The third delay: Understanding waiting time for obstetric referrals at a large regional hospital in Ghana

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Study Justification:
– Delay in receiving care contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality.
– The delays incurred upon arrival to the hospital have not been described in many low- and middle-income countries.
– Understanding the factors that lead to delays in receiving care can help improve the care at high-volume comprehensive emergency obstetric centers.
Study Highlights:
– 108 facilities refer patients to Ridge Regional Hospital, with 52 facilities accounting for 90.5% of all transfers.
– The most common reasons for referral are fetal-pelvic size disproportion, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and prior uterine scar.
– Factors associated with longer wait times include presenting during the night shift, being in latent labour, and having a non-time-sensitive risk factor.
– Women with time-sensitive risk factors were seen more quickly than the baseline population, but all groups failed to be evaluated within the international standard of 10 minutes.
Study Recommendations:
– Improve hospital systems to ensure space and personnel are available to access high-risk pregnancy transfers rapidly.
– Develop educational and systems-based interventions to address factors that lead to prolonged delays in receiving care.
Key Role Players Needed to Address Recommendations:
– Hospital administrators and management
– Obstetricians and medical officers/residents
– Midwives
– Nursing staff
– Data collection and analysis team
Cost Items to Include in Planning Recommendations:
– Hiring and training additional staff nurses for data collection
– Implementation of educational and systems-based interventions
– Potential infrastructure improvements to enhance hospital systems and triage area

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study provides detailed information about the obstetric referral process at Ridge Regional Hospital in Ghana, including data on wait times, reasons for referral, and factors associated with longer wait times. The study also highlights the need to improve hospital systems to reduce delays upon arrival. However, the abstract does not provide information on the methodology used to collect and analyze the data, such as the sample size and sampling method. Including this information would strengthen the evidence. Additionally, the abstract does not mention any limitations of the study, which should be addressed to provide a more balanced assessment of the evidence. To improve the evidence, the authors could provide more details on the data collection and analysis methods, including the sample size and sampling method. They should also acknowledge any limitations of the study, such as potential biases or confounding factors. This would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the study’s findings and increase the overall strength of the evidence.

Background: Delay in receiving care significantly contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality. Much has been studied about reducing delays prior to arrival to referral facilities, but the delays incurred upon arrival to the hospital have not been described in many low- and middle-income countries. Methods: We report on the obstetric referral process at Ridge Regional Hospital, Accra, Ghana, the largest referral hospital in the Ghana Health System. This study uses data from a prospectively-collected cohort of 1082 women presenting with pregnancy complications over a 10-week period. To characterize which factors lead to delays in receiving care, we analyzed wait times based on reason for referral, time and day of arrival, and concurrent volume of patients in the triage area. Results: The findings show that 108 facilities refer patients to Ridge Regional Hospital, and 52 facilities account for 90.5% of all transfers. The most common reason for referral was fetal-pelvic size disproportion (24.3%) followed by hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (9.8%) and prior uterine scar (9.1%). The median arrival-to-evaluation (wait) time was 40 min (IQR 15-100); 206 (22%) of women were evaluated within 10 min of arrival. Factors associated with longer wait times include presenting during the night shift, being in latent labour, and having a non-time-sensitive risk factor. The median time to be evaluated was 32 min (12-80) for women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and 37 min (10-66) for women with obstetric hemorrhage. In addition, the wait time for women in the second stage of labour was 30 min (12-79). Conclusions: Reducing delay upon arrival is imperative to improve the care at high-volume comprehensive emergency obstetric centers. Although women with time-sensitive risk factors such as hypertension, bleeding, fever, and second stage of labour were seen more quickly than the baseline population, all groups failed to be evaluated within the international standard of 10 min. This study emphasizes the need to improve hospital systems so that space and personnel are available to access high-risk pregnancy transfers rapidly.

RRH in Accra, Ghana was selected as the site for this study as the highest volume obstetric unit of 10 regional referral hospitals in the GHS. Regional hospitals primarily manage complicated pregnancies and as such, approximately 70% of deliveries at RRH are high-risk antenatal or peripartum referrals. The maternity unit at RRH has a 90-bed capacity and provides comprehensive services from antenatal care through postpartum discharge. In 2012, there were 10 labour and delivery beds, one obstetric operating room, and four general operating rooms shared among surgical services and located remotely from the labour ward. The obstetric triage area was an open hallway with a bench and a small adjacent examination room. Staffing consisted of only two obstetricians, an average of four medical officers/residents, and 22 midwives to manage the operating room and labour ward. Despite these challenges, the unit maintained an open-door policy of not turning away patients needing maternity care. Morning shifts were conducted from 0800 to 1400, afternoon shifts from 1400 to 2000 and night shifts from 2000 to 0800, during which there were typically 4 midwives scheduled during the day shifts and 3 midwives during the night shifts. Prior to this study, we conducted a small pilot survey among patients that identified waiting time as a significant modifiable factor that negatively affected patient experience and outcome [9]. We developed a data collection and analysis plan to further understand this issue. The a priori goal of the study was to document the wait time and triage time for women when they arrive. We also wanted to identify factors that led to prolonged delays so that an educational and systems-based intervention could be developed. Four non-staff nurses were hired and trained to collect data on obstetric patients admitted to RRH during a 10-week period from September 9 to November 11, 2012. This sample time represented a time of the year with intermediate patient volume based on monthly census data and was selected to reduce the potential influence of peak or low volume periods. Data collectors were scheduled to work throughout the day and night to gather time-sequence information at patient arrival and from patient records and logbooks within 24 h. Data included patient and labour characteristics, referral information, and the timeliness of triage. Timeliness was based on direct observation of patient-provider interactions by the data collection nurses and recorded on a data sheet. We defined wait time as the difference in minutes from arrival at the facility to the first interaction with a midwife. Triage time was defined as the time from first interaction with a midwife to departure from the triage area en route to a treatment area (women’s ward, labour ward, operating theatre, etc.). For variables that were normally distributed, Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA was used for continuous variable, and Pearson chi-squared test was used for categorical variables. Results are shown with means and 95% confidence intervals (CI) where applicable. For variables, such as wait time, that are nonparametric, more appropriate tests were chosen. The Wilcox rank-sum (also known as Mann-Whitney U) test was used for continuous variables and Krukal-Wallis test for categorical variables. These results are reported using medians and interquartile ranges. Statistical analyses were done using STATA version 14.0 software (StataCorp, College Station, TX).


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could be recommended to improve access to maternal health:

1. Improve infrastructure: Increase the number of labor and delivery beds, obstetric operating rooms, and general operating rooms to accommodate the high volume of patients. This will help reduce wait times and ensure timely access to care.

2. Increase staffing: Hire additional obstetricians, medical officers/residents, and midwives to manage the operating room, labor ward, and triage area. This will help ensure that there are enough healthcare professionals available to attend to patients promptly.

3. Implement a triage system: Develop a more efficient triage system to prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition. This will help ensure that women with time-sensitive risk factors are seen more quickly and receive the necessary care without delay.

4. Utilize technology: Implement electronic medical records and data collection systems to streamline the process of gathering patient information and tracking wait times. This will help healthcare providers identify factors that contribute to prolonged delays and develop targeted interventions.

5. Education and training: Provide education and training to healthcare providers on the importance of timely access to care for high-risk pregnancy transfers. This will help raise awareness and improve the overall understanding of the impact of delays on patient outcomes.

6. Collaborate with referring facilities: Establish partnerships and communication channels with referring facilities to improve the coordination and transfer of patients. This will help ensure a smooth transition and reduce delays in accessing care at the referral hospital.

7. Increase resources for maternal health: Allocate more resources and funding to maternal health services to support the implementation of these innovations. This will help sustain and scale up the improvements in access to care for maternal health.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, here is a recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Implement a triage system: Develop a comprehensive triage system at Ridge Regional Hospital to prioritize and expedite the evaluation and care of pregnant women upon arrival. This system should ensure that women with time-sensitive risk factors, such as hypertension, bleeding, fever, and second stage of labor, are seen within the international standard of 10 minutes.

2. Increase staffing: Address the staffing challenges by hiring additional obstetricians, medical officers/residents, and midwives to adequately manage the labor ward, operating rooms, and triage area. This will help ensure that there are enough personnel available to attend to high-risk pregnancy transfers rapidly.

3. Improve infrastructure: Enhance the physical infrastructure of the maternity unit by increasing the number of labor and delivery beds, obstetric operating rooms, and general operating rooms. This will help accommodate the high volume of patients and provide a conducive environment for efficient and timely care.

4. Enhance training and education: Provide training and education to healthcare providers on the importance of timely care for pregnant women and the specific protocols to follow in different obstetric emergencies. This will help improve their knowledge and skills in managing complicated pregnancies and reduce delays in providing appropriate care.

5. Utilize technology: Explore the use of technology, such as electronic medical records and digital communication systems, to streamline the referral process and facilitate efficient communication between referring facilities and Ridge Regional Hospital. This will help reduce delays in transferring patients and ensure that relevant medical information is readily available.

6. Continuous monitoring and evaluation: Establish a system for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the triage process and wait times at Ridge Regional Hospital. This will help identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement and allow for timely adjustments to ensure optimal access to maternal health services.

By implementing these recommendations, Ridge Regional Hospital can improve access to maternal health by reducing delays upon arrival and ensuring that high-risk pregnant women receive timely and appropriate care.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase staffing: Hire additional obstetricians, medical officers/residents, and midwives to ensure adequate coverage and reduce wait times for patients.

2. Improve infrastructure: Expand the maternity unit to accommodate the high volume of patients and provide a more comfortable and efficient triage area.

3. Implement a triage system: Develop a standardized triage process to prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition, ensuring that those with time-sensitive risk factors are seen more quickly.

4. Enhance training and education: Provide ongoing training for healthcare providers on emergency obstetric care and the importance of timely evaluation and treatment.

5. Strengthen referral systems: Collaborate with referring facilities to improve communication and streamline the referral process, ensuring that patients are transferred promptly and efficiently.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define key indicators: Identify specific indicators that reflect access to maternal health, such as wait times, triage times, and the proportion of patients evaluated within a certain timeframe (e.g., 10 minutes).

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of access to maternal health, including wait times, triage times, and other relevant factors. This can be done through direct observation, patient records, and logbooks.

3. Implement interventions: Introduce the recommended innovations, such as increased staffing, improved infrastructure, and a standardized triage system.

4. Monitor and measure outcomes: Continuously collect data on the identified indicators after implementing the interventions. This can be done using the same methods as in the baseline data collection.

5. Analyze and compare data: Compare the data collected before and after implementing the interventions to assess the impact on access to maternal health. Use appropriate statistical tests, such as t-tests, chi-squared tests, or nonparametric tests, to analyze the data and determine if there are significant improvements.

6. Evaluate and refine: Based on the findings, evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and identify areas for further improvement. Refine the interventions as needed to optimize access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it would be possible to simulate the impact of the recommended innovations on improving access to maternal health and make evidence-based decisions for further improvements.

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