A Risk Prediction Model for the Assessment and Triage of Women with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in Low-Resourced Settings: The miniPIERS (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk) Multi-country Prospective Cohort Study

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Study Justification:
– Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia are leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
– The miniPIERS risk prediction model was developed to identify pregnant women in LMICs at increased risk of death or major hypertensive-related complications.
– The model provides a simple, evidence-based tool to improve the identification and triage of women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in low-resourced settings.
Study Highlights:
– Data was collected prospectively on 2,081 women with any hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in five LMICs.
– The miniPIERS model was developed using a step-wise backward elimination logistic regression model.
– The final model included predictors such as parity, gestational age on admission, symptoms (headache/visual disturbances, chest pain/dyspnoea, vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain), systolic blood pressure, and dipstick proteinuria.
– The model was well-calibrated and had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) of 0.768.
– External validation of the model showed an AUC ROC of 0.713.
– A predicted probability ≥25% defined a positive test with 85.5% accuracy.
Study Recommendations:
– The miniPIERS model could be used in LMICs to identify women at increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
– The model could help prioritize interventions such as magnesium sulphate, antihypertensives, or transportation to a higher level of care for women at high risk.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and clinicians from high- and low-/middle-income countries with expertise in medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics, anaesthesia, and critical care.
– Participating institutions, including hospitals in Fiji, Uganda, South Africa, Brazil, and Pakistan.
– Research ethics boards at participating institutions and the University of British Columbia.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Data collection forms and protocols.
– Customized Microsoft Access database for data entry.
– Training and support for data collection and quality assurance.
– Statistical analysis software (STATA v11·0).
– Research ethics approval process.
– Collaboration and communication between participating institutions.
– Dissemination of study findings through publication and conferences.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on a prospective, multicentre cohort study with a large sample size. The miniPIERS model was developed and validated using data from low- and middle-income countries, which increases its generalizability. The model was well-calibrated and had a high area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) of 0.768. External validation also showed a reasonable AUC ROC of 0.713. The study has some limitations, including the use of a composite outcome and broad inclusion criteria for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. To improve the evidence, future studies could consider using more specific outcome measures and narrower inclusion criteria for better model generalizability.

Background:Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia are leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity, particularly in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). We developed the miniPIERS risk prediction model to provide a simple, evidence-based tool to identify pregnant women in LMICs at increased risk of death or major hypertensive-related complications.Methods and Findings:From 1 July 2008 to 31 March 2012, in five LMICs, data were collected prospectively on 2,081 women with any hypertensive disorder of pregnancy admitted to a participating centre. Candidate predictors collected within 24 hours of admission were entered into a step-wise backward elimination logistic regression model to predict a composite adverse maternal outcome within 48 hours of admission. Model internal validation was accomplished by bootstrapping and external validation was completed using data from 1,300 women in the Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk (fullPIERS) dataset. Predictive performance was assessed for calibration, discrimination, and stratification capacity. The final miniPIERS model included: parity (nulliparous versus multiparous); gestational age on admission; headache/visual disturbances; chest pain/dyspnoea; vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain; systolic blood pressure; and dipstick proteinuria. The miniPIERS model was well-calibrated and had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) of 0.768 (95% CI 0.735-0.801) with an average optimism of 0.037. External validation AUC ROC was 0.713 (95% CI 0.658-0.768). A predicted probability ≥25% to define a positive test classified women with 85.5% accuracy. Limitations of this study include the composite outcome and the broad inclusion criteria of any hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. This broad approach was used to optimize model generalizability.Conclusions:The miniPIERS model shows reasonable ability to identify women at increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes associated with the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. It could be used in LMICs to identify women who would benefit most from interventions such as magnesium sulphate, antihypertensives, or transportation to a higher level of care.Please see later in the article for the Editors’ Summary. © 2014 Payne et al.

The miniPIERS model was developed and validated on a prospective, multicentre cohort of women admitted to a participating centre with an HDP. Participating institutions were: the Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Suva, Fiji; Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda; Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa; Maternidade Escola de Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, São Paulo, Brazil; Aga Khan University Hospital and its secondary level hospitals at Garden, Karimabad and Kharadar and Jinnah Post-graduate Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan; and Aga Khan Maternity & Child Care Centre, and Liaqat University of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Pakistan. Ethics approval for this study was obtained from each participating institution’s research ethics board as well as the clinical research ethics board at the University of British Columbia. All participating institutions had a hospital policy of expectant management for women with pre-eclampsia remote from term, and similar guidelines for treatment of women with regard to magnesium sulphate and antihypertensive agents. Institutions were chosen to participate on the basis of the consistency of these guidelines in order to achieve some level of homogeneity within the cohort and to reduce systematic bias that could result from differences in disease-modifying practices between institutions. Women were admitted to the study with any HDP defined as follows: pre-eclampsia, defined as (i) blood pressure (BP) ≥140/90 mmHg (at least one component, twice, ≥4 and up to 24 hours apart, after 20 weeks) and either proteinuria (of ≥2+ by dipstick, ≥300 mg/d by 24 hour collection, or ≥30 g/mol by urinary protein:creatinine ratio) or hyperuricaemia (greater than local upper limit of local non-pregnancy normal range); (ii) haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome even in the absence of hypertension or proteinuria [1]; or (iii) superimposed pre-eclampsia (clinician-defined rapid increase in requirement for antihypertensives, systolic BP [sBP] ≥170 mmHg or diastolic BP [dBP] ≥120 mmHg, new proteinuria, or new hyperuricaemia in a woman with chronic hypertension); or an “other” HDP defined as: (i) gestational hypertension (BP≥140/90 mmHg [at least one component, twice, ≥4 hours apart, ≥20+0 weeks] without significant proteinuria); (ii) chronic hypertension (BP≥140/90 mmHg before 20+0 weeks’ gestation); or (iii) partial HELLP (i.e., haemolysis and low platelets OR low platelets and elevated liver enzymes). All women participating in the study gave informed consent according to local ethics board requirements. Women were excluded from the study if they were admitted in spontaneous labour, experienced any component of the adverse maternal outcome before eligibility or collection of predictor variables, or had confirmed positive HIV/AIDS status with CD4 count 0.5) they were re-coded as a combined indicator variable. Stepwise backward elimination was used to build the most parsimonious model with a stopping rule of p<0·20. No interaction terms were included in the model as no interaction was hypothesized between candidate predictors prior to analysis. We assessed the potential for confounding by study site by examining the bivariate association of study site with predictor variables and with outcome rate. Dummy (indicator) variables for study site were included in the model to eliminate confounding of the predictor-adverse outcome relationship by study site. To make the final model generalizable to all study settings, the coefficients for site variables were excluded from the calculation of predicted probability, and the model's intercept was adjusted using previously published methods for updating a prediction model for a new setting [14]. Calibration ability of the model was assessed visually by plotting deciles of predicted probability of an adverse maternal outcome against the observed rate in each decile and fitting a smooth line [14],[17]. Discrimination ability was evaluated on the basis of AUC ROC [18]. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and likelihood ratios (LRs) of cut-offs for a positive test defined using the population within each risk group were calculated [19]. The following categories for interpretation of the LRs were used: informative (LR10); moderately informative (LR 0·1–0·2 or 5–10); and non-informative (LR 0·2–5). A risk stratification table was generated to assess the extent to which the model’s predictions divided the population into clinically distinct risk categories [20]. Internal validation of the model was assessed using 500 iterations each of Efron’s enhanced bootstrap method [21]. Details of this approach have been described previously [11],[14]. The bootstrapping procedure involved (i) sampling with replacement from the original cohort to generate a bootstrap dataset of 2,081 women; (ii) redevelopment of the model including all model development steps; variable coding (transformations and categorizations), variable selection, and parameter estimation in the bootstrapped sample; (iii) estimation of the AUC ROC for the model in the bootstrap sample; (iv) application of this new model to the original dataset and estimation of AUC ROC. Model optimism is then calculated as the average difference between model performance in the bootstrap sample and the original dataset after 500 iterations of this procedure. The choice was made to use 500 iterations because previous studies have shown no benefit is achieved when using a higher number of repetitions [16]. A final assessment of calibration was performed using the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test. A final assessment of model validity was performed by applying the miniPIERS model to the fullPIERS dataset and estimating the AUC ROC. Due to the marked difference in underlying rate of outcomes in the fullPIERS population (6.5% in fullPIERS versus 12.5% in miniPIERS), the model intercept (i.e., the baseline rate) was adjusted before estimating predictive performance [14]. This difference in outcome rate between the two cohorts is due to the difference in setting in which the data was collected, as noted in the description of the cohorts above, fullPIERS was completed in high-income country facilities only. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the generalizability of the model in various subsets of study data. In addition, sensitivity analyses were performed excluding the most common components of the adverse maternal outcome to ensure that model discriminatory ability was maintained. Generalizability of the model across study regions was further assessed based on the AUC ROC calculated for the model when applied to each region’s subset of the total miniPIERS cohort. All statistical analyses were performed using STATA v11·0 (StataCorp).

The miniPIERS model is an innovative risk prediction tool that can be used to identify pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) who are at increased risk of death or major complications related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). This model was developed and validated through a multi-country prospective cohort study.

The miniPIERS model includes the following predictors: parity (nulliparous versus multiparous), gestational age on admission, headache/visual disturbances, chest pain/dyspnoea, vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain, systolic blood pressure, and dipstick proteinuria. These predictors were selected based on their association with pre-eclampsia in previous studies and their availability and ease of collection in all healthcare settings.

The model’s predictive performance was assessed for calibration, discrimination, and stratification capacity. It was found to be well-calibrated and had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) of 0.768, indicating reasonable ability to identify women at increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes associated with HDP. The model’s performance was also externally validated using data from a high-resourced setting, with an AUC ROC of 0.713.

The miniPIERS model can be used in LMICs to identify women who would benefit most from interventions such as magnesium sulphate, antihypertensives, or transportation to a higher level of care. It provides a simple, evidence-based tool to improve access to maternal health by targeting resources and interventions to those at highest risk.
AI Innovations Description
The miniPIERS (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk) model is a risk prediction tool that was developed to identify pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) who are at increased risk of death or major complications related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). The model was developed and validated through a prospective, multicenter cohort study involving 2,081 women with any HDP admitted to participating centers in five LMICs.

The miniPIERS model includes several predictor variables that can be easily collected within 24 hours of admission. These variables are: parity (nulliparous versus multiparous), gestational age on admission, headache/visual disturbances, chest pain/dyspnea, vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain, systolic blood pressure, and dipstick proteinuria. These variables were selected based on their association with pre-eclampsia in previous studies and their availability in all healthcare settings.

The model’s predictive performance was assessed for calibration, discrimination, and stratification capacity. It was found to be well-calibrated and had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) of 0.768, indicating reasonable ability to identify women at increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes associated with HDP. External validation of the model using data from a high-resource setting yielded an AUC ROC of 0.713.

The miniPIERS model can be used in LMICs to identify women who would benefit most from interventions such as magnesium sulfate, antihypertensives, or transportation to a higher level of care. It provides a simple, evidence-based tool to improve access to maternal health by targeting resources and interventions to those at highest risk.
AI Innovations Methodology
The miniPIERS model is an innovative risk prediction tool that aims to identify pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) who are at increased risk of death or major complications related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). This model was developed and validated through a multi-country prospective cohort study.

The methodology used to develop and validate the miniPIERS model involved collecting data from 2,081 women with any HDP admitted to participating centers in five LMICs. Candidate predictors, such as demographics, symptoms, and signs, were collected within 24 hours of admission. These predictors were entered into a step-wise backward elimination logistic regression model to predict a composite adverse maternal outcome within 48 hours of admission.

The model’s performance was assessed for calibration, discrimination, and stratification capacity. Calibration ability was evaluated by comparing the predicted probability of an adverse outcome with the observed rate in each risk group. Discrimination ability was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and likelihood ratios were calculated for different cut-off points to define a positive test. A risk stratification table was generated to assess the model’s ability to divide the population into clinically distinct risk categories.

Internal validation of the model was performed using Efron’s enhanced bootstrap method, which involved resampling the original cohort to generate bootstrap datasets and estimating the AUC ROC for each iteration. The model’s performance was also externally validated using data from the Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk (fullPIERS) dataset, which was collected in high-income country facilities.

The miniPIERS model showed reasonable ability to identify women at increased risk of adverse maternal outcomes associated with HDP. It could be used in LMICs to identify women who would benefit most from interventions such as magnesium sulfate, antihypertensives, or transportation to a higher level of care.

It is important to note that the study had some limitations, including the use of a composite outcome and broad inclusion criteria for any HDP. However, these approaches were chosen to optimize the model’s generalizability.

Overall, the miniPIERS model provides a simple, evidence-based tool that can improve access to maternal health by identifying high-risk women in LMICs who require targeted interventions and resources.

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