Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital.

I-ID Yesevisi: 44894

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Umshwana wokuzihlangula

Lesi sifinyezo sikhiqizwa kumazwana akamuva athunyelwe abasebenzisi balesi sikhungo futhi sahlanganiswa kusetshenziswa ubuhlakani bokwenziwa. Ngenkathi silwela ukunemba, amaphutha ngezikhathi ezithile noma ukweqiwa kungenzeka. Okuqukethwe akumeli imibono noma imibono yale webhusayithi, izinhlangano ezingaphansi kwayo, noma abaxhasi. Lesi sifinyezo sinikeza ukubuka konke okujwayelekile kokubuyekezwa nezilinganiso, kodwa kuyisibopho somhlinzeki wesevisi ukuthi abuyekeze amazwana ngamunye ngamunye futhi athathe isinyathelo esifanele.

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Shiya Isibuyekezo

4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Anelda's Review

August 23, 2024

My elderly mother had a hip replacement after a bad fall. We have experience of all the hospitals in Pretoria, but he level of care and commitment we experienced in this hospital was exceptional. The nursing staff in Ward B were attentive, friendly, professional and really caring, and so were the staff in Emergencies. After numerous bad experiences at a number of other hospitals in Pretoria, I can strongly recommend ZAH. I will not go to any other hospital.

Since I reviewed the hospital two years ago, we have had another great experience with replacement surgery in Ward B. The ZAH hospital is still the best. I can also highly recommend orthopaedic surgeon Dr Rian Steyn.

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Marna Cronje's Review

August 21, 2024

We as family would like to thank the ICU Cardio Thorasic unit for taking exceptionally good care of our mother up untill se sadly passed away. Your support to our family during this difficult time was truly exceptional. We appreciate you more than words can say

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Marna C

Myrtle Nel's Review

July 26, 2024

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Myrtle N

PW Kruger's Review

July 20, 2024

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Ronan Theron's Review

July 16, 2024

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Ronan T
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