Co-creation to scale up provision of simplified high-quality comprehensive abortion care in East Central and Southern Africa

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Study Justification:
– Universal access to comprehensive abortion care (CAC) is a reproductive right and is crucial for reducing preventable maternal mortality and morbidity.
– Abortion rates in East Africa are consistently high, with the majority being unsafe, leading to unnecessary mortality and morbidity.
– The study aims to identify key action points to speed up the implementation and expansion of CAC in the East, Central, and Southern African (ECSA) health community.
– The study seeks to promote universal access to quality CAC and address the challenges faced in legally restrictive environments.
– The study proposes the establishment of a regional platform to facilitate the sharing of best practices and successful examples of CAC from the ECSA region.
– The platform would help visualize opportunities and identify innovative ways to secure women’s access to quality care within legally restrictive environments.
– It would provide information and capacity building through the sharing of recent scientific evidence, guidelines, and training programs.
– The study emphasizes the importance of this infrastructure for exchanging information and developing co-creation to advance the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda.
– Establish a regional platform for sharing best practices and successful examples of CAC.
– Identify innovative ways to secure women’s access to quality care within legally restrictive environments.
– Provide information and capacity building through the sharing of recent scientific evidence, guidelines, and training programs.
– Promote the lowest effective level in the healthcare system for women’s access to CAC.
– Use this infrastructure for exchanging information and developing co-creation to advance the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda.
Key Role Players:
– Regional health organizations and ministries of health in East, Central, and Southern Africa.
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the field of reproductive health and rights.
– Healthcare providers and professionals specializing in comprehensive abortion care.
– Researchers and academics in the field of reproductive health.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Development and maintenance of the regional platform for sharing best practices and successful examples of CAC.
– Training programs and capacity building initiatives for healthcare providers.
– Research and data collection on the effectiveness of different approaches to secure women’s access to quality care.
– Communication and dissemination of scientific evidence, guidelines, and training materials.
– Collaboration and coordination efforts among key role players in the region.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The abstract provides a clear description of the problem and the need for comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in East Central and Southern Africa. It highlights the high abortion rates and the associated risks to maternal health. The abstract also suggests actionable steps to improve access to CAC, such as creating a regional platform for sharing best practices and innovative approaches. However, the abstract does not provide specific evidence or data to support these claims. To improve the strength of the evidence, the abstract could include statistics on abortion rates, maternal mortality, and the impact of unsafe abortions in the region. Additionally, referencing specific studies or research findings would further enhance the evidence provided.

Universal access to comprehensive abortion care (CAC) is a reproductive right and is essential to reduce preventable maternal mortality and morbidity. In East Africa, abortion rates are consistently high, and the vast majority of all abortions are unsafe, significantly contributing to unnecessary mortality and morbidity. The current debate article reflects and summarises key action points required to continue to speed the implementation of and expand access to CAC in the East, Central, and Southern African (ECSA) health community. To ensure universal access to quality CAC, a regional platform could facilitate the sharing of best practices and successful examples from the region, which would help to visualise opportunities. Such a platform could also identify innovative ways to secure women’s access to quality care within legally restrictive environments and would provide information and capacity building through the sharing of recent scientific evidence, guidelines, and training programmes aimed at increasing women’s access to CAC at the lowest effective level in the healthcare system. This type of infrastructure for exchanging information and developing co-creation could be crucial to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda.

The recommendation to improve access to maternal health in East Central and Southern Africa is to develop a regional platform that facilitates the sharing of best practices and successful examples of comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in the region. This platform would serve as a means to visualize opportunities and identify innovative ways to secure women’s access to quality care within legally restrictive environments.

The platform would provide information and capacity building through the sharing of recent scientific evidence, guidelines, and training programs aimed at increasing women’s access to CAC at the lowest effective level in the healthcare system. By creating an infrastructure for exchanging information and promoting co-creation, this recommendation aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda and can contribute to reducing preventable maternal mortality and morbidity.

The recommendation was published in the Global Health Action journal in 2018 under the title “Co-creation to scale up provision of simplified high-quality comprehensive abortion care in East Central and Southern Africa.”
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health in East Central and Southern Africa is to develop a regional platform that facilitates the sharing of best practices and successful examples of comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in the region. This platform would serve as a means to visualize opportunities and identify innovative ways to secure women’s access to quality care within legally restrictive environments.

The platform would provide information and capacity building through the sharing of recent scientific evidence, guidelines, and training programs aimed at increasing women’s access to CAC at the lowest effective level in the healthcare system. By creating an infrastructure for exchanging information and promoting co-creation, this recommendation aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda and can contribute to reducing preventable maternal mortality and morbidity.

This recommendation was published in the Global Health Action journal in 2018, under the title “Co-creation to scale up provision of simplified high-quality comprehensive abortion care in East Central and Southern Africa.”
AI Innovations Methodology
To simulate the impact of the main recommendations in this abstract on improving access to maternal health, a possible methodology could involve the following steps:

1. Data collection: Gather data on the current state of maternal health and access to comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in East Central and Southern Africa. This would include information on maternal mortality rates, abortion rates, availability of CAC services, legal restrictions, and healthcare infrastructure.

2. Literature review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature, including the publication mentioned in the abstract, to identify best practices and successful examples of CAC implementation in the region. This would involve analyzing studies, reports, and guidelines related to CAC and its impact on maternal health outcomes.

3. Stakeholder engagement: Engage with key stakeholders involved in maternal health and CAC provision in the region, including healthcare providers, policymakers, NGOs, and women’s rights organizations. Conduct interviews, focus groups, or surveys to gather insights and perspectives on the potential impact of the recommended regional platform.

4. Development of a simulation model: Based on the gathered data, literature review findings, and stakeholder input, develop a simulation model that can estimate the potential impact of the recommended regional platform on improving access to maternal health. This model could consider factors such as increased knowledge and capacity building, changes in healthcare practices, and potential policy changes resulting from the platform’s implementation.

5. Scenario analysis: Run the simulation model using different scenarios to assess the potential impact of the recommended regional platform under varying conditions. This could include scenarios with different levels of platform engagement, resource allocation, and policy changes. Analyze the results to identify the potential benefits and challenges associated with each scenario.

6. Policy recommendations: Based on the simulation results, provide policy recommendations to relevant stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, and healthcare providers. These recommendations should highlight the potential benefits of implementing the regional platform and suggest strategies for overcoming barriers to its implementation.

7. Monitoring and evaluation: Once the regional platform is implemented, establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess its actual impact on improving access to maternal health. This could involve tracking key indicators such as maternal mortality rates, abortion rates, and the availability and quality of CAC services. Regularly review and update the simulation model based on real-world data to refine the predictions and recommendations.

By following this methodology, policymakers and stakeholders can gain insights into the potential impact of the recommended regional platform on improving access to maternal health in East Central and Southern Africa. This information can inform decision-making and guide efforts to reduce preventable maternal mortality and morbidity in the region.

Yabelana ngalokhu: