I-DIMA Academy

Amakhono Okwakha, Izinhlelo Zokuqinisa

I-DIMA Academy izinikezele ekubhekaneni nezinselele ezicindezela kakhulu ekulethweni kwezinsizakalo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo e-Afrika yonkana ngokuhlinzeka ngezinhlelo ezihlukahlukene zokuqeqesha kanye nezitifiketi eziku-inthanethi. Izifundo zethu zikhuluma ngezindawo ezibalulekile njengekhwalithi yokunakekelwa kwezempilo, ukuphathwa kwe-supply chain, uzwela nenhlonipho, ubuholi, ukuphatha, amabhizinisi, kanye nokuthuthwa kweziguli. Ngokuhlomisa ochwepheshe bezokunakekelwa kwempilo, abasebenzi bezempilo bomphakathi, nabanye ababambiqhaza ngamakhono nolwazi olubalulekile, sihlose ukuthuthukisa ikhwalithi yokunakekelwa, ukuthuthukisa imiphumela yesiguli, nokuqinisa izinhlelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo kulo lonke izwekazi. Ngezifundo zethu ezimfishane eziguquguqukayo, ezifinyelelekayo, nezinomthelela, i-DIMA Academy inika abantu amandla okuqhuba izinguquko ezinengqondo emiphakathini yabo nangale kwayo, ikhuthaze i-Afrika enempilo futhi eqinile.


Quality of Service


This course series is designed to elevate the quality of healthcare services through evidence-based practices, patient safety strategies, and strict adherence to accreditation standards. Participants will gain practical skills in implementing quality improvement techniques and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.


To equip healthcare professionals with the expertise and tools needed to consistently deliver high-quality, safe, and effective healthcare services, leading to enhanced patient outcomes and organizational excellence.

Who Can Attend:

• Healthcare practitioners and professionals across all levels
• Quality improvement officers
• Healthcare administrators and managers
• Policy makers and regulators in the healthcare sector

Empathy and Respect


This course track focuses on cultivating cultural competence, patient-centered care, ethical decision-making, and mental health support within healthcare settings. Participants will develop skills in effective communication, empathy, and the respectful treatment of patients from diverse backgrounds.


To foster a compassionate and culturally sensitive healthcare environment where patients feel respected, understood, and supported, ultimately leading to improved patient satisfaction and care experiences.

Who Can Attend:

• Healthcare providers including doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals
• Social workers and counsellors
• Patient advocacy groups
• Healthcare managers and administrators



This course series is focused on developing leadership and management skills for healthcare administrators. Topics include strategic planning, human resource management, and financial management, all aimed at enhancing organizational performance and ensuring sustainable growth.


To prepare healthcare leaders who can effectively manage teams, resources, and organizational change, driving improvements in healthcare delivery and operational efficiency.

Who Can Attend:

• Healthcare administrators and managers
• Aspiring leaders in the healthcare sector
• Senior healthcare professionals looking to move into management roles
• Policy makers and regulatory bodies in healthcare



This series addresses the administrative aspects of healthcare, including health information systems, policy and regulation, and project management. Learners will be trained to streamline administrative processes, ensuring that healthcare operations are efficient and compliant.


To enable healthcare administrators to implement efficient systems, manage regulatory compliance, and execute projects effectively, contributing to the overall improvement of healthcare services.

Who Can Attend:

• Healthcare administrators
• Project managers in healthcare settings
• IT and health information system professionals
• Compliance officers and regulatory affairs professionals

Supply Chain Management


These courses cover the fundamentals of managing healthcare supply chains, including the procurement, logistics, and management of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and temperature-sensitive products. Learners will explore best practices in vendor management and inventory control to minimize wastage and ensure continuous supply.


To develop proficient healthcare supply chain managers who can optimize resources, reduce costs, and ensure the timely availability of critical healthcare supplies, thereby enhancing the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Who Can Attend:

• Supply chain managers in healthcare
• Procurement officers
• Logistics and inventory management professionals
• Healthcare administrators involved in supply chain decisions

Cross-Cutting Courses


These courses offer strategies for managing change, resolving conflicts, and strengthening healthcare systems. Participants will learn techniques for leading change initiatives, mediating conflicts within healthcare teams, and building resilient healthcare systems through integrated approaches.


To provide healthcare professionals with the skills needed to navigate and lead through changes, resolve conflicts, and contribute to the development of robust and sustainable healthcare systems.

Who Can Attend:

• Healthcare managers and administrators
• Senior healthcare professionals
• Change management specialists
• Mediators and conflict resolution professionals in healthcare settings

Ma'ambassador Training Programme


The Ma’ambassador Training Programme is designed to empower women in underserved communities to become maternal health champions. This program provides comprehensive training in maternal healthcare education, support, and advocacy, enabling participants to address maternal health challenges within their communities and integrate with existing health worker programs.


To develop a network of community-based maternal health ambassadors who can lead grassroots efforts to improve maternal health outcomes, raise awareness, and provide vital support to mothers and families, ultimately contributing to the reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity in underserved regions.

Who Can Attend:

• Women in underserved communities
• Community health workers
• Local leaders and influencers
• NGOs and organizations focused on maternal health and community development

Watch the training scope below:

Entrepreneurship for Women's Economic Empowerment


This course is designed to empower women with the skills and knowledge needed to start, manage, and grow their own businesses. The curriculum covers key areas such as business planning, financial literacy, marketing strategies, access to funding, and scaling operations. The course also addresses the unique challenges women face in the business world and provides strategies to overcome them.


To equip women with the entrepreneurial skills necessary to create and sustain successful businesses, thereby enhancing their economic independence and contributing to the economic development of their communities.

Who Can Attend:

• NGOs and organizations focused on women’s empowerment and economic development
• Community leaders and mentors interested in supporting women’s entrepreneurship initiatives

Patient Transporters Training


This course is specifically tailored for drivers and transporters responsible for patient transportation in healthcare settings. It covers essential topics such as patient safety, emergency response, communication skills, vehicle maintenance, and ethical considerations. The course also emphasizes the importance of sensitivity and professionalism when dealing with patients, especially those with special needs or in critical condition.


To provide patient transporters with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure safe, efficient, and compassionate transportation of patients, thereby contributing to overall patient care and satisfaction.

Who Can Attend:

• Patient transport drivers
• Ambulance drivers
• Healthcare facility transport staff
• Individuals interested in pursuing a career in patient transportation
• Transport coordinators and supervisors in healthcare settings

Ikhwalithi Yesevisi


Lolu chungechunge lwezifundo luklanyelwe ukukhuphula izinga lezinsizakalo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo ngokusebenzisa izinqubo ezisekelwe ebufakazini, amasu okuphepha kwesiguli, nokubambelela ngokuqinile emazingeni okugunyazwa. Ababambiqhaza bazothola amakhono angokoqobo ekusebenziseni amasu okuthuthukisa ikhwalithi nokuqinisekisa ukuthotshelwa kwemithetho yokunakekelwa kwezempilo.


Ukuhlomisa ochwepheshe bezokunakekelwa kwempilo ngobuchwepheshe namathuluzi adingekayo ukuze bahlale behlinzeka ngezinsizakalo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo ezisezingeni eliphezulu, eziphephile, nezisebenzayo, okuholela emiphumeleni ethuthukisiwe yesiguli kanye nokwenza kahle kwenhlangano.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Odokotela nochwepheshe kuwo wonke amazinga
• Izikhulu zokuthuthukisa izinga
• Abaphathi bezempilo kanye nabaphathi
• Abenzi bezinqubomgomo nabalawuli emkhakheni wezokunakekelwa kwempilo

Uzwelo Nenhlonipho


Le threkhi yezifundo igxile ekuthuthukiseni ikhono lamasiko, ukunakekelwa okugxiliswe esigulini, ukwenza izinqumo zokuziphatha, nokusekelwa kwezempilo yengqondo ngaphakathi kwezilungiselelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo. Abahlanganyeli bazothuthukisa amakhono ekukhulumisaneni okuphumelelayo, ukuzwelana, nokuphathwa ngenhlonipho kweziguli ezivela ezizindeni ezihlukahlukene.


Ukugqugquzela indawo yokunakekelwa kwezempilo enozwelo nezwela ngokwesiko lapho iziguli zizizwa zihlonishwa, ziqondwa, futhi zisekelwa, ekugcineni okuholela ekwanelisekeni kwesiguli kanye nokuhlangenwe nakho kokunakekelwa okuthuthukisiwe.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abahlinzeki bezempilo abahlanganisa odokotela, abahlengikazi, kanye nabasebenzi bezempilo abahlangene
• Osonhlalakahle nabeluleki
• Amaqembu okumela iziguli
• Abaphathi nabaphathi bezempilo



Lolu chungechunge lwezifundo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni amakhono obuholi nawokuphatha kubaphathi bokunakekelwa kwezempilo. Izihloko zihlanganisa ukuhlela amasu, ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi, kanye nokuphathwa kwezimali, konke okuhloselwe ukuthuthukisa ukusebenza kwenhlangano nokuqinisekisa ukukhula okuzinzile.


Ukulungiselela abaholi bezokunakekelwa kwempilo abakwazi ukuphatha ngempumelelo amaqembu, izinsiza, kanye noshintsho lwenhlangano, ukuthuthukisa ukulethwa kokunakekelwa kwezempilo nokusebenza kahle.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abaphathi bezempilo kanye nabaphathi
• Abaholi abasafufusa emkhakheni wezokunakekelwa kwempilo
• Ochwepheshe bezempilo abaphezulu abafuna ukungena ezindimeni zokuphatha
• Abenzi bezinqubomgomo nezinhlaka ezilawulayo ekunakekelweni kwezempilo



Lolu chungechunge ludingida izici zokuphatha zokunakekelwa kwezempilo, okuhlanganisa nezinhlelo zolwazi lwezempilo, inqubomgomo kanye nemithethonqubo, nokuphathwa kwephrojekthi. Abafundi bazoqeqeshelwa ukwenza lula izinqubo zokuphatha, baqinisekise ukuthi ukunakekelwa kwezempilo kusebenza kahle futhi kuyahambisana.


Ukuvumela abaphathi bezokunakekelwa kwempilo ukuthi basebenzise izinhlelo ezisebenza kahle, baphathe ukulandelwa kwemithetho, futhi benze amaphrojekthi ngempumelelo, okuneqhaza ekuthuthukisweni okuphelele kwezinsizakalo zezempilo.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abaphathi bezempilo
• Abaphathi bephrojekthi ezindaweni zokunakekelwa kwezempilo
• Ochwepheshe be-IT kanye nolwazi lwezempilo
• Izikhulu zokuthobela imithetho kanye nezingcweti zezindaba zokulawula

Ukuphatha ukuhlinzeka


Lezi zifundo zihlanganisa izinto eziyisisekelo zokuphatha amaketanga okuhlinzeka ngokunakekelwa kwezempilo, okuhlanganisa ukuthengwa kwempahla, ukuhlelwa kwezinto, kanye nokuphathwa kwempahla yezokwelapha, imithi, kanye nemikhiqizo ezwelayo kukushisa. Abafundi bazohlola izindlela ezingcono kakhulu zokuphatha abathengisi kanye nokulawulwa kwempahla ukuze kuncishiswe ukumoshwa nokuqinisekisa ukuhlinzekwa okuqhubekayo.


Ukuthuthukisa abaphathi bochungechunge lokuhlinzeka ngosizo lwezempilo abanekhono abangakwazi ukwandisa izinsiza, behlise izindleko, futhi baqinisekise ukutholakala ngesikhathi kwezinsiza zezempilo ezibalulekile, ngaleyo ndlela bathuthukise ukusebenza kahle kokulethwa kokunakekelwa kwezempilo.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abaphathi bochungechunge lwempahla ekunakekelweni kwezempilo
• Izikhulu zokuthengwa kwempahla
• Ochwepheshe bezokuphathwa kwempahla kanye nempahla
• Abaphathi bokunakekelwa kwezempilo abathintekayo ezinqumweni ze-supply chain

Izifundo Zokunqamula


Lezi zifundo zinikeza amasu okulawula ushintsho, ukuxazulula izingxabano, nokuqinisa izinhlelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo. Abahlanganyeli bazofunda amasu okuhola izinguquko, ukuxazulula izingxabano emaqenjini okunakekelwa kwezempilo, nokwakha izinhlelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo eziqinile ngokusebenzisa izindlela ezididiyelwe.


Ukuhlinzeka ochwepheshe bezokunakekelwa kwempilo ngamakhono adingekayo ukuze bazulazule futhi bahole ezinguqukweni, baxazulule izingxabano, futhi babambe iqhaza ekuthuthukisweni kwezinhlelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo eziqinile nezisimeme.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abaphathi nabaphathi bezempilo
• Ochwepheshe bezempilo abaphezulu
• Shintsha ochwepheshe bokuphatha
• Abalamuli nochwepheshe bokuxazulula izingxabano ezindaweni zokunakekelwa kwezempilo

I-Ma'ambassador Training Program


I-Ma’ambassador Training Programme yakhelwe ukuhlomisa abesifazane emiphakathini enganakiwe ukuze babe ngompetha bezempilo komama. Lolu hlelo luhlinzeka ngokuqeqeshwa okuphelele kwezemfundo yokunakekelwa kwezempilo komama, ukwesekwa, kanye nokumela, olwenza ababambiqhaza bakwazi ukubhekana nezinselele zempilo kamama emiphakathini yabo futhi bahlanganise nezinhlelo ezikhona zabasebenzi bezempilo.


Ukuthuthukisa inethiwekhi yamanxusa ezempilo kamama agxile emphakathini angahola imizamo emazingeni yokwenza ngcono imiphumela yezempilo komama, ukuqwashisa, nokuhlinzeka ngosizo olubalulekile komama nemindeni, ekugcineni kube nesandla ekwehliseni ukushona komama kanye nokugula ezindaweni ezingenawo amandla okuthola usizo.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abesifazane emiphakathini enganakiwe
• Abasebenzi bezempilo bomphakathi
• Abaholi bendawo nabagqugquzeli
• Ama-NGO nezinhlangano zigxile kwezempilo komama kanye nokuthuthukiswa komphakathi

Buka ububanzi bokuqeqeshwa ngezansi:

Usomabhizinisi Wokufukula Abesifazane Kwezomnotho


Lesi sifundo senzelwe ukuhlomisa abesifazane ngamakhono nolwazi oludingekayo ukuqala, ukuphatha kanye nokukhulisa amabhizinisi abo. Ikharikhulamu ihlanganisa imikhakha ebalulekile njengokuhlela ibhizinisi, ukufunda ngezezimali, amasu okumaketha, ukutholakala koxhaso, kanye nokukhuphula imisebenzi. Lesi sifundo siphinde sibhekane nezinselelo eziyingqayizivele abesifazane ababhekana nazo kwezamabhizinisi futhi zinikeze namasu okuzinqoba.


Ukuhlomisa abesifazane ngamakhono ebhizinisi adingekayo ukuze bakhe futhi basimamise amabhizinisi aphumelelayo, ngaleyo ndlela bathuthukise ukuzimela kwabo kwezomnotho futhi babe negalelo ekuthuthukisweni komnotho wemiphakathi yabo.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Ama-NGO kanye nezinhlangano zigxile ekuthuthukisweni kwabesifazane nasekuthuthukisweni komnotho
• Abaholi bomphakathi kanye nabeluleki abanentshisekelo yokweseka izinhlelo zamabhizinisi zabesifazane

Ukuqeqeshwa Kwezithuthi Zesiguli


Lesi sifundo senzelwe abashayeli nabathuthi ababhekele ukuthuthwa kweziguli ezindaweni zokunakekelwa kwempilo. Ihlanganisa izihloko ezibalulekile njengokuphepha kwesiguli, impendulo yezimo eziphuthumayo, amakhono okuxhumana, ukugcinwa kwemoto, nokucatshangelwa kokuziphatha. Isifundo siphinde sigcizelele ukubaluleka kokuzwela kanye nobuchwepheshe lapho usebenza neziguli, ikakhulukazi lezo ezinezidingo ezikhethekile noma ezisesimweni esibucayi.


Ukuhlinzeka abathuthi besiguli ngamakhono nolwazi oludingekayo ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthuthwa kweziguli okuphephile, okuphumelelayo, nozwela, ngaleyo ndlela kube nesandla ekunakekelweni kwesiguli kanye nokwaneliseka.

Ubani Ongangena:

• Abashayeli bezokuthutha iziguli
• Abashayeli bama-ambulensi
• Abasebenzi bezokuthutha esikhungweni sezempilo
• Abantu abathanda ukuphishekela umsebenzi wokuthutha isiguli
• Abaxhumanisi bezokuthutha nabaphathi ezindaweni zokunakekelwa kwezempilo