Effectiveness of malaria control interventions in Madagascar: A nationwide case-control survey

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Study Justification:
– The study aimed to measure the effectiveness of malaria control interventions (MCI) in Madagascar.
– The country relies heavily on international funding for these interventions, so it is important to determine if they are providing the expected protection.
– The results of the study can help policy makers make informed decisions about the allocation of resources for malaria control.
– The study found that the regular use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) provided a significant 51% protective effectiveness (PE) against clinical malaria.
– Indoor residual spraying (IRS) also had a 51% PE, and the combination of LLIN and IRS had a 72% PE.
– Intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp) had a 73% PE.
– These interventions prevented over 100,000 clinical cases of malaria in Madagascar.
– The study recommends the continued use of LLIN, IRS, and IPTp as effective malaria control interventions.
– Case-control surveys like this one could be recommended in other countries with similar transmission profiles to identify local failures in the effectiveness of MCI.
Key Role Players:
– Policy makers: Responsible for making decisions about the allocation of resources for malaria control interventions based on the study findings.
– National Malaria Control Programme: Responsible for implementing and coordinating malaria control interventions in Madagascar.
– Ministry of Public Health: Responsible for overseeing the health sector and ensuring the implementation of effective malaria control strategies.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Procurement and distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN).
– Procurement and application of insecticides for indoor residual spraying (IRS).
– Training and capacity building for health workers involved in implementing malaria control interventions.
– Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions.
– Health education and community mobilization activities to promote the use of LLIN and IPTp.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it presents the results of a nationwide case-control survey conducted in Madagascar. The study collected data from 841 cases and 8284 controls, representing a large sample size. The study used multivariate multilevel models to calculate the association between Plasmodium infection and exposure to malaria control interventions (MCI), and the protective effectiveness (PE) of each intervention was determined. The study found that long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) had good PE against clinical malaria. The study also provided estimates of the number of clinical cases of malaria prevented by each MCI. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include more details about the methodology used, such as the specific statistical methods employed and any limitations of the study. Additionally, the abstract could mention the generalizability of the findings to other countries with similar transmission profiles.

Background: Madagascar, as other malaria endemic countries, depends mainly on international funding for the implementation of malaria control interventions (MCI). As these funds no longer increase, policy makers need to know whether these MCI actually provide the expected protection. This study aimed at measuring the effectiveness of MCI deployed in all transmission patterns of Madagascar in 2012-2013 against the occurrence of clinical malaria cases. Methods: From September 2012 to August 2013, patients consulting for non-complicated malaria in 31 sentinel health centres (SHC) were asked to answer a short questionnaire about long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) use, indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the household and intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp) intake. Controls were healthy all-ages individuals sampled from a concurrent cross-sectional survey conducted in areas surrounding the SHC. Cases and controls were retained in the database if they were resident of the same communes. The association between Plasmodium infection and exposure to MCI was calculated by multivariate multilevel models, and the protective effectiveness (PE) of an intervention was defined as 1 minus the odds ratio of this association. Results: Data about 841 cases (out of 6760 cases observed in SHC) and 8284 controls was collected. The regular use of LLIN provided a significant 51 % PE (95 % CI [16-71]) in multivariate analysis, excluding in one transmission pattern where PE was -11 % (95 % CI [-251 to 65]) in univariate analysis. The PE of IRS was 51 % (95 % CI [31-65]), and the PE of exposure to both regular use of LLIN and IRS was 72 % (95 % CI [28-89]) in multivariate analyses. Vector control interventions avoided yearly over 100,000 clinical cases of malaria in Madagascar. The maternal PE of IPTp was 73 %. Conclusions: In Madagascar, LLIN and IRS had good PE against clinical malaria. These results may apply to other countries with similar transmission profiles, but such case-control surveys could be recommended to identify local failures in the effectiveness of MCI.

Districts of Madagascar are divided into five main operational zones (Fig. 1), which correspond to the transmission patterns of Madagascar [11]. The two coastal regions exhibit hyperendemic patterns with a transmission lasting all year in the East and more than 6 months per year in the West. In the central highlands, the transmission is unstable, and episodic or epidemic. In the fringe areas, i.e. at intermediate altitudes, the transmission pattern is seasonal, lasting from November to May (rainy season). In the South, the period of transmission is short and episodic. Fringe, central highlands and South are prone to outbreaks. SHC and malaria transmission patterns in Madagascar The selection of study sites was based on a network of sentinel health centres (SHC) for surveillance of fever-associated diseases that has been established in order to cover all the ecosystems of Madagascar [12]. Each location where at least one SHC existed in 2012 was included in the study, thus defining 31 study sites. All malaria transmission patterns were represented: 13 sites were located in the Western transmission pattern, seven in the East, five in the Fringe, four in the Central Highlands and two in the South (Fig. 1). These patterns encompass respectively 21.0, 27.5, 13.7, 31.9 and 5.9 % of Malagasy population. The design consisted in recruiting non-complicated clinical malaria cases in health facilities belonging to the SHC network, and controls in the population living in their catching same areas. All 31 SHCs were proposed to participate in the study protocol. In the participating SHCs, patients presenting with clinical malaria cases or their tutors were asked to answer a short one-page questionnaire about socio-demographic data and exposure to MCIs: LLIN, IRS and IPTp. Inclusion criteria were (1) fever, i.e., axillary temperature ≥37.5 °C [13] or self-reported symptoms of fever; (2) RDT or microscopy positive for any Plasmodium species; (3) age ≥6 months; and (4) informed consent of the patient or his/her tutor. CareStart® Malaria RDT (Access Bio Inc., Monmouth Junction (NJ), USA) was used, which is the RDT commonly used in the public health system in Madagascar. Cases were retained in the database if they came from the same commune as controls. Data were collected from September 2012 to August 2013. Controls were selected from a cross-sectional survey (CSS), which took place in the same areas in the context of the very same MEDALI project, between September 2012 and January 2013. The methodology of this CSS has been previously described [10]. Briefly, it was a cross-sectional household survey in which a two-stage cluster sampling technique was used to randomly select two fokontanys (smallest administrative subdivision in Madagascar) near each SHC. In each fokontany, the investigators followed a random path to include 50 households, i.e. approximately 225 individuals per site. The sample size of controls was calculated for a concomitant cross-sectional survey, leaving controls in excess [10, 14, 15]. Heads of households and all members of the household eligible for the survey were interviewed about socio-demographic features and exposure to MCIs, their axillary temperature was measured, and a RDT (CareStart® Malaria) was performed. Inclusion criteria were: (1) age ≥6 months, (2) having signed individual informed consent including agreement for blood sampling, and (3) being able to take a per os treatment in case of positive RDT. Parents or tutors signed and answered the questionnaire for minors and impaired individuals. Controls were retained in the database if they came from the same commune as cases, if they were permanent residents of the household, and if they had no malaria at the time of survey (i.e. fever or history of fever, and RDT or microscopy positive for any Plasmodium species), or in the last 3 months (i.e. diagnosis of malaria, or history of fever treated with anti-malarial drugs, or history of fever with unknown management). The primary objective for sample size calculation was to detect the association between occurrence of clinical malaria due to any Plasmodium species, and exposure to MCI. It was assumed that at least three controls would be found for each case. A sample size of 800 cases and 2400 controls has a power of 87, 70, and 49 % for detecting OR of 0.7, 0.75 and 0.8, respectively, considering the following parameters: coverage of intervention of 50 % in controls, cluster effect of 2, and alpha risk of 5 % [16]. Bed net use was defined as “use every night during last 3 months” because it is more stringent than the “last night” definition [10, 14]. The association between exposure to MCIs and being a case was estimated by generalized estimating equations models (GEE) taking into account an exchangeable within-site correlation structure using gee function on R software [17]. GEE models allow for a robust estimation of ORs and their confidence intervals while controlling for clustering [9]. Controls were neither matched with cases nor limited to three controls per case, but adjustment variables (age, sex, and transmission pattern) were forced in all models. All multivariate model fits were evaluated using binned residual plots [18, 19]. Whether malaria transmission pattern, age less than 5 years, or season of detection of cases influenced the effectiveness of MCI was tested by introducing interaction terms in the models. Whenever season modified the effectiveness measured, the analysis was rerun on the cases that occurred in the same quarter as the collection of data on controls. The protective effectiveness (PE) of an intervention was defined as 1 minus the odds ratio of the exposure to this intervention as suggested previously [8]. In order to evaluate the number of clinical cases of malaria prevented by each MCI with significant PE, the PE value was first multiplied by the coverage of the MCI in the general population, thus giving the proportion of cases avoided or “community effectiveness” (CE), as described previously [8]. The estimated number of cases avoided was defined as the annual number of clinical cases multiplied by CE/(1 − CE). Coverage values were extracted from the concomitant CSS mentioned previously [10], and number of malaria cases in 2011 by districts was provided by the National Malaria Control Programme. All surveys followed ethical principles according to the Helsinki Declaration. Informed consent was obtained from the individuals, or the parents/tutors of the children before inclusion. The protocol was approved by the National Ethic Committee of the Ministry of Public Health of Madagascar (approval #CNE 57/MSANP/CE of July 24th, 2012).

Based on the provided information, it appears that the study focused on measuring the effectiveness of malaria control interventions (MCI) in Madagascar. While the study does not directly address innovations to improve access to maternal health, it does provide insights into the effectiveness of certain interventions that may indirectly impact maternal health. Some potential recommendations based on the study findings could include:

1. Strengthening the distribution and promotion of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) to pregnant women: The study found that regular use of LLIN provided a significant 51% protective effectiveness against clinical malaria. Promoting and ensuring access to LLIN for pregnant women could help reduce the risk of malaria during pregnancy, which is particularly important for maternal health.

2. Enhancing indoor residual spraying (IRS) programs: The study showed that IRS had a 51% protective effectiveness against clinical malaria. Investing in and expanding IRS programs could help reduce malaria transmission and protect pregnant women from the disease.

3. Increasing coverage and adherence to intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp): The study found that IPTp had a 73% protective effectiveness against clinical malaria. Improving access to and uptake of IPTp among pregnant women could help prevent malaria-related complications during pregnancy and improve maternal health outcomes.

4. Conducting case-control surveys to identify local failures in the effectiveness of MCI: The study recommended using case-control surveys to assess the effectiveness of malaria control interventions. Similar surveys could be conducted specifically for maternal health interventions to identify any gaps or weaknesses in their implementation and effectiveness.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the study’s findings related to malaria control interventions and their potential impact on maternal health. Further research and evaluation would be needed to specifically address innovations for improving access to maternal health in Madagascar.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health based on the study is to implement and strengthen the use of malaria control interventions, specifically long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp).

The study found that the regular use of LLIN provided a significant 51% protective effectiveness (PE) against clinical malaria. IRS also had a 51% PE, and the combination of LLIN and IRS had a 72% PE. The maternal PE of IPTp was 73%. These interventions were found to have good effectiveness in preventing clinical malaria cases in Madagascar.

To improve access to maternal health, it is recommended to prioritize the distribution and promotion of LLINs to pregnant women and ensure their regular use. This can be done through targeted campaigns and education programs that emphasize the importance of LLINs in preventing malaria during pregnancy.

Additionally, efforts should be made to strengthen indoor residual spraying programs to reduce mosquito populations and further protect pregnant women from malaria. This may involve increasing the coverage and frequency of IRS in malaria-endemic areas.

Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure the availability and accessibility of intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp) services. This includes providing antenatal care services that include IPTp, training healthcare providers on the administration of IPTp, and ensuring the availability of the necessary medications.

By implementing and strengthening these malaria control interventions, access to maternal health can be improved by reducing the incidence of malaria during pregnancy. This, in turn, can contribute to better maternal and child health outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, the study conducted in Madagascar aimed to measure the effectiveness of malaria control interventions (MCI) in reducing the occurrence of clinical malaria cases. The study collected data from patients with non-complicated malaria and healthy individuals as controls. The interventions evaluated were long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp).

To improve access to maternal health, the following innovations could be considered:

1. Mobile Clinics: Implementing mobile clinics equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed with healthcare professionals can bring maternal health services closer to remote and underserved areas. These clinics can provide antenatal care, postnatal care, and essential obstetric services.

2. Telemedicine: Utilizing telemedicine technologies can enable pregnant women in remote areas to access healthcare services remotely. Through video consultations, remote monitoring, and electronic medical records, healthcare providers can offer prenatal care, advice, and support to pregnant women who may not have easy access to healthcare facilities.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers who are specifically trained in maternal health can help bridge the gap between communities and healthcare facilities. These workers can provide education, counseling, and basic maternal health services to pregnant women in their own communities.

4. Health Information Systems: Implementing robust health information systems can improve the availability and accessibility of maternal health data. This can help in monitoring and evaluating the impact of interventions, identifying gaps in service delivery, and making informed decisions to improve maternal health outcomes.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Baseline Data Collection: Collect data on the current state of maternal health access, including indicators such as the number of healthcare facilities, distance to the nearest facility, availability of skilled healthcare providers, and utilization rates of maternal health services.

2. Intervention Design: Develop a detailed plan for implementing the recommended innovations, including the number and locations of mobile clinics, training programs for community health workers, and the deployment of telemedicine technologies.

3. Data Simulation: Use mathematical modeling techniques to simulate the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can involve estimating the number of pregnant women who would benefit from each intervention, the reduction in travel time to healthcare facilities, and the increase in utilization rates of maternal health services.

4. Impact Assessment: Evaluate the simulated impact of the interventions by comparing the baseline data with the projected outcomes. This can include measuring changes in indicators such as the number of pregnant women receiving antenatal care, the number of facility-based deliveries, and maternal mortality rates.

5. Sensitivity Analysis: Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of the simulation results. This can involve varying key parameters such as the coverage of interventions, the effectiveness of community health workers, and the utilization rates of telemedicine services.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of these innovations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions on their implementation.

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