Malaria indicator survey 2009, South Sudan: Baseline results at household level

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Study Justification:
– South Sudan has a high malaria burden and is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the country.
– The study aimed to provide data on malaria indicators at the household level across the country.
– The data collected would help in evaluating the coverage, use, and access to malaria control services.
– The study would provide valuable information for policymakers and stakeholders to develop effective strategies for malaria control.
– 59.3% of households owned at least one mosquito net.
– 49.7% of the population had access to an insecticide-treated net in their household.
– Utilization of insecticide-treated nets was low, with only 25.3% of children under five and 35.9% of pregnant women using them.
– Prevalence of infection was 24.5% in children under five and 9.9% in pregnant women.
– About two-thirds of children under five and 46% of pregnant women were anaemic.
– Only 2% of households were covered by indoor residual spraying the previous year.
– Knowledge levels about malaria transmission, prevention, and treatment were low.
– Increase access and utilization of malaria control tools, such as insecticide-treated nets, through scaling up coverage and improving behavior change communication.
– Implement indoor residual spraying and larval source management in addition to the distribution of insecticide-treated nets.
– Strengthen knowledge and awareness campaigns about malaria transmission, prevention, and treatment.
– Improve case management and vector control strategies based on the study findings.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health
– National Malaria Control Program
– World Health Organization
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in malaria control
– Health facility staff
– Community health workers
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Distribution of insecticide-treated nets
– Indoor residual spraying
– Larval source management
– Behavior change communication campaigns
– Training and capacity building for health workers
– Monitoring and evaluation activities
– Data collection and analysis
– Health facility strengthening and infrastructure development

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a nationally representative survey conducted in South Sudan in 2009. The survey collected data on malaria indicators at the household level, including parasite and anaemia prevalence, coverage and utilization of malaria control services. The survey used standardized questionnaires and analyzed the data using descriptive statistics. The evidence is relatively strong as it provides specific numbers and confidence intervals for key indicators. However, the evidence is limited to data collected in 2009 and may not reflect the current situation. To improve the evidence, a more recent survey should be conducted to provide updated data on malaria indicators in South Sudan.

Background: South Sudan has borne the brunt of years of chronic warfare and probably has the highest malaria burden in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the country. This nationally representative survey aimed to provide data on malaria indicators at household level across the country. Methods. In 2009, data were collected using a two-stage random cluster sample of 2,797 households in 150 census enumeration areas during a Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) in South Sudan. The survey determined parasite and anaemia prevalence in vulnerable population groups and evaluated coverage, use and access to malaria control services. Standardized Roll Back Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (RBM-MERG) MIS household and women’s questionnaires were adapted to the local situation and used for collection of data that were analysed and summarized using descriptive statistics. Results: The results of this survey showed that 59.3% (95% CI: 57.5-61.1) of households owned at least one mosquito net. The proportion of the population with access to an ITN in their household was 49.7% (95% CI: 48.2-51.2). The utilization of insecticide-treated nets was low; 25.3% (95% CI: 23.9-26.7) for children under five (U5) and 35.9% (95% CI: 31.9-40.2) of pregnant women (OR: 1.66 (1.36-2.01); P =0.175). Prevalence of infection was 24.5% (95% CI: 23.0-26.1) in children U5 and 9.9% (95% CI: 7.4-13.1) in pregnant women. About two thirds (64%) of children U5 and 46% of pregnant women were anaemic. Only 2% of households were covered by indoor residual spraying (IRS) the previous year. Data shows that 58% reported that malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, 34% mentioned that the use of mosquito nets could prevent malaria, 41% knew the correct treatment for malaria, and 52% of the children received treatment at a health facility. Conclusion: The observed high malaria prevalence could be due to low levels of coverage and utilization of interventions coupled with low knowledge levels. Therefore, access and utilization of malaria control tools should be increased through scaling up coverage and improving behaviour change communication. © 2014 Eyobo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

South Sudan covers 650,000 sq km of land between 8° and 18° degrees south latitude and between 20° and 35°degrees east longitude (Figure 1) with a population of 8.3 million and almost 900,000 refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons [7]. While the population density is 13 p/sq km, only 17% of the total population resides in urban areas. South Sudan comprises ten states in three regions: 1) Greater Equatoria: Eastern Equatoria, Western Equatoria and Central Equatoria, 2) Greater Bahr el Ghazal: Western Bahr el Ghazal, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap and Lakes, and, 3) Greater Upper Nile: Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei. The MIS was conducted between November and December 2009 in accordance with the RBM MERG protocol [6] adapted to local settings. Map of South Sudan showing state boundaries (Source: SSCCSE, 2010). World Health Organization (WHO) recommended case management and vector control tools have been implemented expansively in South Sudan [4]. The WHO-led integrated vector management (IVM) has been adopted as the main approach for vector control. The NMCP developed a draft strategic plan for IVM for the period 2007–2012 [8]. The approach is to consolidate the use of LLINs while introducing additional interventions, i.e. IRS and larval source management (LSM), where applicable. Presently, the distribution of LLINs remains the only key operational vector control intervention with limited use of IRS and larviciding by Mentor Initiative, an NGO in Malakal County [9]. To date over 9.0 million LLINs have been distributed through mass distribution campaigns and health facility based routine distribution. The NMCP is putting in place implementation arrangements for operational deployment of targeted IRS and larviciding. The survey was designed to provide nationally representative estimates of key malaria indicators and utilized a two-stage cluster sample design. The sample was stratified into three survey regions: Greater Equatoria, Greater Bahr el Ghazal and Greater Upper Nile. First, a total of 150 census enumeration areas (EAs) as primary sampling units, stratified by three domains and degree of urbanization, were selected with probability proportional to size and a complete listing of all households in each cluster was carried out. 50 clusters (EAs) were allocated to each of the three domains and stratification by urban/rural was done within the domains. The sample was proportionally allocated hence self weighting in the three strata. Second, 20 households per EA were selected for interviewing using equal probability systematic random sampling making a total sample of 3,000 households. To minimize potential bias, up to three visits were made to ascertain compliance in case of absence of all eligible respondents or subjects. Standard MIS questionnaires based on the RBM MERG guidelines with modification to reflect relevant issues of malaria in South Sudan were used [6]. The household questionnaire was used to list all the usual members and visitors in the selected households and to identify eligible women for the individual interview and children aged 0–59 months for anaemia and malaria testing. It also collected basic information on the characteristics of each person listed, including age, sex, household’s residence and assets, and ownership, type and use of mosquito nets. The woman’s questionnaire was used to collect information from all women aged 15–49 years on background characteristics, full reproductive history, prenatal care and preventive malaria treatment for most recent birth, prevalence and treatment of fever among children under five years, including knowledge about malaria causes, prevention and treatment. The survey designing, planning and implementation was a collaborative effort by multiple individuals from local and international malaria stakeholders. Prior to data collection, two levels of training, combining both course work and practicals, were conducted, a five-day central training of trainers (ToT) for the principal trainers, and ten-day state level cascade training for interviewers. Each interviewer had been given a detailed MIS manual, which was designed in accordance with WHO recommendations [6,10]. A total of 182 field staff participated in the survey. Surveyors were organized in 26 teams, each team consisted of a supervisor, three interviewers and three laboratory technicians and a driver. In addition, ten field operations managers, one per state, were recruited. All teams in a single state were coordinated through their supervisors and the state field operations manager, who collaborated with the central team in Juba. The biomarkers in the survey included rapid diagnostic test (RDTs) and blood slides for microscopic examination for malaria and haemoglobin level testing for anaemia. Blood samples were collected from a finger-prick using a single-use, spring-loaded, sterile lancet. All the three tests were performed simultaneously from a single finger prick. Children aged 0–59 months and pregnant women were tested for anaemia because of the strong correlation with malaria infection. Haemoglobin concentration analysis was carried out on site using a battery-operated portable spectrophotometer (Hemo-Cue 201, Anglom, Sweden). Plasmodium falciparum malaria testing was done using the Paracheck Pf™ RDT, which has shown good sensitivity and specificity in operational settings [11]. Test results for both RDT and anaemia were provided to the child’s parent/guardian verbally and were recorded on the household questionnaire. Two blood slides, thick and thin films, were taken for each participant by a laboratory technician as per standard WHO-approved protocol [12]. The blood slides were air-dried, fixed (thin films), stained with Giemsa and transported to Juba Teaching Hospital reference laboratory for reading. Based on standard laboratory malaria microscopy procedures, the microscopists determined the presence, density (thick blood film) and species of the malaria parasites (thin blood film). If no parasites were found after examination of 200 high power fields, the thick blood smear was considered negative and the corresponding thin blood film was not read. For external quality control, all positive blood slides plus 10% of the negative slides were sent for cross-checking at a WHO prequalified laboratory in the Republic of Oman. The parasite prevalence rates were harnessed for the production of Map of Epidemiological Stratification of P. falciparum malaria among U5s using geo-statistical modeling. Children who tested positive for malaria using the RDT were offered a full course of treatment according to the standard protocol for treating malaria in South Sudan, i e, artesunate-amodiaquine-combination therapy (ACT) [13]. For children diagnosed with moderate-severe anaemia (ie, haemoglobin 24 months of age as per national protocol for integrated maternal and child illnesses [13]) and supplemental iron. All severe cases with a positive RDT result and children with a haemoglobin level of under 8 g/dl were given a referral card and taken to a health facility for follow-up evaluation and treatment. Further to the successful collection of data during fieldwork, data processing staff were recruited and trained; these consisted of a supervisor from Southern Sudan Centre for Census Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE) and data entry operators. Data were entered twice using the CS Pro computer package and cleaned by checking missing cases and inconsistent entries. Descriptive statistics (ie, frequencies, percentages) were used to describe the characteristics of the sample and calculate coverage, use and access estimates. Data analysis was carried out in SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). To ensure high quality data collection, the teams were visited daily by central and state supervisors and monitored by principal investigators during the survey period. The teams randomly inspected completed households to confirm correctness of records obtained from the survey and completion of supervisory checklist and observing a team’s overall performance as well as providing feedback and sharing the experiences of other teams. Additionally, the quality of data entering and analysis was performed by highly qualified statisticians. The survey protocol received ethical clearance from the South Sudan Ministry of Health Ethics Committee. Written or verbal, informed consent was obtained from the heads of households and each eligible individual before conducting the household questionnaires. Additional informed consent from a child’s parent or guardian and the pregnant women for blood films and anti-malarial treatment with ACT was provided by a nurse or physician when participants had a positive rapid test result.


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health in South Sudan:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Implementing mobile health technologies, such as SMS reminders for prenatal care appointments and medication adherence, can help improve access to maternal health services. These reminders can be sent directly to pregnant women’s mobile phones, ensuring they receive timely and important information.

2. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers (CHWs) can help improve access to maternal health services, especially in remote and underserved areas. CHWs can provide basic prenatal care, education, and referrals for pregnant women, increasing access to essential healthcare services.

3. Telemedicine: Utilizing telemedicine technologies can help connect pregnant women in remote areas with healthcare providers. Through video consultations, healthcare professionals can provide prenatal care advice, monitor high-risk pregnancies, and offer guidance on maternal health issues.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Implementing a voucher system for maternal health services can help improve access for vulnerable populations. Vouchers can be distributed to pregnant women, allowing them to access essential prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care at designated healthcare facilities.

5. Transportation Solutions: Improving transportation infrastructure and implementing innovative transportation solutions, such as ambulances or community transport systems, can help pregnant women reach healthcare facilities in a timely manner. This can reduce delays in accessing emergency obstetric care and improve maternal health outcomes.

6. Maternal Health Education Programs: Developing and implementing comprehensive maternal health education programs can help increase awareness and knowledge about prenatal care, safe delivery practices, and postnatal care. These programs can be delivered through community workshops, radio broadcasts, or mobile health applications.

7. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborating with private sector organizations, such as pharmaceutical companies or technology companies, can help leverage resources and expertise to improve access to maternal health services. Public-private partnerships can support initiatives like the distribution of mosquito nets, provision of essential medications, or the development of innovative healthcare technologies.

It is important to note that these are potential recommendations based on the information provided. The implementation and effectiveness of these innovations would require further research, planning, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders in South Sudan.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health in South Sudan is to scale up coverage and utilization of malaria control tools, while also improving behavior change communication. This can be achieved through the following steps:

1. Increase distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs): The survey showed that only 49.7% of households had access to an ITN. Efforts should be made to distribute ITNs to a larger proportion of the population, especially vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children under five.

2. Improve utilization of ITNs: The survey revealed low utilization rates of ITNs, with only 25.3% of children under five and 35.9% of pregnant women using them. Behavior change communication campaigns should be implemented to raise awareness about the importance of using ITNs to prevent malaria.

3. Expand indoor residual spraying (IRS): The survey found that only 2% of households were covered by IRS the previous year. IRS is an effective method of vector control and should be scaled up to reach more households, particularly in areas with high malaria prevalence.

4. Enhance knowledge about malaria prevention and treatment: The survey indicated that knowledge levels about malaria transmission, prevention, and treatment were relatively low. Health education programs should be implemented to improve knowledge and understanding of malaria, its causes, and the appropriate preventive and treatment measures.

5. Strengthen health facility capacity: The survey showed that only 52% of children received treatment at a health facility. Efforts should be made to improve access to healthcare facilities and ensure that they are equipped to provide quality maternal health services, including malaria prevention and treatment.

By implementing these recommendations, access to maternal health can be improved, leading to a reduction in the prevalence of malaria and its associated morbidity and mortality in South Sudan.
AI Innovations Methodology
To improve access to maternal health in South Sudan, here are some potential recommendations:

1. Increase the distribution and utilization of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) among pregnant women and children under five. This can be done through targeted distribution campaigns, ensuring that every household has access to ITNs, and conducting awareness campaigns to promote their use.

2. Strengthen the coverage and utilization of indoor residual spraying (IRS) to control mosquito populations. This involves spraying insecticides on the walls and ceilings of houses to kill mosquitoes and reduce malaria transmission.

3. Improve access to antenatal care (ANC) services for pregnant women. This can be achieved by increasing the number of ANC clinics, ensuring availability of essential supplies and medications, and providing training to healthcare providers on maternal health services.

4. Enhance community-based interventions and behavior change communication. This includes educating communities about the importance of ANC visits, ITN use, and early recognition of danger signs during pregnancy. Community health workers can play a crucial role in delivering these messages and providing basic maternal health services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Collect baseline data: Conduct a survey similar to the Malaria Indicator Survey mentioned in the description to gather information on the current status of maternal health access, including the utilization of ITNs, ANC services, and knowledge levels.

2. Define indicators: Identify specific indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the percentage of pregnant women with access to ITNs, the number of ANC visits per pregnant woman, and the knowledge level of community members regarding maternal health.

3. Implement interventions: Introduce the recommended interventions, such as distributing ITNs, strengthening ANC services, and conducting community-based education programs. Ensure that these interventions are implemented consistently and reach the target population.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of the interventions and collect data on the selected indicators. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and routine data collection from healthcare facilities.

5. Analyze data: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the interventions on the selected indicators. Compare the post-intervention data with the baseline data to determine any improvements in access to maternal health.

6. Adjust and refine: Based on the analysis of the data, make adjustments to the interventions if necessary. Identify areas that require further improvement and refine the strategies accordingly.

7. Repeat the process: Conduct regular assessments to track the progress over time and make further improvements as needed. This iterative process will help ensure continuous improvement in access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommended interventions on improving access to maternal health in South Sudan.

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