Automated phone call and text reminders for childhood immunisations (PRIMM): A randomised controlled trial in Nigeria

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Study Justification:
– Sub-Saharan Africa has high under-5 mortality and low childhood immunisation rates.
– Vaccine-preventable diseases cause one-third of under-5 deaths.
– Text messaging reminders have been shown to improve immunisation completion in urban settings in sub-Saharan Africa, but not in rural settings.
– Low adult literacy may account for this difference.
– The feasibility and impact of combined automated voice and text reminders on immunisation completion in rural sub-Saharan Africa is unknown.
Study Highlights:
– The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of automated phone call and text reminders on childhood immunisation completion in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
– The study was conducted in Nigeria, specifically at the Mother and Child Hospitals in Ondo State.
– The study included parturient women who owned a mobile phone and planned to have their child immunised at the study sites.
– The intervention group received automated call and text reminders in addition to standard care, while the control group received only standard care.
– The primary outcome was the completion of the third pentavalent vaccine (Penta-3) at 18 weeks of age.
– Secondary outcomes included immunisation completion at 12 months and within 1 week of recommended dates.
– The study found that the intervention group had higher rates of immunisation completion compared to the control group at both 18 weeks and 12 months.
– The intervention group also had higher rates of timely immunisation completion.
– Feasibility was assessed by the proportion of reminders received, and the majority of participants in the intervention group reported receiving the reminders.
Recommendations for Lay Reader and Policy Maker:
– Automated phone call and text reminders significantly improved childhood immunisation completion and timeliness in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
– Implementing automated reminders could help increase immunisation rates and reduce vaccine-preventable diseases in similar settings.
– Consideration should be given to implementing automated reminders as part of routine immunisation programs in rural areas.
– Further research and evaluation are needed to assess the long-term impact and cost-effectiveness of automated reminders in improving immunisation rates.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for implementing and overseeing immunisation programs.
– Healthcare Providers: Involved in administering vaccines and providing healthcare services.
– Mobile Network Operators: Provide the infrastructure for delivering automated reminders.
– Community Health Workers: Play a crucial role in educating and mobilising communities for immunisation.
– Researchers and Academics: Conduct further studies and evaluations to inform policy and practice.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Development and maintenance of the automated reminder system.
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers and community health workers.
– Communication and collaboration with mobile network operators.
– Monitoring and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.
– Public awareness campaigns and community engagement activities.
– Research and evaluation to assess long-term impact and cost-effectiveness.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, with a randomized controlled trial design and clear results. However, there are some limitations and areas for improvement. To improve the evidence, future studies could consider increasing the sample size, conducting a multi-site study to increase generalizability, and addressing the impact of the hospital workers’ strike on the study outcomes.

Background Sub-Saharan Africa has high under-5 mortality and low childhood immunisation rates. Vaccine-preventable diseases cause one-third of under-5 deaths. Text messaging reminders improve immunisation completion in urban but not rural settings in sub-Saharan Africa. Low adult literacy may account for this difference. The feasibility and impact of combined automated voice and text reminders on immunisation completion in rural sub-Saharan Africa is unknown. Methods We randomised parturient women at the Mother and Child Hospitals Ondo State, Nigeria, owning a mobile phone and planning for child immunisation at these study sites to receive automated call and text immunisation reminders or standard care. We assessed the completion of the third pentavalent vaccine (Penta-3) at 18 weeks of age, immunisation completion at 12 months and within 1 week of recommended dates. We assessed selected demographic characteristics associated with completing immunisations at 12 months using a generalised binomial linear model with log’ link function. Feasibility was assessed as proportion of reminders received. Results Each group had 300 motherbaby dyads with similar demographic characteristics. At 18 weeks, 257 (86%) and 244 (81%) (risk ratio (RR) 1.05, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.13; p=0.15) in the intervention and control groups received Penta-3 vaccine. At 12 months, 220 (74%) and 196 (66%) (RR 1.12, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.25; p=0.04) in the intervention and control groups received the measles vaccine. Infants in the intervention group were more likely to receive Penta-3 (84% vs 78%, RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.17; p=0.04), measles (73% vs 65%, RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.26; p=0.02) and all scheduled immunisations collectively (57% vs 47%, RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.26; p=0.01) within 1 week of the recommended date. No demographic character predicted immunisation completion. In the intervention group, 92% and 86% reported receiving a verification reminder and at least one reminder during the study period, respectively. Conclusion Paired automated call and text reminders significantly improved immunisation completion and timeliness. Trial registration number NCT02819895.

A two-arm parallel RCT was conducted at the Mother and Child Hospital Ondo Town (MCH-Ondo) and Akure (MCH-Akure), in Ondo State, Nigeria. The conduct, analysis and reporting of results are in accordance with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials.15 The Nigerian government provides routine childhood immunisation at no cost to recipients. Government-run immunisation clinics are locations where vaccines are routinely received. Dictated by the national programme on immunisation,16 the routine immunisation schedule in Ondo State, Nigeria is as follows: Immunisation clinic record-book audits were planned to assess vaccination uptake. However, the study was impacted by a hospital workers’ strike lasting 6 weeks (2 February to 15 March 2017). The strike interrupted enrolment, immunisation receipt and monitoring. During this period, parents sought other government and private clinics for immunisations. We therefore amended our study protocol to include phone audits for reporting of immunisation uptake between weeks 18 and 30 of each participant’s study enrolment period. This was to limit misclassification of the immunisation endpoint. We incorporated the phone call immunisation audit into the planned mid-study survey. The applicable ethical review bodies approved the amendment. Parturient women and their healthy newborn infants delivered at MCH-Ondo and Akure were eligible for enrolment. We included mothers of healthy newborn babies, who owned a mobile phone and planned to attend the MCH immunisation clinics. We excluded mothers of ill newborns, multiple births and those without mobile phones. The MCHs are state-run facilities. They provide free healthcare services to pregnant women and children under age 5, with most patients being middle-income and low-income families. Each hospital runs its own immunisation clinic. Ondo State is in the southwest region of Nigeria. The main local language is Yoruba. The projected 2016 population size from the 2006 national census for Ondo Town and Akure are 389 900 and 486 300, respectively.17 The primary occupations of citizens include farming, artisanship, trading and public service.17 We developed a customised Windows software application (app) designed to send automated voice call text and email immunisation reminders. We integrated a secure cloud communications platform, called Twilio, into the app. Messaging and voice were sent by Twilio through the app. Date of birth of the newborn and the phone number of the mother and father, when provided, were inputed into the app. The immunisation reminders were autocalculated from date of birth of the child and tailored to the local immunisation schedule. At enrolment, the registered phone number(s) received a verification message. Thereafter, reminders were sent 2 days and the day before the scheduled date of the Penta-1, 2, 3 and measles immunisations at 08:00. Eight sets of reminders were sent to each participant. The delivery of text and call occurred at the same time. Voicemail service was not available during the study period. The automated text message reminder was in English. The text reminder read, ‘Reminder from MCH–Your baby’s next immunisation visit is in 2 days (or 1 day as appropriate). Immunisation protects your child against killer diseases. Please bring your baby for this visit’. The automated call reminder was in English and Yoruba. The duration of the call was 50 s, had a 5 s delay before starting and expressed the same message as the text. It cost US$0.0075 to send a text and US$0.015/min for an automated call. There was no cost to the recipient. Whether study participants received or read the text message and whether participants listened to audio messages in its entirety could not accurately be determined from our telecommunications platform. A research assistant at each site assessed mothers daily in the postpartum ward for eligibility. We systematically recorded the number of screened women and the reason for exclusion; however, due to a clerical error at MCH-Ondo, the exact numbers and reasons are unavailable. In developing the study protocol, we took into consideration that the shortest interval between the pentavalent vaccines is 3 weeks. In Nigeria, the immunisation schedule allows for only 4 weeks between Penta-1 and 2, and between Penta-2 and 3.18 We anticipated a potential stacking of reminders, and immunisation ineligibility, if there was any delay in receiving a scheduled immunisation greater than 1 week. Hence, a priori, we determined the reminders for Penta-2 and 3 would be recalculated from the date the Penta-1 and 2 were administered, respectively. For those who did not receive either Penta-1 and or 2, the Penta-2 and 3 reminders were sent 2 weeks after the Penta-1 and 2 were past due, respectively. We performed daily audits of the immunisation clinic record book. When vaccines were received later than expected, the vaccine receipt date was used to calculate the next scheduled vaccine accordingly. A child-health immunisation card, which listed the ages when a child was to receive his/her immunisation, comprised standard care. The intervention group received the automated text and call reminder plus standard care, while the control group received only standard care. We obtained data for the primary outcome from immunisation clinic record books maintained at immunisation clinics and during the mid-study phone survey of all participants. Study research assistants called each study participant on the telephone and obtained verbal reports─name and date─of when Penta-1, 2 and 3 were received. We assessed the receipt of measles vaccine solely from the immunisation clinic record book. This was because the health workers’ strike did not affect the receipt or monitoring of the measles immunisation. We did not physically audit the child-health immunisation card given to parents and caregivers. The primary outcome was the proportion of infants who received the Penta-1, 2 and 3 immunisations (henceforth referred to as Penta-3) at 18 weeks of age. The administration of BCG vaccination occurs at hospital discharge. Our intervention did not influence BCG receipt, and so it was not included in our primary outcome. We defined the secondary outcomes as completing Penta-3 and the measles immunisation by 12 months of age and receiving each within 1 week of the recommended time. We assessed feasibility by the proportion of participants who received the verification text and call at enrolment, as well as those who reported receiving the reminders during the mid-study survey. Additionally, using a socioecological framework, we designed and administered a pre-study survey to assess sociodemographic characteristics of the mothers. We categorised the survey questions into maternal demographics, knowledge about and attitude towards immunisations, mothers’ health and health-seeking behaviour, household demographic construct and access to health facility and health information related to immunisation. The mid-study survey was to assess acceptability of the intervention, perception of phone reminders by both groups and perceived barriers to completing immunisations. Mother–infant dyad assignments to study groups in a 1:1 ratio was by a permuted randomisation scheme,19 using balanced random blocks of 6, 8 or 10. We stratified the randomisation by study site to account for centre population differences. Randomisation was done in May 2016 at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Allocation assignments were stored in sealed opaque envelopes and mailed via courier to the local study principal investigators. Only after obtaining written informed consent did the local study teams know the allocation assignment. Neither study participants nor research team were blinded. However, the immunisation clinic staff─those who administered and recorded immunisation─were blinded to study group allocations. Based on audits of the 2015 MCH-Ondo immunisation records and statewide reports, the baseline Penta-3 completion rate estimate was 75%. To account for a 10% loss to follow-up, we needed 300 mother–infant dyads in each study arm to have a statistical power of 80% and an alpha level of 0.05, to detect a 10% difference in the primary outcome. We deemed this 10% difference to be of public health importance. With the protocol amendment, we defined two study populations for the primary outcome analysis. First, a modified intention-to-treat (mITT) population─defined as all randomised subjects regardless of where immunisation was received or audited—immunisation record books or phone calls. The second was the per-protocol (PP) population─defined as all subjects who received immunisations only at MCH-Ondo or Akure and had immunisation receipt audited solely from the immunisation clinic record books. We compared demographic characteristics and post-study survey variables between study groups using standard descriptive statistics. We used two-sample t-test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables and χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Risk ratios and risk difference were calculated for the primary and secondary outcomes. In a post hoc analysis, we used a generalised linear model for binomial distributions with ‘log’ link function to examine the association of selected demographic characteristics by study group on immunisation completion at 12 months. The selected variables were based on demographic factors reported in the literature to influence immunisation completion.5 10 20–22 We tested interaction effects of the demographic factors with the study group and report the p values for the interaction effects. Results are expressed as risk ratio along with their corresponding 95% CIs. Data were analysed using Stata V.15.1 (StataCorp, College Station, Texas, USA) with a two-sided significance level of 0.05.


The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the implementation of automated phone call and text reminders for childhood immunizations. This recommendation is based on a randomized controlled trial conducted in Nigeria, which found that the use of automated reminders significantly improved immunization completion and timeliness.

The study enrolled parturient women at Mother and Child Hospitals in Ondo State, Nigeria, who owned a mobile phone and planned to have their child immunized at the study sites. The intervention group received automated call and text reminders for immunizations, in addition to standard care, while the control group received only standard care.

The results showed that at 18 weeks, 86% of infants in the intervention group and 81% in the control group received the third pentavalent vaccine (Penta-3). At 12 months, 74% of infants in the intervention group and 66% in the control group received the measles vaccine. Infants in the intervention group were more likely to receive Penta-3, measles, and all scheduled immunizations collectively within 1 week of the recommended date.

Feasibility was assessed by the proportion of reminders received, and the intervention group reported receiving a verification reminder and at least one reminder during the study period. No demographic characteristics predicted immunization completion.

The study concluded that paired automated call and text reminders significantly improved immunization completion and timeliness. This innovation can be implemented to improve access to maternal health by ensuring that mothers receive reminders for their child’s immunizations, increasing the likelihood of timely and complete immunization coverage.

The study was published in BMJ Global Health in 2019.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the implementation of automated phone call and text reminders for childhood immunizations. This recommendation is based on a randomized controlled trial conducted in Nigeria, which found that the use of automated reminders significantly improved immunization completion and timeliness.

The study enrolled parturient women at Mother and Child Hospitals in Ondo State, Nigeria, who owned a mobile phone and planned to have their child immunized at the study sites. The intervention group received automated call and text reminders for immunizations, in addition to standard care, while the control group received only standard care.

The results showed that at 18 weeks, 86% of infants in the intervention group and 81% in the control group received the third pentavalent vaccine (Penta-3). At 12 months, 74% of infants in the intervention group and 66% in the control group received the measles vaccine. Infants in the intervention group were more likely to receive Penta-3, measles, and all scheduled immunizations collectively within 1 week of the recommended date.

Feasibility was assessed by the proportion of reminders received, and the intervention group reported receiving a verification reminder and at least one reminder during the study period. No demographic characteristics predicted immunization completion.

The study concluded that paired automated call and text reminders significantly improved immunization completion and timeliness. This innovation can be implemented to improve access to maternal health by ensuring that mothers receive reminders for their child’s immunizations, increasing the likelihood of timely and complete immunization coverage.

The study was published in BMJ Global Health in 2019.
AI Innovations Methodology
The methodology used in the study to simulate the impact of automated phone call and text reminders for childhood immunizations on improving access to maternal health involved a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in Nigeria. Here is a summary of the methodology:

1. Study Population: The study enrolled parturient women at Mother and Child Hospitals in Ondo State, Nigeria, who owned a mobile phone and planned to have their child immunized at the study sites.

2. Randomization: The participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group or the control group. The intervention group received automated call and text reminders for immunizations, in addition to standard care, while the control group received only standard care.

3. Primary Outcome: The primary outcome measured was the completion of the third pentavalent vaccine (Penta-3) at 18 weeks of age.

4. Secondary Outcomes: Secondary outcomes included immunization completion at 12 months and within 1 week of the recommended dates for Penta-3 and measles vaccines.

5. Feasibility Assessment: Feasibility was assessed by the proportion of reminders received. The intervention group reported receiving a verification reminder and at least one reminder during the study period.

6. Data Collection: Data for the primary and secondary outcomes were collected from immunization clinic record books and through phone surveys with the participants.

7. Statistical Analysis: Risk ratios and risk differences were calculated to compare the immunization completion rates between the intervention and control groups. A generalised linear model was used to examine the association of selected demographic characteristics with immunization completion at 12 months.

8. Sample Size: The study aimed to enroll 300 mother-baby dyads in each study arm to have a statistical power of 80% and an alpha level of 0.05, to detect a 10% difference in the primary outcome.

9. Ethical Approval: The study protocol was approved by the applicable ethical review bodies.

10. Analysis Software: Data were analyzed using Stata V.15.1.

The study concluded that the use of automated phone call and text reminders significantly improved immunization completion and timeliness. This methodology can be used to assess the impact of implementing similar interventions to improve access to maternal health in other settings.

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