The global limits and population at risk of soil-transmitted helminth infections in 2010

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Study Justification:
– Understanding the global limits of transmission of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) species is essential for quantifying the population at risk and the burden of disease.
– This study aims to define these limits based on environmental and socioeconomic factors and investigate the effects of urbanization and economic development on STH transmission.
– High and low land surface temperature and extremely arid environments were found to limit STH transmission, with different limits for each species.
– Prevalence of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection was statistically greater in peri-urban areas compared to urban and rural areas, while hookworm prevalence was highest in rural areas.
– No clear socioeconomic correlates of transmission were identified, except that little or no infection was observed for countries with a per capita gross domestic product greater than US$ 20,000.
– Globally in 2010, an estimated 5.3 billion people, including 1.0 billion school-aged children, lived in areas stable for transmission of at least one STH species, with 69% of these individuals living in Asia. A further 143 million (31.1 million school-aged children) lived in areas of unstable transmission for at least one STH species.
– Use the identified limits to estimate the global disease burden due to STH infection.
– Conduct further surveys in geographical areas where information is lacking to improve the understanding of STH distribution and prevalence.
– Investigate the impact of population density and urbanization on STH transmission to refine risk assessment and control strategies.
– Explore the relationship between socioeconomic factors and STH transmission to identify potential interventions.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in parasitology and public health.
– Government health departments and policymakers.
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the field of global health.
– Funding agencies and donors supporting research and interventions for STH control.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Funding for additional surveys in areas with limited information on STH distribution and prevalence.
– Research and data analysis costs for investigating the impact of population density, urbanization, and socioeconomic factors on STH transmission.
– Resources for implementing and evaluating control strategies based on the study findings.
– Capacity building and training programs for healthcare professionals and community health workers involved in STH control efforts.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on a comprehensive analysis of 4,840 geo-referenced estimates of infection prevalence. The study also incorporates a range of environmental and socioeconomic factors to define the limits of transmission. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the methodology used for data collection and analysis, as well as the limitations of the study.

Background: Understanding the global limits of transmission of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) species is essential for quantifying the population at-risk and the burden of disease. This paper aims to define these limits on the basis of environmental and socioeconomic factors, and additionally seeks to investigate the effects of urbanisation and economic development on STH transmission, and estimate numbers at-risk of infection with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm in 2010. Methods: A total of 4,840 geo-referenced estimates of infection prevalence were abstracted from the Global Atlas of Helminth Infection and related to a range of environmental factors to delineate the biological limits of transmission. The relationship between STH transmission and urbanisation and economic development was investigated using high resolution population surfaces and country-level socioeconomic indicators, respectively. Based on the identified limits, the global population at risk of STH transmission in 2010 was estimated. Results: High and low land surface temperature and extremely arid environments were found to limit STH transmission, with differential limits identified for each species. There was evidence that the prevalence of A. lumbricoides and of T. trichiura infection was statistically greater in peri-urban areas compared to urban and rural areas, whilst the prevalence of hookworm was highest in rural areas. At national levels, no clear socioeconomic correlates of transmission were identified, with the exception that little or no infection was observed for countries with a per capita gross domestic product greater than US$ 20,000. Globally in 2010, an estimated 5.3 billion people, including 1.0 billion school-aged children, lived in areas stable for transmission of at least one STH species, with 69% of these individuals living in Asia. A further 143 million (31.1 million school-aged children) lived in areas of unstable transmission for at least one STH species. Conclusions: These limits provide the most contemporary, plausible representation of the extent of STH risk globally, and provide an essential basis for estimating the global disease burden due to STH infection. © 2012 Pullan and Brooker; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

This analysis utilizes data on the prevalence of STH species collated in the GAHI ( [18]. This project aims to provide an open-access, global information resource on the distribution of STH and schistosomiasis, with the specific aims of 1) describing the global distribution and prevalence of infection of each species and 2) highlighting geographical areas for which further survey information is required. The developed maps, along with sources of identified surveys, are presented on an open access website ( The GAHI database is regularly updated using structured searches of the formal and grey literature, and has strict inclusion criteria: only random or whole community samples are included, excluding data from hospital or clinic surveys or surveys among non-representative sub-populations, such as among refugees, prisoners or nomads. For data from clinical trials or cohort studies, only baseline, pre-intervention estimates of prevalence are included. Efforts are made to geo-position each survey to a single longitude and latitude using a combination of electronic gazetteers, national school and village databases digitised from topographical maps and contact with authors who used a global positioning system (GPS; see Brooker et al. [18]). Where this point geo-position was not possible, efforts were made to geo-position surveys to the second administrative level, using the 2009 version of the Administrative Level Boundaries project (SALB) [19]. The purpose of this first analysis was to determine biological and climatic suitability for STH transmission, based on post-1980 data that could be geo-located to a single survey location. To reduce the influence of control measures, we excluded data collected after the initiation of national STH control programmes, defined as >25% of the at-risk school-aged population receiving anthelmintic treatment for five years prior to the survey date, as reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) [20]. This resulted in the exclusion of 746 survey points from Burundi, Egypt, Honduras, Lao PDR, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Peru, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Venezuela. Data were also excluded if surveys were conducted in an irrigated area, which was classified as districts with >50% land surface equipped for irrigation [21], excluding a further 25 survey points in Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, Thailand, Venezuela and Viet Nam. On the basis of the above, 4,633 independent prevalence surveys were included. Experimental and field studies indicate that the survival and development of STH free living stages, and hence STH transmission, are crucially dependent on ambient and surface temperature and humidity [22-25]. Indirect estimates of these factors can be identified from high-resolution satellite and meteorological data. Synoptic mean, minimum and maximum monthly values of land surface temperature (LST) for the period 1950–2000 were derived from the WorldClim database of interpolated global weather station temperature data at 1 km spatial resolution [26,27]. Humidity was indirectly estimated on the basis of (i) annual precipitation rates available in the WorldClim database [26]; (ii) Potential Evapo-Transpiration (PET, a measure of the ability of the atmosphere to remove the water through evapo-transpiration); and (iii) Aridity Index (AI, calculated as mean annual precipitation divided by mean annual PET) [28,29]. In addition, extremely arid areas, such as deserts and their fringes, were identified using the GlobCover Land Cover product [30,31] for which the “bare areas” class denotes deserts. The environmental and climatic data were imported into ArcMap 9.2 (ESRI, Redlands, CA) and linked by geographical location to the parasitological survey data. Analysis was stratified by region (Asia, Latin America and Africa plus the Middle East) and by climatic zone (tropics, sub-tropics/temperate) [32]. Upper and lower thermal and humidity constraints for each species were investigated using scatter plots and box plots. Two sets of biological limits were identified: areas that were biologically unsuitable (where median and mean observed infection prevalence was <0.1%); and areas with low/unstable transmission (where median and mean infection prevalence was 50% of their surface area was covered by at least one of the climatic masks. The identified limits were, however, not applied to irrigated areas. The extent by which population density and urbanisation impacts upon STH transmission is uncertain [33]. The purpose of this analysis therefore was to determine whether STH transmission risk varies according to population density or settlement patterns and whether risk should be modified according to urbanisation, as has been done previously for malaria [34]. Population density was estimated using a global population database (Global Rural Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP)) [35,36]. To ensure prevalences were contemporaneous with the population data, analysis was restricted to surveys conducted between 2005 and 2011. Survey locations were classified as urban using an updated 2010 urban extents (UE) mask derived from GRUMP. The remaining surveys were classified as peri-urban (250/km2), rural (>15 km from the UE edge and/or population density <250/km2), and extreme rural (population density <1/km2) using the Gridded Population of the World version 3 (GPW3) population database, projected to 2010 by applying national, median variant, urban and rural-specific growth rates per country [35,36]. The effect of urbanisation on infection prevalence was assessed by identifying spatially and temporally matched urban–rural pairs. Here each urban survey prevalence value was matched to surveys in peri-urban and rural areas that were conducted within a 100 km and five year window. When more than one survey originated from the same UE, the mean prevalence was calculated. Averages of the peri-urban and rural sets of surveys were calculated and assigned to their urban counterpart, generating a series of map-defined urban/peri-urban/rural matched pairs. As prevalence distributions were highly skewed, the prevalence values for matched pairs were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and overall prevalence distributions by settlement type compared using the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. For subgroup analysis, data were stratified by country-level developmental indicators: the proportion of the urban population with access to improved sanitation (50%), and the GINI coefficient (50%). The third aim of this work is to determine whether territories can be identified as having no or very low STH transmission, or whether transmission risk should be modified, based on socioeconomic and development factors. Comparable, representative socioeconomic data are usually only available aggregated by country, and as such analysis of these limiting factors was restricted to the country level. National socioeconomic indicators were obtained from the World Bank databank [37], including GDP per capita; percentage of rural and urban populations with access to improved sanitation facilities; literacy rate in females ages 15–24 (proxy for maternal education), and GINI index (an indicator of the distribution of income within society, with 0% representing perfect equality and 100% perfect inequality) for the most recent year available. Parasite prevalence data were only included for the period 2005–2011, and incorporated all surveys conducted in this period that could be assigned to a country level. Scatter and box plots were used to explore ecological relationships between socioeconomic indicators and mean prevalence for each species. The identified biological and social limits were overlaid with the 2010 GRUMP population surface to estimate total population at risk (PAR) figures for each species individually, and at risk of infection with one or more species. To standardise to a single, representative age group of relevance to control, the proportion of the population of school-going age (5–14 years) was estimated for each country, based on the World Population Prospects: 2010 Revision Population Database [38].

The analysis described in the provided text focuses on understanding the global limits of transmission of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) species and estimating the population at risk of infection with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworm in 2010. The study utilizes data on the prevalence of STH species collated in the Global Atlas of Helminth Infection (GAHI) and incorporates environmental and socioeconomic factors to define the biological limits of transmission. The analysis also investigates the effects of urbanization and economic development on STH transmission. The results show that high and low land surface temperature and extremely arid environments limit STH transmission, with differential limits identified for each species. The prevalence of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection was found to be statistically greater in peri-urban areas compared to urban and rural areas, while the prevalence of hookworm was highest in rural areas. The analysis estimates that globally, in 2010, approximately 5.3 billion people, including 1.0 billion school-aged children, lived in areas stable for transmission of at least one STH species, with 69% of these individuals living in Asia. A further 143 million people lived in areas of unstable transmission for at least one STH species. The study provides essential information for estimating the global disease burden due to STH infection.
AI Innovations Description
The provided description discusses a study on soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections and their global distribution. While this information is interesting, it does not directly address the request for a recommendation to improve access to maternal health. To provide a relevant recommendation, it would be helpful to have more specific information about the current challenges or issues related to maternal health access.
AI Innovations Methodology
To improve access to maternal health, here are some potential recommendations:

1. Mobile Clinics: Implementing mobile clinics that can travel to remote areas, providing prenatal care, check-ups, and education to pregnant women who may not have access to healthcare facilities.

2. Telemedicine: Utilizing telemedicine technology to connect pregnant women in rural areas with healthcare professionals, allowing them to receive virtual consultations and advice without the need for travel.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services, education, and support in underserved areas.

4. Transportation Support: Establishing transportation support systems to help pregnant women reach healthcare facilities, especially in areas with limited public transportation options.

5. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introducing voucher programs that provide financial assistance to pregnant women, enabling them to access essential maternal health services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population group that will benefit from the recommendations, such as pregnant women in rural areas.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current access to maternal health services in the target population, including the number of women receiving prenatal care, the distance to the nearest healthcare facility, and any existing barriers to access.

3. Implement the recommendations: Introduce the recommended interventions, such as mobile clinics or telemedicine programs, and track their implementation progress.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can be done through data collection on the number of women utilizing the services, changes in health outcomes, and feedback from the target population.

5. Compare data: Compare the baseline data with the data collected after implementing the recommendations to assess the impact. Analyze the changes in access to maternal health services, improvements in health outcomes, and any reduction in barriers faced by pregnant women.

6. Adjust and refine: Based on the evaluation results, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the interventions to further improve access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate and measure the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health in the target population.

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