Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Kenya: Challenges to implementation

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Study Justification:
– The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is an important public health issue.
– Despite some progress, mother-to-child transmission rates in Kenya are still high.
– Scaling up PMTCT services is crucial to eliminate mother-to-child transmission by 2015.
– This study aims to identify barriers to PMTCT implementation in the context of a randomized control trial on the use of structured mobile phone messages.
– Data was collected from 503 women enrolled in PMTCT services in Nairobi, Kenya.
– Despite differences between sites, all women presented to care at 20 weeks gestation or later.
– Only 88.8% of women attended less than four ANC visits.
– PMTCT counseling at first visit had high coverage (86%), but contraception counseling was low (31.34%).
– Few women had been tested for TB (10%) or received single dose nevirapine (20%).
– Challenges include late presentation, low ANC visits, low screening rates, limited contraception counseling, and lack of disclosure to partners.
– Revise PMTCT guidelines to reduce inequity between high and low resource settings.
– Address challenges related to late presentation, low ANC visits, low screening rates, limited contraception counseling, and lack of partner disclosure.
– Implement strategies to improve linkage to ANC, provide reminders for PMTCT medications, and improve post-natal support and follow-up.
– Use mobile phone technology as a tool for strengthening health information systems at a facility level.
Key Role Players:
– Health policymakers and government officials
– Healthcare providers and nurses
– Community health workers
– NGOs and international organizations
– Researchers and scientists
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers
– Development and implementation of revised PMTCT guidelines
– Mobile phone technology infrastructure and support
– Outreach and education campaigns
– Monitoring and evaluation systems
– Research and data collection
– Collaboration and coordination with stakeholders

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a randomized control trial (RCT), which is a strong study design. The study collected data from 503 women and analyzed it using descriptive analyses. However, the abstract does not provide details on the methodology, such as the randomization process or the specific outcomes measured. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include more information on the study design, methodology, and specific results obtained.

Background: The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is lauded as one of the more successful HIV prevention measures. However, despite some gains in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in sub-Saharan Africa, mother-to-child transmission rates are still high. In Kenya, mother-to-child transmission is considered one of the greatest health challenges and scaling up PMTCT services is crucial to its elimination by 2015. However, guideline implementation faces barriers that challenge scale-up of services. The objective of this paper is to identify barriers to PMTCT implementation in the context of a randomized control trial on the use of structured mobile phone messages in PMTCT. Methods. The preliminary analysis presented here is based on survey data collected during enrolment in PMTCT services at one of two health facilities in Nairobi, Kenya, with overall number of antenatal care (ANC) visits determined from 48 hour follow up data. Results: Data was collected for 503 women. Despite significant differences in the type of facility and sample characteristics between sites, all women presented to care at 20 weeks gestation or later and 88.8% attended less than four ANC visits. PMTCT counselling at first visit had high coverage (86%), however less than a third of women (31.34%) reported receiving contraception counselling. Although 60.8% of women had reportedly disclosed their status to their partners, only 40% were aware of their partner’s status. Very few women had been tested for TB (10%) or received single dose nevirapine during their first antenatal care appointment (20%). Conclusion: Revised PMTCT guidelines aim to reduce the inequity between PMTCT services in high and low resource settings in efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission. However, guideline implementation in low resource settings continues to be confronted with challenges related to late presentation, less than four ANC visits, low screening rates for opportunistic infections, and limited contraception counselling. These challenges are further complicated by lack of disclosure to partners. Effective scale up and implementation of PMTCT services requires that such ongoing program challenges be identified and appropriately addressed within the local context. © 2014 du Plessis et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

These results were obtained in the context of a randomized control trial (RCT) on the use of structured mobile phone messages in PMTCT. The goals of the study were to improve linkage to ANC, provide reminders to take PMTCT medications, and improve post-natal support and follow-up – even when mothers deliver elsewhere. In addition to benefits directly related to PMTCT, the study also aimed to demonstrate that mobile phone technology can be used as an effective tool for strengthening health information systems at a facility level by collecting better information, and thereby advance local health systems development. Women were recruited from the PMTCT clinic at Pumwani Maternity Hospital (PMH) and the ANC/PMTCT clinic at Baba Dogo Health Centre (BDHC) in Nairobi, Kenya and enrolled in the study during their first ANC visit, if they met the inclusion criteria. They were considered eligible if they were HIV positive, pregnant with a singleton pregnancy, had never had a preterm birth, were residing within 15 km of either study facility, and would be residing there for at least six months post-delivery, literate in Kiswahili or English, were willing to be contacted for follow up, and had regular access to a cell phone – either their own or that of their partner or a family member. Disclosure of HIV status to their partner was initially included as criteria but was eliminated at the request of key stakeholders who thought this would not be representative of women receiving PMTCT services in Kenya. Women who were considered eligible were approached by study nurses –not affiliated with either facility- who explained the objectives and procedures of the study and asked if they wanted to participate (one nurse was hired at each facility). Nurses had experience working in maternal health as well as previous experience working on research projects. If women agreed to participate, informed consent was obtained before conducting the baseline survey or collecting samples. Survey data was collected at enrollment, during routine ANC visits, and 48 hours and 6 weeks post-delivery. At enrollment, women completed a brief questionnaire collecting data on socio-demographic characteristics, cell phone history, HIV status history, previous pregnancy, current pregnancy, gender based violence, TB testing and care, and PMTCT knowledge. Subsequent data collection focused on ARV history, pregnancy complications, delivery and postpartum data, and perceptions of the mobile phone intervention (intervention clients only). The preliminary analysis presented here focuses on the survey data collected at enrolment with the exception of the number of ANC visits which was determined from data collected at the 48 hour-follow up. We compared variables of interest across the two hospital sites as we were interested in determining whether or not there were differences between sites, given the differences in populations served and clinical practice. Our assumption was that while there may be differences by site, there may also be broader structural barriers we could identify at both sites. Data was analysed using Stata 11 (College Station, TX) and descriptive analyses included comparisons between women recruited from the different hospitals. Chi-square tests of association were used to compare variables of interest across the two hospital sites. Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Manitoba’s Health Research Ethics Board (H2009-351) as well as the Kenyatta National Hospital/University of Nairobi – Ethics & Research Committee (P273/09/2009). Women provided signed informed consent to participate in the study.


Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile phone messaging: The use of structured mobile phone messages can be an effective tool for improving access to maternal health services. These messages can be used to provide reminders for ANC visits, medication adherence, and post-natal support. They can also be used to collect better information and strengthen health information systems at the facility level.

2. Improved linkage to ANC: Ensuring that pregnant women are linked to ANC services early in their pregnancy can improve access to maternal health care. This can be done through targeted outreach efforts, community-based interventions, and improved referral systems.

3. Increased contraception counseling: Providing comprehensive contraception counseling to pregnant women can help them make informed decisions about family planning and prevent unintended pregnancies. This can be done through training healthcare providers on contraception options and integrating family planning services into ANC clinics.

4. Partner involvement: Engaging partners in maternal health care can improve access and outcomes. This can be done through couples counseling, encouraging partner attendance at ANC visits, and promoting male involvement in decision-making related to maternal health.

5. Screening for opportunistic infections: Increasing screening rates for opportunistic infections, such as tuberculosis, can help identify and treat co-infections that can affect maternal and child health. This can be done through training healthcare providers on screening protocols and ensuring access to diagnostic tests and treatment.

6. Strengthening health systems: Improving the overall health system can have a positive impact on access to maternal health care. This can include investments in infrastructure, equipment, and supplies, as well as training and capacity building for healthcare providers.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the specific context of the study mentioned in the description. The implementation of these innovations should be tailored to the local context and take into consideration the specific challenges and resources available.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, a recommendation to improve access to maternal health in the context of preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Kenya is to utilize mobile phone technology as a tool for strengthening health information systems and improving communication with pregnant women.

The study mentioned in the description used structured mobile phone messages to improve linkage to antenatal care (ANC), provide reminders for PMTCT medications, and enhance post-natal support and follow-up. This approach can be further developed into an innovation by implementing a mobile health (mHealth) platform specifically designed for maternal health in Kenya.

The mHealth platform can include features such as:

1. Appointment reminders: Sending automated SMS reminders to pregnant women for ANC visits, PMTCT medication adherence, and post-natal check-ups.

2. Health education messages: Providing educational information on PMTCT, antenatal care, nutrition, and general maternal health through regular SMS messages.

3. Confidential helpline: Establishing a helpline where pregnant women can ask questions, seek advice, and receive support from healthcare professionals via phone calls or SMS.

4. Data collection and monitoring: Using the mobile platform to collect data on ANC attendance, PMTCT medication adherence, and other relevant indicators to monitor the progress of maternal health interventions.

5. Partner involvement: Encouraging women to involve their partners by sending SMS messages to both partners, promoting HIV testing, and providing information on the importance of partner support during pregnancy.

6. Referral system: Implementing a system that allows healthcare providers to refer pregnant women to appropriate facilities for specialized care, if needed, through mobile phone communication.

By leveraging mobile phone technology, this innovation can overcome barriers such as late presentation, low ANC visits, limited contraception counseling, and lack of partner disclosure. It can improve access to maternal health services, enhance communication between healthcare providers and pregnant women, and ultimately contribute to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Kenya.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen ANC services: Focus on increasing the number of ANC visits and ensuring that women receive comprehensive care during these visits. This can include providing counseling on contraception, testing for opportunistic infections like TB, and offering single dose nevirapine during the first ANC appointment.

2. Improve partner involvement: Encourage women to disclose their HIV status to their partners and promote partner testing and involvement in PMTCT services. This can be done through targeted counseling and education programs.

3. Enhance health information systems: Utilize mobile phone technology to improve health information systems at the facility level. This can involve sending structured mobile phone messages to remind women about ANC visits, medication adherence, and post-natal support. It can also help in collecting better information for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

4. Address structural barriers: Identify and address broader structural barriers that may exist at both health facilities. This can involve improving infrastructure, ensuring availability of necessary resources, and addressing any cultural or social barriers that may hinder access to maternal health services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define indicators: Identify key indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of ANC visits, uptake of PMTCT services, partner involvement, and knowledge about PMTCT.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of these indicators before implementing the recommendations. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and data analysis of existing health records.

3. Implement interventions: Implement the recommended interventions, such as strengthening ANC services, promoting partner involvement, and utilizing mobile phone technology for health information systems.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of interventions and collect data on the indicators identified in step 1. This can involve regular data collection through surveys, interviews, and health record analysis.

5. Analyze data: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the interventions on the identified indicators. This can be done using statistical analysis techniques to compare the baseline data with the post-intervention data.

6. Draw conclusions: Based on the analysis, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the interventions in improving access to maternal health. Identify any gaps or areas that need further improvement.

7. Adjust interventions: Use the findings from the analysis to make adjustments to the interventions if necessary. This can involve refining strategies, addressing identified barriers, and scaling up successful interventions.

8. Repeat the process: Continuously repeat the monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment process to ensure ongoing improvement in access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health can be simulated and assessed. This can help inform decision-making and guide future efforts to enhance maternal health services.

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