Research protocol local ingredients-based supplementary food as an alternative to corn-soya blends plus for treating moderate acute malnutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in Wolaita

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Study Justification:
– In Ethiopia, a significant number of children suffer from moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), and the current supplementary feeding program is only available in chronically food-insecure areas.
– This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a local ingredients-based supplement (LIBS) as an alternative to the conventional treatment (corn-soya blends plus, CSB+) for treating MAM in children aged 6-59 months.
– The study seeks to introduce locally available nutritious foods that can enhance recovery from MAM and reduce the burden of malnutrition.
– The study will be a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial conducted in Wolaita, Ethiopia.
– The sample size will be 324 children, with 162 children in each arm (LIBS intervention group and CSB+ control group).
– The interventions will be provided for a maximum period of 12 weeks, with weekly follow-up.
– Data analysis will be done using SPSS and STATA software, and both intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses will be conducted.
– The primary outcome measure will be the recovery rate, and secondary outcomes include mean recovery time and average weight gain.
Recommendations for Lay Reader:
– This study aims to find an alternative treatment for moderate acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months.
– The researchers will compare the effectiveness of a local ingredients-based supplement (LIBS) with the conventional treatment (corn-soya blends plus, CSB+).
– The study will be conducted in Wolaita, Ethiopia, and will involve 324 children.
– The interventions will be provided for 12 weeks, with weekly follow-up.
– The researchers will analyze the data using statistical software and assess the recovery rate, mean recovery time, and average weight gain.
– The findings of this study may contribute to reducing malnutrition and improving the recovery of children with moderate acute malnutrition.
Recommendations for Policy Maker:
– This study addresses the need for an alternative treatment for moderate acute malnutrition in children in Ethiopia.
– The researchers will conduct a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial comparing a local ingredients-based supplement (LIBS) with the conventional treatment (corn-soya blends plus, CSB+).
– The study will be conducted in Wolaita, Ethiopia, with a sample size of 324 children.
– The interventions will be provided for 12 weeks, with weekly follow-up.
– The researchers will analyze the data using statistical software and assess the recovery rate, mean recovery time, and average weight gain.
– The findings of this study may inform policy decisions regarding the management of moderate acute malnutrition in children and the use of locally available nutritious foods.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and research team
– Health extension workers
– Data collectors
– Food distributors
– Caregivers of children with moderate acute malnutrition
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research personnel salaries
– Training and capacity building
– Data collection materials and equipment
– Food supplies for the interventions
– Transportation and logistics
– Data analysis software
– Reporting and dissemination activities

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is rated 7 because it provides a detailed description of the study design, sample size calculation, data analysis methods, and outcome measures. However, it does not provide information on potential limitations or biases in the study design. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include a discussion of potential limitations and biases, such as selection bias or measurement error, and how these will be addressed or minimized in the study design.

Background: In Ethiopia, 12.5% of children below 5 years are wasted, and 9.7% are moderately wasted. The present strategy for the management of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) is a supplementary feeding program; however, this is only provided to chronically food-insecure areas. This randomized controlled non-inferiority trial examines if Local ingredients-based supplement (LIBS) is as effective as corn-soya blends plus (CSB+) in treating moderate acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months. Methods: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial will be conducted with moderately wasted children aged 6 to 59 months in Wolaita, Ethiopia. The calculated sample size is 324 (i.e. with 162 children in each of two arms, to be assigned by randomization). The daily ration will be: 100 g of LIBS plus 25.2 g of sugar with 8 ml oil in the intervention group, and 150 g of CSB+ with 16 ml of oil in the control group. These interventions will be provided for a maximum period of 12 weeks, with follow-up performed on a weekly basis. Data analysis will be done using SPSS and STATA software. Both intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses will be done. Hazard ratio and Kaplan-Meier (log rank) curves of survival analysis will be done to predict the probability of recovery rate. Logistic regression will be used to test for interactions between independent and dependent variables. Analysis of variances, t-tests, fisher’s exact test and chi-square tests will be used to assess baseline characteristics. Conclusions: This paper will introduce to the existing research locally available nutritious foods which have the potential to enhance recovery from moderate acute malnutrition and to reduce the burden of malnutrition. The perceptions of mothers on feeding children with local ingredient-based supplementary food to assist recovery from moderate acute malnutrition will be the focus of in a qualitative study to follow; this will provide a further contribution in an evolving area of research. Trial registration: Pan-African Clinical Trial Registration number: PACTR201809662822990, retrospectively registered on 11/09/2018.

A randomized, controlled, non-inferiority trial will be carried out to evaluate the efficacy of LIBS (the intervention), compared with conventional treatment which is CSB+ (a control), in treating MAM. This study will be conducted in Damot Pulassa district located in Wolaita zone. Like other districts of Wolaita, this district has the highest population densities of more than 700 persons per square kilometer [20]. The district characterized by having a fragmented farm and land ownership. The disparity between land and population balance has by far persisted the main contributing factor for the occurrence of endemic food insecurity [21]. Damot Pulassa district is classified as a maize and root crop livelihood zone because such crops are the main ones produced in the area. The district is serving by five health centers and 23 health posts. These health posts are led by health extension workers and deliver nutrition-linked services like nutrition education, screening for nutritional status of young children and nutritional management of the malnourished ones. The district was selected based on a consideration of the high level of food insecurity, high level of child malnutrition, good geographical location and access to transportation. The study population will be children with MAM, MUAC of ≥11.5 cm and < 12.5 cm without bilateral edema and/or with weight-for-height z-scores between − 3 to − 2 Standard Deviations [4, 5]. Mothers or caregivers of selected children will be the respondents. The proportion of children who recover from MAM in an area where there is a supplementary feeding program (CSB+) is about 67% [12]. The sample size assumes that the expected percentage response in an experimental group is 60% and in a control group is 67%, with the non-inferiority criterion set to be an absolute value of 7%. To achieve 80% power to demonstrate non-inferiority, it is estimated that 162 subjects per group would be required, including a 10% withdrawal rate. This leads to a total required sample size of 324 subjects. The anticipated 10% dropout rate was used based on the observed dropout rate reported in two studies [12, 13]. For this sample size calculation, the PharmaSchool sample size calculator for non-inferiority trials was used. Data collectors with health extension workers will visit all households with children aged 6 to 59 months. They will assess for eligibility by measuring the children’s MUAC. If the child has a MUAC of < 12.5, data collectors will register and send the caregiver with the child to the actual screening site, where MUAC will be re-measured and weight and height or length will be taken. Children aged 24 to 59 months will be measured for weight and height, and children aged 6 to 23 months will be measured for weight and length. In addition to the values of MUAC (i.e. 11.5 cm to 12.5 cm), we will use the z-scores of weight for height or weight for length for recruitment (i.e. weight-for-height z-scores: between − 3 to − 2 Standard Deviations). If the child is identified as moderately malnourished according to the MUAC and not according to the values of weight-for- height/length z-scores, we will recruit them with their MUAC values. The screening procedure will be conducted by trained data collectors and facilitated by health extension workers using both MUAC and WHZ. Edematous malnutrition will also be evaluated using bilateral pitting edema criterion. The screening process will be continued until the sample size is met. Computer generated sequentially numbered randomization list that contained codes for children who meet enrolment criteria will be prepared by the research supervisor. These children will be randomized into intervention or control groups, using random allocation software. The allocation ratio will be 1:1 (Fig. 1). Trial profile. Assessed for eligibility = Children aged 6 to 59 months who assessed for moderate acute malnutrition.. Randomized = Children aged 6 to 59 months who assessed for moderate acute malnutrition, fulfilled the inclusion criteria, recruited and randomly allocated. Loss to follow-up = Children who are randomly allocated to intervention and control groups and stop to participate in the study at any stage of the study. Discontinued = Children who are randomly allocated to intervention and control groups and discontinued from the study at any stage of the study. Analyzed at 12 weeks = Children aged 6 to 59 months whose information analyzed at 12 weeks Allocation of participants to the intervention or control group will be done by one of the research team who has no information about the participant identity. After allocation into two groups, the subjects further categorized by the investigator into sub-groups, with equal numbers of children based on their location/neighborhood to assign one food distributor to each group in which food distributor can easily reach the households with the selected child. Caregivers, data collectors and food distributers will be blinded for the intervention. Both supplements will be packed with similar packs, and will be distributed and prepared in the same way. The sugar which will be distributed for the intervention group will be mixed with the flour before packing. Vegetable oil will be distributed for both intervention and control groups with the supplement and food distributer will be assigned to help caregivers in cooking the porridge with 16 ml of oil for CSB+ group and with 8 ml of oil for intervention groups. The data will be analyzed by an individual other than the assessor. Selected caregivers of children with MAM aged 6 to 59 months will be interviewed for collection of baseline data such as socio-demographic and economic status, dietary habits, child’s age, breastfeeding practices and history of child and maternal illness. The child’s weight will be noted using a seca weight scale to the nearest 0.1 kg. The data collectors will be sure that the scale is placed on a flat, hard, even surface and will weigh with minimal clothing. Height will be recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm using a seca height scale for children aged 24 to 59 months. For children aged 6 to 23 months, length will be measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a locally made wooden measuring board. Before starting height measurement, the data collectors will ensure that the height board is on level ground and the child is without shoes; the collector will kneel in order to get to the level of the child and will encourage the caregiver to help. For length, data collectors will measure the child lying down, being sure that the length board is placed on a flat and stable surface. MUAC will be documented by non-stretchable standard United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) plastic tape measures. The measurement will be taken half-way between the acromion and the olecranon processes, with the measuring tape fitting comfortably, but without making a depression in the upper arm. Weekly assessment of anthropometric measurement using MUAC will be done by the data collectors for intervention as well as control groups. On a monthly basis, data collectors will again collect anthropometrics using the MUAC, height or length board and weight scale which are identical equipment to that used at baseline. At the same time, they will observe for bilateral pitting edema. Based on the follow-up measurement of anthropometry children who developed sever acute malnutrition will be referred to SAM clinic. After collecting baseline information, each child in the intervention group will be given local ingredient-based supplement of 100 g with 20 g of sugar. The ration will be distributed on a daily basis for 12 weeks. The LIBS is made from 30 g of pumpkin seed, 25 g of peanut grain, 20 g of amaranth grain, 15 g of flaxseed, 10 g of emmer wheat, 25.2 g of sugar and 8 ml of oil. This supplement yielded 698.5 kcal (22.6 g protein, 40.89 g fat and 60.05 g carbohydrate). Similarly, each child in the control group will be given the conventional supplement (CSB+) with the amount of 150 g flour/day with 16 ml of oil (763.98.4 kcal, 23.5 g protein and 25 g fat) on a daily basis for a period of 12 weeks. The subjects will be served with both supplements in the morning as a breakfast (Table 1). Nutrient composition of the supplementary foods Note: Nutrient values for the LIBS ration were calculated by using the USDA food composition database and NutriSurvey software. Nutrient values for the CSB+ was adapted from Amegovu KA, Ogwok P, Ochola S, Yiga P, Musalima HJ, Mutenyo E. Formulation of sorghum-peanut blend using linear programming for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition in Uganda. J Food Chem and Nutr. 2013; 1(2):67–77 Abbreviations: LIBS Local ingredients based supplement, USDA United States Department of Agriculture and CSB+ Corn soy blend plus According to the guidelines for selective feeding, all children 6–59 months of age will receive the same amount of food [23]. During the intervention period, the food distributers will visit households daily to assist the caregivers in the preparation of porridge and feeding, to advise, assess and resolve difficulties with feeding. Besides, they will check for and quantify the amount of supplement consumed by the children. Scheduled as well as unscheduled home visits and close follow-up to check feeding procedure will be made by the supervisors and investigator. If the child is a twin, an additional amount of supplementary food will be given to the caregiver to confirm that the enrolled child is provided with a full portion. If two children with MAM are found in the same household, both children will receive food but only the randomly selected child will be enrolled in the study. If the recruited child is not at home during the time of follow-up, data collectors will revisit those households until they find the child. Sessions for standardization of anthropometric measurements will be carried out on a monthly basis. Monitoring of the food distribution process, feeding techniques and use of the provided food supplements will be carried out among randomly selected households on a twice-monthly basis. After data collection, the filled questionnaires will be stored in a secured place, and data entry will start. Double data entry and checking for consistencies will be carried out. All data collection sheets will be controlled by the field supervisors for completeness. EpiData version 3.1 will be used for all data entry. Two data clerks will enter data simultaneously to ensure data quality. Continuous data quality evaluation will be made through automatic consistency checks. Statistical significance is set at 5% for all analyses. Statistical analysis will be done using SPSS and STATA software for survival and hazard ratio. The probability of recovery rate will be predicted in Kaplan-Meier (log rank) curves of survival analysis. T-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVAs) and chi-square tests will be used to assess baseline characteristics. In accordance with recommendations for analyzing and reporting equivalence and non-inferiority trials, both intention-to-treat (ITT) and per protocol (PP) analyses will be done, and the 95% CI will be used to infer whichever variances are significant [24]. The ITT analyses will include all children enrolled in the study whereas the PP analyses will exclude children who lost to follow-up, refused and transferred out of the management programme but include children discharged as cured, died or non-cured. Logistic regression will be used to test for interactions between the recovery rate and other variables. Mean recovery time and median recovery time, mean differences of MUAC and mean difference between WHZ scores will be computed to describe the magnitude of the difference between the two groups. The primary outcome measure of this study will be recovery rate. ‘Recovered’ will be defined as when a child attains a MUAC ≥12.5 cm and WHZ scores ≥ − 2, without bipedal edema. The secondary outcomes are the mean recovery time and average weight gain. Children who developed SAM during the study and/or persisted as moderately malnourished at the end of the 3-month follow-up will be considered to have failed the management for MAM. Children aged 6 to 59 months will be assessed for MAM based on inclusion and exclusion criteria using MUAC and weight-for-height/length z-scores. The screening procedure will end within 3 weeks. Consenting of the eligible respondents (mothers of children aged 6 to 59 months) and randomization of the eligible subjects will take place 1 week after screening completed during which the subjects will be allocated into intervention and control groups, along with baseline data collection. Follow-up interviews with the anthropometric assessment will be done weekly and monthly basis after the allocation date and completed within 11 weeks. End-line data collection will take place 1 week after ending a follow-up interview (Fig. 2). Participants time line. Assessed for eligibility = Children aged 6 to 59 months who assessed for moderate acute malnutrition based on inclusion/exclusion criteria. Complete assessment = Completion of screening for moderate acute malnutrition. Confirm willingness to participate = be sure for the willingness of care givers of the subject to be included in the study / informed consent. Randomization = Process of randomizing the subjects/ children aged 6 to 59 months who assessed and claimed as moderately malnourished. Base line data collection = collection of data before starting food ration. Follow-up = Weekly as well as monthly anthropometric assessment and daily food ration. End line data collection = Collection of data after completion of the follow up. t = indicates time that the processes have done/completed Data collectors will receive training about the objectives of the study, data collection systems, interview techniques, anthropometric measurements, feeding procedures and field procedures prior to the data collection. Each question found in the questionnaire will be discussed during training, in which trainers will develop common understandings. Standardization of anthropometric measures will be maintained. If it is possible, the same assessors will be used for all assessments. Pretesting of the questionnaire will be conducted in places away from where the actual study will be conducted. For the pretesting, 16 pairs of children and caregivers, which is 5% of the total sample size, will be interviewed to check the accuracy of questions and to decide on the length of interviews. During pretesting, consistency in the interpretation of questions will be checked to identify any unclear items. After the evaluation of instruments, all proposed revisions will be done before administering in the actual study. The food ingredients used for formulating the supplement will be foods which are already being used in these communities and are safe for consumption. The participants will get supplementary food at no cost as the treatment for their malnutrition status. There might be minimal risk of allergic reaction. There might be risk while making interactions and spending time through the process. The study is open for auditing by any concerned organization, either government or non-government. Communication will be done regarding the protocol modification with those important stakeholders (IRB/IEC and Sponsor). The result of this study will be disseminated through Internal Seminars, Conference presentations using outreach and public engagement events. Regular reporting and communication to stakeholders will be done. It will also disseminate through Publications. This project will be carried out in the kebeles (neighborhoods) found in Wolaita zone where there is no provision of a supplementary feeding program. The children participating in this study will get supplementary food for their malnutrition. The intervention will enhance recovery from MAM, and those recovered from MAM will be discharged and rejoin the community. Children who may develop serious allergic reactions like difficulty in breathing, dizziness, weakness or any unusual signs will be referred for treatment. Such participants will be excluded from the trial. Children who are temporarily sick or do not feel well will be sent to the health facility for the treatment, and their measurements will be rescheduled for other days. The study protocol followed the SPIRIT guidelines for randomized controlled trials.


The innovation described in the research protocol is the use of a Local Ingredients-Based Supplement (LIBS) as an alternative to the conventional treatment, Corn-Soya Blends Plus (CSB+), for treating moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) among children aged 6 to 59 months. The LIBS is made from locally available nutritious foods such as pumpkin seed, peanut grain, amaranth grain, flaxseed, emmer wheat, sugar, and oil. This innovation aims to improve access to maternal health by providing a more effective and accessible treatment option for children with MAM, especially in areas with limited access to the conventional treatment. The study will evaluate the efficacy of LIBS compared to CSB+ through a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial conducted in Wolaita, Ethiopia. The trial will assess the recovery rate, mean recovery time, and average weight gain of the children in both intervention and control groups. The findings of this study have the potential to contribute to the existing research on locally available nutritious foods and their role in enhancing recovery from moderate acute malnutrition, ultimately reducing the burden of malnutrition.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health based on the provided research protocol is to conduct a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a local ingredients-based supplement (LIBS) as an alternative to the current treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in children aged 6 to 59 months. The trial will be conducted in Wolaita, Ethiopia, where there is a high prevalence of child malnutrition and food insecurity.

The study aims to determine if LIBS is as effective as the conventional treatment, corn-soya blends plus (CSB+), in treating MAM. The trial will involve randomly assigning children with MAM to either the LIBS intervention group or the CSB+ control group. The sample size will be 324 children, with 162 children in each group. The interventions will be provided for a maximum period of 12 weeks, with weekly follow-up assessments.

Data analysis will be conducted using SPSS and STATA software. Both intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses will be performed. The primary outcome measure will be the recovery rate, defined as attaining a MUAC (mid-upper arm circumference) of ≥12.5 cm and weight-for-height z-scores ≥-2, without bilateral edema. Secondary outcomes include mean recovery time and average weight gain.

The findings of this trial have the potential to introduce locally available nutritious foods as an alternative treatment for MAM, reducing the burden of malnutrition. The study will also include a qualitative component to explore the perceptions of mothers on feeding children with local ingredient-based supplementary food.

The trial has been registered with the Pan-African Clinical Trial Registration (PACTR201809662822990). The study protocol follows the SPIRIT guidelines for randomized controlled trials.

Overall, this recommendation suggests conducting a rigorous trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a local ingredients-based supplement as an innovation to improve access to maternal health by addressing moderate acute malnutrition in children.
AI Innovations Methodology
The research protocol described aims to evaluate the efficacy of a local ingredients-based supplement (LIBS) compared to the conventional treatment of corn-soya blends plus (CSB+) in treating moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) among children aged 6 to 59 months in Wolaita, Ethiopia. The study will be conducted as a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial.

The methodology for simulating the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health involves several steps:

1. Sample Size Calculation: The sample size for the study is calculated based on the expected percentage response in the experimental and control groups, with a non-inferiority criterion set at an absolute value of 7%. The estimated sample size is 324 subjects, including a 10% withdrawal rate.

2. Participant Selection: Data collectors will visit households with children aged 6 to 59 months to assess eligibility based on mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurements. Children with MUAC between 11.5 cm and 12.5 cm, without bilateral edema, and with weight-for-height z-scores between -3 and -2 standard deviations will be included in the study.

3. Randomization: Children who meet the enrollment criteria will be randomized into the intervention (LIBS) or control (CSB+) groups using a computer-generated sequentially numbered randomization list. The allocation ratio will be 1:1.

4. Intervention and Control Groups: The intervention group will receive 100 g of LIBS plus 25.2 g of sugar with 8 ml of oil daily for 12 weeks. The control group will receive 150 g of CSB+ with 16 ml of oil daily for the same duration.

5. Data Collection: Baseline data, including socio-demographic and economic status, dietary habits, child’s age, breastfeeding practices, and history of child and maternal illness, will be collected from selected caregivers. Anthropometric measurements, such as weight, height/length, and MUAC, will be recorded at baseline and throughout the study period.

6. Follow-up and Monitoring: Weekly and monthly assessments of anthropometric measurements using MUAC will be conducted for both intervention and control groups. Food distributors will visit households daily to assist caregivers in the preparation of porridge and feeding, as well as to monitor supplement consumption.

7. Data Analysis: Data analysis will be performed using SPSS and STATA software. Both intention-to-treat (ITT) and per protocol (PP) analyses will be conducted. Survival analysis, logistic regression, t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVAs), and chi-square tests will be used to assess recovery rates, mean recovery time, average weight gain, and other variables.

8. Reporting and Dissemination: The results of the study will be disseminated through internal seminars, conference presentations, publications, and regular reporting to stakeholders. The study protocol follows the SPIRIT guidelines for randomized controlled trials.

By following this methodology, the impact of the recommendations, specifically the use of LIBS as an alternative to CSB+, on improving access to maternal health can be simulated and evaluated.

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