Remoteness and maternal and child health service utilization in rural Liberia: A population-based survey

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to understand the impact of distance from health facilities on maternal and child health service utilization in rural Liberia.
– This information is important for post-Ebola health systems reconstruction and for rural health system planning in sub-Saharan Africa.
Study Highlights:
– The study found that living farther from health facilities was associated with lower odds of attending antenatal checkups, delivering in a facility, and receiving postnatal care for mothers.
– Children living farther from health facilities had lower odds of seeking facility-based fever care and receiving deworming treatment.
– Parents in distant areas more often sought care for acute respiratory infection and diarrhea from informal providers.
Recommendations for Lay Reader:
– Overcoming geographic disparities in accessing healthcare should be prioritized in rural Liberia.
– Dissemination of providers and greater use of community health workers can help address the issue.
– Improving access to formal biomedical providers for maternal and child health services is crucial.
Recommendations for Policy Maker:
– Prioritize overcoming geographic disparities in accessing healthcare in rural Liberia.
– Increase the dissemination of healthcare providers, especially community health workers.
– Improve access to formal biomedical providers for maternal and child health services.
Key Role Players:
– Community health workers
– Health facility staff
– Local government officials
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
– Ministry of Health officials
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity building for community health workers
– Infrastructure development for health facilities
– Transportation and logistics for healthcare providers
– Outreach and awareness campaigns
– Monitoring and evaluation systems

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on a cluster-sample survey conducted in a rural Liberian population. The study used logistic regression models to analyze the associations between distance from health facilities and maternal and child health service utilization. The findings show significant associations between distance and reduced health care uptake. To improve the evidence, the study could have included a larger sample size and conducted a longitudinal study to assess the long-term effects of distance on health care utilization.

Background This study seeks to understand distance from health facilities as a barrier to maternal and child health service uptake within a rural Liberian population. Better understanding the relationship between distance from health facilities and rural health care utilization is important for post-Ebola health systems reconstruction and for general rural health system planning in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Cluster-sample survey data collected in 2012 in a very rural southeastern Liberian population were analyzed to determine associations between quartiles of GPS-measured distance from the nearest health facility and the odds of maternal (ANC, facility-based delivery, and PNC) and child (deworming and care seeking for ARI, diarrhea, and fever) service use. We estimated associations by fitting simple and multiple logistic regression models, with standard errors adjusted for clustered data. Findings Living in the farthest quartile was associated with lower odds of attending 1-or-more ANC checkup (AOR = 0.04, P < 0.001), 4-or-more ANC checkups (AOR = 0.13, P < 0.001), delivering in a facility (AOR = 0.41, P = 0.006), and postnatal care from a health care worker (AOR = 0.44, P = 0.009). Children living in all other quartiles had lower odds of seeking facility-based fever care (AOR for fourth quartile = 0.06, P < 0.001) than those in the nearest quartile. Children in the fourth quartile were less likely to receive deworming treatment (AOR = 0.16, P < 0.001) and less likely (but with only marginal statistical significance) to seek ARI care from a formal HCW (AOR = 0.05, P = 0.05). Parents in distant quartiles more often sought ARI and diarrhea care from informal providers. Conclusions Within a rural Liberian population, distance is associated with reduced health care uptake. As Liberia rebuilds its health system after Ebola, overcoming geographic disparities, including through further dissemination of providers and greater use of community health workers should be prioritized.

This study analyzed cross–sectional data, originally collected in Konobo and Glio–Twarbo Districts, Liberia, for programmatic purposes to inform the design and implementation of a community health worker (CHW) program. The population sampled represented the target group for the CHW program, who reside in rural districts in southeastern Liberia with an estimated population of approximately 31 000 people and a population density of 12 people per square kilometer [22]. The survey was conducted in August–September 2012, which is during Liberia’s rainy season. We selected households with a two–stage, representative cluster sampling method [23] using 2008 Liberian census data. At the first stage, 30 villages in the two districts were selected randomly with probability proportionate to the overall size of the two districts. We excluded Ziah Town, the only locale meeting Liberia’s definition of an urban area (2000 or more people). We also excluded 25 villages because: 19 had less than 20 households, four could only be reached on foot, and 2 were only accessible by canoe. Together, the excluded villages comprised 15% of Konobo’s rural population. At the second stage, a cluster of 20 households was selected by the following method: 1) spinning a laminated paper triangle on the ground in the village’s center as determined by a map of the village’s extent; 2) using a random number generator to select the first dwelling to survey in the direction indicated by the triangle; and 3) continuing to the next closest dwelling until 20 households were sampled. If no members of a household could be located, the next household was substituted. The survey’s purpose was to collect demographic, as well as maternal and child health data prior to implementation of a CHW–based maternal and child health program. We surveyed the woman in each household aged 17–and–older who had most recently completed a pregnancy. Women under 17 were excluded because they are considered minors by Liberian national health policies. The survey contained three modules: 1) basic health indicators 2) maternal health questions about the most recent pregnancy and 3) child health. Only participants who had completed a pregnancy within the last five years answered the maternal health module; however, if no woman in the household had completed a pregnancy in the last five years, the other two modules were still administered. The child health module was completed for each of the respondent’s children who were under five and living in the home. Survey questions were drawn mainly from the 2007 Liberian DHS survey [24]. It was independently translated to Liberian vernacular English by two staff members fluent in the local dialect. Because some participants were expected to speak only Konobo Krahn, a local, non–written language, the survey was administered by bilingual enumerators. All enumerators completed a four–day, pre–study classroom and field training. Following survey administration and entry into a Microsoft Access database, a study supervisor conducted data entry quality assurance by visually checking the first 100 entered surveys. Only one error per 770 fields (0.1% error rate) was identified so the remainder of the surveys were then entered. We also flagged missing and implausible values during data entry and summarization, to request further input from enumerators to clarify and/or update data. Enumerators reported that only one household refused participation. We focused our analysis on maternal and child health care indicators. For maternal health indicators, we selected: 1) one or more antenatal checkups from a health care worker (HCW); 2) four or more antenatal checkups from a HCW; 3) delivery within a health facility attended by any provider; 4) post–natal care (PNC) from a HCW after delivery; and 5) receipt of the full maternal service cascade, defined as at least four ANC checkups, facility–based delivery, and PNC from a HCW. For child health indictors, we selected: care seeking for 1) fever, 2) acute respiratory infection (ARI), and 3) diarrhea if the child experienced those conditions within the two weeks preceding the survey and 4) lifetime receipt of anti–helminthic medication among children over age 1 year. While data were collected on vaccination, we did not include it in this analysis because of low vaccine card possession rates (28%). Providers were categorized as formal biomedical, informal biomedical, and traditional. Formal biomedical providers were defined as registered facilities or HCWs. Informal biomedical services were those acquired from an informal drug store or mobile drug dispenser. Traditional services were defined as those provided by a traditional healer or the receipt of traditional, herbal medicines. (Provider definitions are provided in Online Supplementary Document(Online Supplementary Document), Table s1.) For all outcomes, the primary analysis was whether care was sought from a recommended provider: one likely to have appropriate personnel, diagnostic capabilities, and treatments for that condition within this population. For all maternal health services, the recommended care source was a formal biomedical provider. Formal biomedical providers were also the recommended care source for ARI and fever because, consistent with policy, other providers were not trained to accurately diagnose these conditions [25-26]. For diarrhea, the recommended provider was either a formal or informal biomedical provider because both could be expected to carry oral rehydration salts, the recommended diarrhea treatment [27]. For two childhood illnesses, ARI and diarrhea, we also performed analyses to assess care seeking from any source (an indicator of demand for services) and to describe the sources from which care was sought (including multiple provider types) among those who sought care. The primary predictor variable for all analyses was the road distance from the cluster to Konobo Health Center—the nearest formal health facility, which is located in the district capital, and the only health facility in the study area. Konobo Health Center was able to provide services used as outcome measures (eg, artemesinin combination therapy for fever and oral rehydration solution for diarrhea), and, aside from anti–helminthic treatment, these services generally were not otherwise available at the community level within the formal health care system. Distance was measured with handheld GPS devices (Garmin eTrex 10; Garmin Ltd) by field supervisors during travel to each cluster using recorded GPS tracks. Distance was then divided into quartiles and analyzed as a categorical variable. We adjusted all analyses for socio–demographic characteristics. For all outcomes, these included maternal age (treated as a continuous variable after assessing appropriate fit using the Box–Tidwell test), current maternal marital status (dichotomous), refugee status (dichotomous), maternal education (categorized as “none,” “primary only,” or “any secondary schooling or higher”), and whether the village is accessible by four–wheel motor vehicles (vs only accessible by bicycle or motorbike). For child health outcome models, we also included child age (dichotomous dummy variables for each year) and gender. Finally, we included whether the cluster was located in a gold mining village (dichotomous), because recent gold discoveries in parts of the surveyed area created population movement with uncertain effects on health service access. Standard summary statistical methods were used to describe respondents’ socio–demographic and clinical characteristics. Differences in descriptive characteristics between distance quartiles were tested using design–corrected chi–squared analysis for categorical variables, and linear regression for normally distributed, continuous variables. To estimate associations between distance quartiles and the odds of various outcomes, we fit logistic regression models with standard errors adjusted for clustering. For each primary outcome, two models were constructed. First, we fit simple logistic regression models to estimate associations with each predictor. Next, we fit multiple logistic regression models, including all variables identified as potential confounders in prior literature, to identify independent associations with the outcomes of interest. Observations with missing data were excluded, and completeness of data are shown in Table 1. Distance quartile was included as set of dummy variables for the main analysis; models were re–run with quartiles as an ordinal variable to test for trends between farther distances and outcomes. After regression, we calculated and graphically depicted the adjusted probability of each outcome using average marginal effects, controlling for all other covariates in the full model at their observed levels. Respondents’ socio–demographic characteristics and health conditions by distance quartile ANC – antenatal care, PNC – postnatal care, ARI – acute respiratory infection *Excludes all women whose pregnancies were not carried to full term. †Excludes children under one year of age, who are not eligible for deworming. As a robustness check, we fit the same multivariable models, but excluded refugees and villages with gold mining activities. These populations are the most likely to have moved into or between villages recently, introducing a risk of bias from the possibility that events occurred prior to moving into the study area. Through secondary analyses excluding these populations, the main analyses’ sensitivity to this risk can be assessed. All statistical analyses accounted for the clustered nature of the data using Taylor linearized variance estimation to adjust standard errors. For maternal health outcomes, data were treated as clustered at the village level. Child health outcomes were further clustered at the household level. We used Stata version 13.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX) for all analyses. Data were analyzed in 2014. Use of these data for research purposes was approved by the ethics review boards at the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research and Partners Healthcare at Harvard.

Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women in remote areas to consult with healthcare providers through video calls or phone calls. This would enable them to receive medical advice, guidance, and support without having to travel long distances to healthcare facilities.

2. Mobile clinics: Introducing mobile clinics that can travel to remote areas and provide essential maternal health services, such as antenatal check-ups, vaccinations, and postnatal care. This would bring healthcare services closer to the communities that need them.

3. Community health workers: Expanding the use of community health workers (CHWs) who are trained to provide basic maternal health services. CHWs can educate and support pregnant women in their communities, conduct regular check-ups, and refer them to healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Improving transportation infrastructure: Investing in better transportation infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, to reduce travel time and improve access to healthcare facilities. This would make it easier for pregnant women in remote areas to reach healthcare facilities in a timely manner.

5. Mobile health applications: Developing mobile health applications that provide pregnant women with information, reminders, and guidance on prenatal care, nutrition, and self-care. These apps can also help women track their pregnancy progress and receive personalized recommendations.

6. Public-private partnerships: Collaborating with private sector organizations to establish maternal health clinics or facilities in remote areas. This would leverage the resources and expertise of both the public and private sectors to improve access to maternal healthcare.

7. Health education and awareness campaigns: Conducting health education and awareness campaigns in remote communities to increase knowledge about the importance of maternal health and encourage women to seek timely care. These campaigns can also address cultural and social barriers that may prevent women from accessing healthcare services.

It is important to note that the specific context and needs of the rural Liberian population should be taken into consideration when implementing these innovations.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the study “Remoteness and maternal and child health service utilization in rural Liberia: A population-based survey,” the following recommendation can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Dissemination of providers: To overcome the geographic disparities in accessing maternal health services, it is recommended to disseminate healthcare providers to remote areas. This can be done by deploying community health workers (CHWs) who can provide basic maternal health services in rural communities. CHWs can be trained to conduct antenatal checkups, assist with facility-based deliveries, and provide postnatal care. By bringing healthcare services closer to the population, pregnant women in remote areas will have better access to essential maternal health services.

2. Use of community health workers (CHWs): CHWs can play a crucial role in improving access to maternal health services in rural areas. They can be trained to provide basic maternal health services, educate pregnant women about the importance of antenatal care, and promote facility-based deliveries. CHWs can also conduct home visits to provide postnatal care and ensure that mothers and newborns receive the necessary care and support. By utilizing CHWs, the burden on formal healthcare facilities can be reduced, and more women can receive the care they need.

3. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions: Leveraging technology, such as mobile phones, can be an innovative approach to improve access to maternal health services in remote areas. mHealth interventions can include sending reminders for antenatal checkups, providing educational messages about pregnancy and childbirth, and facilitating communication between pregnant women and healthcare providers. This can help overcome barriers related to distance and transportation, allowing women to receive timely and appropriate care.

4. Strengthening referral systems: Developing a robust referral system is crucial to ensure that pregnant women in remote areas can access higher-level healthcare facilities when needed. This can involve establishing clear protocols for referrals, training healthcare providers on the referral process, and improving communication channels between primary healthcare centers and referral hospitals. Strengthening the referral system will ensure that women with complications during pregnancy or childbirth can receive timely and appropriate care at higher-level facilities.

5. Infrastructure development: Improving the physical infrastructure, such as roads and transportation systems, in remote areas can significantly enhance access to maternal health services. Investing in infrastructure development will facilitate the transportation of pregnant women to healthcare facilities, reducing the barriers imposed by distance. This can be achieved through collaboration between the government, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders to prioritize infrastructure development in underserved areas.

By implementing these recommendations, access to maternal health services can be improved in rural areas, leading to better health outcomes for mothers and their children.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase the number of health facilities: Building more health facilities in rural areas can help reduce the distance that pregnant women have to travel to access maternal health services.

2. Expand the use of community health workers (CHWs): Training and deploying CHWs in rural areas can help bridge the gap between communities and health facilities. CHWs can provide basic maternal health services, education, and referrals to pregnant women in their own communities.

3. Improve transportation infrastructure: Enhancing road networks and transportation options in rural areas can make it easier for pregnant women to reach health facilities for antenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care.

4. Strengthen telemedicine services: Implementing telemedicine programs can enable pregnant women in remote areas to receive virtual consultations and advice from healthcare professionals, reducing the need for travel.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific rural areas and communities where access to maternal health services is limited.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather information on the current utilization of maternal health services in the target population, including the number of women accessing antenatal care, facility-based deliveries, and postnatal care.

3. Simulate the implementation of the recommendations: Use modeling techniques to simulate the effects of increasing the number of health facilities, deploying CHWs, improving transportation infrastructure, and implementing telemedicine services. This can involve estimating the potential increase in access to maternal health services based on factors such as distance reduction, increased availability of services, and improved communication.

4. Analyze the simulated impact: Evaluate the projected changes in access to maternal health services based on the implemented recommendations. Assess the potential increase in the number of women accessing antenatal care, facility-based deliveries, and postnatal care. Compare the simulated results to the baseline data to determine the effectiveness of the recommendations.

5. Refine and adjust the recommendations: Based on the simulated impact, refine and adjust the recommendations as needed to optimize their effectiveness in improving access to maternal health services.

6. Monitor and evaluate the actual implementation: Once the recommendations are implemented, monitor and evaluate the actual impact on access to maternal health services. Collect data on the utilization of services and compare it to the simulated results to assess the real-world effectiveness of the recommendations.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of different innovations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions about implementing the most effective strategies.

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