“If I had known, I would have applied”: Poor communication, job dissatisfaction, and attrition of rural health workers in Sierra Leone

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Study Justification:
– Sierra Leone has poor health outcomes and a shortage of primary healthcare workers in rural areas.
– High rates of attrition among rural health workers contribute to this shortage.
– This study aims to determine the drivers of job dissatisfaction and poor retention among rural health workers in Sierra Leone.
– 67% of health workers interviewed were dissatisfied with their jobs, with higher rates among rural workers.
– 61% of health workers intended to leave their posts, again with higher rates among rural workers.
– Lack of access to worker rights, benefits, and advancement opportunities was a major reason for rural health worker disenchantment.
– Lack of knowledge about human resource policies and procedures, ambiguity in policies, and inequitable implementation contributed to dissatisfaction.
– Absence of regular two-way communication between the Ministry of Health and health workers was a key issue.
– Low-cost initiatives can address these structural causes and improve retention.
– Improve communication between the Ministry of Health and health workers, establishing regular two-way channels.
– Develop and disseminate clear and up-to-date national documents with HR policies and procedures for health workers.
– Provide transparent pay statements that breakdown financial allowances and withholdings.
– Implement effective HCW induction programs to ensure new workers are informed about their entitlements and rights.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health and Sanitation
– District and national government health officials
– Managers from non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
– Staff from mission and private health facilities
– Relevant stakeholders
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Communication infrastructure and resources
– Development and dissemination of national documents
– Training and capacity building for health workers and supervisors
– Implementation of effective induction programs
– Monitoring and evaluation of the initiatives

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study utilized a mixed-methods approach, including interviews with primary healthcare workers, key informant discussions, and a review of policy documents and electronic data tools. The sample size was adequate, with 90 healthcare workers interviewed. The study also included a review of relevant national documents. The data collection methods were well-described, and ethical approval was obtained. However, the abstract could be improved by providing more specific information about the findings and conclusions of the study.

Background: Sierra Leone’s health outcomes rank among the worst in the world. A major challenge is the shortage of primary healthcare workers (HCWs) in rural areas due to especially high rates of attrition. This study was undertaken to determine the drivers of job dissatisfaction and poor retention among Sierra Leone’s rural HCWs. Methods: Interviews were conducted with 58 rural and 32 urban primary HCWs in Sierra Leone’s public health sector, complemented by key informant discussions and review of national policy documents. HCW interviews included (1) semi-structured discussion, (2) questionnaire, (3) card sort about HCW priorities, and (4) free-listing of most pressing challenges and needs. Sampling for HCW interviews was stratified purposive, emphasizing rural HCWs. Results: Among 90 HCWs interviewed, 67% were dissatisfied with their jobs (71% rural vs 52% urban) and 61% intended to leave their post (75% rural vs 38% urban). While working and living conditions and remuneration were significant factors, a major reason for rural HCW disenchantment was their inability to access worker rights, benefits, and advancement opportunities. This was caused by HCWs’ lack of knowledge about human resource (HR) policies and procedures, as well as ambiguity in many policies and inequitable implementation. HCWs reported feeling neglected and marginalized and perceived a lack of transparency. These issues can be attributed to the absence of systems for regular two-way communication between the Ministry of Health and HCWs; lack of official national documents with up-to-date, clear HR policies and procedures for HCWs; pay statements that do not provide a breakdown of financial allowances and withholdings; and lack of HCW induction. Conclusions: HCWs in Sierra Leone lacked accurate information about entitlements, policies, and procedures, and this was a driver of rural HCW job dissatisfaction and attrition. System-oriented, low-cost initiatives can address these underlying structural causes in Sierra Leone. These issues likely apply to other countries facing HCW retention challenges and should be considered in development of global HCW retention strategies.

Data for this mixed-method cross-sectional study were collected in Sierra Leone in 2014–2015. Data were collected via in-depth interviews with primary HCWs at public-sector health facilities throughout the country (N = 90), key informant discussions with governmental and non-government stakeholders (N = 37), and a review of policy documents and electronic data tools (Fig. 1). Data collection took place prior to Sierra Leone’s Ebola outbreak. Design of health workforce retention study. Abbrev: MOHS = Ministry of Health and Sanitation, HRH = Human Resources for Health Key informant discussions were held with district and national government health officials, managers from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), staff from mission and private health facilities, and other relevant stakeholders. Discussions sought to shed light on systemic gaps undermining health workforce retention. HCW interviews elicited qualitative and quantitative data about their individual professional and personal experiences, challenges, factors influencing their intentions to stay or leave a health posting, and types of changes that would encourage them to stay at their current posts. Interviews included four components: a 30-question survey adapted from previous studies conducted in Uganda and Kenya [26], a semi-structured discussion in which the health workers described their personal experiences, a listing exercise where health workers were asked to free-list in order of priority a maximum of seven of their most important workplace challenges and seven things they would want the government to do to increase their desire to stay at their current posting, and a card sort activity in which health care workers were asked to rank-order 13 cards depicting factors affecting job satisfaction frequently referenced in the general literature. An additional file lists the 13 factors in the card sort and describes the method (see Additional file 2). Interviews were conducted at the health facility in a private place in the language that was most comfortable to the HCW (English, Krio, or both). No personal identifiers were documented, and written consent was obtained before the interview. Interviews lasted approximately 1.5 h and were audio-recorded. The card sort, free lists, and survey responses were documented on a data collection tool. The document review provided additional context to the findings from the HCW interviews. Reviewed documents included the Civil Service Code of Rules and Regulations, Human Resources for Health Policy, Human Resources for Health (HRH) Strategic Plan, Essential Healthcare Package, Primary Healthcare Handbook, and National Health Training Plan. The review also included the electronic and paper tools used to collect and manage HRH data at the district and national levels. We used maximum variation sampling and purposively sampled individuals across five strata, including type of setting, health facility level, health worker cadre, geographical region and district, and supervisory status (Table 1). Facilities were selected with the help of district health management teams (DHMT), and in each district, study investigators prioritized the most “hard-to-reach” health facilities, while attaining a balance of cadres and facility levels. Rural health facilities were oversampled because the study’s primary focus was the rural workforce. The study achieved regional balance, including all 13 districts and 6–8 chiefdoms within each district. Health worker interviews included all cadres involved in primary healthcare at public-sector health facilities (state-registered nurse (SRN), state-enrolled community health nurse (SECHN), community health officer (CHO), community health assistant (CHA), maternal child health aide (MCHA)). Sampling strata for healthcare worker interviews Only one HCW was interviewed at any single rural facility, and a maximum of two HCWs were interviewed at any hospital. Upon reaching each facility, interviewers explained the study to the site supervisor and the chosen HCW, who was then asked if he/she wanted to participate. No HCW refused to participate in the study. Convenience sampling was used for selection of key informants. For the review of key documents and tools, sampling was inclusive of all accessible national documents that were relevant to the health workforce and delivery of primary healthcare services. Given our sampling method and sample size, our study findings are not generalizable to the entire health workforce. Rather, our intention was to provide an in-depth examination and description of dissatisfaction and demotivation among a purposive sample of health care workers so as to better inform policies for improving health workforce retention in Sierra Leone. Audio recordings for the health worker interviews were translated into English where necessary and transcribed. Interview transcripts, national documents, and photos taken at health facilities were imported and managed in Atlas.Ti. We used thematic analysis to generate a nuanced description of health worker perspectives and experiences within the context of facility infrastructure and national policies [27, 28]. Inductive analysis was used to develop primary and axial codes which formed an initial code book. Codes were then modified and refined through “test-coding” of several transcripts. The resulting final codebook was then used with all transcripts. Coded text and images from all data sources were analyzed and synthesized to identify key themes in answer to the research questions. Preliminary results were shared with co-researchers in country, and their feedback was incorporated into the analysis. Quantitative data from card sorts, free-list rankings of challenges and desired interventions, and questionnaires were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS. The data analyses from the different methods were synthesized and triangulated [29]. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Sierra Leone Research and Ethics Committee, as well as the University of Washington Institutional Review Board.

Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health in Sierra Leone:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications: Develop and implement mobile applications that provide information and resources related to maternal health. These apps can provide educational materials, appointment reminders, and access to telemedicine services.

2. Telemedicine: Establish telemedicine services that allow pregnant women in rural areas to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. This can help address the shortage of primary healthcare workers in rural areas and provide timely access to medical advice and support.

3. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers in rural areas to provide basic maternal healthcare services, including prenatal care, health education, and referrals to higher-level facilities when necessary. This can help bridge the gap between rural communities and healthcare facilities.

4. Health Information Systems: Implement robust health information systems that capture and analyze data related to maternal health. This can help identify trends, monitor progress, and inform decision-making for improving maternal health outcomes.

5. Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch public awareness campaigns to educate communities about the importance of maternal health and the available services. This can help reduce stigma, increase demand for maternal healthcare, and encourage women to seek timely care.

6. Strengthening Health Workforce Policies: Improve communication and transparency regarding human resource policies and procedures for healthcare workers. This can include regular two-way communication between the Ministry of Health and healthcare workers, clear documentation of policies, and equitable implementation of benefits and advancement opportunities.

7. Improving Working Conditions: Address working and living conditions for healthcare workers, including providing adequate housing, transportation, and safety measures. This can help improve job satisfaction and retention rates among healthcare workers in rural areas.

8. Financial Incentives: Explore the possibility of providing financial incentives, such as bonuses or scholarships, to healthcare workers who choose to work in rural areas. This can help attract and retain healthcare professionals in underserved areas.

9. Partnerships and Collaboration: Foster partnerships and collaboration between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector entities to pool resources, share expertise, and coordinate efforts to improve access to maternal health services.

10. Continuous Professional Development: Establish ongoing training and professional development programs for healthcare workers, particularly those in rural areas. This can help enhance their skills and knowledge, improve job satisfaction, and ultimately contribute to better maternal health outcomes.

It is important to note that the implementation of these innovations should be context-specific and tailored to the unique needs and challenges of Sierra Leone’s healthcare system.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the description provided, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Sierra Leone would be to focus on improving communication and transparency between the Ministry of Health and rural healthcare workers (HCWs). This can be achieved through the following steps:

1. Develop and implement a regular two-way communication system: Establish a structured communication channel between the Ministry of Health and rural HCWs to ensure that important information, policies, and procedures are effectively communicated. This can include regular meetings, newsletters, or digital platforms for information sharing.

2. Create official national documents with up-to-date HR policies and procedures: Develop clear and comprehensive documents that outline the rights, benefits, and advancement opportunities for HCWs. These documents should be easily accessible and regularly updated to ensure transparency and equity in implementation.

3. Improve pay statements: Provide HCWs with detailed pay statements that clearly breakdown financial allowances and withholdings. This will help HCWs understand their compensation and ensure transparency in the payment process.

4. Implement HCW induction programs: Develop and implement induction programs for HCWs that provide them with the necessary information and training when starting their positions. This will help HCWs understand their roles, responsibilities, and entitlements from the beginning, reducing confusion and dissatisfaction.

5. Consider low-cost initiatives: Explore low-cost initiatives that can address the underlying structural causes of job dissatisfaction and attrition among rural HCWs. This can include providing additional training opportunities, improving working and living conditions, and offering incentives for rural HCWs to stay in their posts.

By implementing these recommendations, Sierra Leone can improve access to maternal health by addressing the drivers of job dissatisfaction and attrition among rural HCWs. These initiatives can also be considered by other countries facing similar challenges in healthcare worker retention.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health in Sierra Leone:

1. Strengthen communication channels: Develop systems for regular two-way communication between the Ministry of Health and healthcare workers (HCWs). This can include regular meetings, newsletters, and digital platforms to share information about policies, procedures, and entitlements.

2. Improve transparency and clarity of HR policies: Develop official national documents with up-to-date, clear HR policies and procedures for HCWs. This will ensure that HCWs have accurate information about their rights, benefits, and advancement opportunities.

3. Enhance HCW induction: Implement a comprehensive induction program for HCWs that provides them with the necessary information and training to navigate the healthcare system and understand their roles and responsibilities.

4. Provide breakdown of financial allowances: Ensure that pay statements for HCWs provide a clear breakdown of financial allowances and withholdings. This will increase transparency and help HCWs understand their compensation.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify key indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of pregnant women receiving antenatal care, the number of skilled birth attendants available, or the percentage of women receiving postnatal care.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the selected indicators before implementing the recommendations. This will serve as a baseline to compare against after the interventions are implemented.

3. Implement the recommendations: Put the recommendations into action, ensuring that they are properly communicated and implemented across healthcare facilities in Sierra Leone.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of the recommendations and collect data on the selected indicators. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and data collection tools.

5. Analyze the data: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the recommendations on the selected indicators. Compare the post-intervention data with the baseline data to determine any improvements in access to maternal health.

6. Adjust and refine: Based on the analysis of the data, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the recommendations to further improve access to maternal health.

7. Repeat the process: Continuously repeat the monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment process to ensure ongoing improvement in access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health in Sierra Leone and make informed decisions for future interventions.

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