Incidence of severe and nonsevere pertussis among HIV-exposed and-unexposed zambian infants through 14weeks of age: Results from the southern Africa mother infant pertussis study (samips), a longitudinal birth cohort study

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Study Justification:
– The study aimed to determine the incidence of severe and nonsevere pertussis among a population of Zambian infants.
– This information is important for informing interventions, such as maternal vaccination, to reduce infant morbidity and mortality caused by Bordetella pertussis.
Study Highlights:
– From a population of 1981 infants, 10 cases of clinical pertussis were identified.
– The overall incidence of pertussis was 2.4 cases per 1000 infant-months, with a cumulative incidence of 5.2 cases per 1000 infants.
– Most cases occurred within a 3-month window, with the highest incidence between birth and 6 weeks of age.
– Maternal HIV modestly increased the risk of infant pertussis.
– Only 1 of the 10 infant cases qualified as severe pertussis, while the rest presented with mild and nonspecific symptoms.
Study Recommendations:
– The study suggests that pertussis is circulating among Zambian infants, even though it rarely presents with classical symptoms.
– Maternal HIV appears to increase the risk of infant pertussis.
– Lack of effective exposure to DTwP vaccine also increases the risk.
– Recommendations may include increasing maternal vaccination rates, improving access to vaccines, and promoting timely vaccination of infants.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists involved in pertussis research and vaccine development.
– Healthcare providers and public health officials responsible for immunization programs.
– Policy makers and government officials involved in healthcare planning and funding.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Vaccine procurement and distribution.
– Training and education for healthcare providers.
– Vaccine administration and monitoring.
– Public awareness campaigns.
– Data collection and analysis.
– Research and development for improved vaccines and diagnostic tools.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is a longitudinal birth cohort study, which is generally considered a robust design. The study population is clearly described, and the methods used for data collection and analysis are detailed. The results are presented with confidence intervals, which adds to the strength of the evidence. However, there are a few areas that could be improved. First, the sample size is relatively small, with only 10 cases of clinical pertussis identified. A larger sample size would increase the precision of the estimates. Second, the study relies on PCR testing to identify cases of pertussis, which may have limitations in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Including additional diagnostic methods, such as culture confirmation, would strengthen the evidence. Finally, the abstract does not provide information on potential biases or limitations of the study, which should be addressed to ensure the validity of the findings. To improve the strength of the evidence, it would be beneficial to increase the sample size, use multiple diagnostic methods, and address potential biases and limitations in the study design.

Background. Maternal vaccination with tetanus, reduced-dose diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) could be an effective way of mitigating the high residual burden of infant morbidity and mortality caused by Bordetella pertussis. To better inform such interventions, we conducted a burden-of-disease study to determine the incidence of severe and nonsevere pertussis among a population of Zambian infants. Methods. Mother-infant pairs were enrolled at 1 week of life, and then seen at 2-to 3-week intervals through 14 weeks of age. At each visit, nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs were obtained from both, and symptoms were catalogued. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify cases, and a severity scoring system to triage these into severe/nonsevere, we calculated disease incidence using person-time at risk as the denominator. Results. From a population of 1981 infants, we identified 10 with clinical pertussis, for an overall incidence of 2.4 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2-4.2) per 1000 infant-months and a cumulative incidence of 5.2 cases (95% CI, 2.6-9.0) per 1000 infants. Nine of 10 cases occurred within a 3-month window (May-July 2015), with highest incidence between birth and 6 weeks of age (3.5 cases per 1000 infant-months), concentrated among infants prior to vaccination or among those who had only received 1 dose of Diphtheria Tetanus whole cell Pertussis (DTwP). Maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) modestly increased the risk of infant pertussis (risk ratio, 1.8 [95% CI, .5-6.9]). Only 1 of 10 infant cases qualified as having severe pertussis. The rest presented with the mild and nonspecific symptoms of cough, coryza, and/or tachypnea. Notably, cough durations were long, exceeding 30 days in several cases, with PCRs repeatedly positive over time. Conclusions. Pertussis is circulating freely among this population of Zambian infants but rarely presents with the classical symptoms of paroxysmal cough, whooping, apnea, and cyanosis. Maternal HIV appears to increase the risk, while lack of effective exposure to DTwP increased the risk.

To provide methodological consistency, the Zambia site harmonized its screening case definition, nasopharyngeal (NP) swabbing procedures, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing processes, and pertussis severity scoring systems with the Pakistan and South African sites (see Omer et al and Nunes et al in this supplement). SAMIPS was a longitudinal birth cohort. The SAMIPS study population consisted of mother–infant pairs from the Chawama compound, a large informal periurban slum located to the southwest of Lusaka’s city center. Chawama compound measures roughly 30 km2 and is home to a population of approximately 142 000 persons. The Chawama Primary Health Clinic (PHC) is the only government-supported clinic in Chawama compound and the predominant source for all medical care in this community. Housing our study at the Chawama PHC put us at the nexus of nearly all primary care in the compound. The institutional review boards at Boston Medical Center and Excellence in Research Ethics and Science Converge in Lusaka jointly provided ethical oversight. All mothers provided written informed consent, with consent forms presented in English and the 2 dominant vernacular languages spoken in Lusaka: Bemba and Nyanja. As this was an observational study, it did not need to be registered at Enrollment was limited to mothers who signed consent and agreed to all procedures, anticipated remaining in the Chawama catchment area for the next 3 months, and granted us access to records documenting their HIV status. To minimize mortality-related attrition in this longitudinal cohort, infants were limited to those who were deemed healthy, were not premature (<37 weeks’ gestation) or underweight (<2800 g), did not result from a complicated pregnancy or delivery, and were within their first 10 days of life. Mother–infant pairs were enrolled at the first postpartum scheduled well-child visit. Baseline data were collected on the mother and infant, including maternal HIV status and CD4 counts if available, maternal age, household composition, infant birth weight, gestational age, and other factors. The study did not measure CD4 counts for HIV-infected mothers, but only used data already available at the Chawama PHC HIV clinic. We did not do confirmatory HIV testing but instead relied on testing previously done at the clinic. Maternal pertussis vaccination status could not be determined given the absence of such records and given that asking mothers to recall their infant vaccination status was unrealistic. While they might have given answers, there would be no way to verify them, and we had little confidence that the subjects could reasonably be expected to know the answer. It was not practical to obtain baseline blood samples from all 2000 mothers to allow retrospective serologic analyses around the subset of infants who might later develop pertussis. At baseline and thereafter at 2- to 3-week intervals, both members of the mother–infant pair underwent NP sampling. Symptom data were solicited in parallel using a standardized checklist to characterize the subject at each sampling point. The goal of scheduling the visits and obtaining samples irrespective of symptoms was to minimize sampling bias. Ad hoc sick visits also resulted in NP swabs of both members of the pair if the visit was triggered by respiratory complaints in either mother or infant. Clinical data and NP sampling was performed by members of the SAMIPS study team (either a registered nurse or a clinical officer). Infants received scheduled vaccines at 6, 10, and 14 weeks with the pentavalent vaccine (diphtheria/tetanus/whole-cell pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate, and hepatitis B) (Pentavac, Serum Institute of India Limited, Pune, India), the 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine, oral rotavirus vaccine, and oral polio vaccine (OPV). BCG and a first dose of OPV are given at birth, but this occurred prior to enrollment. The fidelity of the sample identification rested on bar codes to uniquely identify subjects and subject data linked to bar codes to uniquely identify samples. The subject and sample ID bar codes were scanned at the time of collection using the Xcallibre digital pen system, which was also used to capture data electronically. For every mother–infant pair, we custom printed 4000 subject ID sticker books, consisting of 50 identical study ID barcode labels per subject (half printed in pink as XXXX-0 for mothers and half in green as series XXXX-1 for infants), and affixed to each case report form as needed. Samples were labeled using a set of 35 000 unique sample ID barcodes, printed in duplicate: 1 copy for the case report with symptoms data and the second for the sample tube. Using this chain of barcodes, we linked subjects to samples with digitally recorded dates, and mated these to each individual's symptom data. NP swabs were obtained using flocked-tipped nylon swabs (Copan Diagnostics, Merrieta, California), sized for adults or infants as indicated. In standardized comparative studies vs comparator NP swabs, flocked-tipped nylon swabs yielded a higher rate of culture positivity, had higher colony-forming unit densities, and yielded higher DNA concentrations on quantitative PCR compared with Dacron or Rayon swabs [11, 12]. Swabs were inserted into both nares until they contacted the posterior nasopharynx and were rotated 180 degrees in both directions. The swabs were then placed in commercially prepared tubes with universal transport media (UTM) and stored on ice until transport. Samples were collected from the study clinic each day and taken to the PCR laboratory at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and stored at −80°C until PCR testing. Our primary analyses were conducted using the diagnostic testing algorithm developed and validated by the respiratory pathogens group at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Supplementary Tables 1A and 1B). DNA was extracted using the NucliSENS EasyMag system (bioMérieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) [13]. Pathogen detection was done using a TaqMan genomic assay using the AB7500 Fast Real-Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems, San Francisco, California). Testing starts with a pair of singleplex reactions testing for the targets IS481 and ptxS1. IS481 is the most common insertion sequence in B. pertussis, with multiple copies per genome, making it a very sensitive target for screening [14, 15]. By contrast, ptxS1, coding for pertussis toxin, usually exists as a single or occasionally double copy, making ptxS1 highly specific but less sensitive [16–18]. Because these primers/probes have different annealing temperatures, they were run in parallel on separate 96-well plates. If either IS481 or ptxS1 was positive, DNA was reextracted and a multiplex PCR reaction conducted repeating the tests for IS481 and ptxS1, and now including primers/probes specific to Bordetella parapertussis (PIS1001) and Bordetella holmesii (HIS1001). All primers and probes were purchased from Life Sciences Solutions (a subsidiary of Fisher Biosciences). This paper only provides results for the B. pertussis reactions. Pseudo-outbreaks of pertussis due to accidental contamination of NP swabs at the time of collection, or subsequently in the laboratory, have been reported frequently in recent years [19, 20]. The leading cause of contamination is during sample collection due, ironically, to pertussis vaccines. All wP vaccines used around the world include pertussis DNA, but so too does the leading US multivalent vaccine Pentacel (Sanofi Pasteur). To minimize contamination of our NP swabs during collection, our clinic did not store or administer any vaccines. For infants who required routine vaccinations, these were administered only after all study data and sample collections were complete and then were administered at a location roughly 50 meters away from our clinic, accessed via a separate building entrance. To exclude contamination in the laboratory, all PCR runs included a positive and negative control, the former to confirm that the PCR reaction was successful and generating consistent results across runs, the latter to screen for environmental contaminations within the laboratory. To ensure fidelity of the NP swabs, every patient sample was tested with a primer/probe against the human gene RNAse P. Its product is a constitutive enzyme secreted by all human cells, and therefore tests whether the swab made effective contact with the respiratory mucosa. For our starting point, we referred to the recently completed Pneumonia Etiology Research in Child Health (PERCH) study. PERCH was a 7-country epidemiologic surveillance study of severe pediatric pneumonia, which included the Lusaka, Zambia, site. PERCH was a hospital-based case-control study, and defined its “cases” as children, aged ≥6 weeks, presenting with a clinical syndrome compatible with severe or very severe pneumonia per World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Of these, 356 PERCH children were aged 1–6 months, and therefore germane to the SAMIPS estimates. A total of 20 PERCH infants with severe pneumonia tested positive for pertussis by PCR, and 14 of 20 (70%) were aged 1–3 months. Overall, we observed that pertussis accounted for roughly 4% of severe pneumonia in Lusaka infants 1–3 months of age. We extrapolated rates from these data to estimate a population incidence in the relevant age category for SAMIPS using the following assumptions: Given that this was a hospital-based cross-sectional study, not a true population-based survey, we adopted a more conservative assumption that incidence could be 3 times lower than implied by PERCH. Therefore, taking instead a rate of pertussis of 2 cases per 1000 infants per month as a plausible lower incidence bound, with a margin of error of ±0.2% as the width of the desired confidence interval, and using the sample size formula for a single proportion: then 1914 subjects would detect this incidence rate for pertussis with 95% confidence. Rounding up, our target sample size was 2000 mother–infant pairs. We defined cases as an infant presenting with any of the signs or symptoms on our screening form with a positive PCR result per CDC criteria. Note that this is distinct from the CDC case definition used in routine surveillance in the United States. That definition can be met in 1 of 2 pathways: (1) if an infant has a cough of any duration with microbiological culture confirmation; or (2) if an infant has 2 weeks of cough plus classic symptoms of pertussis (whooping, paroxysms, apnea, posttussive vomiting). In so doing, the CDC's definition increases the specificity of detection while sacrificing sensitivity relative to our screening case definition. Prior to the study start, in discussions with the scientific advisory group, it was decided that PCR was sufficiently persuasive if following the CDC's protocol (which we were). Hence, cultures were not obtained, meaning that there would be no way to satisfy the first pathway. The second pathway is optimized to identify classic pertussis. We note that infants presenting with these symptoms would likely be classified as “severe pertussis” using the Preziosi scale (see below), conflicting with our objective of also measuring nonsevere pertussis. For our incidence calculations, we used person-time as the denominator, with infants with PCR-confirmed symptomatic pertussis as the numerators. Positive cases were further classified as severe/nonsevere pertussis using the pertussis severity scoring system developed by Monica Preziosi at the WHO [21–23]. The Preziosi Scale was developed for older children, not infants. Because infants may present with different symptoms than older children, we created a Modified Preziosi Scale (MPS) for use among the infants 6 points. This process is summarized in Figure ​Figure1.1. The MPS is included as Supplementary Table 2. Relationship between the total infant population, the symptomatic population, and those with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–confirmed pertussis and how these were triaged by severity using the Modified Preziosi Scale (MPS). The enrolled population consisted of those who had at least a baseline visit and NP swab. No imputation was performed for missing data. In summaries, missing data did not contribute to the denominators in means and percentages. Subjects were analyzed to the extent that they made study visits. The following endpoints were calculated: the incidence rate of pertussis (all) and severe and nonsevere pertussis (separately) defined as the number of cases divided by the total person-time per 1000 months. In stratified analyses, we calculated the contribution of maternal and infant characteristics on the above measurements. This included maternal HIV serostatus, CD4 count, and infant ages in months. Additionally, we calculated incidence as a function of the number of pentavalent vaccine doses administered prior to onset of symptoms. For this last analysis only, we defined cases as occurring “postvaccination” if they occurred at least 2 weeks after the latest vaccination, thereby granting sufficient time for the infant to have mounted an immune response. All data manipulations and statistics were performed using SAS software, version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina).

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Develop mobile applications or text messaging services to provide pregnant women with important information about prenatal care, nutrition, and vaccination schedules. These tools can also be used to send reminders for appointments and medication adherence.

2. Telemedicine: Implement telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women in remote areas to consult with healthcare providers through video calls or phone consultations. This can help overcome geographical barriers and provide access to specialized care.

3. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers who can provide basic prenatal care, education, and support to pregnant women in underserved areas. These workers can also help identify high-risk pregnancies and refer women to appropriate healthcare facilities.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introduce voucher programs that provide pregnant women with financial assistance to access prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care. These vouchers can be distributed through community health centers or mobile platforms.

5. Transportation Support: Develop transportation programs or partnerships to ensure that pregnant women have access to reliable transportation to healthcare facilities. This can include providing subsidized transportation services or arranging community-based transportation networks.

6. Maternal Health Clinics: Establish dedicated maternal health clinics in underserved areas to provide comprehensive prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care. These clinics can be staffed by skilled healthcare providers and equipped with necessary medical equipment.

7. Health Education Campaigns: Launch targeted health education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, nutrition, and vaccination among pregnant women and their families. These campaigns can utilize various media channels, including radio, television, and social media.

8. Integration of Services: Improve coordination and integration of maternal health services with other healthcare programs, such as HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, to ensure comprehensive care for pregnant women.

9. Empowerment and Advocacy: Support initiatives that empower women to advocate for their own maternal health needs and rights. This can include providing education on women’s rights, promoting women’s participation in decision-making processes, and addressing social and cultural barriers to accessing maternal healthcare.

10. Data Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish robust data monitoring and evaluation systems to track maternal health indicators, identify gaps in service delivery, and inform evidence-based decision-making. This can help identify areas for improvement and measure the impact of interventions.

It is important to note that the specific implementation of these innovations would require further research, planning, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability in improving access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health and address the high burden of infant morbidity and mortality caused by Bordetella pertussis is to implement maternal vaccination with tetanus, reduced-dose diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap). This recommendation is supported by the findings of the study, which showed that pertussis is circulating among the population of Zambian infants, with a cumulative incidence of 5.2 cases per 1000 infants. Maternal HIV was found to modestly increase the risk of infant pertussis, while lack of effective exposure to Diphtheria Tetanus whole cell Pertussis (DTwP) increased the risk.

Implementing maternal vaccination with Tdap can help protect infants from pertussis by transferring maternal antibodies through the placenta and providing passive immunity during the first few months of life when infants are most vulnerable to severe pertussis. This intervention can be integrated into existing antenatal care services to ensure widespread coverage and accessibility for pregnant women. It is important to provide education and awareness campaigns to inform pregnant women about the benefits and safety of Tdap vaccination during pregnancy.

Additionally, strengthening routine immunization programs to ensure timely and complete vaccination of infants with DTwP or acellular pertussis-containing vaccines is crucial. This can be achieved by improving vaccine supply chains, training healthcare workers on immunization practices, and implementing strategies to reach underserved populations.

Furthermore, it is important to continue monitoring the incidence of pertussis among infants and evaluating the effectiveness of maternal vaccination and routine immunization programs through surveillance systems. This will help identify any gaps or challenges in implementation and guide future interventions to further improve access to maternal health and reduce the burden of pertussis on infants.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Increase awareness and education: Implement comprehensive maternal health education programs to raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, vaccinations, and maternal health practices. This can be done through community outreach programs, workshops, and campaigns.

2. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, particularly in underserved areas, by providing necessary equipment, supplies, and trained healthcare professionals. This will ensure that pregnant women have access to quality maternal health services.

3. Expand vaccination coverage: Increase the availability and accessibility of vaccines, such as the tetanus, reduced-dose diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap), to protect both mothers and infants from preventable diseases. This can be achieved through vaccination campaigns, mobile clinics, and integrating vaccination services into routine antenatal care.

4. Enhance antenatal care services: Improve the quality and accessibility of antenatal care services by providing comprehensive screenings, regular check-ups, and counseling on nutrition, hygiene, and lifestyle choices. This will help identify and address potential health risks early on.

5. Strengthen referral systems: Establish effective referral systems between primary healthcare centers and higher-level facilities to ensure timely access to specialized maternal healthcare services, such as emergency obstetric care and neonatal intensive care.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define indicators: Identify key indicators to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, vaccination coverage rates, maternal and infant mortality rates, and access to emergency obstetric care.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of maternal health access, including the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, vaccination coverage rates, and maternal and infant mortality rates. This will serve as a baseline for comparison.

3. Implement interventions: Implement the recommended interventions, such as awareness campaigns, strengthening healthcare infrastructure, expanding vaccination coverage, enhancing antenatal care services, and improving referral systems.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the implementation of the interventions. Collect data on the number of pregnant women reached through awareness campaigns, vaccination coverage rates, improvements in healthcare infrastructure, and changes in maternal and infant mortality rates.

5. Analyze and compare data: Analyze the collected data and compare it to the baseline data to assess the impact of the interventions. Calculate the changes in key indicators and determine if there has been an improvement in access to maternal health services.

6. Adjust and refine interventions: Based on the analysis of the data, make adjustments and refinements to the interventions as needed. This could involve scaling up successful interventions, addressing any challenges or barriers identified, and adapting strategies to better meet the needs of the target population.

7. Repeat the process: Continuously repeat the monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment process to ensure ongoing improvement in access to maternal health services.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions on how to further enhance maternal healthcare services.

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