Exploring spatial variations and factors associated with skilled birth attendant delivery in Ethiopia: Geographically weighted regression and multilevel analysis

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Study Justification:
– Skilled birth attendant (SBA) delivery is crucial for the health of mothers and newborns.
– Maternal and newborn deaths are most likely to occur during childbirth or immediately after birth.
– In Ethiopia, only 28% of women give birth with the help of an SBA.
– This study aimed to explore the spatial variations of SBA delivery and its associated factors in Ethiopia.
– The study used the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey data.
– Spatial analysis identified clusters of non-SBA delivery in southeastern Oromia and almost the entire Somalia.
– Geographic Weighted Regression (GWR) analysis identified different predictors of non-SBA delivery across regions of Ethiopia.
– Multilevel logistic regression analysis identified factors associated with SBA delivery.
– Factors associated with higher odds of SBA delivery included maternal education, health insurance coverage, and higher household wealth status.
– Factors associated with lower odds of SBA delivery included being multi or grand multiparous, perceiving distance from the health facility as a big problem, rural residence, and residing in communities with higher poverty levels and childcare burden.
– Areas with non-SBA delivery and mothers with specific characteristics should receive special attention in terms of resource allocation and improved access to health facilities.
– Allocation of skilled human power should be prioritized in areas with low SBA delivery rates.
– Improved access to health facilities should be ensured for mothers residing in remote areas.
– Efforts should be made to address the educational, economic, and healthcare needs of mothers from poor households and communities.
– Awareness campaigns and interventions should target primiparous women and those with higher childcare burden.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
– Regional Health Bureaus
– Health Extension Workers
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in maternal and child health
– Community leaders and volunteers
– Health facility staff
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers
– Infrastructure development and improvement of health facilities
– Outreach programs and awareness campaigns
– Transportation and logistics for reaching remote areas
– Educational programs and support for mothers
– Monitoring and evaluation of interventions
– Research and data collection for ongoing assessment and improvement

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it is based on a secondary analysis of the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey. The study used a large weighted sample of 11,023 women and employed various statistical methods, including spatial analysis and multilevel regression. The findings highlight spatial variations in skilled birth attendant delivery and identify factors associated with non-SBA delivery. To improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the methodology, such as the specific statistical tests used and any limitations of the study.

Background: Skilled birth attendant (SBA) delivery is vital for the health of mothers and newborns, as most maternal and newborn deaths occur at the time of childbirth or immediately after birth. This problem becomes worsen in Ethiopia in which only 28% of women give birth with the help of SBA. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the spatial variations of SBA delivery and its associated factors in Ethiopia. Methods: A secondary analysis was carried out using the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey. A total weighted sample of 11,023 women who had a live birth in the 5 years preceding the survey was included in the analysis. Arc-GIS software was used to explore the spatial distribution of SBA and a Bernoulli model was fitted using SaTScan software to identify significant clusters of non-SBA delivery. The Geographic Weighted Regression (GWR) was employed in modeling spatial relationships. Moreover, a multilevel binary logistic regression model was fitted to identify factors associated with SBA delivery. Results: In this study, SBA delivery had spatial variations across the country. The SaTScan spatial analysis identified the primary clusters’ spatial window in southeastern Oromia and almost the entire Somalia. The GWR analysis identified different predictors of non- SBA delivery across regions of Ethiopia. In the multilevel analysis, mothers having primary and above educational status, health insurance coverage, and mothers from households with higher wealth status had higher odds of SBA delivery. Being multi and grand multiparous, perception of distance from the health facility as big problem, rural residence, women residing in communities with medium and higher poverty level, and women residing in communities with higher childcare burden had lower odds of SBA delivery. Conclusion: Skilled birth attendant delivery had spatial variations across the country. Areas with non-skilled birth attendant delivery and mothers who had no formal education, not health insured, mothers from poor households and communities, Primiparous women, mothers from remote areas, and mothers from communities with higher childcare burden could get special attention in terms of allocation of resources including skilled human power, and improved access to health facilities.

We used the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) 2016 to conduct this study. The EDHS is a survey collected across the nine regional states and two city administrations of Ethiopia every 5 years. The latest EDHS (EDHS 2016), was conducted from January 18, 2016, to June 27, 2016. The sample was stratified and selected in two stages. In the first stage, a total of 645 EAs (Enumeration Areas) (443 in rural areas) were selected with probability proportional to EA size (using 84,915 EAs created for the 2007 Ethiopian population and housing census as a sampling frame). A fixed number of 28 households per cluster were selected in the second stage with an equal probability systematic selection after the household listing was done in all of the selected EAs (the lists of households used as a sampling frame for the selection of households in the second stage). Any additional information about data collection, sampling, and questionnaires used in the surveys are described in detail in the 2016 EDHS report [2]. For our study, women aged 15 to 49 years who gave birth within 5 years preceding the survey were included. For those women with two or more live births during the preceding 5 years, data from the most recent birth was used. Accordingly, a total weighted sample of 11,023 women was used in the final analysis. The outcome variable for this study was delivery by SBA. Skilled attendant delivery in this study refers to births delivered with the assistance of doctors, nurses/midwives, health officers, and health extension workers [2]. After searching of literatures, both individual and community level factors were incorporated as independent variables (for the multilevel analysis). The individual level factors include maternal education, maternal age, religion, parity, birth order, household wealth status, access to mass media, and health insurance coverage. The community-level factors were community level of women education, community poverty level, community level media exposure, community childcare burden, perception of distance to the health facility, region, and place of residence (Table 1). Definition/description and measurement of independent [both individual and community level] variables The above four community level factors [community level of women education, community poverty level, community level media exposure, and community level of child care burden] were not directly found in the EDHS data. As a result, they were created by aggregating their respective individual level factors (Table ​(Table11). Moreover, different explanatory variables were considered in modeling spatial relationships. The candidate variables were proportions of women with no education, the proportion of Primiparous women, proportion of women from poor household wealth status, proportion of women with no health insurance, and proportion of women who perceives distance from the health facility as a big problem, and proportion of women with no media exposure. Both Arc GIS version 10.3 and Kuldorff’s SaTScan version 9.6 software were used to explore the spatial distribution of SBA and to identify significant hotspot areas/clusters of non-SBA respectively. The global spatial autocorrelation was done using the Global Moran’s I statistic, which is used to ascertain whether the spatial distribution of SBA is clustered, dispersed, or random across the country [36, 37]. The spatial interpolation technique was employed to predict the prevalence of non-SBA delivery on the un-sampled/unmeasured areas based on the sampled measurements. The Kriging spatial interpolation method was used in this study for predicting non-SBA in unobserved areas since it had a small mean square error and residual. In addition, hot spot and cold spot analysis were done to identify specific significant hot spots areas (areas with higher rates of non-SBA delivery) and cold spot areas (areas with lower rates of non-SBA delivery) using Getis-Ord Gi* statistics, relative to the mean SBA rate across the country. Moreover, we conducted a spatial scan statistical analysis to identify significant primary and secondary clusters. In the SaTScan analysis, the Bernoulli based spatial scan statistical analysis which requires information about the location of a set of cases (deliveries that were not attended by SBA) and controls (those who delivered by SBA), as well as the coordinate files (latitude and longitude) was used. The default maximum spatial cluster size of < 50% of the population was used as an upper limit for detecting both small and large clusters and ignored clusters that contained more than the maximum limit. The primary and secondary clusters were identified and p values were assigned and ranked using their LLR test based on the 999 Monte Carlo replications. The circle with the highest LLR test statistic was defined as the most likely (primary) cluster, the cluster that is least likely to have occurred by chance. For each identified cluster, the location, radius/size, log-likelihood ratio (LLR) test statistic with its p-value, and the relative risk (RR) were reported. The RR represents how much more common non-SBA delivery with a value of greater than one is used to indicate an increased risk of non-SBA delivery in a specified spatial window as compared to outside the window. We also used Arc GIS version 10.3 for assessing spatial relationships/spatial regression. Spatial regression modeling was performed to identify predictors of the observed spatial patterns of non-SBA delivery. We conducted both ordinary least square (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis. Findings from ordinary least squares (OLS) regression are only reliable if the regression model satisfies all of the assumptions that are required by this method. While conducting the OLS regression the assumptions to be fulfilled, the model performance, as well as the model significance were checked [38, 39]. In addition, a certain independent variable may be a strong predictor in one cluster and it may not be in another cluster. This is non-stationarity and can be identified using GWR [40–42]. These two (OLS and GWR) models were compared using different parameters. Finally, the coefficients which were created using GWR were mapped. Stata 14 software was used for analysis. To avoid geographical strata selection variability and non-responses, as well as to assure representativeness and have better estimations of parameters, sampling weight was done throughout our analysis. Both bivariable and multivariable multilevel logistic regression analyses were performed. Because of the hierarchical nature of EDHS, we used the multilevel logistic model for the appropriate estimation of parameters. To do so, four models have been fitted; the null model- a model without explanatory variables, the model I- a model with individual-level factors only, model II- a model with community-level factors, and model III- a model with both individual and community-level factors simultaneously. Among the four fitted models, the model with the lowest deviance was selected as the best-fitted model. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), a proportional change in variance (PCV), and median odds ratio (MOR) were also used to examine the clustering effect and the extent to which community-level variability explains the unexplained variance of the null model.

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Develop and implement mobile applications or text messaging services to provide pregnant women with information on prenatal care, nutrition, and the importance of skilled birth attendants. These tools can also be used to schedule appointments and send reminders for antenatal visits.

2. Telemedicine: Establish telemedicine services to connect pregnant women in remote areas with healthcare providers who can provide virtual consultations and guidance during pregnancy and childbirth. This can help overcome geographical barriers and improve access to skilled birth attendants.

3. Community Health Worker Programs: Expand and strengthen community health worker programs to train and deploy local individuals who can provide basic prenatal care, education, and support to pregnant women in underserved areas. These community health workers can also serve as a bridge between pregnant women and skilled birth attendants.

4. Transportation Solutions: Develop innovative transportation solutions, such as ambulances or mobile clinics, to ensure that pregnant women can safely and easily access healthcare facilities for prenatal care and skilled birth attendant delivery. This can be particularly beneficial for women in remote or rural areas with limited transportation options.

5. Financial Incentives: Implement financial incentive programs to encourage pregnant women to seek care from skilled birth attendants. This can include cash transfers, vouchers, or insurance schemes that cover the costs associated with skilled birth attendant delivery, transportation, and other related expenses.

6. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between the public and private sectors to improve access to maternal health services. This can involve leveraging private healthcare providers and facilities to expand the availability of skilled birth attendants in underserved areas.

7. Quality Improvement Initiatives: Implement quality improvement initiatives to enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare providers, including skilled birth attendants, through training programs, mentorship, and continuous professional development. This can help ensure that women receive high-quality care during pregnancy and childbirth.

8. Health Information Systems: Strengthen health information systems to collect, analyze, and utilize data on maternal health outcomes and service utilization. This can help identify areas with low access to skilled birth attendants and inform targeted interventions and resource allocation.

9. Community Engagement and Education: Conduct community engagement and education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of skilled birth attendants and promote the utilization of maternal health services. This can involve community meetings, workshops, and the use of local media channels to disseminate information.

10. Policy and Advocacy: Advocate for policy changes and increased investment in maternal health to prioritize access to skilled birth attendants. This can involve working with government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and international partners to develop and implement policies that support maternal health initiatives.

It is important to note that the specific innovations and strategies implemented should be tailored to the local context and needs of the population.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the study “Exploring spatial variations and factors associated with skilled birth attendant delivery in Ethiopia: Geographically weighted regression and multilevel analysis,” the following recommendations can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Targeted resource allocation: Areas with a high prevalence of non-skilled birth attendant delivery should receive special attention in terms of resource allocation. This includes allocating skilled human power and improving access to health facilities in these areas.

2. Education and awareness programs: Focus on improving maternal education and awareness about the importance of skilled birth attendant delivery. This can be done through community-based education programs, workshops, and campaigns to increase knowledge and understanding of the benefits of skilled birth attendance.

3. Health insurance coverage: Increase health insurance coverage for pregnant women to ensure that they have access to skilled birth attendants without financial barriers. This can be achieved through government initiatives and partnerships with health insurance providers.

4. Addressing distance barriers: Develop strategies to address the perception of distance from health facilities as a big problem. This can include establishing mobile health clinics, providing transportation services, and improving the infrastructure to make health facilities more accessible to remote areas.

5. Poverty alleviation: Implement programs to address poverty at both the household and community levels. This can include income-generating activities, microfinance initiatives, and social support programs to improve the economic status of families and communities.

6. Strengthening community support: Engage community leaders, traditional birth attendants, and local organizations to promote and support skilled birth attendant delivery. This can be done through community mobilization, training programs, and partnerships with community-based organizations.

7. Continuous monitoring and evaluation: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress of interventions and identify areas that require further improvement. This can help in identifying successful strategies and making necessary adjustments to ensure the effectiveness of the innovation.

By implementing these recommendations, it is expected that access to skilled birth attendant delivery will improve, leading to a reduction in maternal and newborn mortality rates in Ethiopia.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening education and awareness programs: Implement initiatives to increase maternal education and awareness about the importance of skilled birth attendants (SBAs) during childbirth. This can be done through community-based education programs, workshops, and campaigns.

2. Enhancing healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, especially in remote areas, by providing necessary equipment, supplies, and trained healthcare professionals. This includes ensuring the availability of SBAs in all healthcare facilities.

3. Expanding health insurance coverage: Increase access to health insurance for pregnant women to reduce financial barriers to skilled birth attendance. This can be achieved through government subsidies, community-based health insurance schemes, or partnerships with private insurance providers.

4. Addressing cultural and social barriers: Develop culturally sensitive interventions to address social and cultural norms that may discourage women from seeking skilled birth attendance. This can involve community engagement, involving local leaders and influencers, and promoting positive cultural practices related to maternal health.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Data collection: Gather data on various indicators related to maternal health, such as the number of SBAs, healthcare infrastructure, education levels, health insurance coverage, and cultural factors. This data can be obtained through surveys, interviews, and existing databases.

2. Spatial analysis: Utilize geographic information systems (GIS) software, such as Arc-GIS, to analyze the spatial distribution of SBAs and identify areas with low access to skilled birth attendance. This can help identify geographical disparities and target interventions accordingly.

3. Statistical modeling: Use statistical techniques, such as geographically weighted regression (GWR) and multilevel logistic regression, to analyze the relationships between different factors and access to skilled birth attendance. This can help identify significant predictors and understand the impact of various variables on access to maternal health services.

4. Simulation and scenario analysis: Once the statistical models are developed, simulate different scenarios by manipulating the variables based on the recommended interventions. This can involve increasing the number of SBAs, improving healthcare infrastructure, expanding health insurance coverage, and addressing cultural barriers. Assess the impact of these scenarios on access to skilled birth attendance using the statistical models.

5. Evaluation and interpretation: Evaluate the results of the simulations and interpret the findings to understand the potential impact of the recommended interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can involve comparing the simulated scenarios with the baseline situation and assessing the magnitude of change in access to skilled birth attendance.

By following these steps, policymakers and healthcare professionals can gain insights into the potential effectiveness of different interventions and make informed decisions to improve access to maternal health services.

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