Path analyses of risk factors for linear growth faltering in four prospective cohorts of young children in Ghana, Malawi and Burkina Faso

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Study Justification:
The study aims to understand the factors that contribute to linear growth faltering in young children, which is important for reducing stunting prevalence and achieving improved nutrition. Stunting is an indicator of a country’s progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is to end hunger and achieve improved nutrition. By identifying the risk factors for linear growth faltering, this study can help inform interventions to accelerate progress towards reducing stunting.
– The study conducted path analyses of factors associated with 18-month length-for-Age z-score (LAZ) in four prospective cohorts of children in Ghana, Malawi, and Burkina Faso.
– Out of 42 indicators examined, maternal height and body mass index (BMI) were consistently associated with 18-month LAZ in three or four cohorts.
– Six factors were associated with 18-month LAZ in two cohorts: length for gestational age z-score (LGAZ) at birth, pregnancy duration, improved household water, child dietary diversity, diarrhoea incidence, and 6-month or 9-month haemoglobin concentration.
– Direct associations were more prevalent than indirect associations, but a significant portion of the associations of maternal height and BMI with 18-month LAZ were mediated by LGAZ at birth.
– Factors that were not associated with LAZ included maternal iron status, illness and inflammation during pregnancy, maternal stress and depression, exclusive breastfeeding during 6 months postpartum, feeding frequency, and child fever, malaria, and acute respiratory infections.
– The study findings suggest that while individual-level factors play a role in linear growth faltering, community-level changes may be needed to achieve substantial progress.
– The study findings can help identify interventions to accelerate progress towards reducing stunting.
– Interventions should focus on addressing risk factors such as maternal height, BMI, length for gestational age, pregnancy duration, household water quality, child dietary diversity, and haemoglobin concentration.
– Community-level changes should be considered to address the remaining variance in linear growth status that is not accounted for by individual-level factors.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists in the field of nutrition and child health
– Policy makers and government officials responsible for nutrition and health programs
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on nutrition and child health
– Healthcare providers and community health workers
– Community leaders and volunteers
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Development and implementation of interventions targeting risk factors for linear growth faltering
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers and community health workers
– Monitoring and evaluation of interventions
– Awareness campaigns and community engagement activities
– Research and data collection to assess the impact of interventions
– Infrastructure and resources for improving household water quality
– Nutritional supplements and support for improving child dietary diversity
– Healthcare services for addressing diarrhoea incidence and haemoglobin concentration
– Support for maternal health and nutrition programs
– Funding for research, program implementation, and sustainability efforts

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong, but there are some areas for improvement. To improve the evidence, the authors could consider conducting further analyses to explore potential mediators and moderators of the associations found. Additionally, including a larger sample size and conducting replication studies in different populations would strengthen the evidence further.

Stunting prevalence is an indicator of a country’s progress towards United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is to end hunger and achieve improved nutrition. Accelerating progress towards reducing stunting requires a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to linear growth faltering. We conducted path analyses of factors associated with 18-month length-for-Age z-score (LAZ) in four prospective cohorts of children who participated in trials conducted as part of the International Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Project in Ghana (n=1039), Malawi (n=684 and 1504) and Burkina Faso (n=2619). In two cohorts, women were enrolled during pregnancy. In two other cohorts, infants were enrolled at 6 or 9 months. We examined the association of 42 indicators of environmental, maternal, caregiving and child factors with 18-month LAZ. Using structural equation modelling, we examined direct and indirect associations through hypothesised mediators in each cohort. Out of 42 indicators, 2 were associated with 18-month LAZ in three or four cohorts: maternal height and body mass index (BMI). Six factors were associated with 18-month LAZ in two cohorts: length for gestational age z-score (LGAZ) at birth, pregnancy duration, improved household water, child dietary diversity, diarrhoea incidence and 6-month or 9-month haemoglobin concentration. Direct associations were more prevalent than indirect associations, but 30%-62% of the associations of maternal height and BMI with 18-month LAZ were mediated by LGAZ at birth. Factors that were not associated with LAZ were maternal iron status, illness and inflammation during pregnancy, maternal stress and depression, exclusive breast feeding during 6 months post partum, feeding frequency and child fever, malaria and acute respiratory infections. These findings may help in identifying interventions to accelerate progress towards reducing stunting; however, much of the variance in linear growth status remained unaccounted for by these 42 individual-level factors, suggesting that community-level changes may be needed to achieve substantial progress.

Based on several previous frameworks,5 6 14 we developed a conceptual path model of potential influences on 18-month linear growth status (figure 1). We tested the following pathways, which correspond to the labels of the arrows in figure 1. Conceptual model. At an individual level, maternal height may be related to the child’s genetic potential for adult height that can be attained. In populations with a high prevalence of stunting, maternal height is also partly a reflection of growth restriction experienced by the mother during early life. Therefore, inclusion of maternal height in the model served two purposes: first, to adjust for a proxy of genetic potential, and second, to test the pathway that intergenerational effects of maternal growth during early life, reflected by maternal adult height, on child linear growth may be mediated by (1.1) socioeconomic conditions of the current generation, (1.2) maternal adult factors (nutritional status, illness, stress, depression, cognition), (1.3) caregiving practices, (1.4) child factors or (1.5) may directly affect linear growth (arrows for each individual pathway not drawn in the figure). Socioeconomic disparities and other environmental effects on child linear growth may be mediated by (2.1) maternal factors, (2.2) caregiving practices, (2.3) child factors or (2.4) may directly affect linear growth. Effects of maternal factors on child growth may be mediated by (3.1) child factors, (3.2) caregiving practices or (3.3) may directly affect child growth. Effects of infant feeding practices on child growth may be mediated by child factors (4.1) or caregiving practices may directly affect child growth (4.2). Effects of preterm birth or intrauterine growth restriction on later child linear growth status may be mediated by (5.1) postnatal child factors (appetite, illness, haemoglobin (Hb)/iron status, physical activity, stress) or (5.2) may be direct effects. Effects of child factors (appetite, illness, Hb/iron status, physical activity, stress) on child growth (6.1) may be mediated by caregiving behaviour in response to these factors, or (6.2) may be direct effects. In the iLiNS-DYAD-G trial in Ghana (n=1320) and the iLiNS-DYAD-M trial in Malawi (n=869), pregnant women were enrolled at ≤20 weeks of gestation. In the iLiNS-DOSE trial in Malawi (n=1932) and iLiNS-ZINC trial in Burkina Faso (n=3220), infants were enrolled at age 6 and 9 months, respectively. All participants were assigned to receive various doses and formulations of lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS), or to control groups until age 18 months, when length was measured.15–18 The effects of the interventions on 18-month child length-for LAZ differed across trials, with positive effects in Burkina Faso17 and Ghana,15 but not in Malawi.16 18 For further information, see supplemental methods. In the path analyses reported here, we included all children for whom LAZ at age 18 months was available, comprising 1039 children in iLiNS-DYAD-G, 684 in iLiNS-DYAD-M, 1504 in iLiNS-DOSE and 2619 children in iLiNS-ZINC. Detailed reports of the data collection procedures in each trial have been published elsewhere15–18; therefore, we summarise the procedures for collection of variables that were used in the analyses presented here. Online supplementary table 1 presents further details of the data collection procedures and variable definitions. Figure 2 shows the data collection schedule for each variable in each cohort. Data collection timeline in each cohort. bmjgh-2018-001155supp001.pdf Data on socio-demographic characteristics and maternal anthropometric status were gathered at enrolment. In the two DYAD trials, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) was estimated based on BMI and gestational age at enrolment. Capillary or venous blood samples were collected from mothers and/or children at multiple time points for the assessment of (1) malaria using a rapid diagnostic test, (2) Hb concentration (g/L), (3) biomarkers of iron status, including zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) concentration (μmol/mol heme), and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR, mg/L), and (4) biomarkers of inflammation, including alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP; g/L) concentration. In ZINC, known HIV infection was an exclusion criterion, but HIV was not tested; therefore, HIV status of women who were enrolled was unknown. In DOSE, HIV status was also unknown. In DYAD-G, HIV infection was known from antenatal cards and HIV-positive women were excluded. In DYAD-M, women were tested for HIV at enrolment but were not excluded. Maternal and/or child saliva samples in DYAD-M and DYAD-G were collected at several time points for the measurement of cortisol concentration (nmol/L). Maternal self-reported stress was measured in DYAD-M at multiple time points using the Perceived Stress Scale.19 20 Mothers were interviewed regarding depressive symptoms at 6 months post partum in DYAD-M using a locally validated adaptation of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire and in DYAD-G with the Edinburgh Post-natal Depression Scale.21 In DYAD-M, at 6 months post partum, maternal cognition was assessed using digit span forward and backward, verbal fluency, mental rotation and functional health literacy tests.22 Children were visited weekly for morbidity surveillance. At these visits, caregivers were asked whether the child experienced any illness symptoms, including fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, cough, nasal discharge, respiratory distress or poor appetite during the past seven days and/or data collectors measured the child’s auricular temperature. Longitudinal prevalence and/or incidence of diarrhoea, fever, malaria, acute respiratory infection and/or poor appetite were calculated (online supplementary table 1). In DOSE and DYAD-M, physical activity at age 18 months was measured over 1 week with the hip-worn ActiGraph GT3X+accelerometer (Pensacola, Florida, USA).23 Infant feeding practices were assessed at multiple time points through qualitative 24 hours and/or 7-day dietary recall questionnaires.24 In all four trials, developmental stimulation was measured at age 18 months using the Family Care Indicators interview.25 The mother was interviewed with regard to the variety of play materials and activities that adults used to engage with the child in the past three days. In DYAD-G and DYAD-M, gestational age at enrolment was mainly determined by ultrasound and this was used to calculate gestational age at birth. In DYAD-G, infant weight and length were measured within 48 hours of birth or between 3 and 14 days after birth for 87 (9.4%) when the former was not possible. In DYAD-M, infant weight and length were measured within 6 weeks of birth. We estimated length and weight at birth based on LAZ and WAZ measured within 6 weeks of birth, assuming that LAZ and WAZ did not change from birth to the time of measurement. Length and weight for gestational age at birth z-scores were then calculated based on the INTERGROWTH-21st standards.26 In all four cohorts, length was measured at age 18 months. All length measurements were conducted to the nearest 1 mm by teams of two trained and standardised anthropometrists using length boards. We examined the distribution of each independent variable separately by cohort. We log-transformed skewed variables and winsorised outliers to the 1st and 99th percentile. If transformation did not result in a normal distribution, we created a binary variable. All continuous variables were standardised to SD units by subtracting the mean and dividing by SD. We performed exploratory mediation analyses according to the following steps. We refer to figure 3 to describe each step in the mediation analysis. Mediation analysis. The first condition for inclusion in our mediation analysis was that X is associated with Y, represented by c in figure 3, so we examined independent associations between each predictor and 18-month LAZ and dropped any that were not associated at p0.6), we dropped the one that was less strongly associated with 18-month LAZ. Third, we examined four multivariate models with each category of factors together predicting 18-month LAZ and dropped any that were not associated at p0.05. In figure 1, unidirectional arrows represent pathways tested. Bidirectional arrows represent associations that were checked for collinearity, but were not otherwise modelled in the path analysis. All analyses up to this point were conducted using SAS V.9.4 (SAS Institute). Next, for each independent variable with potential mediators, we tested the mediation model using Stata V.14.1 (StataCorp) binary mediation program. We ran the multiple mediation model including all potential mediators together, rather than testing each mediator one by one in separate models. In the final path model, we included all pathways for which the indirect association of X with Y through M was significant. If the interaction between X and M was significant at p<0.05, we stratified the sample at the median of the independent variable and tested the indirect association of X through M at both high and low levels of X. If the indirect association was significant at both high and low levels of X, then we retained the pathway in the model; otherwise, we removed that pathway. Finally, we ran the final path model using the sem command in Stata with the mlmv option to estimate the model on the full data set using maximum likelihood estimation for missing values. All models controlled for three covariates: randomly assigned trial group (LNS vs no LNS), child sex and child age at 18-month LAZ assessment. In the final models, we corrected p values for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction,27 which is recommended for controlling the false discovery rate in structural equation models.28 We applied the correction separately for each model (ie, for each cohort). If any pathway was not significant at corrected p<0.05, then we did not draw that pathway in the path diagram. For objective 3, we examined the 16 variables that were available in all four cohorts: household asset index, household food insecurity access index, maternal and paternal education, household water and toilet, maternal age, height, and BMI, child diarrhoea and fever prevalence, child 6-month or 9-month Hb and ZPP, mean dietary diversity across time points, variety of play materials and activities with caregivers at age 18 months. We report the R2 in the models with these 16 predictors in each cohort separately and in the pooled model to determine whether the pooled analysis accounted for more variance in 18-month LAZ than the within-cohort models.

The study mentioned focuses on identifying factors associated with linear growth faltering in young children and their potential pathways. It examines various indicators related to environmental, maternal, caregiving, and child factors to understand their associations with 18-month length-for-Age z-score (LAZ). The study found that maternal height and body mass index (BMI) were consistently associated with 18-month LAZ in three or four cohorts. Other factors associated with 18-month LAZ in two cohorts included length for gestational age z-score (LGAZ) at birth, pregnancy duration, improved household water, child dietary diversity, diarrhoea incidence, and 6-month or 9-month haemoglobin concentration.

The study also developed a conceptual path model to understand potential influences on 18-month linear growth status. The model included pathways related to maternal height, socioeconomic conditions, maternal factors, caregiving practices, child factors, and infant feeding practices. It also considered the effects of preterm birth or intrauterine growth restriction on later child linear growth status.

The study was conducted as part of the International Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Project in Ghana, Malawi, and Burkina Faso. Different trials were conducted in each country, and the effects of interventions on 18-month child length-for LAZ varied across trials.

In the path analyses, the study included data from four cohorts comprising a total of 5,846 children. Data on various variables, including socio-demographic characteristics, maternal anthropometric status, blood samples, saliva samples, stress levels, depressive symptoms, morbidity surveillance, physical activity, infant feeding practices, and developmental stimulation, were collected at different time points.

The study performed exploratory mediation analyses to identify potential mediators between the independent variables and 18-month LAZ. It used statistical methods to test the significance of associations and dropped variables or pathways that were not significant. The final path model included significant pathways and controlled for covariates such as trial group, child sex, and child age.

Overall, the study aimed to provide insights into the factors influencing linear growth faltering in young children and to identify potential interventions to reduce stunting. However, it also highlighted that many individual-level factors could not fully account for the variance in linear growth status, suggesting the need for community-level changes to achieve substantial progress.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be used to develop an innovation to improve access to maternal health based on the provided description is to focus on addressing the factors that contribute to linear growth faltering in young children. This can be achieved through a multi-faceted approach that targets both individual-level and community-level factors.

1. Individual-level interventions:
– Improve maternal nutrition: Promote healthy eating habits and provide access to nutrient-rich foods during pregnancy and lactation. This can include providing nutritional supplements and counseling on balanced diets.
– Enhance maternal healthcare: Ensure access to quality antenatal and postnatal care, including regular check-ups, screenings, and support for maternal mental health.
– Promote exclusive breastfeeding: Educate mothers on the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and provide support to overcome barriers to breastfeeding.

2. Community-level interventions:
– Improve access to clean water and sanitation facilities: Enhance infrastructure and services to ensure safe drinking water and proper sanitation, which can reduce the risk of diarrheal diseases and improve overall health.
– Enhance caregiving practices: Provide education and support to caregivers on responsive feeding, hygiene practices, and early childhood stimulation to promote optimal growth and development.
– Strengthen healthcare systems: Invest in healthcare infrastructure, training of healthcare providers, and community health workers to ensure access to quality maternal and child healthcare services.

Additionally, it is important to conduct further research to identify additional factors that contribute to linear growth faltering and develop targeted interventions to address them. This can involve collaborations between researchers, policymakers, healthcare providers, and community members to design and implement evidence-based interventions that are culturally appropriate and sustainable.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to improve access to maternal health and reduce the prevalence of stunting, ultimately contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2 of ending hunger and achieving improved nutrition.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Increase access to prenatal care: Ensure that pregnant women have access to regular check-ups, screenings, and necessary interventions during pregnancy to monitor their health and the health of their unborn child.

2. Improve nutrition during pregnancy: Implement programs that provide pregnant women with adequate nutrition, including essential vitamins and minerals, to support healthy fetal development and reduce the risk of stunting.

3. Enhance maternal education and awareness: Promote education and awareness among expectant mothers about the importance of proper nutrition, hygiene, and healthcare during pregnancy to empower them to make informed decisions for their own health and the health of their child.

4. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, equipment, and staffing in areas with limited access to maternal health services to ensure that women have access to quality care during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population or region where the recommendations will be implemented.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of maternal health in the target population, including indicators such as maternal mortality rates, access to prenatal care, and nutritional status of pregnant women.

3. Implement the recommendations: Introduce the recommended interventions, such as increasing access to prenatal care, improving nutrition programs, and enhancing maternal education and awareness.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of the recommendations and collect data on relevant indicators to assess the impact of the interventions. This could include tracking changes in maternal mortality rates, improvements in access to prenatal care, and changes in the nutritional status of pregnant women.

5. Analyze the data: Use statistical analysis techniques to analyze the collected data and determine the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve comparing pre- and post-intervention data, conducting regression analyses, or using other appropriate statistical methods.

6. Adjust and refine: Based on the findings from the analysis, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the interventions to further improve access to maternal health.

7. Repeat the evaluation: Conduct periodic evaluations to assess the long-term impact of the recommendations and make any additional adjustments as needed.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health and identify areas for further improvement.

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