The Association of Health Insurance with institutional delivery and access to skilled birth attendants: Evidence from the Kenya Demographic and health survey 2008-09

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to evaluate the association of health insurance with access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women in Kenya.
– This is important because healthcare financing through health insurance is gaining traction as developing countries strive to achieve universal health coverage and address limited access to critical health services for specific populations, including pregnant women and their children.
– However, there is limited evaluation of the impact of health insurance on maternal health in developing countries, including Kenya.
– The study used nationally representative data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2008-09.
– The results show that mothers with insurance are more likely to deliver at an institution and have access to skilled birth attendants compared to those without insurance.
– Mothers of lower socio-economic status benefit more from enrollment in insurance compared to those of higher socio-economic status.
– Encourage and promote health insurance enrollment among pregnant women to improve access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services.
– Focus on targeting and providing support to mothers of lower socio-economic status to ensure they benefit from enrollment in insurance.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for implementing policies and programs related to maternal health and health insurance.
– Health Insurance Providers: Responsible for offering and promoting health insurance options for pregnant women.
– Non-Governmental Organizations: Can play a role in advocating for and supporting health insurance enrollment among pregnant women.
– Community Health Workers: Can help educate and raise awareness about the benefits of health insurance for pregnant women.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Public Awareness Campaigns: Budget for advertising and promoting the benefits of health insurance for pregnant women.
– Training and Capacity Building: Budget for training health workers and insurance providers on the importance of maternal health and health insurance.
– Subsidies and Financial Support: Budget for providing financial assistance or subsidies to pregnant women from lower socio-economic backgrounds to help them enroll in health insurance.
– Monitoring and Evaluation: Budget for monitoring and evaluating the impact of health insurance enrollment on access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is relatively strong, as it is based on nationally representative data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2008-09. The study uses rigorous statistical methods, including linear and logistic regression, propensity score adjustment, and stratification analysis. The results show a significant association between health insurance enrollment and increased access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women. However, to improve the strength of the evidence, the study could benefit from a randomized controlled trial design to establish a causal relationship between health insurance and maternal health outcomes.

Background: Healthcare financing through health insurance is gaining traction as developing countries strive to achieve universal health coverage and address the limited access to critical health services for specific populations including pregnant women and their children. However, these reforms are taking place despite limited evaluation of impact of health insurance on maternal health in developing countries including Kenya. In this study we evaluate the association of health insurance with access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women in Kenya. Methods: Nationally representative data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2008-09 was used in this study. 4082 pregnant women with outcomes of interest-Institutional delivery (Yes/No-delivery at hospital, dispensary, maternity home, and clinic) and access to skilled birth attendants (help by a nurse, doctor, or trained midwife at delivery) were selected from 8444 women ages 15-49 years. Linear and logistic regression, and propensity score adjustment are used to estimate the causal association of enrollment in insurance on obstetric health outcomes. Results: Mothers with insurance are 23 percentage points (p < 0.01) more likely to deliver at an institution and 20 percentages points (p < 0.01) more likely have access to skilled birth attendants compared to those not insured. In addition mothers of lower socio-economic status benefit more from enrollment in insurance compared to mothers of higher socio-economic status. For both institutional delivery and access to skilled birth attendants, the average difference of the association of insurance enrollment compared to not enrolling for those of low SES is 23 percentage points (p < 0.01), and 6 percentage points (p < 0.01) for those of higher SES. Conclusions: Enrolling in health insurance is associated with increased access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women. Notably, those of lower socio-economic status seem to benefit the most from enrollment in insurance.

We used data from the 2008–09 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) for this analysis. KDHS is a nationally representative survey that sampled 10,000 households [22] and collected detailed health and sociodemographic information. A total of 400 clusters—133 urban and 267 rural—were selected from the master frame [22]. This sample was constructed to allow for separate estimates for key indicators for each of the eight provinces in Kenya, as well as for urban and rural areas separately [22]. Urban areas were oversampled to get enough cases for analysis [22]. As a result the KDHS sample is not self-weighting at the national level; therefore, the empirical strategies implemented in this analysis are based on weighted data. The women’s sample comprises of 8444 women ages 15–49. The final analytic sample has 4082 women who report two outcomes of interest – institutional delivery (Yes/No – delivery at hospital, dispensary, maternity home, and clinic) and access to skilled birth attendants (help by a nurse, doctor, or trained midwife at delivery). This definition of skilled birth attendant is based on the WHO recommendations [38]. The final analytic dataset of 4082 takes into account three (3) mothers who were missing values on their outcomes as well as covariates. Given that this represents 0.04% missing values, the missingness was ignored and the three mothers were dropped from the analysis. The independent variable is insurance enrollment (Yes/No). We generated the variable by combining responses to enrollment in different kinds of health insurance – community based health insurance, insurance from employer, government or social security, privately purchased insurance and insurance from other source. The 2008–09 KDHS was the first survey to include questions on insurance enrollment. Insurance enrollment however, is not random as individuals can select whether or not to enroll in insurance and at what time during the year they actually enroll. Because insurance enrollment is not a random event, we use a selection of covariates in the analysis including age, marital status, education, total number of children, total number of household members, employment status, urban or rural residence, HIV test, frequency of reading newspapers, cooking fuel and whether or not they have electricity. This vector of covariates allows for appropriate regression adjustment and use of the observed characteristics to construct counterfactuals of enrollment in insurance based on propensity scores. We would require a counterfactual to estimate the causal effects of insurance status on access to care for pregnant women [39] — i.e., what would have happened to the women in the absence of the intervention – in this case enrollment in insurance. The ideal way of achieving a counterfactual is through randomization. However, insurance enrollment is not randomized thus this observational study uses rigorous non-experimental methods. First, we estimate the association between health insurance and healthcare access using unadjusted and adjusted linear and logistic models. In the logistic regressions, we estimated the marginal effects – Table ​Table3.3. We estimated models of the general form: Linear and Logistic Regression Estimates of the Association of Insurance with Institutional Delivery & Skilled Birth Attendant Notes: In the table above models 1 & 5 are unadjusted linear models and 3 & 7 are unadjusted logistic models. Models 2 & 6 are linear models with controls and 4 & 8 are logistic with controls. The vector of controls includes age, household characteristics, education, pregnancy history, HIV test, and urban residence. Reported for models 3, 4, 7 & 8 are average marginal effects and the R squared is Pseudo R2. In parentheses are robust Std Errors. Significance levels: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1 where: the subscript i runs over observations i = 1 , … , n; y i is the outcome of interest (institutional delivery or skilled birth attendant); Xβ is the linear predictor. However, as selection into insurance is not random and in order to make any empirical estimations of the causal association with insurance, the adverse selection has to be accounted for. To reduce selection on observables, we implemented propensity score methods based on the conditional probability of enrolling in insurance given a set of observed covariates as defined by Rosenbaum and Rubin [40]. The propensity score estimation takes advantage of the covariates available in the KDHS and reduces bias due to differences in observed covariates thus balancing the covariates in the insured and uninsured groups. After using the logit model in estimating the propensity scores and achieving balance of the propensity score between the insured and uninsured, the goal was to estimate the Average Treatment Effects (ATE) or population effects of enrollment in insurance. ATE can be determined as the difference in average outcomes for insured and uninsured and can be written as shown in eq. 2: where n = the total number of pregnant women; y 1i is outcomes for the insured; and y 0i is outcomes for the uninsured. However, we cannot estimate eq. (2) as we cannot observe both y 1i and y oi (counterfactuals/potential outcomes) for every pregnant woman. And given that our study is observational, it is likely that the outcomes of interest (institutional delivery and access to skilled birth attendant) are dependent on treatment (insurance enrollment) leading to biased ATE. We therefore use the propensity scores for estimation of the causal association of enrollment in health insurance. Specifically we estimate and report the ‘Average Treatment Effect on the Treated’ (ATT) i.e. the average response to treatment (insurance) for those pregnant women that enrolled in or were enrolled in health insurance. From the ATE equation above (equation 2), we estimate the ATT equation below: where X is a set of covariates to condition on and Z is the treatment (enrollment in health insurance). The ATT estimation is based on the following assumptions [39–43]: These assumptions allowed for the construction of matched insurance samples based on the balancing score – the propensity score [40] and estimation of causal association of enrollment in health insurance by stratification, kernel, and nearest neighbor matching. We also conducted inverse probability weighting (IPW). Given that this study is an observational cross-sectional study with a single treatment variable, as discussed by Bender and Lange 2001, multiple test adjustments were not performed [44]. We used sampling weights in all analysis to account for the complex sampling strategy in the KDHS discussed above, and all statistical analyses were implemented in Stata 13. The average effects estimated from the linear, logistic, and propensity score methods may be heterogeneous for those with and without insurance. We addressed the potential for impact heterogeneity by further stratifying the analysis based on socio-economic status (SES). The SES index is a binary variable based on having electricity at home and current employment status. Because about 75% of the study sample lives in rural areas, having electricity and or working are good proxies for higher SES status.

Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations for innovations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Expand health insurance coverage: The study found that enrolling in health insurance was associated with increased access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women. Therefore, expanding health insurance coverage could help improve access to maternal health services.

2. Improve affordability of health insurance: Lower socio-economic status mothers seemed to benefit the most from enrollment in insurance. Making health insurance more affordable for low-income individuals and families could help ensure that they have access to maternal health services.

3. Increase awareness and education about health insurance: Many individuals may not be aware of the benefits and options available to them through health insurance. Increasing awareness and providing education about health insurance, particularly in rural areas, could help more pregnant women enroll and utilize maternal health services.

4. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: In order to accommodate the increased demand for maternal health services, it is important to strengthen healthcare infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. This could involve building more healthcare facilities, ensuring availability of skilled birth attendants, and improving the quality of care provided.

5. Implement mobile health solutions: Mobile health (mHealth) solutions can play a significant role in improving access to maternal health services, especially in remote areas. These solutions can include mobile apps for appointment scheduling, reminders for prenatal care visits, and access to telemedicine consultations with healthcare providers.

6. Enhance community-based healthcare initiatives: Community-based healthcare initiatives, such as community health workers or midwives, can help improve access to maternal health services, particularly in underserved areas. These initiatives can provide education, prenatal care, and support to pregnant women in their own communities.

7. Strengthen data collection and monitoring systems: Improving data collection and monitoring systems can help identify gaps in access to maternal health services and track progress in improving access. This can inform targeted interventions and ensure that resources are allocated effectively.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the specific findings and context of the study mentioned. Further research and evaluation would be needed to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of these innovations in different settings.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation based on the study is to promote health insurance enrollment as a means to improve access to maternal health services. The study found that pregnant women with health insurance were more likely to deliver at a healthcare institution and have access to skilled birth attendants compared to those without insurance. This association was particularly strong for women of lower socio-economic status.

To implement this recommendation, the following steps can be taken:

1. Increase awareness: Conduct public awareness campaigns to educate pregnant women and their families about the benefits of health insurance for maternal health. This can include information on the availability of health insurance options, the coverage provided for maternal health services, and the process of enrolling in insurance.

2. Improve affordability: Explore options to make health insurance more affordable for pregnant women, especially those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. This can include subsidies or financial assistance programs targeted specifically at pregnant women to reduce the financial burden of insurance premiums.

3. Strengthen health insurance systems: Work with relevant stakeholders, such as government agencies and insurance providers, to improve the design and implementation of health insurance schemes. This can involve streamlining enrollment processes, expanding the network of healthcare providers, and ensuring that insurance coverage includes comprehensive maternal health services.

4. Enhance quality of care: Alongside promoting health insurance, efforts should also be made to improve the quality of maternal health services. This can include training and capacity building for healthcare providers, ensuring availability of necessary medical equipment and supplies, and implementing quality assurance mechanisms to monitor and improve the delivery of care.

5. Monitor and evaluate: Establish monitoring and evaluation systems to track the impact of health insurance on access to maternal health services. This can involve collecting data on insurance enrollment rates, utilization of maternal health services, and health outcomes for pregnant women. Regular evaluation of these indicators will help identify areas for improvement and inform policy decisions.

By implementing these recommendations, it is expected that access to maternal health services will be improved, leading to better health outcomes for pregnant women and their children.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, the study aims to evaluate the association of health insurance with access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women in Kenya. The methodology used in the study includes the following steps:

1. Data Collection: The study used nationally representative data from the 2008-09 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS), which sampled 10,000 households and collected detailed health and sociodemographic information.

2. Sample Selection: From the KDHS data, a sample of 4,082 pregnant women was selected. These women reported two outcomes of interest: institutional delivery (delivery at hospital, dispensary, maternity home, or clinic) and access to skilled birth attendants (help by a nurse, doctor, or trained midwife at delivery).

3. Covariates and Independent Variable: The independent variable in the study is insurance enrollment (Yes/No). The study used a combination of responses to enrollment in different kinds of health insurance. Covariates such as age, marital status, education, total number of children, total number of household members, employment status, urban or rural residence, HIV test, frequency of reading newspapers, cooking fuel, and electricity were included to adjust for potential confounding factors.

4. Estimation of Causal Association: As insurance enrollment is not randomized, the study used propensity score methods to account for selection bias. Propensity scores were estimated based on the conditional probability of enrolling in insurance given the observed covariates. This helped balance the covariates between the insured and uninsured groups.

5. Average Treatment Effects (ATE) and Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT): The study aimed to estimate the ATE, which represents the difference in average outcomes between insured and uninsured women. However, as counterfactuals (outcomes in the absence of insurance) cannot be observed, the study focused on estimating the ATT, which represents the average response to treatment (insurance) for those who enrolled in or were enrolled in health insurance.

6. Matching and Estimation: The study used various matching techniques, such as stratification, kernel, and nearest neighbor matching, to construct matched insurance samples based on the propensity scores. Inverse probability weighting (IPW) was also used. The estimation of causal association was based on assumptions related to treatment assignment and outcome dependence on treatment.

7. Heterogeneity Analysis: To address potential impact heterogeneity, the analysis was further stratified based on socio-economic status (SES). The SES index was created using variables such as having electricity at home and current employment status.

8. Statistical Analysis: All statistical analyses were implemented using Stata 13 software. Sampling weights were used to account for the complex sampling strategy in the KDHS.

By following this methodology, the study was able to evaluate the association of health insurance with access and utilization of obstetric delivery health services for pregnant women in Kenya, and identify the potential benefits of insurance enrollment, particularly for those of lower socio-economic status.

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