Spoiled breast milk and bad water; Local understandings of diarrhea causes and prevention in rural Sierra Leone

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Study Justification:
– Diarrhea is a leading cause of death among young children globally, and in Sierra Leone, it is a significant problem.
– Previous research and programming have focused on the supply-side of health interventions, neglecting the demand-side and how caregivers understand and prevent diarrhea.
– This study aims to fill this research gap by examining local understandings of diarrhea causes and prevention in rural Sierra Leone.
Study Highlights:
– The study used qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, to gather data from mothers, fathers, and older female caretakers in villages near and far from health facilities across four rural districts.
– Respondents reported multiple descriptions of diarrhea causation, including contaminated water, unclean environment, poor food hygiene, contaminated breast milk, and dietary imbalances.
– The role of open defecation and handwashing with soap in preventing diarrhea was rarely discussed by respondents.
– The study identified behaviors that are beneficial, harmful, non-existent, or benign in relation to diarrhea prevention.
– Programmatic recommendations include interventions that reinforce consumption of and access to clean water, addressing the harmful practice of denying “contaminated” breast milk to breastfeeding children, and introducing or clarifying the role of open defecation and poor hygiene in causing diarrhea.
– Further research is needed to ensure that improved understanding of diarrhea causation translates into improved prevention.
Recommendations for Lay Reader and Policy Maker:
– Lay Reader: The study highlights the importance of understanding local perspectives on diarrhea causes and prevention. It emphasizes the need for interventions that promote clean water consumption, address harmful practices related to breastfeeding, and improve knowledge about open defecation and hygiene.
– Policy Maker: The study provides evidence for tailored programmatic recommendations to address diarrhea prevention. It suggests interventions to improve access to clean water, educate caregivers about the risks of denying breast milk, and promote hygiene practices. Policy makers should consider these recommendations when planning and implementing health programs.
Key Role Players:
– Health center staff
– Village aides appointed by the chief
– Data collectors
– Field supervisors
– National stakeholders
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training for local investigators
– Transportation for data collection
– Audio recording equipment
– Transcription services
– Data analysis software
– Communication and social mobilization strategies for research dissemination and program implementation

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on applied qualitative research, including in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The study design is informed by principles of applied qualitative research and seeks to understand the perspectives of caregivers in different types of villages. However, the evidence could be strengthened by providing more details about the sampling process, data collection methods, and analysis techniques. Additionally, the abstract does not mention any limitations of the study or potential biases. To improve the evidence, the authors could provide more transparency about the research process and address any limitations or biases in the findings.

Abstract. Background: Globally, diarrhea remains a leading killer of young children. In Sierra Leone, one in seven children die before their fifth birthday and diarrhea is a leading cause. Studies that emphasize the demand-side of health interventions – how caregivers understand causation and prevention of diarrhea – have been neglected in research and programming. Methods. We undertook applied qualitative research including 68 in-depth interviews and 36 focus group discussions with mothers, fathers and older female caretakers to examine the causes and prevention of childhood diarrhea in villages near and far from health facilities across four rural districts. Verbal consent was obtained. Results: Respondents reported multiple, co-existing descriptions of causation including: contaminated water and difficulties accessing clean water; exposure to an unclean environment and poor food hygiene; contaminated breast milk due to sexual intercourse, overheated breast milk or bodily maternal conditions such as menstruation or pregnancy; and dietary imbalances and curses. Respondents rarely discussed the role of open defecation or the importance of handwashing with soap in preventing diarrhea. Conclusions: Categorizing behaviors as beneficial, harmful, non-existent or benign enables tailored programmatic recommendations. For example, respondents recognized the value of clean water and we correspondingly recommend interventions that reinforce consumption of and access to clean water. Second, respondents report denying “contaminated” breast milk to breastfeeding children. This is a harmful practice that merits attention. Third, the role of open defecation and poor hygiene in causing diarrhea is less understood and warrants introduction or clarification. Finally, the role of exposed feet or curses in causing diarrhea is relatively benign and does not necessitate programmatic attention. Further research supportive of communication and social mobilization strategies building on these findings is required to ensure that improved understanding regarding diarrhea causation translates into improved diarrhea prevention. © 2013 McMahon et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

This qualitative research was embedded within a broader study that purposefully focused on four of the most marginalized districts in Sierra Leone. The qualitative study design was informed by and adhered to principles of applied qualitative research [9,24] that focuses on a specific illness (diarrhea), addresses programmatic concerns related to diarrhea (identifying local causes, terminology), and draws from experiences of actual cases of sick children. Research sought to understand the perspectives of caregivers based in three types of villages: those with a community health center (CHC), those with a health post, and those without any government health facility (located 3-20 miles – or 2-5 hours via foot or transport – from a health facility) with the intention of exploring differences in understandings by distance to facilities. Distinctions have been classified in the data as near village (those with some kind of peripheral government health facility) and far village (remote villages with no government health facilities nearby). Participants were selected with assistance from health centre staff and village aides appointed by the chief; in addition, data collectors canvassed the village and invited those present to participate. Sampling was purposively focused on seeking mothers, fathers and older female caretakers from households that included children under 5 years of age. Teams of 4–5 local investigators were trained for five days in sessions that included interview ethics, probing for child illnesses including presumed diarrhea (three or more watery stools a day), piloting interview guides, using tape recorders and writing field notes. Investigators were multi-lingual, college-educated, Sierra Leoneans trained as teachers, nurses, social sciences graduate students, a guidance counselor and a linguist. All investigators had previously engaged in health research. Following training, teams divided by language group and began data collection with a field supervisor. Two phases of qualitative data collection in April 2010 and July 2010 were undertaken with focus group discussions and in-depth interviews conducted in local languages with mothers, fathers and older caregivers of children under 5 years of age. Following receipt of verbal consent, 36 focus group discussions and 68 in-depth interviews were completed in 12 villages (8 near; 4 far) (See Table 1). Observation guides were also completed in each village describing the availability of health care, water supply and other amenities. Supervisors conducted daily debriefing sessions with interviewers to collectively discuss findings, refine interview guides and identify questions for follow-up interviews. In-country debriefings with national stakeholders following data collection further refined the basis for thematic analysis. Respondent groups by district and data collection method aAll participants returned for a follow-up FGD on the following day. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed into English and assessed for completeness and quality. This study drew upon thematic analysis [25]. A list of hierarchical codes was developed and validated by a co-investigator using debriefing notes collected during data collection and an initial coding of information-rich interviews. Once validated by investigators, the codebook was applied to all transcripts using Atlas/ti [26]. Following this process, codes were grouped into themes related largely to diarrhea terminology, causation and prevention. Across respondent groups, data collection methods and sites, data was compared to arrive at triangulated descriptions of terminology, causation and prevention. Following analysis that emphasized these domains, we sought to prioritize key programmatic interventions into behaviors that are beneficial, harmful, non-existent or benign. The study received approval from the Government of Sierra Leone Office of Science and Ethics Review Committee, Ministry of Health.


The study conducted in rural Sierra Leone identified several recommendations to improve access to maternal health. These recommendations can be developed into innovative interventions. Here are the recommendations:

1. Reinforce consumption of and access to clean water: The study found that contaminated water was a major cause of diarrhea. Therefore, interventions should focus on improving access to clean water sources and promoting the consumption of clean water.

2. Address harmful practices related to breastfeeding: The study found that some caregivers denied breastfeeding children “contaminated” breast milk, which is a harmful practice. Innovations should aim to educate caregivers about the importance of breastfeeding and dispel misconceptions about breast milk contamination.

3. Increase awareness about open defecation and hygiene: The study found that the role of open defecation and poor hygiene in causing diarrhea was not well understood by the respondents. Innovations should focus on raising awareness about the importance of proper sanitation practices, including the use of toilets and handwashing with soap.

4. Conduct communication and social mobilization campaigns: The study suggests that improved understanding regarding diarrhea causation does not always translate into improved prevention. Innovations should include communication and social mobilization strategies to ensure that the knowledge gained from the study is effectively disseminated and leads to behavior change.

These recommendations can serve as a basis for developing innovative interventions that address the specific challenges faced in rural Sierra Leone and improve access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the findings of the study, here are some recommendations that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Reinforce consumption of and access to clean water: The study found that contaminated water was a major cause of diarrhea. Therefore, interventions should focus on improving access to clean water sources and promoting the consumption of clean water.

2. Address harmful practices related to breastfeeding: The study found that some caregivers denied breastfeeding children “contaminated” breast milk, which is a harmful practice. Innovations should aim to educate caregivers about the importance of breastfeeding and dispel misconceptions about breast milk contamination.

3. Increase awareness about open defecation and hygiene: The study found that the role of open defecation and poor hygiene in causing diarrhea was not well understood by the respondents. Innovations should focus on raising awareness about the importance of proper sanitation practices, including the use of toilets and handwashing with soap.

4. Conduct communication and social mobilization campaigns: The study suggests that improved understanding regarding diarrhea causation does not always translate into improved prevention. Innovations should include communication and social mobilization strategies to ensure that the knowledge gained from the study is effectively disseminated and leads to behavior change.

These recommendations can be used to develop innovative interventions that address the specific challenges faced in rural Sierra Leone and improve access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Methodology
To simulate the impact of the main recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Baseline data collection: Gather information on the current state of access to maternal health in rural Sierra Leone, including data on maternal mortality rates, access to clean water, breastfeeding practices, open defecation rates, and hygiene practices. This data will serve as a baseline for comparison.

2. Intervention implementation: Implement the recommended interventions in selected communities. This could include initiatives to improve access to clean water sources, educational campaigns on the importance of breastfeeding and dispelling misconceptions, awareness programs on open defecation and hygiene, and communication and social mobilization campaigns.

3. Monitoring and evaluation: Regularly monitor and evaluate the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health. This could involve collecting data on changes in maternal mortality rates, improvements in access to clean water, changes in breastfeeding practices, reductions in open defecation rates, and improvements in hygiene practices.

4. Data analysis: Analyze the collected data to assess the effectiveness of the interventions. Compare the post-intervention data with the baseline data to determine the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health.

5. Reporting and dissemination: Prepare a report summarizing the findings of the simulation, including the impact of the interventions on access to maternal health. Disseminate the findings to relevant stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare providers, and community members.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health in rural Sierra Leone and provide valuable insights for future interventions and programs.

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