Designing mHealth for maternity services in primary health facilities in a low-income setting – Lessons from a partially successful implementation 08 Information and Computing Sciences 0806 Information Systems

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Study Justification:
– The study aimed to design an mHealth system to improve maternal health care services in low-income settings.
– Increasing mobile phone ownership and access to mobile-broadband internet services provided an opportunity to harness mobile phone technology for health services.
– The study focused on automating data collection and decision-making processes to assist midlevel health workers in providing better maternal health care.
– The mHealth system had four applications: data collection/reporting, electronic health records, decision support, and provider education.
– The system was pilot-tested and deployed in selected health centers in Ethiopia.
– The system impacted key health outcomes and contributed to timely and complete data submission.
– Lessons learned, success factors, and challenges were identified during the implementation process.
– Replicate the mHealth system in other low-income settings to improve maternal health care services.
– Address the challenges identified during implementation to enhance the effectiveness of the system.
– Provide ongoing training and support to health care professionals to ensure the successful adoption and use of the system.
Key Role Players:
– Health care professionals: Midlevel health workers, health information technicians, health officials.
– IT professionals: IT expert, Zonal Health bureau IT professionals.
– Policy makers: Zonal Health Office, health officials.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training: Conduct regular training sessions for health care professionals.
– Infrastructure: Provide necessary servers and mobile phones for the system.
– Technical support: Allocate resources for ongoing technical support and maintenance of the system.
– Monitoring and evaluation: Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the mHealth system on maternal health care services.
Please note that the above information is a summary of the study and may not include all details.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong, but there are areas for improvement. The study provides a detailed description of the mHealth system and its components, as well as the results of its implementation. However, the abstract lacks specific information on the methodology used and the sample size. To improve the evidence, the abstract should include details on the study design, sample size, and statistical analysis methods used. Additionally, it would be helpful to include information on the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.

Background: Increasing mobile phone ownership, functionality and access to mobile-broad band internet services has triggered growing interest to harness the potential of mobile phone technology to improve health services in low-income settings. The present project aimed at designing an mHealth system that assists midlevel health workers to provide better maternal health care services by automating the data collection and decision-making process. This paper describes the development process and technical aspects of the system considered critical for possible replication. It also highlights key lessons learned and challenges during implementation. Methods: The mHealth system had front-end and back-end components. The front-end component was implemented as a mobile based application while the back-end component was implemented as a web-based application that ran on a central server for data aggregation and report generation. The current mHealth system had four applications; namely, data collection/reporting, electronic health records, decision support, and provider education along the continuum of care including antenatal, delivery and postnatal care. The system was pilot-tested and deployed in selected health centers of North Shewa Zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia. Results: The system was used in 5 health centers since Jan 2014 and later expanded to additional 10 health centers in June 2016 with a total of 5927 electronic forms submitted to the back-end system. The submissions through the mHealth system were slightly lower compared to the actual number of clients who visited those facilities as verified by record reviews. Regarding timeliness, only 11% of the electronic forms were submitted on the day of the client visit, while an additional 17% of the forms were submitted within 10 days of clients’ visit. On average forms were submitted 39 days after the day of clients visit with a range of 0 to 150 days. Conclusions: In conclusion, the study illustrated that an effective mHealth intervention can be developed using an open source platform and local resources. The system impacted key health outcomes and contributed to timely and complete data submission. Lessons learned through the process including success factors and challenges are discussed.

The study was conducted in North Shewa Zone, Amhara region, which is located 130 Kilometers North East of the capital Addis Ababa. Five intervention health centers, each serving an average of 25,000 people, were involved in the study. Health centers are primary health care facilities staffed with midlevel health workers. All intervention health centers were within 10 Kilometers from the main road from Addis Ababa going to North eastern direction, to ensure they have comparable access to mobile phone network. The health service system in Ethiopia is federally decentralized along the nine regions and two administrative city councils. Each of the nine regions is divided into Zones and each Zone into lower administrative units called Woredas, or Districts. Each Woreda is subdivided into the lowest administrative unit, called a Kebele. The health system is organized in three tiers as primary, secondary (General hospital) and tertiary (Specialized hospital). The primary health care level includes a District hospital (which cater for up to 100,000 people) along with a health center and 5 satellite health posts which together serve on average 25,000 people [19]. The health centers are also staffed with Health Information Technicians who are charged with the responsibility of improving the computer skills of the staff in the unit, report health data upwards in the system and extract health data for local use to improve the quality of care [20]. A two-days training was given to 15 health care professionals (3 from each health center) which was repeated every 3 months (2 days each) to refresh their memory and get feedback on ongoing challenges. To ensure that the system would continue to run after the initial pilot period, the project team additionally trained three members of the Zonal Health bureau IT professionals, and two health officials on the basics of the application including designing new forms and setting-up local servers, if needed. Additionally, the team provided two servers and 15 phones as back-up for future use. The original research was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of College of Health Sciences at Addis Ababa University (Protocol number 040/12/SPH) and findings of the controlled intervention study was published on PLOSONE – available at DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0158600. Verbal consent was obtained from participants (clients of Antenatal, Delivery or Postnatal Care) after information about the study was given as required by the local IRB. Participants were informed that their participation is voluntary, their information will remain anonymous and that they are free to withdraw from the study at any point in time. The IRB approved verbal consent procedures (without a need for written consent) as it is customary for simple questionnaire surveys without any invasive procedures in an environment where literacy is relatively low. Like other surveys, women 15–17 were considered as emancipatory minors capable of giving consent to the study as per the national Research Ethics Review Guideline – available at The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. The system had front-end and back-end components. The front-end component was implemented as mobile phone-based application that was used by health workers. The back-end component was implemented as a web-based application that ran on a central server for data aggregation and report generation. The user groups interacted with the system through the front-end (mobile phone-based) or back-end (computer-based) applications (Table 2). User groups who interacted with the mHealth system aHealth Officers – are mid-level professionals who receive 4 years of clinical and public health training Health workers interacted with different features of the mHealth system through the Antenatal Care-Postnatal Care (ANC-PNC) mobile based application (Fig. ​(Fig.2).2). However, two of the system’s features, “Next Visit Scheduling” and “Data Aggregation” did not require user intervention. Rather they were executed based on the system’s internal triggers and conditions. Use case diagram The technical requirements of the system were determined by an IT expert hired for this purpose. The principal investigator provided relevant documents including current data collection forms in health centers, schedule for ANC visits and Expected Data of Delivery (EDD) calculation logics. The IT expert used these documents and additional resources (journal and online articles) to develop the first version of the system as a prototype. Internal system-level testing and integration-testing was conducted by the IT expert to identify and fix issues. The process of development and feedback gathering was repeated iteratively until the system became good enough to move to end users. A similar feedback scheme was used with end users to iteratively update the system based on their day to day work experience. During the first field visit and user training sessions, the system’s functionalities and features were presented to health workers with the intention of introducing the system and gathering more feedback. Content of the electronic forms were reviewed with users to identify missing questions and issues in question sequencing and wording. Iterations of development and feedback gathering were conducted with health workers during subsequent training sessions where users participated in testing the system before it was deployed in a production environment for piloting. Bearing in mind the existing limited infrastructure at health centers, the system was designed and developed by considering the constraints listed out in Table 3 below. Solution constraints and their rationale To fulfill part of the system’s requirement, an open source data collection tool called Open Data Kit (ODK) was customized [21]. The term “open source software” refers to a software that people can use, modify and share because its design is publicly accessible [22]. ODK has three major tools called ODK Build, ODK Collect, and ODK Aggregate. ODK Build is a web-based cloud application that is used to develop electronic forms for mobile data collection. ODK Collect helps users to collect and upload data using electronic forms. ODK Aggregate is a ready-to-deploy web-based server application used as a data repository. It has data visualization and report generation features and provides a means to receive filled forms from ODK Collect and manage collected data. For the current mHealth system, all the three software tools were used to implement part of the system’s requirement. ODK Build was used to develop five electronic forms that were used to collect mother’s health status during antenatal, delivery, and postnatal care visits. In addition, two additional electronic forms were also developed with ODK Build for the baseline and end-line exit surveys among antenatal care clients. ODK Collect was customized to include the following features in order to fulfill the system’s requirement; ODK Aggregate was used for data aggregation at the central server. Additional features that were required from the system were developed as a separate web-based application and interfaced with ODK Aggregate at database level. The newly developed features that were implemented in the web platform developed for the purpose included: The system had a client-server architecture that used mobile phones at the client side and a web-based application on the server side. At the client side, health workers could use the mobile application to interact with the server system at Addis Ababa University server center. The interaction between the client and the server systems was through Ethio-Telecom’s GPRS connectivity. The system’s high-level architecture is shown in Fig. 3. High level System Architecture The system was designed to work in an offline mode, so that collected data could be saved in the mobile phone’s internal memory until network connectivity was available. A mobile phone model with longer battery life was selected to run the front-end application for longer periods of time without requiring frequent recharging. At the back-end platform, health professionals and/or supervisors working at the Zonal Health Office could interact with the mHealth system using their personal computers. It is worth noting that health officials were able to monitor the activities of health workers from the back-end application, which helped them to make timely decisions based on reports submitted by health workers. The front-end application was developed as an android-based mobile application. An android operating system was chosen because of its capability to be localized and customized easily. The front application’s main menu is shown in Fig. 4a. Whenever there was network connectivity, the form could be sent to the main server by using “Send Finalized Form” option (Fig. 4a). Whenever the application was launched, it automatically displayed a reminder about list of pregnant women who had a scheduled visit for the following 7 days. Pregnant women’s next visit schedule was computed by the back-end application, so that health workers could get the schedule from their front-end mobile application. The visit schedule reminder dialog box that was presented to health workers is shown in Fig. ​Fig.4b.4b. Once the form was filled and finalized, the collected data was saved in the mobile phone’s memory. a Appointment reminder; b Mobile application’s main menu When a new visitor came for antenatal care, the health worker was expected to use the first form labeled as, “Classify-Follow up”. As shown in Fig. 5a, the system asked whether the visit was made for the first time or whether it was a follow-up visit. Based on the user’s response, an appropriate form was opened. As shown in the sample case, a classification form, “ANC-Classify” was opened by the application (Fig. ​(Fig.5b)5b) to collect the pregnant woman’s health status and to decide whether or not she required basic or specialized care (Fig. ​(Fig.5c).5c). This classification was made by the system itself based on the pregnant woman’s previous and current medical and obstetric history. a New or follow-up visitor; b Example of questions used to classify women; c Suggested classification by the system If the woman came for a follow-up visit, her previous visit status could be downloaded from the back-end system. This downloaded list of visit status contains a list of pregnant women who are expected for a follow-up visit (Fig. 6a). Then based on the woman’s last visit status, an appropriate form was proposed by the system for the current visit (Fig. ​(Fig.6b),6b), so that the health worker could fill-in relevant data about her current health status and report the data to the back-end system (Fig. ​(Fig.6c).6c). Note that names shown below are random names used for demonstration/training purposes and do not refer to actual women who participated in the study. a List of pregnant women expected for follow-up visit, b Proposed current visit form for selected woman, c Pregnancy Follow-up form for selected woman Health workers could also generate reports from their front-end application. In order to do so, the front-end application interacted with the back-end system to get the pregnant woman’s visit report for a given date range. This feature helped the health worker to easily compile what s/he had accomplished during a given period. Figure 7a and ​andbb shows report generating feature of the mobile application. a User Interface to select date range for report. b List of pregnant women who visited during a given date range (visit date, type of visit and round of visit) A health worker could also get educational messages from the main server through the front-end mobile application. Educational messages were posted in the back-end system, so that health workers who had access to the front-end mobile application could read the content on their mobile phone (See Fig. 8 for sample educational message on common complaints during pregnancy; namely, vaginal discharge). This feature helped health workers to refresh their knowledge about common complaints during pregnancy and danger signs during pregnancy and delivery. User interface to view educational message Back-end users could interact with the system with their personal computer (with internet connectivity) from anywhere. The ODK Aggregate application had a capability to present aggregated content in a tabular and chart format. In addition, for records with GPS coordinates, reported data could be shown in a map. Figure 9 below shows aggregated data of mother’s status during their delivery which can be exported as excel file, while Fig. 10a and ​andbb show reported data in a map and chart view respectively. Aggregated mother’s delivery detail when viewed with ODK Aggregate a Aggregated data viewed in a map (Map data ©2018 Google), b Bar chart to show proportion of mothers that require basic care and specialized care To support more back-end functionalities, a separate web-based application was developed and interfaced with ODK Aggregate at the database level. This web-application helped back-end users to view and analyze visit history, visit schedule, and to generate more reports. In addition, users could upload educational messages for health workers from this web-application. Figure 11 shows additional functionalities of the back-end application. Additional functionalities of the back-end application

Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations for innovations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Improve timeliness of data submission: The study found that only 11% of electronic forms were submitted on the day of the client visit. Developing a system that allows for real-time data submission, such as through mobile applications or SMS-based reporting, could help improve the timeliness of data collection and reporting.

2. Enhance mobile application functionality: The mHealth system described in the study had four applications: data collection/reporting, electronic health records, decision support, and provider education. Further enhancements to these applications could include features such as automated reminders for health workers, integration with other health information systems, and access to educational resources in local languages.

3. Expand coverage to more health centers: The study was conducted in a limited number of health centers. Scaling up the mHealth system to include more health centers in low-income settings could help improve access to maternal health services for a larger population.

4. Strengthen training and support for health workers: The study mentioned that training sessions were conducted for health care professionals, but there were ongoing challenges. Providing continuous training and support for health workers on the use of the mHealth system, as well as addressing any technical or operational issues they may encounter, can help ensure successful implementation and adoption of the system.

5. Utilize open-source platforms and local resources: The study highlighted the use of an open-source platform, Open Data Kit (ODK), for data collection. Further exploration of open-source technologies and leveraging local resources can help reduce costs and increase sustainability of the mHealth system.

6. Improve connectivity and infrastructure: The study mentioned that the mHealth system relied on Ethio-Telecom’s GPRS connectivity. Enhancing network coverage and reliability, as well as addressing infrastructure challenges in low-income settings, can help ensure uninterrupted access to the mHealth system.

7. Conduct further research and evaluation: The study provided insights into the development and implementation of the mHealth system, but there is room for further research and evaluation. Conducting studies to assess the impact of the system on maternal health outcomes, as well as identifying and addressing any barriers to its effectiveness, can help inform future improvements and innovations in this area.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health based on the study is to further develop and refine the mHealth system that was implemented in the study. The system aimed to assist midlevel health workers in providing better maternal health care services by automating data collection and decision-making processes.

To improve access to maternal health, the following steps can be taken:

1. Enhance the timeliness of data submission: The study found that only 11% of electronic forms were submitted on the day of the client visit, while an additional 17% were submitted within 10 days. To improve access to maternal health, it is important to ensure that data is submitted in a timely manner. This can be achieved by providing training and support to health workers on the importance of timely data submission and by implementing strategies to streamline the data collection process.

2. Improve the functionality of the mHealth system: The study identified some challenges and limitations in the functionality of the mHealth system. For example, the system had limited offline capabilities and required network connectivity for data submission. To improve access to maternal health, it is important to address these limitations and enhance the functionality of the system. This can be done by developing a more robust and user-friendly mobile application that can work offline and sync data when network connectivity is available.

3. Expand the implementation of the mHealth system: The study was conducted in a limited number of health centers in a specific region of Ethiopia. To improve access to maternal health on a larger scale, it is important to expand the implementation of the mHealth system to more health centers and regions. This can be done by collaborating with local health authorities and stakeholders to secure funding and support for the implementation and scale-up of the system.

4. Continuously monitor and evaluate the system: To ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the mHealth system, it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate its impact. This can be done by collecting and analyzing data on key health outcomes and system performance. The findings from the monitoring and evaluation process can be used to identify areas for improvement and inform future decision-making.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to develop the mHealth system into an innovation that can significantly improve access to maternal health services in low-income settings.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Improve Timeliness of Data Submission: The study found that only 11% of electronic forms were submitted on the day of the client visit. To improve this, implementing real-time data submission through the mHealth system could be beneficial. This could involve developing features that allow health workers to submit data immediately after the client visit, reducing the delay in data submission.

2. Enhance Mobile Application Functionality: The mHealth system currently includes applications for data collection/reporting, electronic health records, decision support, and provider education. To further improve access to maternal health, additional functionalities could be added to the mobile application. For example, features like appointment reminders, health education materials, and access to relevant guidelines could be integrated into the system.

3. Strengthen Training and Support: The study mentioned that training sessions were conducted for health care professionals, but there were still challenges during implementation. To address this, it is important to provide ongoing training and support to health workers. Regular refresher training sessions and continuous feedback gathering can help address any issues and ensure that health workers are proficient in using the mHealth system.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define Key Metrics: Identify key metrics that reflect access to maternal health, such as the number of timely data submissions, the percentage of health workers using the mobile application, and the satisfaction of health workers and clients with the system.

2. Collect Baseline Data: Gather data on the identified metrics before implementing the recommendations. This could involve conducting surveys, interviews, or analyzing existing data.

3. Implement Recommendations: Roll out the recommended improvements, such as real-time data submission, enhanced mobile application functionality, and strengthened training and support.

4. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of the recommendations and collect data on the identified metrics. This could involve tracking the number of timely data submissions, conducting surveys to assess health worker and client satisfaction, and analyzing system usage data.

5. Analyze and Compare Data: Analyze the collected data and compare it to the baseline data to assess the impact of the recommendations. This could involve statistical analysis, trend analysis, and comparing key metrics before and after the implementation of the recommendations.

6. Draw Conclusions and Make Recommendations: Based on the analysis, draw conclusions about the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. Identify any challenges or areas for further improvement. Use the findings to make recommendations for future implementation or to refine the existing system.

By following this methodology, it would be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions for further improvements.

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