Background Micronutrient (MN) deficiency among children is recognised as a major public health problem in Ethiopia. The scarcity of MNs in Ethiopia, particularly in pastoral communities, might be severe due to poor diets mitigated by poor healthcare access, drought, and poverty. To reduce MNs deficiency, foods rich in vitamin A (VA) and iron were promoted and programs like multiple micronutrient powder (MNP), iron and vitamin A supplements (VAS) and or deworming have been implemented. Nationally for children aged 6–23 months, consumption of four or more food groups from diet rich in iron and VA within the previous 24 hours, MNP and iron supplementation within seven days, and VAS and >75% of deworming within the last 6 months is recommend; however, empirical evidence is scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the recommended MN intake status of children aged 6–23 months in the emerging regions of Ethiopia. Methods Data from the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2016 were used. A two-stage stratified sampling technique was used to identify 1009 children aged 6–23 months. MN intake status was assessed using six options: food rich in VA or iron consumed within the previous 24 hours, MNP or iron supplementation with the previous seven days, VAS or deworming within six months. A multilevel mixed-effect logistic regression analysis was computed, and a p-value of < 0.05 and Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with 95% Confidence Interval (CI) were used to identify the individual and community-level factors. Results In this analysis, 37.3% (95% CI: 34.3–40.3) of children aged 6–23 months had not received any to the recommended MNs sources. The recommended MNs resulted; VAS (47.2%), iron supplementation (6.0%), diet rich in VA (27.7%), diet rich in iron (15.6%), MNP (7.5%), and deworming (7.1%). Antenatal care visit (AOR: 1.9, 95% CI: 1.4–2.8), work in the agriculture (AOR: 2.2, 95% CI: 1.3–3.8) and children aged 13 to 23 months (AOR: 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2–2.4) were the individual-level factors and also Benishangul (AOR: 2.2, 95% CI: 1.3–4.9) and Gambella regions (AOR: 1.9, 95% CI: 1.0–3.4) were the community-level factors that increased micronutrient intake whereas residence in rural (AOR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.1–0.9) was the community-level factors that decrease micronutrient intake. Conclusions Micronutrient intake among children aged 6–23 months in the pastoral community was low when compared to the national recommendation. After adjusting for individual and community level factors, women’s occupational status, child’s age, antenatal visits for recent pregnancy, residence and region were significantly associated with the MN intake status among children aged 6–23 months.
The study used the EDHS 2016 data, a nationally representative household survey data collected every five years. It has been implemented by the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) [23] with the primary objective of providing up-to-date estimates of key demographic and health indicators. Administratively, Ethiopia is divided into nine regions (Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambela, South Nation Nationalities and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR), Harari and Somali) and two administrative cities (Addis Ababa and Dire-Dawa) (Fig 1). These regions are again categorised as developed and emerging regions. The emerging regions are Afar, Somali, Benishangul, and Gambela, where scattered pastoralists predominantly live. Inadequate infrastructure, inaccessibility of health services, drought, poverty and absence of clear and detailed regulations are the common characteristics in emerging regions [36,37]. The developed regions are Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, SNNPR and Harari regions and the city administrations characterised by a relatively denser population and better infrastructure, and access to health and education services. The sampling frame for the 2016 EDHS used the 2007 Ethiopian population and housing census, which was conducted by the CSA of Ethiopia. The census used a complete list of 84,915 enumeration areas (EAs), which contains the location, type of residence, and the estimated number of residential households. The 2016 EDHS sample was stratified in two stages, and samples of EAs were selected independently from each stratum. The regions were stratified into urban and rural areas. At each lower administrative level, implicit stratification and proportional allocation were achieved within each sampling stratum before sample selection at different levels. In the first stage, 645 EAs were selected with probability proportional to the EA size, and each sampling stratum was selected from the given samples. The total residential households in the EA were the EA size, and a household listing operation was implemented. Then, the resulting lists of households were used as the sampling frame for selecting households in the second stage. Twenty-eight households from each cluster were selected with an equal probability in the second stage, a systematic selection from the newly created household listing. The survey interviewer interviewed only pre-selected households. No replacements or changes of the pre-selected households were allowed in the implementing stages to prevent bias. In this study, the 2016 EDHS childhood datasets of the four emerging regional states: Afar, Benishangul, Gambella and Somali, were used for analysis. All women aged 15–49 years who are the usual members of the selected households were eligible for the survey. Children aged 6–23 months were the source population and included 1009 mothers/caregivers and their recent children aged 6–23 months in the analysis. In contrast, the second and third child within the last five years (for those who have more than a child), children living with other than their mothers/caregivers were excluded from the analysis (Fig 2). For mothers/caregivers with twins, only one was selected by convenience. Potential individual and community level independent variables were also selected, and further analysis was done. The dependent variable of the study was MN intake status among children aged 6–23 months, which was determined by respondents’ reports and assessment of intake status. So, there were six options: food rich in VA or iron in the last 24 hours, MNP or iron supplement consumed within the previous seven days, VAS or deworming within the previous six months [19–21,38]. Accordingly, if the respondent reported that the child had eaten’ at least one of the minimum recommended MNs, we considered it "Yes"; if the children received none of the minimum recommended MNs, it was considered as "No". Foods rich in VA were measured by the seven food groups’ consumption within the preceding 24 hours. These food groups were I. Eggs, ii. Meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken), iii. pumpkin, carrots, and squash, iv. any dark green leafy vegetables, v. mangoes, papayas, and others with VA fruits, vi. Liver, heart, and other organs and vii. Fish or shellfish. Accordingly, if the respondent reported that the child had eaten’ at least one of these, we considered “yes”; otherwise “no” VA rich food. Foods rich in iron were measured by the four iron-rich food groups’ consumption within the past 24 hours. These groups were i. eggs, ii. meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken), iii. Liver, heart, and other organs, and iv. Fish or shellfish. Thus, if the respondent reported that the child had eaten’ at least one of these, we considered “yes”; otherwise “no” iron-rich food. Multiple MN powders were assessed by asking the respondents whether their child had received micronutrient powders in the previous seven days. Iron supplementation was assessed by asking the respondents whether their child had iron supplementation defined as iron pills, sprinkles with iron, or iron syrup in the previous seven days. VAS and deworming were assessed for those 6–23 months of children whether they received for the last six months or not by reviewing the integrated child health card, which consists of immunisation and growth monitoring history and also from the mother’s verbal response. The obstetric characteristics of women included current pregnancy status and use of maternal health services (ANC, institutional delivery and PNC). The child characteristics include birth weight, and current age. Birth weight was categorised as small, average or large. The household wealth index was calculated as an index based on consumer goods such as television, bicycle, or car. Household characteristics such as the material used for floor and roof and toilet facilities were also considered in calculating the household wealth index. The household wealth index was computed using principal component analysis and ranked into poor, middle, and rich. Simultaneously, the community-level variables were residence, region, community-level wealth quantile, community-level media exposure, and distance to the nearest health facility. Community-level wealth quantile was assessed using the asset index based on data from the entire country sample on separate scores prepared for rural and urban households, and combined to produce an index for all households as the community level and ranked into five (poorest, poorer, middle, richer, and richest). In other words, the community level wealth quantile was used to measure the community level poverty and it is a relative measure of how wealth is distributed within the population from the quantiles were calculated. Community media exposure was assessed as “yes” if they have access to all three media (newsletter, radio, and television) at least once a week, otherwise “no” if they did not have any media exposure. Distance to the health facility was assessed by the question “distance to the nearest health facility is a problem?” and the responses were categorised as “big problem” or “not a problem” [39]. The data were cleaned, re-coded and analysed using STATA (StataCorp, College Station, TX) version 14. Descriptive statistics were presented using tables and narration to describe the magnitude of MN intake status by sociodemographic, maternal obstetric and child characteristics. A multilevel analysis was conducted after checking the eligibility. The model eligibility was assessed by calculating the Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and a model with ICC greater than 10% for multilevel analysis. In this study, the ICC was 27.3%. Since the data were hierarchical (individuals were nested within communities), a two-level mixed-effects logistic regression model was fitted to estimate both the individual and community level variables (fixed and random effect) on MN intake status, and the log of the probability of MN intake was modelled using the formula as follows [40]: Where i is an individual level unit and j is a community-level unit; X and Z refer to individual and community-level variables, respectively; πij is the probability of MN intake for the ith child in the jth community; the β’s are the fixed coefficients. Whereas β0 is the intercept; the effect on the probability of MN intake in the absence of influence of predictors, and uj showed the community’s effect (random effect) on MN intake for the jth community and eij showed random errors at the individual levels. By assuming each community had different intercepts (β0 + Uj) and fixed coefficient (β1,2), the clustered data nature and the within and between community variations were considered. Bivariable and multivariable analyses were computed. In the bivariable logistic regression analysis, a p-value of less than 0.2 was used to fit three models (models for the individual, community, and individual and community levels). Then, in the final model (fixed effect), a p-value of less than 0.05 and an Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to estimate the association of individual and community level factors with MN intake status. The measures of variation (random-effects) between clusters were reported using ICC and proportional change in variance (PCV). The ICC refers to the ratio of cluster variance to total variance, and it tells us the proportion of the total variance in the outcome variable that is accounted at the cluster level. The loglikelihood test was used to estimate the goodness of fit of the final adjusted model compared to the preceding models. A model with the smallest value of loglikelihood is better; accordingly, model three (a model for both individual and community-level variables) had the lowest value. The ethical approval and permission to access the data were obtained from the MEASURE DHS (available from accessed on April 06, 2020) after a brief study concept was submitted.