Effectiveness of two antifolate prophylactic strategies against malaria in HIV-positive pregnant women in Bangui, Central African Republic: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (MACOMBA)

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Study Justification:
– Co-infection with malaria parasite and HIV is a growing public health concern, especially in pregnant women.
– Managing the concurrent effects of these two infections is challenging.
– Co-trimoxazole, a sulfamide preparation used to prevent opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients, has shown significant activity against malaria.
– As the effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) against malaria is decreasing, co-trimoxazole could be an alternative for preventing malaria in HIV-infected pregnant women.
Study Highlights:
– The MACOMBA study aims to compare the effectiveness of SP-IPT and daily co-trimoxazole doses in preventing P. falciparum infections among HIV-infected pregnant women in Bangui, Central African Republic.
– The primary end-point is the placental malaria parasitaemia rate at delivery.
– Other outcome measures include the number of malaria episodes during pregnancy, safety, treatment compliance, maternal anaemia, abortions, stillbirths, prematurity, low birth weight, placental malaria, umbilical malaria transmission, and mother-to-child HIV transmission.
Study Recommendations:
– The study aims to confirm whether co-trimoxazole is operationally suitable to replace SP-IPT for preventing malaria in HIV-infected pregnant women in the Central African Republic.
– The results of this study will provide valuable information for healthcare providers and policymakers in deciding the most effective prophylactic strategy against malaria in this population.
Key Role Players:
– Institut Pasteur of Bangui and Institut Pasteur of Paris: Conducting and supporting the study.
– Four main maternity hospitals in Bangui: Involved in the study and recruiting HIV-positive pregnant women.
– Midwives and research midwives: Identifying potential study participants and providing counseling.
– Field investigators and coordination staff: Enrolling eligible women and assigning them to treatment arms.
– International Dispensary Association: Supplying the drugs for the study.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Drug supply: Co-trimoxazole and SP-IPT.
– Laboratory testing: CD4 count, HIV viral load, malaria diagnosis, blood cell count, PCR for malaria diagnosis and resistance markers.
– Antenatal clinic visits and follow-up: Clinical surveillance, counseling, and monitoring of adverse events.
– Iron supplementation, folic acid, and insecticide-impregnated bed nets: Provided to all women.
– Treatment of malaria episodes: Quinine or artemisinin combined treatment.
– Management of adverse events: Symptomatic medications and referral to appropriate services.
– Data collection and analysis: ACCESS™ database and STATA™ software.
Please note that the above information is based on the provided description and may not include all details of the study.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is rated 7 because it provides a detailed description of the study protocol, including the objectives, methods, and outcome measures. However, it does not provide any results or conclusions from the study. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include a summary of the findings and their implications for clinical practice.

Background: Co-infection with malaria parasite and HIV is an emerging public health problem in tropical areas, particularly in pregnant women, and management of the concurrent effects of these two infections is challenging. Co-trimoxazole is a sulfamide preparation used to prevent opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients, and many studies have reported that it has significant activity against malaria. As the efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) against malaria is decreasing, co-trimoxazole might be an alternative for preventing malaria among HIV-infected populations. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of SP-IPT, which is recommended for the prevention of malaria during pregnancy in the Central African Republic, with that of a daily dose of co-trimoxazole against P. falciparum infections among HIV-infected pregnant women in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic.Methods/Design: The MACOMBA study (MAternity and COntrol of Malaria-HIV co-infection in BAngui) is a multicentre open-label randomized clinical trial conducted at four maternity hospitals in Bangui. All HIV-infected pregnant women presenting for an antenatal clinic visit between the weeks 16 and 28 of amenorrhoea, with a CD4 count of more than 350 cells/mm3, will be eligible. All the women will provide written consent before being enrolled in the study and will then be randomly allocated to either SP-IPT (25 mg of sulfadoxine and 1.25 mg of pyrimethamine) or daily co-trimoxazole doses (960 mg per dose). The primary end-point is the placental malaria parasitaemia rate at delivery. Other main outcome measures include the number of malaria episodes during pregnancy, safety, and treatment compliance. Furthermore, the frequency of molecular resistance markers dhfr and dhps will be measured.Discussion: In this trial, we seek to confirm whether co-trimoxazole is operationally suitable to replace SP-IPT in order to prevent malaria among pregnant women infected with HIV in the Central African Republic.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01746199. © 2013 Manirakiza et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

The main objective of this randomized trial is to confirm that co-trimoxazole is more efficacious than SP against placental parasitaemia (primary end-point) among HIV-positive pregnant women with a CD4+ count >350 cells/mm3. We will also compare the two treatments with regard to adherence, the occurrence of adverse events, the frequency of maternal anaemia (hemoglobinaemia <10 g/dl), malaria episodes during pregnancy, abortions, stillbirths, prematurity (birth <37 weeks of amenorrhoea) and low birth weight (350 cells/mm3 and they have no opportunistic diseases (WHO stage 2, 3 or 4). These women will not be re-tested for HIV, but their CD4+ count will be checked at this stage of inclusion in the study. The inclusion criteria are age ≥18 years, HIV positivity; gestation of 16 to 28 weeks; CD4+ count >350 cells/mm3 and no sign of WHO stage 2, 3 or 4, agreement to attend all antenatal consultations for the study, willingness to adhere to all the requirements of the study (including voluntary counselling and testing for HIV) and signed informed consent. The exclusion criteria are psychological instability that might interfere with compliance, hypersensitivity to sulfamides or dermatological disease (eczema, pemphigoid exanthema) that would increase the risk for severe reaction to the drugs being tested; severe anaemia (Hb <7 g/dl), known hepatic cardiac or renal disease, or any other severe disease. Potential study participants will be identified by midwives at antenatal clinics. Women eligible for participation in the study will be invited for additional counselling by a research midwife to ensure that they are fully informed orally and by written material about the nature of the study. After providing informed consent to participate in the study, the women will be randomly allocated to either the SP-IPT or co-trimoxazole group. Randomization of women will be centralized and stratified according to maternity clinic and gravidity (primigravidae versus multigravidae). For each maternity clinic, two random lists for SP-IPT and co-trimoxazole in a ratio 1:1 will be generated for primigravidae and multigravidae, with the R software (version 2.14.1). Once a pregnant woman is confirmed to be eligible for the study, the field investigator will telephone the coordination staff at the Institut Pasteur of Bangui to indicate the gravid rank, and the site staff will assign women to a treatment arm according to the randomization list, respecting the chronological order of inclusion. The drugs to be used in this study will be supplied by the International Dispensary Association in the Netherlands. Doses of SP-IPT and co-trimoxazole will be administered from week 16 to the end of pregnancy. Three doses of SP will be administered under direct observation, equivalent to 25 mg of sulfadoxine and 1.25 mg of pyrimethamine per kilogram of body weight. The first dose will be given between weeks 16 and 28 of amenorrhoea, the second 1 month later and the third 1 month after the second. A daily dose of one co-trimoxazole tablet (containing 160 mg trimethoprim and 800 mg sulfamethoxazole) will be given until delivery [17]. Compliance will be evaluated at each antenatal visit, by questioning the women about the doses they have taken and by asking them to bring to the visit all remaining tablets. All women will be given iron supplementation (200 mg) and folic acid (0.4 mg) and will receive an insecticide-impregnated bed net (donated by the Total Group in Central African Republic and the National Malaria Programme). During follow-up, any suspected malaria episode will be followed up immediately with parasitological evaluation (blood smear). Treatment with quinine at a dose of 24 mg/kg body weight will be given at three doses per day 8 hourly apart for 7 days. The tablet form of quinine will be given in the absence of severe clinical signs. If the malaria episode is associated with severe clinical symptoms, quinine (perfusion in 10% serum glucose) will be administered parenterally at a dose of 24 mg/kg body weight per day until clinical evaluation shows that oral quinine can be taken. Patients who experience adverse effects of quinine will be treated with artemether or artemisinin combined treatment according to national guidelines. A woman who fulfils all the inclusion criteria but is found to have symptomatic malaria parasites at recruitment will be treated for the malaria episode and will not be included in the study. She will be reconsidered for inclusion later, when she is no longer parasitaemic. All women with asymptomatic malaria parasites at baseline will be included and randomized to either the SP-IPT or co-trimoxazole group. If symptomatic malaria or persistence of asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia is seen 8 days later, the woman will be given curative treatment, as stated above (Figure 1). MACOMBA trial flowchart. 3TC: lamivudine; ACTs: artemisinin combined therapies; AZT: zidovudine; CTM: co-trimoxazole; DBS: dried blood spot; DBSd: dried blood spot for early diagnosis of HIV mother-to-child transmission; DOT: direct observed treatment; MTCTc: mother-to-child transmission of HIV and malaria parasite; NVP: nevirapine; PCRa, polymerase chain reaction for Plasmodium resistance markers; PCRb, nested species-specific polymerase chain reaction; RDT: rapid diagnostic test; SP: sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; V1 to V5: follow-up visits; VL: viral load. All women included in this study will undergo regular clinical surveillance (once a month) and will be encouraged to notify the doctor involved in the study of any adverse events. The adverse effects attributed to SP-IPT and co-trimoxazole will be addressed according to cutaneous toxicity, classified according to the grades of the French National Agency for AIDS Research. Symptomatic medications will be given, and the study may be interrupted at the discretion of the clinicians. All adverse events associated with HIV infection or antiretroviral treatment will be managed by the national service for prevention of MTCT. All women whose HIV infection evolves to clinical stage 2 or who have a CD4 count interval of ≤350 per mm3 will be sent to the centre for antiretroviral treatment at the Hôpital Communautaire or Hôpital de l’Amitié with a referral to the service for infectious diseases. At baseline, the following data will be collected: socio-demographic characteristics, clinical data, obstetric history, gestational age estimated from the date of the last menstrual period and/or measured by uterine fundal height, and biological end-points (CD4 count, HIV viral load (VL), malaria diagnosis, and blood cell count). During follow-up, standard clinical examinations will be performed monthly. Adverse events will be recorded and any suspected malaria episode will be investigated by laboratory testing. Blood will be taken from women presenting with a malaria episode, and CD4 count and HIV VL will be determined. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for malaria diagnosis and identification of resistant strain markers (dhfr and dhps) will be performed for all episodes of Plasmodium infection. At delivery, the women’s blood will be analysed for CD4 count, HIV VL, blood cell count, and malaria diagnosis (thick smear analysis and rapid diagnostic test for malaria and nested species-specific PCR). At this point, MTCT of HIV and possible passage of the malaria parasites though umbilical blood circulation will be assessed. Venous blood will be collected in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) minicollect tubes at inclusion, at scheduled and unscheduled antenatal clinic visits if a malaria infection is diagnosed, and after delivery. These blood samples will be tested for blood cell counts and HIV VL estimation. Finger pricks for thick and thin blood smear preparation and antigen Pf/Pan-SD Bioline™ rapid diagnostic testing will be performed for any suspected episodes of malaria during follow-up. Maternal blood will be also collected on filter paper for Plasmodium DNA extraction. Early screening of HIV and malaria parasites transmission in infants will be determined from heel-prick and umbilical blood respectively. Placental blood will be collected immediately after delivery. For this procedure, a block of tissue (1 × 1 × 1 cm) will be excised from the basal side of the placenta, resulting in a large pool of intervillous blood at the excision site. The placental tissues will be pressed to prepare thin and thick blood smears (Figure 1). Malaria rapid diagnostic tests and thick smear analyses will be performed at the study sites, while other laboratory analyses will be performed at the Institut Pasteur of Bangui. CD4+ cells will be counted by cytometry (FACSCalibur™, Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA), and blood cell counts will be conducted by the ABX PENTRA 60 (HORIBA ABX Diagnostics, Irvine, CA, USA). HIV VL will be estimated at the Institut Pasteur of Bangui with the ABI PRISM 7000 (Generic HIV kit; Biocentric, Bandol, France). Generic HIV DNA Cell kits (Biocentric, Bandol, France) will be used for PCR to assess maternal-child transmission of HIV infection. The antigen Pf/Pan-SD Bioline™ rapid diagnostic test will be conducted according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Thick blood smears will be air-dried, stained with 4% Giemsa and analysed under a light microscope (× 100 oil immersions) to detect asexual forms of P. falciparum. Nested species-specific PCR will be performed to screen maternal and placental blood samples for malaria parasites as described previously [35]. The greater sensitivity of PCR than of rapid diagnostic tests and microscopy has been proven [36,37]. Molecular studies to identify Plasmodium resistance markers to pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine (dhfr and dhps) will be performed on blood samples with a positive malaria result. The genotypes pfdhfr 51, 59 and 108 and pfdhps 437 and 540 will be determined by nested PCR [38]. The primary end-point of the trial is placental parasitaemia at delivery. Data on this variable will be coded as positive or negative results. Other outcome measures are adherence to co-trimoxazole treatment, adverse events related to co-trimoxazole and SP-IPT, the incidence of malaria episodes during pregnancy and complications due to malaria: anaemia (hemoglobinaemia <10g/dl), abortion (delivery <28 weeks of amenorrhoea), stillbirth, prematurity (birth <37 weeks of amenorrhoea) and low birth weight (<2500 g body mass), mother-to-child HIV transmission and umbilical blood parasitaemia. At delivery, maternal, placental and newborn umbilical blood will be sampled to detect the asexual form of Plasmodium. On the basis of previous studies [10,17,39,40], we anticipate that there will be 6.2% placental malaria infections in the co-trimoxazole group and 16.8% in the SP-IPT group. We will therefore randomize 300 women (type I error of 0.05, power of 80%, one-sided test), of whom 150 will be in the experimental group and 150 in the control group. The primary end-point will be analysed as intention-to-treat; deaths and women lost to follow-up will be considered failures. Analysis of the ‘per protocol’ population will be conducted among women who complete the study until delivery and undergo the recommended initial treatment. The data will be recorded in an ACCESS™ database (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) and will be analysed with STATA™ software (version 12; Statacorp, College Station, TX, USA). The analyses will be carried out after stratification according to the maternity clinic and gravidity (primigravidae versus multigravidae). The chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test will be used to compare categorical variables between the two groups, including the number of positive placental malaria infections (primary end-point), cumulated incidence of malaria episodes during pregnancy, proportion of parasite strains with dhfr mutations, maternal anaemia and maternal morbidity or mortality. Student’s t test or the Mann-Whitney test will be used to compare continuous variables in the two arms. A logistic regression model will be used, with adjustment for maternity clinic, gravidity, age, CD4 count and anaemia to compare the two groups of women for the number of placental malaria infections, malaria episodes during pregnancy, and identified resistance. The National Ethics Committee of the Central African Republic and the Clinical Research Committee of the Institut Pasteur in Paris approved the study protocol.

The innovation described in this study is the comparison of the effectiveness of two antifolate prophylactic strategies, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP-IPT) and co-trimoxazole, in preventing malaria among HIV-positive pregnant women in Bangui, Central African Republic. The study aims to determine if co-trimoxazole is more efficacious than SP-IPT in reducing placental malaria parasitaemia rates at delivery. Other outcomes being measured include the number of malaria episodes during pregnancy, safety, treatment compliance, maternal anaemia, abortions, stillbirths, prematurity, low birth weight, placental malaria, umbilical malaria transmission, and mother-to-child HIV transmission. The study is a multicentre open-label randomized controlled trial conducted at four maternity hospitals in Bangui and is registered under ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01746199.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation from this study is to compare the effectiveness of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) with a daily dose of co-trimoxazole in preventing malaria among HIV-infected pregnant women in the Central African Republic. The study aims to determine if co-trimoxazole is a suitable alternative to SP-IPT for preventing malaria in this population. The primary endpoint of the study is the placental malaria parasitaemia rate at delivery. Other outcomes being measured include the number of malaria episodes during pregnancy, safety, treatment compliance, and the frequency of molecular resistance markers. The study will be conducted as a multicentre open-label randomized clinical trial at four maternity hospitals in Bangui. The trial will compare the two strategies under real-life conditions and will be performed by the Institut Pasteur of Bangui, supported by the Institut Pasteur of Paris. The study protocol has been approved by the National Ethics Committee of the Central African Republic and the Clinical Research Committee of the Institut Pasteur in Paris.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, the study protocol titled “Effectiveness of two antifolate prophylactic strategies against malaria in HIV-positive pregnant women in Bangui, Central African Republic: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (MACOMBA)” aims to compare the effectiveness of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine intermittent preventive treatment (SP-IPT) with a daily dose of co-trimoxazole in preventing malaria among HIV-infected pregnant women in Bangui, Central African Republic.

To improve access to maternal health, the following innovations could be considered:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Implementing mobile health technologies such as SMS reminders for antenatal care visits, medication adherence, and health education can improve access to maternal health information and services.

2. Telemedicine: Using telemedicine platforms, healthcare providers can remotely monitor and provide consultations to pregnant women, especially those in remote or underserved areas, improving access to quality maternal healthcare.

3. Community Health Workers (CHWs): Training and deploying CHWs to provide maternal health services, including antenatal care, health education, and referrals, can help reach women in rural or marginalized communities with limited access to healthcare facilities.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introducing voucher programs that provide financial assistance for maternal health services can help reduce financial barriers and improve access to quality care for pregnant women.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population group (e.g., pregnant women in a particular region or community) for which access to maternal health needs to be improved.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current access to maternal health services, including antenatal care attendance rates, medication adherence, and health outcomes.

3. Introduce the recommended innovations: Implement the recommended innovations, such as mHealth solutions, telemedicine platforms, CHW programs, or maternal health voucher systems.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of the innovations and collect data on key indicators, such as antenatal care attendance, medication adherence, health education uptake, and health outcomes.

5. Analyze the data: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the innovations on improving access to maternal health. Compare the baseline data with the post-implementation data to identify any changes or improvements.

6. Assess cost-effectiveness: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the implemented innovations by comparing the costs associated with their implementation to the improvements in access to maternal health.

7. Adjust and refine: Based on the findings, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the innovations to further improve access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, stakeholders can assess the effectiveness of the recommended innovations in improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions on scaling up successful interventions.

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