Burden and impact of Plasmodium vivax in pregnancy: A multi-centre prospective observational study

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Study Justification:
– Plasmodium vivax infection in pregnancy is a significant public health concern, with over 90 million pregnancies at risk annually.
– Despite this, there is limited knowledge about the epidemiology and impact of P. vivax infection in pregnancy.
– This study aimed to fill this knowledge gap by conducting a multi-center prospective observational study in pregnant women from five P. vivax endemic countries.
Study Highlights:
– A total of 9388 pregnant women were enrolled in the study, with 4957 followed until delivery.
– The prevalence of P. vivax monoinfection in maternal blood at delivery was low, ranging from 0.1% to 1.2% by microscopy and 7% by PCR.
– P. vivax infection was observed in 0.4% of placentas examined by microscopy and in 3.7% by PCR.
– Clinical P. vivax infection in pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of maternal anemia.
– Submicroscopic vivax infection was not associated with an increased risk of moderate-severe anemia or low birth weight.
– The results of this study can guide maternal health programs in settings where vivax malaria is endemic.
– There is a need to address the vulnerability of pregnant women while embracing malaria elimination in endemic countries.
Key Role Players:
– National and local ethics review boards
– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
– Hospital Clinic of Barcelona Ethics Review Committee
– Study investigators and personnel
– Microscopists and laboratory technicians
– Pathologists
– Data clerks and managers
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research materials and supplies
– Laboratory equipment and reagents
– Training and capacity building for study personnel
– Data management software and infrastructure
– Travel and accommodation for study investigators and personnel
– Ethical review and approval processes
– Publication and dissemination of study findings

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a multi-center prospective observational study, which provides valuable data. However, the evidence could be strengthened by including more details about the study design, sample size, and statistical analysis methods.

Background: Despite that over 90 million pregnancies are at risk of Plasmodium vivax infection annually, little is known about the epidemiology and impact of the infection in pregnancy. Methodology and principal findings: We undertook a health facility-based prospective observational study in pregnant women from Guatemala (GT), Colombia (CO), Brazil (BR), India (IN) and Papua New Guinea PNG). Malaria and anemia were determined during pregnancy and fetal outcomes assessed at delivery. A total of 9388 women were enrolled at antennal care (ANC), of whom 53% (4957) were followed until delivery. Prevalence of P. vivax monoinfection in maternal blood at delivery was 0.4% (20/4461) by microscopy [GT 0.1%, CO 0.5%, BR 0.1%, IN 0.2%, PNG 1.2%] and 7% (104/1488) by PCR. P. falciparum monoinfection was found in 0.5% (22/4463) of women by microscopy [GT 0%, CO 0.5%, BR 0%, IN 0%, PNG 2%]. P. vivax infection was observed in 0.4% (14/3725) of placentas examined by microscopy and in 3.7% (19/508) by PCR. P. vivax in newborn blood was detected in 0.02% (1/4302) of samples examined by microscopy [in cord blood; 0.05% (2/4040) by microscopy, and 2.6% (13/497) by PCR]. Clinical P. vivax infection was associated with increased risk of maternal anemia (Odds Ratio-OR, 5.48, [95% CI 1.83–16.41]; p = 0.009), while submicroscopic vivax infection was not associated with increased risk of moderate-severe anemia (Hb<8g/dL) (OR, 1.16, [95% CI 0.52–2.59]; p = 0.717), or low birth weight (<2500g) (OR, 0.52, [95% CI, 0.23–1.16]; p = 0.110). Conclusions: In this multicenter study, the prevalence of P. vivax infection in pregnancy by microscopy was overall low across all endemic study sites; however, molecular methods revealed a significant number of submicroscopic infections. Clinical vivax infection in pregnancy was associated with maternal anemia, which may be deleterious for infant’s health. These results may help to guide maternal health programs in settings where vivax malaria is endemic; they also highlight the need of addressing a vulnerable population such as pregnant women while embracing malaria elimination in endemic countries.

The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the national and/or local ethics review boards in each of the study sites, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona Ethics Review Committee. The study was conducted in accordance with the Good Clinical Practice Guidelines, the Declaration of Helsinki, and local rules and regulations of each partner country. This was a health facility-based prospective observational study of pregnant women attending routine antenatal care (ANC) clinics undertaken between June 2008 and October 2011 in five P. vivax endemic countries—Colombia (CO), Guatemala (GT), Brazil (BR), India (IN) and Papua New Guinea (PNG)–of different malaria endemicity characteristics (Table 1). The historic levels of malaria transmission varied across study sites from hypoendemic in Guatemala, India and Colombia, mesoendemic in Brazil, to hyperendemic in PNG. P. vivax was the predominant species in all sites except for PNG where P. vivax co-existed with P. falciparum (50%) and other species (P. malariae and P. ovale, 5%). Abbreviations: CQ: Chloroquine, PQ: Primaquine, SP: Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, QNN: Quinine, CLIN: Clindomycin, AL: Artemeter-Lumefantrine, ITNs: Insecticide-treated bednets, ADI: Active Detection of Infection, ACTs: Artemisin-combined therapy, PCD: Passive detection of cases. a No P. falciparum cases reported in the area since 2009. b Data from 2009. c 79% of women completed at least 1 ANC visit. d 150mg CQ base (tab 250 mg), 4 tab 1st day and 3 tab 2nd and 3rd day. e 500mg sulfadoxine/25mg pyrimethamine (3tab, monodosis). f QNN: 10mg/kg every 8h, CLIN: 10mg/kg every 12h. g AL: Artemeter (20mg)-Lumefantrine (120mg), twice per day over 3 days. h New protocol adopted in 2009. Uncomplicated P.falciparum malaria: AL. Uncomplicated P.vivax malaria: AL+PQ. i Indoor residual spraying and larvicides in general population. Source of data: Colombia: Montoya-Lerma J, Solarte YA, Giraldo-Calderón GI, Quiñones ML, Ruiz-López F, Wilkerson RC, González. Malaria vector species in Colombia: a review. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2011, 106:223–238. Chaparro P, Padilla J, Vallejo AF, Herrera S: Characterization of a malaria outbreak in Colombia in 2010. Malar J 2013, 12:330. Guía de atención médica para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la malaria. Ministerio de Salud de Colombia. 2010. Guatemala: Padilla N, P. Molina, J. Juarez, D. Brown and C.Cordon-Rosales. Potential malaria vectors in northern Guatemala (Vectores potenciales de malaria in la region norte de Guatemala). J Am MosqControl Assoc 1992;8:307–8. Brazil: http://portalweb04.saude.gov.br/sivep_malaria/default.asp. Accessed 15 January 2017. India: Kochar DK, Sirohi P, Kochar SK, Budania MP, Lakhotia JP. Dynamics of malaria in Bikaner, Rajasthan, India (1975–2006). J Vector Borne Dis. 2007 Dec;44(4):281–4. PNG: Papua New Guinea National Department of Health: National Malaria Treatment Protocol. Port Moresby: National Department of Health ed., 1st edition; 2009. Marfurt J, Müeller I, Sie A, Maku P, Goroti M, Reeder JC, Beck HP, Genton B. Low efficacy of amodiaquine or chloroquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine against Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria in Papua New Guinea. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2007 Nov;77(5):947–54. Barnadas C, Koepfli C, Karunajeewa HA, Siba PM, Davis TM, Mueller I. Characterization of treatment failure in efficacy trials of drugs against Plasmodium vivax by genotyping neutral and drug resistance-associated markers. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Sep;55(9):4479–81. Unselected pregnant women of any age, gestational age, and parity, attending the ANC clinic at each study site, independently of parasitological or disease status, were invited to participate, and after signing a written informed consent were recruited into the study. There were four study visits: recruitment visit, coinciding with an ANC visit; two subsequent scheduled ANC visits one month apart; and at delivery. Project personnel were trained on study procedures that were standardized across all study sites. At each study visit and regardless of the presence of symptoms suggestive of malaria, a capillary blood sample was collected to prepare two thick and thin blood smears and two filter papers (Whatmann 3MM) to determine Plasmodium parasitemia. From the same samples the hemoglobin (Hb) concentration was measured at enrolment, at scheduled ANC study visits, at delivery and at any other time the woman was suspected to have malaria. In addition, demographic, obstetric and clinical information were recorded on standardized questionnaires. Pregnant women were encouraged to deliver at the study health facility. In case of home delivery, they were advised to come to the study health facility within the first week of giving birth. A passive surveillance system to identify study women presenting with clinical malaria was set up at each study health facility. If the women reported any signs and/or symptoms suggestive of clinical malaria, a capillary blood sample was collected to prepare two thick and thin blood smears and two filter papers to determine Plasmodium parasitemia, and for determination of Hb concentration. At delivery, the pregnancy outcome and the clinical information on the mother and the neonate were collected. Placental blood from all women delivering at the health facility was collected onto filter paper for PCR molecular analysis, and two impression smears were stained with Giemsa and read following standard procedures for parasitemia determination. [21] For the preparation of the impression smears a 2.5×2.5 cm3 sample from the placenta, that should include the full thickness of the tissue from the maternal to the fetal side, was cut and put in contact with the slide after being dried with a piece of filter paper. In a randomly selected subsample of women (10%) a placental biopsy was collected, following a similar procedure (2.5×2.5 cm3 sample) to that for the preparation of the impression smear. The biopsy was kept at 4°C in 50 mL of 10% neutral buffer formalin, processed for histological examination, and stained with haematoxylin and eosin as previously described. [22] The histological examination of placental biopsies for malaria infection was performed by local pathologists trained for the purposes of the study (S1 File). Cord blood samples were collected after birth for parasitemia determination. As soon as the umbilical cord was clamped, cut, and separated from the newborn study trained staff collected 5mL cord blood sample taken from the cord with a syringe and needle. Cord blood was used for preparation of two thick and thin blood smears to determine Plasmodium parasitemia, and two filter papers to perform PCR molecular analysis. Newborn samples were collected by heel prick after medical assessment was complete and within the first 12 hours of life also for parasitemia determination. In GT, BR and PNG gestational age was assessed by the Ballard’s method for deliveries that occurred at the health facility within the first 72 hours after birth [23]. In CO and IN gestational age was assessed by ultrasound assessment performed at enrolment. All newborns were weighed on a digital scale, accurate to the nearest gram, within the first 2 hours of life and examined for any clinical abnormalities. For deliveries occurred at home, the study personnel obtained information on the pregnancy outcome through home visits. All women and newborns with malaria infection or anemia were treated according to the national guidelines in each country. Strategies for malaria control in pregnancy differed across study sites. While these relied on active detection of infection with microscopy at each ANC visit in some countries, in other countries passive detection of cases, or weekly prophylaxis with chloroquine (CQ) until delivery were carried out (Table 1). At enrolment a subsample of 1500 women (300 per study site) were randomly selected for the determination of the prevalence of P. vivax and P. falciparum infection by PCR methods. Likewise, a subsample of 1500 women (300 per study site) was randomly selected at delivery for the same purpose. The 1500 women from whom samples were obtained at delivery were different from those selected at enrolment. A total of 500 placental samples (100 per site) and 500 cord blood samples (100 per site) were also analysed following same methodology. A simple random sampling method was used for the selection of women in each country, and for each time point and compartment. The sample size for prevalence by PCR was agreed among study investigators according to preliminary results of the first 100 selected samples in each site that showed a prevalence of P. vivax monoinfection of 7.5% by PCR, and on the availability of resources for molecular analyses in the study. PCR assays were not performed on newborn blood samples. To estimate the impact of submicroscopic P. vivax and P. falciparum infections on maternal anemia and low birth weight (LBW), a nested case-control study was conducted. All countries contributed to this pooled analysis. A definition for moderate-severe anemia as Hb less than 8g/dL was agreed for the purpose of the analysis. All moderate-severe anemia cases (n = 342), and LBW cases (<2500g) (n = 327) existing across countries for which a blood smear and a filter paper were available, were included in the case control analysis. A total of 414 controls to anemia cases, and a total of 410 controls to LBW cases, were randomly selected. Logistic regression models used to evaluate the impact of P.vivax submicroscopic infections on anemia and LBW were adjusted by site and P. falciparum infections. Similarly, for the evaluation of the impact of P. falciparum submicrocopic infections, models were adjusted by site and P. vivax infections. Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood slides were read onsite in all countries following WHO standard quality-controlled procedures to establish parasite presence and density of Plasmodium asexual stages. [24] Two independent expert malaria microscopists read all slides and results were registered in two separate forms. Discrepant results (positive vs. negative) were resolved by a third reading done by a different microscopist. A blood slide was declared as negative only when no parasites were found after reading 200 fields. Results were expressed in parasites/μL after counting the number of parasites per 500 white blood cells or reaching 500 parasites; counting was normalized using estimated leukocyte counts of 8000/μL. External validation of a blood slides subsample (100 slides per country) was done at the Hospital Clinic and at the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, in Barcelona, Spain. Hb was measured by Coulter Counter (except in PNG where it was done by Hemocue, HemoCue, Ltd, Angelhom, Sweden; accuracy of 0.1 g/dL) using 50–100 μL collected in a 0.5mL EDTA tube (microtainer). Molecular detection of Plasmodium species in samples from CO, GT, BR and PNG was performed by Real Time PCR at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) in Rome, Italy. Samples from India were analysed, due to local regulatory requirements, at the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), in New Delhi using the same protocol as that at ISS but adapted for the sake of instrument sensitivity (3rd step at amplification was 72°C for 25 sec instead of 72°C for 5 sec). DNA was extracted from whole blood-spot filter paper from maternal peripheral blood collected at ANC, at delivery and during passive case detection, and from placental and cord blood using Purelink Genomic DNA Kit (Invitrogen). P. vivax and P. falciparum infections were detected with a LightCycler 480 system (Roche). Species-specific primers and Taqman probes were selected from the sequence of the small 18S rRNA subunit as previously described by Veron et al 2009. [25] Briefly, pre-incubation was at 95°C for 10 min; amplification at 95°C for 10 sec, 50°C for 20 sec and 72°C for 5 sec for 50 cycles. All reactions were in duplicate in a final volume of 20 μL. The sensitivity of the PCR assay performed at the ISS for detection of P. falciparum infections was between 10–100 times higher in comparison to the microscopy. An external validation of the PCR methods used by the ISS and the ICGEB, for detection of P. vivax and P. falciparum species, was performed by the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium (MiPc) (http://www.mip-consortium.org) in a subset of 20 samples. Internal validation between ISS and ICGEB was also done. A standardised system for data entry, data management, and statistical analysis was established. All clinical and laboratory data were collected using standardised questionnaires. The data collection and management was performed using the OpenClinica open source software, version 2.0. Copyright OpenClinica LLC and collaborators, Waltham, MA, USA, www.OpenClinica.com. All data were double entered by two independent data clerks at each of the sites. There was a specific URL link to access the data entry software. In PNG data were doubled-entered into form-specific databases (FoxPro 9·0, Microsoft, USA). Validation and cleaning were done using the same software, and statistical analysis was performed using Stata 13 (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA). Differences between proportions were compared using the Pearson′s chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test depending on type of variables. For continuous variables, Student’s T-tests were used to compare the groups. Incidence rates were calculated as the number of new episodes/person-year at risk using the Poisson distribution in the exposed and unexposed groups, with primigravid women as the comparator group. The impact of P. vivax infection on maternal and newborn health was determined through a multicenter-pooled analysis. The case control study for submicroscopic infections with and anemia was analyzed using logistic regression models. We adjusted all regression models for possible operational confounding variables such as country and previous malaria episodes. In the analyses of P. falciparum infections, they were included in the models as being free of P. vivax (see definitions section). Likewise, in the analyses of P. vivax infections, they were included as being free of P. falciparum. Multivariate analyses were performed by a forward-stepwise procedure, using p0.10 from the likelihood ratio test, as enter and remove criteria respectively. Results from the estimated models were expressed as OR and 95% CI. Missing values were coded as such and excluded from analysis. P. vivax microscopic monoinfection was defined as the presence of asexual P. vivax parasites of any density and absence of other Plasmodium species on the blood smear. P. vivax clinical malaria episode was defined as the latter plus any signs or symptoms suggestive of malaria (axillary temperature ≥37.5°C or history of fever in the last 24 hours, headache, arthromyalgias, and/or pallor). P. vivax submicroscopic infection was defined as a PCR that was positive for P. vivax and negative for P. falciparum, with a concomitant blood film negative by microscopy. P. falciparum microscopic monoinfection was defined as the presence of asexual P. falciparum of any density and absence of other Plasmodium species on the blood smear. P. falciparum clinical malaria episode was defined as the latter plus any signs or symptoms suggestive of malaria. P. falciparum submicroscopic infection was defined as a PCR that was positive for P. falciparum and negative for P. vivax, with a concomitant blood film negative by microscopy. The duration of any single malaria episode was estimated as 28 days. Congenital malaria was defined as presence of asexual Plasmodium parasites of any species in the cord blood or in the newborn′s peripheral blood at delivery, regardless of clinical symptoms or signs in the neonate. Placental infection was classified according to a previously established definition. [21] Briefly, acute infection was defined as the presence of parasites, with absent or minimal pigment deposition within fibrin or cells within fibrin, chronic infection as the presence of parasites and a significant amount of pigment deposition, and past infection as the presence of pigment with absence of parasites. Prematurity was defined as gestational age < 37 weeks. LBW was defined as birth weight <2500g.

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile health (mHealth) applications: Develop mobile applications that provide pregnant women with access to information about maternal health, including prevention and treatment of Plasmodium vivax infection. These apps can also provide reminders for ANC visits and medication adherence.

2. Telemedicine: Implement telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women in remote areas to consult with healthcare providers and receive prenatal care remotely. This can help overcome geographical barriers and improve access to maternal health services.

3. Point-of-care testing: Develop and deploy rapid diagnostic tests for Plasmodium vivax infection that can be used at the point of care, such as in ANC clinics or community health centers. This would enable early detection and treatment of infections, reducing the risk of complications for both the mother and the fetus.

4. Community health workers: Train and equip community health workers to provide basic maternal health services, including screening for Plasmodium vivax infection, in underserved areas. This would bring healthcare closer to the community and improve access to essential care.

5. Health education campaigns: Conduct targeted health education campaigns to raise awareness about the risks of Plasmodium vivax infection during pregnancy and the importance of ANC visits. This can help empower pregnant women to seek appropriate care and take preventive measures.

6. Integration of services: Integrate maternal health services with existing malaria control programs to ensure comprehensive care for pregnant women. This can include coordinated efforts between ANC clinics, malaria control programs, and other relevant stakeholders.

7. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare infrastructure, including ANC clinics and laboratories, in areas with high malaria burden. This would enable better diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of Plasmodium vivax infection in pregnant women.

8. Research and innovation: Support research and innovation in the field of maternal health to identify new strategies and interventions for preventing and managing Plasmodium vivax infection during pregnancy. This can lead to the development of more effective and targeted approaches to improve access to maternal health services.
AI Innovations Description
The study mentioned focuses on the burden and impact of Plasmodium vivax infection in pregnancy. It provides valuable information on the prevalence of P. vivax infection in pregnant women across different endemic countries and its association with maternal anemia and fetal outcomes.

Based on this study, a recommendation to improve access to maternal health and address the vulnerability of pregnant women to vivax malaria would be to implement targeted interventions in endemic areas. These interventions could include:

1. Increased antenatal care (ANC) visits: Encouraging pregnant women to attend routine ANC clinics regularly would allow for early detection and management of malaria infections. ANC visits can also provide an opportunity to educate women about the risks of vivax malaria and the importance of preventive measures.

2. Improved malaria testing: Implementing more sensitive diagnostic methods, such as PCR, alongside microscopy, can help identify submicroscopic infections that may be missed by traditional methods. This would enable better detection and treatment of P. vivax infections in pregnant women.

3. Provision of antimalarial treatment: Ensuring that pregnant women with vivax malaria receive appropriate antimalarial treatment according to national guidelines is crucial. This may involve the use of chloroquine and primaquine, which are effective against P. vivax.

4. Distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs): Promoting the use of ITNs among pregnant women can help reduce their exposure to malaria-carrying mosquitoes and prevent infection. ITNs have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of malaria in pregnant women and improving maternal and fetal outcomes.

5. Health education and community engagement: Conducting health education sessions and community engagement activities can raise awareness about the risks of vivax malaria in pregnancy and the importance of preventive measures. This can empower pregnant women and their communities to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their unborn babies.

By implementing these recommendations, access to maternal health can be improved, and the burden of vivax malaria in pregnancy can be reduced. It is important for healthcare providers, policymakers, and communities to work together to implement these interventions and ensure the well-being of pregnant women in endemic areas.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen Antenatal Care (ANC) Services: Enhance the quality and availability of ANC services to ensure that pregnant women receive comprehensive care, including regular check-ups, screenings, and education on maternal health.

2. Increase Access to Skilled Birth Attendants: Improve access to skilled birth attendants, such as midwives or obstetricians, to ensure safe deliveries and reduce maternal and neonatal complications.

3. Enhance Health Education and Awareness: Implement health education programs to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health, including the prevention and management of malaria during pregnancy.

4. Improve Availability of Malaria Prevention and Treatment: Ensure the availability and accessibility of malaria prevention measures, such as insecticide-treated bed nets and antimalarial medications, to pregnant women in malaria-endemic areas.

5. Strengthen Health Systems: Invest in strengthening health systems, including infrastructure, human resources, and supply chains, to ensure that maternal health services are adequately provided and accessible to all women.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define Key Indicators: Identify key indicators to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the percentage of pregnant women receiving ANC services, the percentage of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants, the prevalence of malaria in pregnant women, and the incidence of maternal and neonatal complications.

2. Collect Baseline Data: Gather baseline data on the identified indicators before implementing the recommendations. This could involve conducting surveys, reviewing existing data, and collaborating with local health authorities and organizations.

3. Implement Recommendations: Implement the recommended interventions, ensuring proper coordination and collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including healthcare providers, policymakers, and community leaders.

4. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the implementation of the recommendations, collecting data on the identified indicators. This could involve regular data collection, analysis, and reporting to assess the progress and impact of the interventions.

5. Analyze Data and Simulate Impact: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve statistical analysis, modeling, and simulation techniques to estimate the changes in the identified indicators.

6. Refine and Adjust: Based on the findings from the analysis, refine and adjust the interventions as needed to further improve access to maternal health. This could involve identifying areas of improvement, addressing challenges, and scaling up successful interventions.

7. Continuously Monitor and Evaluate: Maintain an ongoing monitoring and evaluation process to track the long-term impact of the recommendations and make necessary adjustments to ensure sustained improvements in access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can assess the effectiveness of the recommendations and make informed decisions to further enhance access to maternal health services.

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