Knowledge and provision of misoprostol among pharmacy workers in Senegal: A cross sectional study

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Study Justification:
– Making misoprostol widely available for management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and post-abortion care (PAC) is crucial for reducing maternal mortality.
– Private pharmacies in Senegal play a vital role in supplying medications to the general public, including misoprostol.
– This study aims to understand the knowledge and provision of misoprostol among pharmacy workers in Dakar, Senegal.
Study Highlights:
– Low levels of knowledge among pharmacy workers regarding misoprostol uses, registration status, treatment regimens, and side effects.
– Corresponding low levels of training on misoprostol’s uses for reproductive health.
– Low provision of misoprostol in pharmacies, with only 35% of pharmacy workers who had heard of the product reporting selling it, and rarely for reproductive health indications.
– Almost half of the respondents who did not sell misoprostol expressed willingness to do so.
– Barriers to selling misoprostol include stock outs, perceived lack of demand, and unwillingness to stock an abortifacient.
– Limited prescribing of misoprostol by health providers.
Recommendations for Lay Reader and Policy Maker:
– Training programs should be implemented to address the low levels of knowledge among pharmacy workers regarding misoprostol registration and uses for reproductive health.
– Barriers preventing pharmacy workers from stocking misoprostol, such as weaknesses in the supply chain and stigmatization of the product, need to be addressed.
– Further research is needed to explore the reasons for limited prescribing of misoprostol by health providers.
Key Role Players:
– Order of Pharmacists: Provides endorsement for the study and contacts pharmacy workers to participate.
– Pharmacy owners/managers: Participate in the study and provide information on pharmacy characteristics.
– Trained interviewers: Conduct face-to-face interviews with pharmacy workers.
– Health providers: Prescribe misoprostol and play a role in its availability.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training programs for pharmacy workers.
– Supply chain improvements to address stock outs.
– Awareness campaigns to address stigmatization of misoprostol.
– Research funding for further exploration of barriers to misoprostol availability.
Please note that the cost items provided are general categories and not actual cost estimates.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 6 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is rated 6 because it provides some information on the knowledge and provision of misoprostol among pharmacy workers in Senegal. However, the study is limited to a specific region (Dakar) and a small sample size (110 pharmacy workers). To improve the evidence, a larger sample size and a more representative sample from different regions of Senegal could be used. Additionally, the study could include qualitative data to provide more in-depth insights into the barriers and challenges faced by pharmacy workers in providing misoprostol.

Background: Making misoprostol widely available for management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and post abortion care (PAC) is essential for reducing maternal mortality. Private pharmacies (thereafter called “pharmacies”) are integral in supplying medications to the general public in Senegal. In the case of misoprostol, pharmacies are also the main supplier to public providers and therefore have a key role in increasing its availability. This study seeks to understand knowledge and provision of misoprostol among pharmacy workers in Dakar, Senegal. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Dakar, Senegal. 110 pharmacy workers were interviewed face-to-face to collect information on their knowledge and practice relating to the provision of misoprostol. Results: There are low levels of knowledge about misoprostol uses, registration status, treatment regimens and side effects among pharmacy workers, and corresponding low levels of training on its uses for reproductive health. Provision of misoprostol was low; of the 72% (n = 79) of pharmacy workers who had heard of the product, 35% (n = 27) reported selling it, though rarely for reproductive health indications. Almost half (49%, n = 25) of the respondents who did not sell misoprostol expressed willingness to do so. The main reasons pharmacy workers gave for not selling the product included stock outs (due to product unavailability from the supplier), perceived lack of demand and unwillingness to stock an abortifacient. Conclusions: Knowledge and availability of misoprostol in pharmacies in Senegal is low, posing potential challenges for delivery of post-abortion care and obstetric care. Training is required to address low levels of knowledge of misoprostol registration and uses among pharmacy workers. Barriers that prevent pharmacy workers from stocking misoprostol, including weaknesses in the supply chain and stigmatisation of the product must be addressed. Low reported sales for reproductive health indications also suggest limited prescribing of the product by health providers. Further research is needed to explore the reasons for this barrier to misoprostol availability.

In September 2013, Marie Stopes International and the Population Council conducted a cross-sectional survey with pharmacy workers in Dakar, Senegal [18]. We obtained the list of all 557 registered pharmacies in the Dakar region (Dakar city and three suburbs located between 15 and 30 km from Dakar city centre) from the Order of Pharmacists, and used simple random sampling to select 110 pharmacies for inclusion in the study. Endorsement for the study was given by the Order of Pharmacists who contacted pharmacy workers in writing prior to data collection to endorse the study. Within each pharmacy, one worker was selected for a face-to-face interview. Selection criteria were (i) being involved in selling/distributing medicine; and (ii) being over 18 years of age. In each pharmacy, the owner or manager was approached first, and if they did not meet the eligibility criteria, for example if they did not directly sell or distribute medicine, the next most senior and eligible staff member was invited to participate. Pharmacy workers received an information sheet explaining the study, and were asked to give informed consent prior to interview. Interviewers were trained to explain the importance of the study and to ensure participants understood that their responses would be anonymised. Interviews took place in a setting within the pharmacy where the interview could not be overheard and where the interviewee felt comfortable providing information. A standardised, structured questionnaire was administered by a trained interviewer. The questionnaire collected information on pharmacy characteristics, staff background, knowledge and current practice relating to misoprostol as well as current frequency of misoprostol sales. Participants were able to refer to sales registers where needed. The questionnaire also included open-ended “Other” categories for some questions to collect answers not pre-coded, and respondents were given the opportunity to provide additional comments at the end of the interview. The instrument was pre-tested in eight pharmacies in Dakar. Data were entered into an access database using Epi Info. Double data entry was used to check for data entry errors. Quantitative data were analysed descriptively using Stata 13 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA).


Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health in Senegal:

1. Training programs for pharmacy workers: Develop comprehensive training programs to improve the knowledge and understanding of pharmacy workers regarding misoprostol and its uses for reproductive health. This can include information on registration status, treatment regimens, side effects, and the importance of misoprostol in reducing maternal mortality.

2. Strengthening the supply chain: Address the issue of stock outs by improving the supply chain for misoprostol. This can involve working with suppliers to ensure consistent availability of the product in pharmacies, especially for reproductive health indications.

3. Addressing stigmatization: Develop strategies to address the stigmatization of misoprostol as an abortifacient. This can involve raising awareness among pharmacy workers and the general public about the safe and appropriate use of misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage and post-abortion care.

4. Collaboration with health providers: Foster collaboration between pharmacy workers and health providers to increase the prescribing and availability of misoprostol for reproductive health indications. This can involve training health providers on the appropriate use of misoprostol and encouraging them to prescribe it when necessary.

5. Research and advocacy: Conduct further research to explore the reasons behind the limited availability of misoprostol for reproductive health indications. This can help identify additional barriers and inform advocacy efforts to improve access to maternal health interventions.

These innovations can help address the low knowledge and availability of misoprostol in pharmacies in Senegal, ultimately improving access to maternal health services and reducing maternal mortality.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, the following recommendations can be made to develop an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase knowledge and training: It is crucial to provide comprehensive training to pharmacy workers regarding the uses, registration status, treatment regimens, and side effects of misoprostol. This will help improve their knowledge and understanding of the medication, enabling them to provide accurate information to patients.

2. Address barriers to stocking misoprostol: Identify and address the barriers that prevent pharmacy workers from stocking misoprostol, such as supply chain weaknesses and stigmatization of the product. This may involve working with suppliers to ensure consistent availability of the medication and addressing misconceptions or biases surrounding its use.

3. Promote collaboration between pharmacies and healthcare providers: Encourage collaboration between pharmacies and healthcare providers to increase the prescribing and availability of misoprostol for reproductive health indications. This can be achieved through educational initiatives, partnerships, and communication channels that facilitate the exchange of information and promote the appropriate use of the medication.

4. Conduct further research: Conduct additional research to explore the reasons behind the limited prescribing of misoprostol by healthcare providers. This will help identify any additional barriers or challenges that need to be addressed to improve access to maternal health.

5. Develop innovative delivery models: Explore innovative delivery models that can improve access to maternal health, such as mobile health clinics or telemedicine services. These models can help reach remote or underserved areas where access to healthcare facilities may be limited.

6. Advocate for policy changes: Advocate for policy changes that support the availability and use of misoprostol for reproductive health indications. This may involve working with policymakers and relevant stakeholders to ensure that regulations and guidelines are in place to facilitate access to the medication.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to develop an innovation that improves access to maternal health by increasing knowledge and availability of misoprostol in pharmacies, addressing barriers to stocking the medication, promoting collaboration between pharmacies and healthcare providers, conducting further research, developing innovative delivery models, and advocating for policy changes.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase knowledge and training: Develop and implement training programs for pharmacy workers in Senegal to improve their knowledge and understanding of misoprostol, including its uses, registration status, treatment regimens, and side effects. This will ensure that pharmacy workers are well-informed and can provide accurate information to patients.

2. Address supply chain issues: Work with suppliers to ensure a consistent and reliable supply of misoprostol to pharmacies. This will help prevent stockouts and ensure that the medication is readily available when needed.

3. Address stigmatization: Address the stigma associated with misoprostol as an abortifacient by providing education and awareness campaigns. This will help reduce the reluctance of pharmacy workers to stock and sell the product.

4. Improve communication between pharmacies and healthcare providers: Facilitate better communication and collaboration between pharmacies and healthcare providers to increase the prescribing and availability of misoprostol for reproductive health indications.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Baseline data collection: Conduct a survey similar to the one described in the study to collect information on the current knowledge, practices, and availability of misoprostol among pharmacy workers in Senegal.

2. Intervention implementation: Implement the recommended interventions, such as training programs, addressing supply chain issues, addressing stigmatization, and improving communication between pharmacies and healthcare providers.

3. Post-intervention data collection: Conduct a follow-up survey to assess the impact of the interventions. Collect data on changes in knowledge, practices, and availability of misoprostol among pharmacy workers.

4. Data analysis: Analyze the data descriptively to determine the extent of the improvements in knowledge, practices, and availability of misoprostol. Compare the post-intervention data with the baseline data to measure the impact of the interventions.

5. Interpretation and recommendations: Interpret the findings of the data analysis and make recommendations for further improvements or adjustments to the interventions based on the results.

6. Continuous monitoring and evaluation: Implement a system for continuous monitoring and evaluation to track the long-term impact of the interventions and make any necessary adjustments to ensure sustained improvements in access to maternal health.

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