Urinary Aflatoxin M1 Concentration and Its Determinants in School-Age Children in Southern Ethiopia

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Study Justification:
– Aflatoxins are toxic compounds that can contaminate food, especially in tropical and sub-tropical climates.
– The study aimed to raise awareness of aflatoxin exposure among primary school children in southern Ethiopia.
– By measuring urinary aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) concentration, the study aimed to assess the prevalence of aflatoxin exposure in the study area.
Study Highlights:
– The study was conducted in Shebedino woreda, southern Ethiopia, which is located in the Great Rift Valley and has a tropical climate.
– A cross-sectional design and systematic random sampling of children from eight schools in the district were employed.
– Urinary AFM1 was detected in more than 93% of the children, indicating a high prevalence of aflatoxin exposure.
– Factors such as dietary diversity score, consumption of haricot bean or milk, source of drinking water, maternal education, and household food insecurity access scale scores were significantly associated with urinary AFM1 concentration.
Recommendations for Lay Reader and Policy Maker:
– Assess aflatoxin contamination in staple foods and animal feeds in the study area to better understand the sources of aflatoxin exposure.
– Implement interventions to improve dietary diversity, food security, and access to safe drinking water to reduce aflatoxin exposure among school-age children.
– Raise awareness among parents, caregivers, and communities about the risks of aflatoxin exposure and promote safe food handling and storage practices.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists to conduct further studies on aflatoxin contamination and its health effects.
– Local government authorities to implement policies and regulations to ensure food safety and reduce aflatoxin contamination.
– Health professionals and educators to raise awareness and provide education on aflatoxin exposure and prevention.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding for conducting studies on aflatoxin contamination and its determinants.
– Budget for laboratory equipment and supplies for aflatoxin analysis.
– Resources for implementing interventions to improve dietary diversity, food security, and access to safe drinking water.
– Funding for awareness campaigns and educational materials on aflatoxin exposure and prevention.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The study employed a cross-sectional design and systematic random sampling, which enhances the reliability of the findings. The high prevalence of urinary AFM1 and the significant associations with various factors suggest a meaningful relationship. However, the study acknowledges limitations in the analysis of dietary intake based on self-reported data. To improve the evidence, future studies could consider using more objective measures of dietary intake, such as biomarkers or food diaries, to reduce potential bias.

Aflatoxins are mycotoxins that can contaminate grains, legumes, and oil seeds. These toxic compounds are an especially serious problem in tropical and sub-tropical climates. The objective of this study was to raise awareness of aflatoxin exposure among primary school children in Shebedino woreda, southern Ethiopia, by measuring urinary aflatoxin M1 (AFM1). The study employed a cross-sectional design and systematic random sampling of children from eight schools in the district. The mean ± SD age of the children was 9.0 ± 1.8 years. Most (84.6%) households were food insecure with 17.9% severely food insecure. Urinary AFM1 was detected in more than 93% of the children. The median [IQR] concentration of AFM1/Creat was 480 [203, 1085] pg/mg. Based on a multiple regression analysis: DDS, consumption of haricot bean or milk, source of drinking water, maternal education, and household food insecurity access scale scores were significantly associated with urinary AFM1/Creat. In conclusion, a high prevalence of urinary AFM1 was observed in this study. However, the relation between AFM1 and dietary intake was analyzed based on self-reported dietary data; hence, all of the staple foods as well as animal feeds in the study area should be assessed for aflatoxin contamination.

The study was conducted in Shebedino woreda, Sidama Zone, SNNPR. Shebedino woreda, located in the Great Rift Valley, lies approximately 1710 m above sea level and is a tropical climate. The average temperature is between 18–25 °C. The area is characterized by seasonal and variable rainfall with average annual rainfall between 900–1100 mm [19]. The study population depends on staple foods such as maize, haricot beans, and enset (false banana). Most of the population depend on mixed farming where farmers support their livelihoods from crop production and animal husbandry [19]. This cross-sectional school-based study was conducted from May to June 2017 as part of a study examining prevalence of iodine deficiency. Study subjects were randomly selected using a single proportion sample size calculation formula. A sample size of 408 school age children was computed and allocated to eight randomly selected schools by population proportional to size. Students were randomly selected from all children 6–12 years of age in those schools as explained in further detail in our previously published manuscript [20]. Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of study participants were assessed using questions adapted from the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2011 report [21]. Food consumption patterns of households and children were estimated using a standardized food frequency questionnaire [22]. Household food insecurity was assessed using the Household Food Security Access Scale (HFIAS) developed by the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) [23]. Children’s dietary diversity score was assessed based on the FAO recommendation [24]. Urine samples were collected from each participant in a wet season (May to June). Short term AF exposure was assessed by analyzing urine samples for AFM1 using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for quantitative determination of aflatoxin in urine (Helica Biosystems Inc., Santa Ana, CA, USA). Briefly, the kit contained a microwell plate in which all wells had been coated with an antibody with high affinity for AFM1. When added to a microwell, the AFM1 in the urine sample bound to the coated antibody. Next, a reagent containing aflatoxin bound to horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) was added to each well. After the incubation period, wells were decanted and washed with a PBS buffer with 0.05% Tween20. An HRP substrate was added to each well followed by a stop solution. The microwell plate was then read at 450 nm on a plate reader. Six standards provided with the kit established a standard curve from 0 to 200 pg/mL of aflatoxin. All standards and reagents were provided with the kit. In our hands, the limit of detection was 1.25 pg/mL of aflatoxin and the limit of quantification was 2.5 pg/mL. Urinary creatinine was analyzed using a BioLis 24i clinical chemistry analyzer with standard reagents (Carolina Liquid Chemistries Corp., Brea, CA, USA).


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications: Develop mobile applications that provide information and resources on maternal health, including access to antenatal care, nutrition, and safe delivery practices. These apps can also provide reminders for prenatal appointments and medication schedules.

2. Telemedicine: Implement telemedicine services to connect pregnant women in remote areas with healthcare professionals. This allows for remote consultations, monitoring, and guidance throughout pregnancy, reducing the need for travel and improving access to healthcare.

3. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services, education, and support in underserved areas. These workers can conduct prenatal visits, provide health education, and assist with referrals to higher-level healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introduce voucher programs that provide pregnant women with subsidized or free access to essential maternal health services, such as antenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care. This can help overcome financial barriers and increase utilization of healthcare services.

5. Mobile Clinics: Set up mobile clinics equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed by healthcare professionals to reach remote areas with limited access to healthcare facilities. These clinics can provide antenatal care, screenings, and basic obstetric services.

6. Health Education Campaigns: Conduct targeted health education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health and the available services. These campaigns can be delivered through various channels, including radio, television, community meetings, and mobile messaging.

7. Improved Infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare infrastructure, including the construction and renovation of maternal health facilities in underserved areas. This includes ensuring the availability of essential equipment, supplies, and skilled healthcare providers.

8. Transportation Support: Establish transportation support systems to facilitate pregnant women’s access to healthcare facilities. This can include providing transportation vouchers, organizing community transportation services, or partnering with existing transportation providers to ensure reliable and affordable transportation options.

9. Maternal Health Financing: Develop innovative financing mechanisms, such as microinsurance or community-based health financing schemes, to make maternal health services more affordable and accessible to vulnerable populations.

10. Data Collection and Monitoring: Implement robust data collection and monitoring systems to track maternal health indicators and identify areas for improvement. This data can inform evidence-based decision-making and help target interventions to areas with the greatest need.
AI Innovations Description
The study mentioned in the description focuses on measuring urinary aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) concentration in school-age children in southern Ethiopia. The objective of the study is to raise awareness of aflatoxin exposure among primary school children in the Shebedino woreda of southern Ethiopia. The study found a high prevalence of urinary AFM1 in the children, with several factors such as dietary intake, source of drinking water, maternal education, and household food insecurity access scale scores significantly associated with AFM1 concentration.

Based on the findings of this study, a recommendation to improve access to maternal health could be to assess and address aflatoxin contamination in staple foods and animal feeds in the study area. Aflatoxins are toxic compounds that can contaminate grains, legumes, and oil seeds, and their presence can have detrimental effects on health. By ensuring that staple foods and animal feeds are free from aflatoxin contamination, the risk of exposure to aflatoxins can be reduced, leading to improved maternal health outcomes.

Implementing measures such as regular testing and monitoring of food and feed samples for aflatoxin contamination, promoting good agricultural practices to prevent aflatoxin formation, and providing education and awareness programs to farmers and communities about aflatoxin risks and prevention can contribute to reducing aflatoxin exposure and improving maternal health.

It is important to note that this recommendation is based on the specific findings of the study mentioned and may need to be further evaluated and adapted to the local context and resources available in order to effectively improve access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Methodology
To improve access to maternal health, here are some potential recommendations:

1. Mobile Health Clinics: Implementing mobile health clinics that can travel to remote areas and provide essential maternal health services such as prenatal care, vaccinations, and postnatal care. These clinics can reach underserved populations and ensure that pregnant women have access to necessary healthcare.

2. Telemedicine: Utilizing telemedicine technology to provide remote consultations and medical advice to pregnant women in areas with limited healthcare facilities. This can help overcome geographical barriers and provide timely and accurate information to expectant mothers.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services, education, and support to pregnant women in their communities. These workers can bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and remote areas, ensuring that women receive the care they need.

4. Health Education Programs: Implementing comprehensive health education programs that focus on maternal health, including prenatal care, nutrition, breastfeeding, and postnatal care. These programs can empower women with knowledge and promote healthy practices during pregnancy and childbirth.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population that will benefit from the recommendations, such as pregnant women in a particular region or community.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of maternal health access in the target population, including factors such as healthcare facilities, availability of services, and maternal health outcomes.

3. Define indicators: Determine key indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the number of prenatal visits, maternal mortality rates, or access to emergency obstetric care.

4. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the recommendations and their potential impact on the defined indicators. This model should consider factors such as population size, geographical distribution, and resource allocation.

5. Input data and run simulations: Input the baseline data into the simulation model and run multiple simulations to assess the potential impact of the recommendations. This can help estimate changes in the defined indicators and identify areas of improvement.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the results of the simulations to determine the potential benefits and challenges of implementing the recommendations. This analysis can inform decision-making and help prioritize interventions.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the analysis, refine the simulation model and repeat the process to further optimize the recommendations and assess their potential impact.

By following this methodology, stakeholders can gain insights into the potential impact of innovations and make informed decisions to improve access to maternal health.

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