Geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services in Nigeria: 2003-2017

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Study Justification:
– Maternal mortality remains a significant challenge in low-income countries, particularly in Africa and Nigeria.
– This study aims to examine the geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization in Nigeria from 2003 to 2017.
– Understanding these inequalities is crucial for developing targeted strategies to improve maternal healthcare access and reduce maternal mortality rates.
Study Highlights:
– The study used data from four rounds of the Nigeria Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) conducted between 2003 and 2017.
– The study focused on three key maternal healthcare services: antenatal care (ANC), facility-based delivery (FBD), and skilled-birth attendance (SBA).
– The analysis measured differences between urban and rural areas and across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.
– Relative and absolute inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization were assessed using rate ratios, rate differences, Theil index, between-group variance, and concentration index.
Study Recommendations:
– The study found that the gap in FBD utilization between urban and rural areas increased over the study period. Therefore, interventions should focus on improving access to facility-based delivery services in rural areas.
– Relative inequalities in ANC and FBD utilization across the geopolitical zones decreased over time. Efforts should be made to sustain and further reduce these relative inequalities.
– Absolute inequalities in ANC, FBD, and SBA utilization did not change significantly across the geopolitical zones. Strategies should be implemented to address these persistent absolute inequalities.
– The study identified a higher concentration of maternal healthcare use among well-educated and wealthier mothers. Policies should target improving access for poorer and less-educated women.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for implementing policies and programs to improve maternal healthcare access.
– Healthcare Providers: Involved in delivering maternal healthcare services, including antenatal care, facility-based delivery, and skilled-birth attendance.
– Community Health Workers: Play a crucial role in reaching out to rural areas and providing essential maternal healthcare services.
– Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Can support the implementation of interventions and programs to improve maternal healthcare access.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Infrastructure Development: Investment in healthcare facilities, especially in rural areas, to improve access to facility-based delivery services.
– Training and Capacity Building: Funding for training healthcare providers and community health workers to deliver quality maternal healthcare services.
– Outreach Programs: Budget for community outreach programs to reach underserved populations and provide education on maternal healthcare.
– Health Information Systems: Investment in data collection and monitoring systems to track maternal healthcare utilization and measure progress.
– Health Promotion and Awareness Campaigns: Funding for campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of maternal healthcare and promote utilization among disadvantaged groups.
Please note that the provided cost items are general categories and not actual cost estimates. Actual costs will vary based on the specific context and implementation strategies.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it is based on four rounds of Nigeria Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) and uses various statistical measures to assess geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization. The study provides specific rate ratios, rate differences, Theil index, between-group variance, and concentration index to measure these inequalities. However, to improve the evidence, it would be beneficial to include more information on the sample size, sampling methodology, and statistical significance of the findings.

Background: Maternal mortality has remained a challenge in many low-income countries, especially in Africa and in Nigeria in particular. This study examines the geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization in Nigeria over the period between 2003 and 2017. Methods: The study used four rounds of Nigeria Demographic Health Surveys (DHS, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018) for women aged 15-49 years old. The rate ratios and differences (RR and RD) were used to measure differences between urban and rural areas in terms of the utilization of the three maternal healthcare services including antenatal care (ANC), facility-based delivery (FBD), and skilled-birth attendance (SBA). The Theil index (T), between-group variance (BGV) were used to measure relative and absolute inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The relative and absolute concentration index (RC and AC) were used to measure education-and wealth-related inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services. Results: The RD shows that the gap in the utilization of FBD between urban and rural areas significantly increased by 0.3% per year over the study period. The Theil index suggests a decline in relative inequalities in ANC and FBD across the six geopolitical zones by 7, and 1.8% per year, respectively. The BGV results do not suggest any changes in absolute inequalities in ANC, FBD, and SBA utilization across the geopolitical zones over time. The results of the RC and the AC suggest a persistently higher concentration of maternal healthcare use among well-educated and wealthier mothers in Nigeria over the study period. Conclusion: We found that the utilization of maternal healthcare is lower among poorer and less-educated women, as well as those living in rural areas and North West and North East geopolitical zones. Thus, the focus should be on implementing strategies that increase the uptake of maternal healthcare services among these groups.

The study setting is in Nigeria, with an estimated population of 198 million as of 2018 [11]. The country comprises 36 states and a Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is divided into six geopolitical zones for administrative and political purposes (North-Central, North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West, and South-South). These geopolitical zones comprise states with a similar culture, ethnic groups, and common history [1, 11]. The country has a three-tiered health system; primary, secondary, and tertiary based on the three tiers of government – local, state, and federal. More health services providers are located in the southern than in the northern states of Nigeria, [17], owing to widespread poverty in the North than in the South [18], but there are some other significant issues: for example, fewer than 20% of healthcare facilities in the country offer emergency obstetric care [11]. In terms of levels of socioeconomic development, wide differences exist between the northern and the southern parts of the country and across the geopolitical zones [10]. Approximately 62% of Nigerians live below the poverty line [10], with northern geopolitical zones having the highest poverty rates in the country [19]. Of the available five rounds of the Nigeria demographic and health survey (1990, 2003, 2008, 2013 and 2018), this study used the latest four. The 1990 DHS was not included because the survey was limited to four (North-East, North-West, South-East, and South-West) of the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The Nigerian DHS is part of the DHS program designed to collect nationally representative information using three types of structured questionnaires: household questionnaire, women’s questionnaire, and, men’s questionnaire [10, 20]. The survey used a three-stage cluster sampling design and covered all the six geopolitical zones of the country. The sampling frame was based on the list of enumeration areas prepared for the 1991 and 2006 Population Census of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Details of the survey have been provided elsewhere [21]. This study utilizes the information collected through the women’s questionnaire on issues related to maternal and child health, fertility, and family planning for women aged 15–49. The outcome variables of the study are three key aspects of maternal healthcare ANC, FBD, and SBA. Based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), an ANC visit is defined as a pregnant woman having at least four antenatal assessments by or under the supervision of a skilled attendant [22]. Although the 2016 WHO guideline stipulates eight ANC visits [23], we used the old guidelines as data came mostly from the period with four ANC visits. The FBD is defined as giving birth at a permanent health-facility such as primary health centers, hospitals, or a private clinic. The SBA is defined as delivery assisted by an accredited health professional such as a doctor, nurse, midwife, or an auxiliary nurse/midwife [20, 21]. Maternal education and household wealth index (WI) were used as socioeconomic variables in the study. The WI was measured using household asset ownership, household characteristics, household source of drinking water, and household sanitary facilities as contained in DHS datasets [21, 24]. The WI is generally used as an indicator for household SES when income or expenditure data is unavailable [25]. The WI is constructed using principal components analysis (PCA) technique that assigns a score to each household based on selected household assets. The first principal component of a set of variables captures the largest amount of information that is common to all the variables [26, 27]. The mother’s education level (in years) was used as another measure of SES in the study [20]. Our statistical analysis involved measuring geographic, education, and wealth-related inequalities. We calculated geographic inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services (ANC, FBD, and SBA) between urban and rural areas and across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Education and wealth-related inequalities in access to maternal healthcare were also estimated for the study period. The chi-square test was set at 0.05% level of significance. Weights were applied to ensure the representativeness of the actual population. Absolute and relative inequalities between urban and rural areas were calculated using rate ratio (RR) and rate difference (RD). The Theil index (T) was employed to estimate relative inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization between the six geopolitical zones [20, 28]. The T can be estimated as follows: where GZih is the geopolitical zone’s share of the population’s health and GZip is the i th zone’s population share. The T ranges from zero, indicating an equal distribution, while a higher value suggests a more unequal distribution. Moreover, the between-group variance (BGV) was used to summarize absolute inequality across the geopolitical zones [20, 28]. The BGV was calculated as: Where GZPi is geopolitical zone ’s population size (i.e., number of women who gave birth in each year), GZHi is geopolitical zone i’s average health outcome, μ is the average health outcome across all the geopolitical zones. The concentration index (C index) approach was used to calculate socioeconomic related inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services. The index is a widely used measure of socio-economic health inequalities as it fulfills three qualities for a valid socioeconomic inequality index. The index should: a) reflect the health inequalities that arise from the socioeconomic characteristics; b) be representative of the whole population; and c) be sensitive to the subpopulation group sizes [29, 30]. The C index quantifies the extent of socioeconomic inequality in health, which is useful in tracing inequalities over time across different groups [29]. The relative concentration index (RC) is based on the relative concentration curve which graphs the cumulative share of maternal healthcare use (e.g., ANC), on its y-axis, against the cumulative share of the population, ranked in ascending order of an SES indicator (e.g. the WI) on its x-axis. The RC is calculated as twice the area between the relative concentration curve and the perfect equality line. The RC is negative (positive) if the concentration curve lies above (below) the line of equality, indicating that the utilization of maternal healthcare service is concentrated among poorer (richer) women [31, 32]. The RC ranges from − 1 to 1, with a value of zero signifying “perfect equality” [29]. The convenient regression method can be used to compute the RC index as follows [32]: where yi is the healthcare variable of interest (e.g. ANC) for women i, μ is the mean of the healthcare utilization variable for the whole sample, ri = i/N, is the fractional rank of individual i in the distribution from the lowest SES woman (i = 1) to the highest SES woman (i = N), and σr2 is the variance of fractional rank. The RC is calculated as the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate of φ [33]. Since our outcome variable of interest is binary, the minimum and maximum values of the RC are not − 1 and + 1, thus, the RC was normalized by multiplying the estimated index by 1/1-μ, where μ indicates the mean of outcome variable of interest [34, 35]. The generalized concentration index (RC × μ) can be used to calculate absolute socioeconomic inequality in healthcare utilization [31]. Since the generalized concentration index does not satisfy this condition, the Erreygers modified the generalized/absolute concentration index (hereafter the =RC × 4μ) [34, 36] was used to calculate absolute socioeconomic inequality in healthcare utilization. The AC ranges from − 1 to + 1, with zero suggesting perfect equality [34]. All analyses were weighted to account for individual survey sample designs. All analyses were conducted using version 13 of the STATA software package (Stata Corp, College Station, Tex).


The study titled “Geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services in Nigeria: 2003-2017” examines the disparities in accessing maternal healthcare in Nigeria. The study suggests several recommendations to improve access to maternal health, including:

1. Implement targeted interventions: Targeted interventions should be implemented to reach marginalized groups, such as poorer and less-educated women, those living in rural areas, and specific geopolitical zones. Mobile clinics or outreach programs can be used to bring maternal healthcare services directly to underserved communities.

2. Improve infrastructure and availability of healthcare facilities: Investments should be made to improve infrastructure and increase the availability of healthcare facilities, particularly in areas with higher poverty rates. This can involve building new facilities, upgrading existing ones, and ensuring they are equipped to provide essential maternal healthcare services.

3. Enhance education and awareness: Efforts should be made to enhance education and awareness among women and communities regarding the importance of maternal healthcare. Community-based education programs, workshops, and campaigns can provide information on the benefits of antenatal care, facility-based delivery, and skilled birth attendance.

4. Strengthen health systems: The study highlights the limited availability of emergency obstetric care facilities in Nigeria. Strengthening the health system by improving emergency obstetric care services is crucial to reducing maternal mortality. This can involve training healthcare providers, ensuring the availability of medical supplies and equipment, and establishing referral systems for emergency care.

5. Address socioeconomic inequalities: The study reveals persistent socioeconomic inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization, with wealthier and more educated women having higher utilization rates. Efforts should be made to reduce these disparities by implementing policies and programs that provide financial support for maternal healthcare services, such as subsidies or health insurance schemes. Initiatives to improve girls’ education and empower women economically can also contribute to reducing these inequalities.

By implementing these recommendations, Nigeria can work towards improving access to maternal healthcare and reducing maternal mortality rates. It is crucial to prioritize the needs of marginalized groups, strengthen the healthcare system, and address socioeconomic inequalities to ensure equal access to quality maternal healthcare services for all women.
AI Innovations Description
The study titled “Geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services in Nigeria: 2003-2017” provides valuable insights into the challenges faced in improving access to maternal health in Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendation can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Implement targeted interventions: The study highlights that maternal healthcare utilization is lower among poorer and less-educated women, as well as those living in rural areas and specific geopolitical zones. To address this, targeted interventions should be implemented to specifically reach these marginalized groups. This can include mobile clinics or outreach programs that bring maternal healthcare services directly to rural areas and underserved communities.

2. Improve infrastructure and availability of healthcare facilities: The study mentions that there is a disparity in the distribution of healthcare facilities, with more facilities located in the southern states compared to the northern states. To improve access to maternal health, it is crucial to invest in improving infrastructure and increasing the availability of healthcare facilities, particularly in the northern states where poverty rates are higher. This can involve building new healthcare facilities, upgrading existing ones, and ensuring that they are equipped to provide essential maternal healthcare services.

3. Enhance education and awareness: The study identifies education as a significant factor influencing maternal healthcare utilization. To address this, efforts should be made to enhance education and awareness among women and communities regarding the importance of maternal healthcare. This can be achieved through community-based education programs, workshops, and campaigns that provide information on the benefits of antenatal care, facility-based delivery, and skilled birth attendance.

4. Strengthen health systems: The study highlights the limited availability of emergency obstetric care facilities in Nigeria. Strengthening the health system by improving emergency obstetric care services is crucial to reducing maternal mortality. This can involve training healthcare providers in emergency obstetric care, ensuring the availability of essential medical supplies and equipment, and establishing referral systems to ensure timely access to emergency care.

5. Address socioeconomic inequalities: The study reveals persistent socioeconomic inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization, with wealthier and more educated women having higher utilization rates. To address this, efforts should be made to reduce socioeconomic disparities by implementing policies and programs that provide financial support for maternal healthcare services, such as subsidies or health insurance schemes. Additionally, initiatives to improve girls’ education and empower women economically can contribute to reducing these inequalities.

By implementing these recommendations, Nigeria can work towards improving access to maternal healthcare and reducing maternal mortality rates. It is essential to prioritize the needs of marginalized groups, strengthen the healthcare system, and address socioeconomic inequalities to ensure that all women have equal access to quality maternal healthcare services.
AI Innovations Methodology
To simulate the impact of the main recommendations on improving access to maternal health, the following methodology can be employed:

1. Targeted Interventions: To assess the impact of targeted interventions, a pilot program can be implemented in a specific rural area or geopolitical zone. The program can involve setting up mobile clinics or outreach programs that provide maternal healthcare services directly to underserved communities. Data can be collected on the number of women reached, the utilization of maternal healthcare services, and any improvements in health outcomes. This data can then be compared to a control group or baseline data to measure the impact of the intervention.

2. Infrastructure Improvement: To evaluate the impact of improving infrastructure and increasing the availability of healthcare facilities, a before-and-after study design can be used. Data can be collected on the number and distribution of healthcare facilities before the intervention, and then again after the intervention. Additionally, data can be collected on the utilization of maternal healthcare services in the targeted areas. This data can be analyzed to determine if there is an increase in access to maternal health services following the infrastructure improvements.

3. Education and Awareness Enhancement: To assess the impact of education and awareness programs, a pre-post study design can be employed. Data can be collected on the knowledge and awareness of women and communities regarding maternal healthcare before the intervention, and then again after the intervention. Additionally, data can be collected on the utilization of maternal healthcare services. This data can be analyzed to determine if there is an increase in knowledge, awareness, and utilization of maternal health services following the education and awareness programs.

4. Strengthening Health Systems: To evaluate the impact of strengthening the health system, a retrospective study design can be used. Data can be collected on the availability of emergency obstetric care facilities before and after the intervention. Additionally, data can be collected on maternal mortality rates and the utilization of emergency obstetric care services. This data can be analyzed to determine if there is a reduction in maternal mortality and an increase in the utilization of emergency obstetric care services following the strengthening of the health system.

5. Addressing Socioeconomic Inequalities: To assess the impact of addressing socioeconomic inequalities, a comparative study design can be employed. Data can be collected on the utilization of maternal healthcare services among different socioeconomic groups before and after the implementation of policies and programs aimed at reducing inequalities. This data can be analyzed to determine if there is a reduction in socioeconomic disparities in maternal healthcare utilization following the implementation of these interventions.

Overall, these methodologies can help evaluate the impact of the main recommendations on improving access to maternal health in Nigeria. By collecting and analyzing data on various indicators, such as utilization rates, health outcomes, and disparities, policymakers and researchers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of these interventions and make informed decisions to further improve maternal healthcare services.

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