrument that allows the respondent to state, weight and rate areas of importance to the patients’ lives that are affected by their illness. The PGI will also enable the investigators to assess the validity of the EQ5D and SF12 in this population and context. All outgoing and incoming text messages will be automatically recorded on the WelTel platform. The platform also captures all of the “problems” noted by participants, instances of non-response, and actions taken in relation to participants’ ‘problem’ responses and non-responses. Platform data will be backed up every 7 days. All questionnaires will be paper-based and the data manager will then enter data into a database at the central office on an ongoing basis. A data manager will check the forms for completeness and quality will be verified by re-checking a random sample of 10 % of the data. Any problems that arise will be resolved promptly. Participant files will be stored in a locked office at the trial sites. Data on attendance, HIV care clinical indicators like viral load and CD4 cell count as well as treatment regimen will be collected medical records. We will also collect information on demographic characteristics (age, education level, marital status and parity) of all screened patients/potential trial participants. Qualitative research using in –depth interviews will also be performed to discover ‘how’ and ‘why’ the intervention works to improve retention in PMTCT program. Purposive sampling will be used to identify participants for qualitative interviews. Face-to-face interactions will be used to build trust during the interview process and to enhance free interaction between the researcher and the participants [20]. All conversations will be recorded with permission from the respondents and the interviews will be performed at a place and in a language preferred by the respondent. All qualitative research tools will be developed in English, then translated to Kiswahili, and then back translated to English. The interview guide will be available in both languages. Baseline participants’ characteristics will be reported separately by treatment arm. Baseline characteristics include: age, parity (nulliparous versus previous birth), marital status (single, married or cohabiting, divorced/widowed), ARV exposure (experienced vs. naive), duration of known HIV diagnosis (newly vs. previously diagnosed), age (18–29, 30–39, 40–49, ≥50 years of age), phone ownership (owned vs. shared), level of education (none, primary, secondary, post-secondary), distance from clinic (≤1 h vs. >1 h), number of children born after HIV diagnosis, on ARV at enrolment (yes, no), time on ARV at enrolment (≤6 months, 7–12 months, ≥13 months) and HIV status disclosure (yes, no). We will report the mean (standard deviation [SD]) or median (first quartile, third quartile) for continuous variables, and count and percentages for categorical variables. All analyses are by intention-to-treat i.e. according to the study group to which women were originally allocated regardless of subsequent intervention received and per protocol. Other more statistical methods will be used to take into account switching. For the primary outcome, we will compare the proportion of mothers living with HIV and their HIV-exposed infants in the program at 24 months post-birth in the intervention vs. control arm using both parametric (Chi-Square) and exact (Fisher) statistical tests. Secondary outcomes will also be compared between arms, with t-tests for normally distributed variables, Mann Whitney-U tests for non-normally distributed variables, and Chi-Square and Fisher exact tests for categorical variables. The relative risk (RR) for PMTCT retention with 95 % confidence intervals will be computed and the number needed to treat to prevent one non-retained mother-infant pair will also be estimated. Concerning the secondary outcomes, average treatment effects (ATE) will be computed for continuous outcomes and RRs for categorical outcomes. For both primary and secondary outcomes, log-linear or linear regression models will be used to provide effect estimates adjusted for potential imbalances in baseline participants’ characteristics, if required. We will repeat the analysis of primary and secondary outcomes within such subgroups (in relation to socio-demographics) to assess the homogeneity of the intervention effect across pre-determined subgroups of patients. Stratified RRs and ATEs will be computed. Regression models, which include the intervention allocation and subgroup-defining variables and their interaction, will be applied to assess effect modification across groups; all statistics tests will be run based on two side p-values and values <0.05 will be considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses will be again performed with Stata version 14.1 (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA). Qualitative data will be analyzed using content analysis, guided by Graneheim and Lundman [21]. First, the transcribed material is read a number of times to get a general sense of the material by a group of researchers. Using the open code software for qualitative research, meaning units, which are key phrases in the text, are identified, condensed and outlined. Codes will then be ascribed to each meaning unit. The codes will be compared and grouped into sub-categories. This comparison will be performed consistently to identify emerging categories that will be further compared, re-organized and merged into sub-themes and one overarching theme. The coding and analysis process will be deductive in nature and involve key members of the research team. We will perform an economic evaluation to assess WelTel SMS from a healthcare payer perspective. The primary outcome of the cost effective analysis (CEA) will be the incremental cost per additional mother-infant pairs that remain in PMTCT until infant is aged 24 months. A secondary outcome is averted infant HIV-infections at cessation of breastfeeding. For the cost-utility analysis the outcome will be quality adjusted life years (QALYs), based on responses to the SF-12 and EQ5D. For both analyses (CEA and CUA) we will report the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) that will be computed as the ratio of the incremental costs to provide WelTel SMS over usual care and incremental effects e.g. cost per additional mother-infant pairs that remain in PMTCT until infant is aged 24 months, cost averted infant HIV-infections at cessation of breastfeeding and cost per QALY. A secondary analysis will also consider the incremental cost per averted deaths by bringing infants lost to follow up back and enabling treatment. Thus, we will determine ICER for cost per averted deaths. Deterministic sensitivity analysis will be to address uncertainty.

The WelTel PMTCT study is a randomized controlled trial that aims to improve retention in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programs through the use of mobile phone messaging. The study will assess the effect of an interactive weekly SMS intervention compared to standard care on retention in PMTCT programs in Kenya. The primary outcome of the study is the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months from delivery.

The WelTel SMS intervention involves sending a weekly short text message question in Kiswahili asking about the general wellbeing of the participants. Participants are expected to respond within 24 hours. Depending on the response, a PMTCT nurse will follow-up and triage any problems that are identified. The intervention aims to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and viral load suppression among those on ART.

Secondary outcomes of the study include adherence to the WelTel intervention, adherence to antiretroviral medicine, acceptance of the intervention, and cost-effectiveness of the WelTel intervention. The study will also include qualitative research using in-depth interviews to understand how and why the intervention works to improve retention in PMTCT programs.

The study will provide evidence on the effectiveness of mobile health (mHealth) interventions for improving retention in PMTCT programs. The results of the trial and the cost-effectiveness evaluation will be used to inform policy and potential scale-up of mHealth interventions among mothers living with HIV.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is to implement the WelTel SMS intervention. This intervention involves using weekly interactive mobile phone messaging to engage pregnant women in care in Kenya’s prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program. The aim is to improve retention in the PMTCT program, which is crucial for optimizing maternal and infant health outcomes.

In the WelTel PMTCT study, pregnant women living with HIV will be recruited at their first antenatal care visit and followed until their infant is 24 months old. Participants will be randomly allocated to either the intervention group or the control group (standard care) at a 1:1 ratio. The intervention group will receive a weekly SMS message asking about their general wellbeing, to which they are expected to respond within 24 hours. Depending on their response, a PMTCT nurse will follow up and address any problems identified. The primary outcome of the study is retention in care, measured as the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months from delivery.

Secondary outcomes include adherence to the WelTel SMS intervention, adherence to antiretroviral medicine, acceptance of the intervention, and cost-effectiveness. The trial results and cost-effectiveness evaluation will be used to inform policy and potential scale-up of the mHealth intervention among mothers living with HIV.

In summary, implementing the WelTel SMS intervention can be a promising innovation to improve access to maternal health by enhancing retention in the PMTCT program and ultimately improving maternal and infant health outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
The WelTel PMTCT study aims to determine the effect of an interactive weekly mobile phone messaging intervention on retention in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program in Kenya. The study will recruit 600 pregnant women and follow them and their infants until they are discharged from the PMTCT program at 24 months. Participants will be randomly allocated to either the intervention arm or the control arm. In the intervention arm, participants will receive a weekly SMS asking about their general well-being, to which they are supposed to respond within 24 hours. Depending on the response, a PMTCT nurse will follow-up and triage any problems that are identified. The primary outcome of the study is retention in care, defined as the proportion of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months from delivery.

To simulate the impact of the WelTel SMS intervention on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the target population: Determine the population that will be included in the simulation, such as pregnant women living with HIV in Kenya.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current access to maternal health services, including retention rates in PMTCT programs, adherence to antiretroviral therapy, and other relevant indicators.

3. Design the simulation model: Develop a mathematical model that represents the dynamics of the PMTCT program and the potential impact of the WelTel SMS intervention. The model should consider factors such as the number of pregnant women entering the program, the retention rates, the adherence to antiretroviral therapy, and the response rates to the SMS messages.

4. Parameterize the model: Use the baseline data to estimate the parameters of the simulation model, such as the initial retention rates and adherence levels. These parameters will be used to simulate the current situation without the intervention.

5. Introduce the intervention: Incorporate the WelTel SMS intervention into the simulation model. Define the characteristics of the intervention, such as the frequency of the SMS messages, the response options, and the follow-up procedures.

6. Simulate the impact: Run the simulation model to project the potential impact of the WelTel SMS intervention on improving access to maternal health. Measure outcomes such as retention rates, adherence levels, and the number of mother-infant pairs coming for infant HIV testing at 24 months.

7. Sensitivity analysis: Perform sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of the simulation results. Vary the parameters of the model within plausible ranges to examine the potential range of outcomes.

8. Interpret the results: Analyze the simulation results to determine the potential impact of the WelTel SMS intervention on improving access to maternal health. Assess the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and scalability of the intervention.

9. Inform policy and decision-making: Use the simulation results to inform policy and potential scale-up of the WelTel SMS intervention. Share the findings with relevant stakeholders, such as policymakers, healthcare providers, and researchers, to guide decision-making and implementation.

By following this methodology, researchers can simulate the impact of the WelTel SMS intervention on improving access to maternal health and provide evidence to inform policy and potential scale-up of the intervention.

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