Goals and activities proposed by countries in seven regions of the world toward prevention of unsafe abortion

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to investigate the goals and activities proposed by countries in seven regions of the world for the prevention of unsafe abortion.
– The study is important because unsafe abortion is a significant public health issue that leads to maternal mortality and morbidity.
– By understanding the goals and activities proposed by countries, policymakers and health professionals can develop effective strategies to reduce the number of women who have unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions.
– The study found that all national plans of action for the prevention of unsafe abortion were aligned with the goal of reducing unplanned pregnancies, induced abortions, and maternal mortality and morbidity associated with unsafe abortion.
– The interventions proposed can be categorized into five groups: improving national policies, reducing unplanned pregnancies, making induced abortion safer, improving postabortion care, and reducing the need for abortion through adoption.
– The study also identified regional differences in the proportions of plans that included each intervention.
Recommendations for Lay Readers:
– Policymakers and health professionals should prioritize obtaining and disseminating accurate evidence-based data on abortion to inform national policies.
– Efforts should be made to sensitize policymakers and health professionals on issues related to unsafe abortion.
– Increasing the use of modern contraceptive methods, improving sex education, and enhancing adolescent-friendly reproductive health services can help reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.
– Adequate abortion services should be made available within the legal framework to ensure safer induced abortions.
– Postabortion care, including postabortion contraception, should be improved to reduce complications and repeat unintended pregnancies.
– Efforts should be made to facilitate the process of adoption to reduce the need for abortion.
Recommendations for Policy Makers:
– Policy makers should prioritize the collection and dissemination of accurate evidence-based data on abortion to inform national policies.
– Sensitization programs should be implemented to educate policymakers and health professionals on issues related to unsafe abortion.
– Investments should be made to increase the use of modern contraceptive methods, improve sex education, and enhance adolescent-friendly reproductive health services to reduce unplanned pregnancies.
– Adequate resources should be allocated to ensure the availability of safe abortion services within the legal framework.
– Postabortion care services, including postabortion contraception, should be strengthened to improve outcomes and prevent repeat unintended pregnancies.
– Policies and programs should be developed to facilitate the process of adoption as an alternative to abortion.
Key Role Players:
– Policymakers
– Health professionals
– Researchers
– Advocacy groups
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
– Community leaders
– Educators
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Data collection and analysis
– Sensitization programs and workshops
– Contraceptive supplies and distribution
– Sex education curriculum development and implementation
– Training for healthcare providers
– Establishment and maintenance of abortion services
– Postabortion care services and contraception provision
– Adoption support programs
– Monitoring and evaluation activities
– Public awareness campaigns

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it describes the goals and activities included in national plans of action for the prevention of unsafe abortion. The interventions proposed are based on reducing unplanned pregnancies, improving access to safe abortion services, and improving postabortion care. However, the rating is not a 10 because the abstract does not provide specific data or studies to support the effectiveness of these interventions. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include references to studies or data that demonstrate the impact of these interventions on reducing unsafe abortion and maternal mortality. This would strengthen the evidence and make it more actionable for policymakers and healthcare professionals.

This article describes the goals and activities included in the national plans of action for the prevention of unsafe abortion. With broad variability, all were in line with the initiative’s purpose of contributing to reduce the number of women who have unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions, as well as the maternal mortality and morbidity associated with unsafe abortion. The interventions proposed can be classified in 5 groups: (1) to work toward better national policies through obtaining and disseminating accurate evidence-based data on abortion and to sensitize policy makers and health professionals on issues pertaining to unsafe abortion; (2) to reduce the number of unplanned/unwanted pregnancies by increasing the use of modern contraceptive methods, introducing or improving sex education, and improving adolescent-friendly reproductive health services; (3) to make induced abortion safer by making adequate abortion services available, within the full extent of the national laws, and promoting access to safe abortion; (4) to improve postabortion care, including postabortion contraception; and (5) to reduce the need to resort to abortion by working on facilitating the process of adoption. The proportions of plans that include each of these interventions are described, as well as some regional differences. © 2010 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.


The article titled “Goals and activities proposed by countries in seven regions of the world toward prevention of unsafe abortion” provides an overview of the goals and activities included in national plans of action for the prevention of unsafe abortion. These plans aim to reduce the number of women who have unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions, as well as the maternal mortality and morbidity associated with unsafe abortion.

The interventions proposed in these plans can be classified into five groups:

1. Working towards better national policies: This involves obtaining and disseminating accurate evidence-based data on abortion, as well as sensitizing policy makers and health professionals on issues related to unsafe abortion.

2. Reducing the number of unplanned/unwanted pregnancies: This includes increasing the use of modern contraceptive methods, introducing or improving sex education, and enhancing adolescent-friendly reproductive health services.

3. Making induced abortion safer: This involves making adequate abortion services available within the full extent of national laws, and promoting access to safe abortion.

4. Improving postabortion care: This includes providing comprehensive postabortion care, including postabortion contraception.

5. Reducing the need for abortion: This involves working on facilitating the process of adoption to reduce the need for women to resort to abortion.

The article provides information on the proportions of plans that include each of these interventions, as well as some regional differences. It was published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2010 by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the description provided, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health is to implement the goals and activities proposed by countries in their national plans of action for the prevention of unsafe abortion. These goals and activities aim to reduce the number of women who have unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions, as well as the maternal mortality and morbidity associated with unsafe abortion. The interventions proposed can be classified into five groups:

1. Work towards better national policies: Obtain and disseminate accurate evidence-based data on abortion, sensitize policy makers and health professionals on issues related to unsafe abortion.

2. Reduce the number of unplanned/unwanted pregnancies: Increase the use of modern contraceptive methods, introduce or improve sex education, and enhance adolescent-friendly reproductive health services.

3. Make induced abortion safer: Make adequate abortion services available within the full extent of national laws, and promote access to safe abortion.

4. Improve postabortion care: Provide comprehensive postabortion care, including postabortion contraception.

5. Reduce the need for abortion: Facilitate the process of adoption to reduce the need for women to resort to abortion.

Implementing these recommendations can help improve access to maternal health by addressing the various aspects related to unsafe abortion and its consequences.
AI Innovations Methodology
To simulate the impact of the main recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Data collection: Gather data on the current status of maternal health, including rates of unsafe abortion, maternal mortality, and morbidity. This data can be obtained from national health surveys, hospital records, and other relevant sources.

2. Define indicators: Identify key indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations. These indicators could include the number of unplanned pregnancies, the number of induced abortions, maternal mortality rates, and access to safe abortion services, among others.

3. Baseline assessment: Use the collected data to establish a baseline assessment of the current situation. This will serve as a reference point for comparison after implementing the recommendations.

4. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the goals and activities proposed in the abstract. This model should consider the specific interventions outlined in each of the five groups mentioned.

5. Input data: Input the collected data into the simulation model, including information on the current status of maternal health and the proposed interventions.

6. Run simulations: Run the simulation model multiple times, adjusting the parameters and assumptions as necessary. This will allow for the exploration of different scenarios and the estimation of potential outcomes.

7. Analyze results: Analyze the results of the simulations to determine the potential impact of implementing the recommendations. This could include assessing changes in the number of unplanned pregnancies, induced abortions, maternal mortality rates, and access to safe abortion services.

8. Interpret findings: Interpret the findings of the simulations, considering the limitations and uncertainties of the model. This will provide insights into the potential effectiveness of the recommendations and their impact on improving access to maternal health.

9. Communicate results: Present the findings of the simulations in a clear and concise manner, highlighting the potential benefits of implementing the recommendations. This information can be used to advocate for policy changes and resource allocation to support the proposed interventions.

It is important to note that the methodology outlined above is a general framework and may need to be adapted based on the specific context and available data. Additionally, the accuracy of the simulation results will depend on the quality and reliability of the input data and the assumptions made in the model.

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