Development of a clinical prediction model for perinatal deaths in low resource settings

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Study Justification:
– Most pregnancy-related deaths in low and middle income countries occur around the time of birth and are avoidable with timely care.
– The study aimed to develop a prognostic model to identify women at risk of intrapartum-related perinatal deaths in low-resourced settings.
– The development of this model could assist skilled birth attendance in triaging women for appropriate management during labor.
Study Highlights:
– The study conducted a prospective cohort study among pregnant women in Zanzibar’s tertiary hospital.
– An existing stillbirth prediction model from Nigeria was externally validated in the Zanzibar cohort, but showed poor performance.
– A new prediction model was developed using multivariable logistic regression, which included 15 clinical predictors.
– The new model showed promising performance in predicting the risk of perinatal death in women admitted in labor wards.
Study Recommendations:
– The new prediction model should undergo external validation and further evaluation of its usefulness before routine implementation.
– Future studies should determine the external validation and usefulness of the model.
– The study findings highlight the importance of timely care and the potential for clinical prediction models to improve perinatal outcomes in low-resource settings.
Key Role Players:
– Skilled birth attendants
– Obstetricians and gynecologists
– Nurses and midwives
– Hospital administrators
– Policy makers and government officials
– Researchers and scientists
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers on the use of the prediction model
– Implementation of data collection systems and electronic databases
– Research and evaluation activities for external validation and usefulness assessment
– Communication and dissemination of study findings to healthcare providers and policy makers
– Monitoring and quality assurance of the implementation of the prediction model in labor wards
– Continuous updates and improvements to the prediction model based on new evidence and research

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is rated 7 because it provides a clear description of the study design, methods, and findings. However, the abstract does not provide information on the sample size, statistical analysis, or limitations of the study. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include these missing details and also mention the significance of the findings and potential implications for clinical practice.

Background: Most pregnancy-related deaths in low and middle income countries occur around the time of birth and are avoidable with timely care. This study aimed to develop a prognostic model to identify women at risk of intrapartum-related perinatal deaths in low-resourced settings, by (1) external validation of an existing prediction model, and subsequently (2) development of a novel model. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted among pregnant women who presented consecutively for delivery at the maternity unit of Zanzibar’s tertiary hospital, Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, the Republic of Tanzania between October 2017 and May 2018. Candidate predictors of perinatal deaths included maternal and foetal characteristics obtained from routine history and physical examination at the time of admission to the labour ward. The outcomes were intrapartum stillbirths and neonatal death before hospital discharge. An existing stillbirth prediction model with six predictors from Nigeria was applied to the Zanzibar cohort to assess its discrimination and calibration performance. Subsequently, a new prediction model was developed using multivariable logistic regression. Model performance was evaluated through internal validation and corrected for overfitting using bootstrapping methods. Findings: 5747 mother-baby pairs were analysed. The existing model showed poor discrimination performance (c-statistic 0·57). The new model included 15 clinical predictors and showed promising discriminative and calibration performance after internal validation (optimism adjusted c-statistic of 0·78, optimism adjusted calibration slope =0·94). Interpretation: The new model consisted of predictors easily obtained through history-taking and physical examination at the time of admission to the labour ward. It had good performance in predicting risk of perinatal death in women admitted in labour wards. Therefore, it has the potential to assist skilled birth attendance to triage women for appropriate management during labour. Before routine implementation, external validation and usefulness should be determined in future studies. Funding: The study received funding from Laerdal Foundation, Otto Kranendonk Fund and UMC Global Health Fellowship. TD acknowledges financial support from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (grant 91617050).

The reporting of the study adheres to the TRIPOD guidelines (Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis).11 First, we evaluated and updated an existing prognosis model for stillbirths in LMIC.10,12 Briefly, this model was developed in a retrospective cohort of 6,573 pregnant women and their babies in the Federal Medical Centre Bida, a tertiary hospital in Niger state, Nigeria, from January 2010 to December 2013. There were 443/6,956 (6·4%) stillbirths, defined as birth of a baby who died intrauterine after 20 completed gestational weeks. The original prediction model was developed using multivariable logistic regression and comprised of six predictors.12 After internal validation, the model showed excellent performance in terms of discrimination (C-statistic: 0·80, 95 % CI 0·78-0·83) and calibration in predicting stillbirths.12 The dataset collected for this study comprised a prospective cohort of labouring women at gestational age of ≥ 28 weeks, consecutively recruited as they presented for delivery at the maternity unit of Zanzibar’s tertiary hospital, Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, the Republic of Tanzania between October 2017 and May 2018. The following women were excluded from the study: confirmed intrauterine foetal death before or at the time of admission to the maternity unit and women who did not undergo intrapartum care in the hospital, i.e. women admitted for elective or emergency caesarean section or post-delivery. At the time of admission, trained research nurses collected routinely-measured predictors from antenatal care (ANC) card, history from the patient, in-patient file, and results of physical examination as assessed by routine nurses and they assessed outcomes mainly using in-patient files in the maternity and neonatal care units. For the predictor of maternal perception of foetal movement, a specific questionnaire was newly-developed. Data were recorded on a pilot-tested paper form, and visually inspected for inconsistencies and missing information before entry into a password-protected preformed electronic database (KobotoolBox). For validation of the existing model, the outcome was stillbirth, and defined as intrapartum death ≥28 weeks gestational age, in line with the WHO definition as this is more applicable in LMICs.13 We focused on intrapartum stillbirths (i.e. stillbirths who had a positive foetal heart rate on admission) because we aimed to build a model to reduce intrapartum-related deaths.14 For the new model development, the outcome was perinatal deaths, i.e. stillbirths and neonatal deaths before hospital discharge.15 Only prenatal and pre-delivery maternal and foetal characteristics were considered for prediction of intrapartum-related deaths (Table 1). For evaluation of the existing model, this study included all six predictors considered in the Nigerian model (i.e. place of residence, maternal occupation, maternal parity, bleeding and fetal presentation and maternal comorbidity) and were similarly defined (Table 1). In the original model, maternal comorbidity was an additive score of the following medical conditions: hypertension, pre-eclampsia, diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, sickle cell disease, renal disease, thyroid disease, syphilis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) but in the validation dataset, all maternal comorbid conditions were captured except PID which was not available. Candidate predictors of perinatal death for new model development. Abbreviations: ANC = Antenatal care, HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus, As recommended in methodological papers, we based variable selection on “background knowledge …from previous studies in the same field of research, from expert knowledge or from common sense.”22 As such, for new model development the following candidate predictors were considered: all recorded six predictors from the Nigerian model as mentioned above, and five additional predictors that were identified from the literature and an international expert-based Delphi consensus (foetal movement by maternal perception, gestational age, fundal height, foetal heart rate on admission, meconium stained liquor),7,20 and five from clinical reasoning (previous caesarean, multiple gestation, number of ANC visits, prolonged rupture of membranes and antepartum haemorrage) (Table 1). The latter category were factors identified in the clinical setting through direct observations of the quality of labour care4 and the development process of the PartoMa labour management guidelines (the PartoMa Project).23 Determination of gestational age is notably challenging in low resource settings as most pregnant women do not have (an early) antenatal ultrasound and may also not recall their last menstrual period accurately.24 Thus, estimation of gestational age reflected the clinical reality whereby the most accurate available method of determination was used in the following order: 1) early ultrasound (up to 12 weeks), 2) the last menstrual period, 3) second trimester (up to 22 weeks), 4) 3rd trimester ultrasound.25 When none of these methods were available, gestational age was considered unknown and multiple imputation was used (see section on missing data). Precise data e.g. for gestational age, fundal height and foetal heart rate is difficult to obtain in these settings and thus categorisation of continuous data was used as a crude scale for these measurements, (Table 1). It has been recommended thatexternal validation studies should include at least 100, but preferably 200 or more outcome events.26 We aimed to include at least 200 events, in order to allow a sufficient sample size to develop a new model using more predictors with at least 10 events per candidate predictor. At MMH the stillbirth incidence was around 3.8%.27 Thus, the required sample size was 5,263 participants. With 12,000 births annually, this roughly corresponds to a seven-month period of data collection. Multiple imputation was applied to account for missing data using the MICE package in R. The imputation accounted for all candidate predictors and outcomes in the dataset. This resulted in 20 multiply imputed datasets.28,29 All analyses were repeated across the 20 datasets with pooling of estimates and their uncertainty measures using Rubin’s rules.30 Categorical variables were described using frequencies and percentages. As in the Nigerian study, all continuous data were summarized using medians and interquartile ranges (IQR) which allowed comparison of baseline characteristics between the Nigerian and Zanzibar datasets. Descriptive statistics were generated for the original data (before imputation) and the proportion of missing values was calculated for all candidate predictors. For the continuous variable of number of antenatal care visits, non-linear predictor-outcome association was explored using restricted cubic splines.31 For all (existing and newly developed) models, we assessed calibration and discrimination performance. Calibration was visually assessed using a calibration plot, comparing the agreement between observed frequencies of stillbirth (original and updated models) and perinatal deaths (new model) in the new dataset and the predicted risks. The ability of the models to discriminate between women with and without stillbirth (original and updated models) and perinatal death (new model) was assessed using the concordance (c)-statistic, which is equivalent to the area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for prognostic models with binary outcomes.9,32, 33, 34, 35 The original model was adjusted to the new cohort using recalibration methods (adjustment of the intercept and adjustment of both the intercept and slope) previously described.34,36 For the new model development, multivariable logistic regression was used with all candidate predictors.35 This strategy is may be preferred over stepwise selection methods, which often lead to model instability and overfitting.9 All predictors (including all comorbidities) were entered individually in the initial model. Subsequently, hypertensive disorder and sickle cell were presented as individual predictors in the final model because they were the maternal co-morbidity with highest estimated risk. The remaining maternal conditions were combined into a comorbidity score (i.e. adding up of comorbidities). No interactions were identified clinically and so an additive model was used. This also reduces the risk of overfitting. Model optimism was assessed via bootstrap resampling.31 Briefly, the aforementioned prediction model was refitted (i.e. re-estimation of the coefficients) in 200 bootstrap samples, and the performance of these models was then evaluated in the original sample. This yielded a shrinkage factor which was used to adjust both the regression coefficients and c-statistic of the original model for optimism.37 All analyses were performed in R version 3·5·3 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2019).38 Methods previously described were used to derive a point score system for the newly developed prognostic model.39 Risk estimates were organised into clinically meaningful categories. An example is given which also illustrates the correspondence between the risks estimated by the multivariable model directly and those approximated by the points system. The study was approved by the Zanzibar Medical Research Ethical Committee (ZAMREC/0004/AGUST/17). Upon arrival to the admission room, a research nurse assessed the eligibility criteria of women. Written information in Kiswahili about the study was read out to the women by a research nurse. Women were then asked for their voluntary consent to participate in the study. Hardcopies of the data were stored in a locked office and electronic data were password protected. The funders of the study had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. The corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study, and all the authors accept final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.

The innovation described in the study is the development of a clinical prediction model for perinatal deaths in low resource settings. This model aims to identify women at risk of intrapartum-related perinatal deaths by using various predictors obtained from routine history and physical examination at the time of admission to the labour ward. The study conducted a prospective cohort study among pregnant women in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and developed a new prediction model using multivariable logistic regression. The new model showed promising performance in predicting the risk of perinatal death and has the potential to assist skilled birth attendance in triaging women for appropriate management during labor. Before routine implementation, further external validation and usefulness should be determined in future studies.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the development of a clinical prediction model for perinatal deaths in low resource settings. This recommendation is based on a study conducted in Zanzibar, Tanzania, which aimed to identify women at risk of intrapartum-related perinatal deaths.

The study involved a prospective cohort of pregnant women who presented for delivery at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital between October 2017 and May 2018. Candidate predictors of perinatal deaths were collected from routine history and physical examination at the time of admission to the labour ward. The outcomes were intrapartum stillbirths and neonatal death before hospital discharge.

The study first validated an existing prediction model for stillbirths from Nigeria and found that it had poor discrimination performance. Subsequently, a new prediction model was developed using multivariable logistic regression. This new model included 15 clinical predictors and showed promising discriminative and calibration performance after internal validation.

The new model consisted of predictors easily obtained through history-taking and physical examination at the time of admission to the labour ward. It had good performance in predicting the risk of perinatal death in women admitted to labour wards. The model has the potential to assist skilled birth attendance in triaging women for appropriate management during labour.

Before routine implementation, further studies are needed to determine the external validation and usefulness of the model. The study received funding from various sources, including the Laerdal Foundation and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development.

Overall, the development of a clinical prediction model for perinatal deaths in low resource settings has the potential to improve access to maternal health by identifying women at risk and providing appropriate care during labour.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study described in the provided text focuses on the development of a clinical prediction model for perinatal deaths in low-resource settings. The aim is to identify women at risk of intrapartum-related perinatal deaths in order to provide timely care and reduce avoidable deaths. The methodology used in the study includes the following steps:

1. External validation of an existing prediction model: The researchers applied an existing stillbirth prediction model with six predictors from Nigeria to a cohort of pregnant women in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The performance of the existing model was assessed in terms of discrimination and calibration.

2. Development of a novel prediction model: A new prediction model was developed using multivariable logistic regression. Candidate predictors of perinatal deaths included maternal and fetal characteristics obtained from routine history and physical examination at the time of admission to the labor ward. The new model included 15 clinical predictors.

3. Model performance evaluation: The performance of the new model was evaluated through internal validation. This involved assessing discrimination (the ability of the model to distinguish between women at high and low risk of perinatal death) and calibration (the agreement between observed and predicted risks).

4. Correction for overfitting: To avoid overfitting, which occurs when a model performs well on the data used for development but poorly on new data, bootstrapping methods were used to correct for overfitting. This involved re-estimating the model in multiple bootstrap samples and evaluating its performance in the original sample.

5. Reporting and validation: The findings of the study were reported, including the performance of both the existing and new prediction models. The study adhered to the TRIPOD guidelines (Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis). External validation and usefulness of the new model were recommended for future studies.

In summary, the methodology used in this study involved external validation of an existing prediction model, development of a new prediction model using multivariable logistic regression, evaluation of model performance through internal validation, correction for overfitting using bootstrapping methods, and reporting of the findings.

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