A cross-sectional ecological analysis of international and sub-national health inequalities in commercial geospatial resource availability

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Study Justification:
This study aims to examine the distribution of commercial geospatial data resources relative to health needs. It explores the relationship between geospatial data availability and health outcomes, specifically all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortality. The study also investigates the availability and quality of geospatial resources at both the international and sub-national levels. By analyzing these relationships, the study provides insights into the potential use of commercial geospatial data resources for understanding healthcare utilization and addressing health inequalities.
Study Highlights:
– Commercial geospatial data resources are inversely related to all-cause mortality globally, with a stronger relationship observed for mortality due to communicable diseases.
– Resources for calculating patient travel times are more equitably distributed relative to health need compared to resources for characterizing neighborhoods or geocoding patient addresses.
– Some countries, like South Africa, have high commercial geospatial data availability despite high mortality rates, suggesting the potential for further evaluation of these resources in examining healthcare utilization.
– Other countries, like Sierra Leone, have high mortality rates but minimal commercial geospatial data, highlighting the need for alternative approaches, such as open data use, in quantifying patient travel times, geocoding patient addresses, and characterizing patients’ neighborhoods.
Study Recommendations:
– Further evaluation of commercial geospatial data resources in countries with high mortality rates but rich data availability, such as South Africa, to better understand healthcare utilization.
– Exploration of alternative approaches, like open data use, in countries with high mortality rates but minimal commercial geospatial data, such as Sierra Leone, to quantify patient travel times, geocode patient addresses, and characterize patients’ neighborhoods.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and data analysts: Responsible for conducting the analysis and interpreting the findings.
– Data providers: Provide access to commercial geospatial data resources for the study.
– World Health Organization (WHO): Provides all-cause mortality data for countries, which is used as a health outcome measure.
– Ghana Health Service: Provides health facility data for the sub-national case study in Eastern Region, Ghana.
– National Population Commission: Provides census data for the sub-national case study in Lagos State, Nigeria.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Data acquisition: Budget for obtaining commercial geospatial data resources and other relevant datasets.
– Research personnel: Funding for researchers and data analysts involved in the study.
– Travel and logistics: Expenses related to conducting the sub-national case studies in Ghana and Nigeria.
– Data processing and analysis: Resources required for data cleaning, processing, and statistical analysis.
– Publication and dissemination: Costs associated with publishing the study findings and sharing them with relevant stakeholders.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is fairly strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is cross-sectional and ecological, which limits the ability to establish causality. Additionally, the abstract does not provide specific details about the methods used to collect and analyze the data. To improve the evidence, the study could consider using a longitudinal design to examine changes over time and include more detailed information about the data collection and analysis procedures.

Background: Commercial geospatial data resources are frequently used to understand healthcare utilisation. Although there is widespread evidence of a digital divide for other digital resources and infra-structure, it is unclear how commercial geospatial data resources are distributed relative to health need. Methods: To examine the distribution of commercial geospatial data resources relative to health needs, we assembled coverage and quality metrics for commercial geocoding, neighbourhood characterisation, and travel time calculation resources for 183 countries. We developed a country-level, composite index of commercial geospatial data quality/availability and examined its distribution relative to age-standardised all-cause and cause specific (for three main causes of death) mortality using two inequality metrics, the slope index of inequality and relative concentration index. In two sub-national case studies, we also examined geocoding success rates versus area deprivation by district in Eastern Region, Ghana and Lagos State, Nigeria. Results: Internationally, commercial geospatial data resources were inversely related to all-cause mortality. This relationship was more pronounced when examining mortality due to communicable diseases. Commercial geospatial data resources for calculating patient travel times were more equitably distributed relative to health need than resources for characterising neighbourhoods or geocoding patient addresses. Countries such as South Africa have comparatively high commercial geospatial data availability despite high mortality, whilst countries such as South Korea have comparatively low data availability and low mortality. Sub-nationally, evidence was mixed as to whether geocoding success was lowest in more deprived districts. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first global analysis of commercial geospatial data resources in relation to health outcomes. In countries such as South Africa where there is high mortality but also comparatively rich commercial geospatial data, these data resources are a potential resource for examining healthcare utilisation that requires further evaluation. In countries such as Sierra Leone where there is high mortality but minimal commercial geospatial data, alternative approaches such as open data use are needed in quantifying patient travel times, geocoding patient addresses, and characterising patients’ neighbourhoods.

In this paper, we aim to quantify the extent to which the same perverse relationship with health needs applies to geospatial data availability as with healthcare provision. We explore two scales through a cross-sectional, ecological study design. We firstly examine the relationship between geospatial data availability and health need as measured by all-cause mortality and mortality due to three groups of causes, globally at national level. We then consider the relationship between health need and geospatial data availability in two sub-national case studies from Ghana and Nigeria. At international level, we examine the availability, by country, of three sets of commercial data resources that are central to understanding population demand for healthcare and spatial patterns of healthcare utilisation. These are geocoding tools for locating patients’ residences; transportation network resources for computing patient travel from place of residence to health facility; and area statistics for characterising the neighbourhoods where patients live. We excluded other commercial geospatial data resources not directly related to healthcare-seeking behaviour, such as remotely sensed imagery. To identify such resources, we used the search strategy in Additional file 1: Table S1. We included only geospatial data resources that met the following criteria: Where necessary, we contacted data providers to request permission to use data availability or quality statements in our analysis, only including those where such permission was granted. The geospatial resources that met all these criteria were included in our analysis are shown in Table 1 (Additional file 1: Tables S2–S4 documents data resources that were excluded and reasons for this). Commercial geospatial data resources for geocoding patient addresses, estimating travel times, and characterising patients’ neighbourhoods Alongside these resources, we used all-cause mortality by country for the most recent period (2000–2015) reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO) [22], as a general health outcome measure and thereby metric of healthcare need. We also separately examined the major WHO categorization of mortality: non-communicable diseases; injuries; communicable diseases, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions for 183 countries. National mortality data from WHO were age-standardised to account for differences in population structure between countries. As dependent territories are not reported separately in WHO mortality data, these were excluded from our analysis. We then generated commercial geospatial resource indicators by country as follows: To examine the availability of these geospatial resources relative to healthcare need, as measured by standardised all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortality, we computed relative concentration indices and slope indices of inequality [23] for each of these measures of geospatial data availability using a tool from Public Health England [24]. In this context, the slope index of inequality measured the change in mortality relative to ranked geospatial data availability/quality, whilst the relative concentration index measured the mortality gradient against relative geospatial data availability/quality. We also created a composite index of commercial geospatial resource quality/availability (geospatial resource index) by combining these various indicators. For each of the three index domains (geocoding resources, patient travel, and neighbourhood characterisation), we ranked each country from highest to lowest based on each of the above indicators, then summed these ranks, dividing the total by the maximum possible summed rank to give an index for each domain between 0 and 1. To avoid the index being dominated by indicator availability at domain level, we then summed the three domain index values. We regressed logged standardised mortality against the geospatial resource index, identifying as outliers in terms of data availability those countries with studentised residuals greater than two. We also calculated the correlation of the geospatial resource index with the percentage of internet users and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita for 2016 in each country [25]. To examine sub-national geospatial commercial resource availability and quality, two sub-national case studies were conducted, one in Eastern Region, Ghana and the other in Lagos State, Nigeria. Both focussed on success rates for geocoding facility locations (health facilities and schools respectively). In the absence of robust district-level mortality estimates, both studies examined geocoding success rates relative to area deprivation at administrative level 2 (districts in Ghana or local government areas in Nigeria). In this context, we consider area deprivation to reflect ‘an area’s potential for health risk from ecological concentration of poverty, unemployment, economic disinvestment, and social disorganisation’ [26]. In Eastern Region, 984 health facility place-names from 25 districts were obtained from the Ghana Health Service routine data repository (DHIMS2) and geocoded via an interface to the Google Maps API Version 2 [27]. Geocoding success was measured as the proportion of facilities per district for which a location within Eastern Region was returned. District deprivation was assessed firstly via the 2017 UNICEF District League Table (DLT) [28], a composite index of district development based on indicators of education, sanitation, rural water, health, security and governance. Secondly, district deprivation was also assessed via a bespoke district deprivation index. The bespoke deprivation index was created from 12 indicators representing six domains: information access, education, energy, employment, water and sanitation, and living conditions, adapting an approach used in South Africa [29]. Indicators values were drawn from 2010 census data [30]. Within each domain, each indicator was standardised by conversion to a z-score, with z-scores averaged for each domain. The average scores for the six domains were then summed to give a composite deprivation score. Similarly, in Lagos State 310 schools, both private and public, from 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) were obtained from online news media [31]. These were then geocoded using the Google Maps API Version 2 via BatchGeo [32]. A deprivation index with the same six domains as Ghana was created for the LGAs, but with 9 indicators drawn from 2006 census data acquired from the National Population Commission. These were then standardised and combined using the same method as for Eastern Region. For both case studies, geocoding success per district/LGA was then plotted against deprivation. Relative concentration indices and slope indices of inequality were computed for district-level geocoding success rates versus the deprivation measures.

Based on the information provided, it appears that the paper is focused on analyzing the distribution of commercial geospatial data resources relative to health needs, specifically in the context of maternal health. The paper examines the availability and quality of geospatial data resources such as geocoding tools, transportation network resources, and area statistics, and explores their relationship with health outcomes, including all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortality.

The paper also includes two sub-national case studies conducted in Eastern Region, Ghana, and Lagos State, Nigeria, which examine geocoding success rates for facility locations relative to area deprivation. These case studies aim to understand the relationship between geospatial data availability and quality and socio-economic factors at the local level.

Based on this information, potential recommendations for innovations to improve access to maternal health could include:

1. Integration of geospatial data resources into maternal health programs: Governments and healthcare organizations can leverage commercial geospatial data resources to improve the planning and delivery of maternal health services. By incorporating geocoding tools, transportation network resources, and area statistics into their programs, they can better understand the spatial patterns of healthcare utilization and identify areas with limited access to maternal health services.

2. Development of open data platforms: In countries with limited commercial geospatial data availability, alternative approaches such as open data platforms can be explored. Governments and organizations can work towards creating and sharing open geospatial data related to maternal health, including facility locations, transportation networks, and neighborhood characteristics. This can facilitate the development of innovative solutions and interventions to improve access to maternal health services.

3. Collaboration between health and technology sectors: Collaboration between the health and technology sectors can lead to the development of innovative tools and applications that utilize geospatial data to improve access to maternal health. This can include mobile applications for locating nearby healthcare facilities, optimizing transportation routes for pregnant women, and providing real-time information on the availability of maternal health services in different areas.

4. Capacity building and training: To effectively utilize geospatial data resources for maternal health, capacity building and training programs can be implemented. Healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers can be trained on how to access, analyze, and interpret geospatial data to inform decision-making and improve maternal health outcomes.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the information provided in the paper and may need to be further tailored and contextualized to specific regions or countries.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health based on the provided description is to utilize commercial geospatial data resources for healthcare planning and resource allocation. This can be achieved by:

1. Enhancing geocoding tools: Develop and improve geocoding tools that can accurately locate patients’ residences. This will help in identifying areas with high maternal health needs and enable targeted interventions.

2. Improving transportation network resources: Enhance resources for computing patient travel from their place of residence to health facilities. This will facilitate efficient transportation and reduce barriers to accessing maternal healthcare services.

3. Enhancing neighborhood characterization: Develop resources for characterizing the neighborhoods where patients live. This will provide valuable insights into the social and environmental factors that may impact maternal health outcomes.

4. Promoting data availability and quality: Encourage countries to improve the availability and quality of commercial geospatial data resources. This can be done through collaborations with data providers, government initiatives, and investments in data infrastructure.

5. Utilizing alternative approaches: In countries with minimal commercial geospatial data availability, explore alternative approaches such as open data use to quantify patient travel times, geocode patient addresses, and characterize patients’ neighborhoods. This will ensure that even resource-constrained settings can benefit from geospatial data for maternal health planning.

By implementing these recommendations, healthcare systems can leverage commercial geospatial data resources to better understand healthcare utilization patterns, identify areas with high maternal health needs, and allocate resources effectively to improve access to maternal health services.
AI Innovations Methodology
The paper you provided focuses on the analysis of commercial geospatial data resources in relation to health outcomes, specifically in the context of maternal health. To improve access to maternal health, the paper suggests the use of geospatial data resources such as geocoding tools for locating patients’ residences, transportation network resources for computing patient travel from place of residence to health facility, and area statistics for characterizing the neighborhoods where patients live.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology can be developed as follows:

1. Data Collection: Gather data on commercial geospatial data resources availability and quality, as well as maternal health indicators such as maternal mortality rates, access to healthcare facilities, and demographic information.

2. Geospatial Resource Index: Create a composite index of commercial geospatial resource quality/availability (geospatial resource index) by combining various indicators related to geocoding resources, patient travel, and neighborhood characterization. This index will provide a measure of the overall availability and quality of geospatial data resources in each country.

3. Statistical Analysis: Use statistical techniques such as regression analysis to examine the relationship between the geospatial resource index and maternal health indicators. This analysis will help determine the extent to which the availability and quality of geospatial data resources impact access to maternal health.

4. Inequality Metrics: Calculate inequality metrics such as the slope index of inequality and relative concentration index to assess the distribution of geospatial data resources relative to health needs. This analysis will provide insights into whether there are disparities in access to maternal health based on the availability of geospatial data resources.

5. Sub-national Case Studies: Conduct sub-national case studies in specific regions or districts to examine the relationship between geocoding success rates and area deprivation. This analysis will help understand whether there are variations in access to maternal health within a country based on the availability of geospatial data resources at a local level.

6. Visualization: Present the findings of the analysis through visualizations such as maps, charts, and graphs. This will help stakeholders understand the impact of geospatial data resources on access to maternal health and identify areas that require targeted interventions.

By following this methodology, researchers can simulate the impact of recommendations related to geospatial data resources on improving access to maternal health. The analysis will provide valuable insights for policymakers, healthcare providers, and researchers to develop targeted interventions and strategies to address disparities in maternal health access.

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