Busamed Hillcrest Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Busamed Hillcrest Private Hospital

Address: 471 Kassier Rd, Assagay, Outer West Durban, 3610, South Africa

Service ID: 52865

DIMA Weather Forecast System

For the upcoming week, the weather forecast indicates fluctuating temperatures and a mix of sunshine and potential rain. Key temperatures range from a cool 15.19°C minimum to a warm 29.79°C maximum. The safest days for scheduling a hospital appointment are December 22nd and December 24th, with clear skies, low average wind speeds (around 3.43km/h and 2.39km/h respectively), and minimal rain chances (10% and 15%). The most comfortable times for travel would be in the mornings when temperatures are milder. Avoid outdoor plans on December 23rd due to higher rain probabilities (50%) and slightly increased wind speeds. Overall, prioritize early-day appointments for comfort and to avoid potential afternoon rains later in the week.

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Deixe uma avaliação

5,0 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Desiree Gengayan's Review

Agosto 22, 2024

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Desiree G

Sthembile Sithole's Review

Agosto 22, 2024

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Sthembile S

Kerri Nixon's Review

Agosto 22, 2024

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Kerri N

Vimitha R's Review

Agosto 22, 2024

Excellent nursing care received from the pediatric ward. My son felt comfortable and relaxed. Thank u all

Avatar for Vimitha R
Vimitha R

Armanda Sibisi's Review

Agosto 22, 2024

My daughter was admitted in paeds, the nursing care was excellent.

Avatar for Armanda S
Armanda S
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