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Service Facility Name: Cormed Hospital, Clinic and Pharmacy
Address: Pasteur Blvd, Vanderbijlpark C. W. 1, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, South Africa
Service ID: 45683
smsto:+27600426346:45683, Rating (1 to 5), Your Revie
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Diagnostics & Laboratory Services
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No. of Beds: No. of Healthcare Workers:Average Waiting Time
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0 hours 0 minutesPublic Transport Access
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I don’t recommend and will never return. This PRIVATE HOSPITAL with its Impressive building is run like a state hospital. Sick patients waiting at casualty for 6 hours and more for medical attention. One doctor on duty, no back up nothing Just shocking. We wasted 6 hours on the Friday and had to return on Sunday as the patient just got worse. Then wasted a further 6 hours waitingwith a sick child. They gave the wrong diagnosis and prescribed the wrong antibiotics and medication. By Monday, the patient was so sick that she had to be rushed to another casualty hospital where a professional GP immediately admitted the patient. This is a disgrace, definitely not the cormed I remember!
Personeel is baie vriendelik en behulp saam
I have never been disappointed by Cormed until Sunday 11 Aug 2024 What a disappointment. Was told the wait to see the Dr is only about an hour.. Sat in the queue for over 3 and a half hours, before we finally saw the Dr… I thought i was at a government facility that I had to wait so long. And if I’m right there was only 1 Dr the entire afternoon. Arrived before 1300 left at 1700.. I can’t believe I spent my Sunday sitting in the queue for so long. If it wasn’t for my son who was sick I would have left. And to top it off Dr never checked his nose throat or ears once throughout the consultation.. We went in for severe sinus and allergies..
Clean and safe