Determinants of healthcare utilisation and out-of-pocket payments in the context of free public primary healthcare in Zambia

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Study Justification:
– Access to appropriate and affordable healthcare is crucial for better health outcomes in Africa.
– Despite the removal of user fees in primary healthcare facilities in Zambia, access to healthcare remains low, especially among the poor.
– This study aims to examine the factors associated with healthcare choices and the determinants of out-of-pocket payments in Zambia.
– Household per capita consumption expenditure is significantly associated with increased odds of seeking formal care.
– Living in a household with a higher level of education is associated with increased odds of seeking formal healthcare.
– Rural residence is associated with reduced odds of seeking formal care.
– The magnitude of out-of-pocket expenditure during a visit is significantly dependent on household economic well-being and distance from a health facility.
– Increase efforts to improve access to healthcare for the poor, as access is highly dependent on socio-economic status.
– Implement targeted interventions to improve healthcare utilization among individuals with lower levels of education.
– Develop strategies to address the barriers faced by rural residents in seeking formal healthcare.
– Consider the economic well-being of households and the distance to health facilities when designing policies to reduce out-of-pocket payments.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health, Zambia
– Central Statistical Office, Zambia
– University of Zambia
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Funding for targeted interventions to improve healthcare access for the poor
– Resources for educational programs to increase healthcare utilization
– Investment in infrastructure and transportation to improve access to healthcare in rural areas
– Budget for subsidies or financial support to reduce out-of-pocket payments for healthcare services

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a nationally representative healthcare utilization and expenditure survey conducted in 2014. The study employed a multilevel multinomial logistic regression and a two-part generalized linear model to analyze the determinants of healthcare choices and out-of-pocket payments in Zambia. The sample size was large, with about 12,000 households and 59,500 individuals. The survey response rate was 99.4%. The statistical models used are appropriate for the research questions. However, to improve the strength of the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the sampling design, data collection methods, and statistical assumptions made. Additionally, it would be helpful to include information on the validity and reliability of the survey instruments used.

Background: Access to appropriate and affordable healthcare is needed to achieve better health outcomes in Africa. However, access to healthcare remains low, especially among the poor. In Zambia, poor access exists despite the policy by the government to remove user fees in all primary healthcare facilities in the public sector. The paper has two main objectives: (i) to examine the factors associated with healthcare choices among sick people, and (ii) to assess the determinants of the magnitude of out-of-pocket (OOP) payments related to a visit to a health provider. Methods: This paper employs a multilevel multinomial logistic regression to model the determinants of an individual’s choice of healthcare options following an illness. Further, the study analyses the drivers of the magnitude of OOP expenditure related to a visit to a health provider using a two-part generalised linear model. The analysis is based on a nationally representative healthcare utilisation and expenditure survey that was conducted in 2014. Results: Household per capita consumption expenditure is significantly associated with increased odds of seeking formal care (odds ratio [OR] = 1.12, P =.000). Living in a household in which the head has a higher level of education is associated with increased odds of seeking formal healthcare (OR = 1.54, P =.000) and (OR = 1.55, P =.01), for secondary and tertiary education, respectively. Rural residence is associated with reduced odds of seeking formal care (OR = 0.706, P =.002). The magnitude of OOP expenditure during a visit is significantly dependent on household economic well-being, distance from a health facility, among other factors. A 10% increase in per capita consumption expenditure was associated with a 0.2% increase in OOP health expenditure while every kilometre travelled was associated with a K0.51 increase in OOP health expenditure. Conclusion: Despite the removal of user fees on public primary healthcare in Zambia, access to healthcare is highly dependent on an individual’s socio-economic status, illness type and region of residence. These findings also suggest that the benefits of free public healthcare may not reach the poorest proportionately, which raise implications for increasing access in Zambia and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The statistical analyses in this study are based on a cross-sectional dataset from the Zambian Household Health Expenditure and Utilisation Survey (ZHHEUS) conducted in 2014 by the Central Statistical Office. The ZHHEUS sampled a cross-section of households in all 10 provinces of Zambia using a sampling design, which was aimed at achieving national representativeness. The Central Statistical Office, with support from the Ministry of Health, Lusaka, Zambia and the University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia conducted the survey, yielding a total of about 12 000 households, including some 59 500 individuals, in all 10 provinces of Zambia. A two-stage stratified cluster sample design was used. In the first stage, standard enumeration areas were selected within each stratum using the probability-proportional-to-estimated-size procedure to select a total sample of 599 clusters or primary sampling units (psu) from each of Zambia’s 10 provinces of which 250 were from urban areas and the rest (ie, 349 psu’s) from rural areas. A full census (or listing) of all households in each psu was conducted prior to sampling of sample households. In the second stage, a fixed proportion of 20 households were selected from each psu using a systematic random sampling procedure. Thus, the sample size was powered to be representative at the cluster, provincial and national levels. The survey response rate was 99.4%. At each sampled household, all members were enumerated for all modules except for the maternal health section, which was restricted to female members aged between 12 and 49 years. The survey included modules on health status (self-rated health status and self-reported illness experience); illness experiences associated healthcare utilisation (visits, admission, type of providers sought, health expenditure); and a quality of care assessment. Specifically, individuals were asked if they had experienced any illness or injury in the 4 weeks preceding the survey, or if they had been admitted to a health facility in the 6 months preceding the survey. OOP health expenditure included charges for consultation, drugs, medical investigations, and other fees incurred at facilities, as well as transportation costs and other costs related to a visit to a health facility. The empirical model applied in this paper is based on the Grossman model of demand for health and healthcare, which describes how individuals make choices regarding healthcare utilization.21,22 In the Grossman theoretical framework, utilisation of healthcare is optimally chosen as an attempt to attain or maintain optimal health. When individuals fall sick, they demand healthcare in order to restore their health capital. An important contribution of the Grossman model is in providing a theoretical framework for testing the relationship between characteristics of an individual and his or her health behaviour. Since Grossman, empirical studies have examined the marginal effects of characteristics such as income, age, education, health insurance, health status, distance to a health provider, and so on, on health decisions and healthcare consumption.23-25 The Grossman model postulates that apart from expanding an individual’s ability to pay, higher wages lead to a substitution of medical consumption for time or resources invested in health promotion or prevention. In other words, a higher wage induces an individual to dedicate less time to health promotion or prevention and more time to earning a wage.21,22 In contexts where healthcare utilisation is dependent on OOP payments, income works through price to relax the consumer’s budget constraint. Hence, income is expected to increase the likelihood of seeking healthcare as well as the magnitude of health spending. In this survey, we used household consumption expenditure which is widely considered to be a more reliable measure of household wealth than self-reported income. It is less sensitive to short-term fluctuations. Consumption expenditure also captures the value of home production, which is important to appropriately measure wealth or economic capacity in many rural settings.26 Although Grossman had predicted a negative relationship between education and demand for healthcare on account that education increases an individual’s health prevention ability, through health knowledge, healthy lifestyle, processing health information, and so on, which should imply less need for medical care consumption, empirical studies have shown a positive relationship between education and healthcare utilisation.27,28 Empirical studies hypothesise that more years of schooling make individuals choose better healthcare options which include the ability to seek effective medical care following an illness experience. With regard to age, theory predicts that with increasing age, more healthcare is needed to offset the effect of increasing depreciation of health capital. However, studies have suggested a non-linear relationship as at some point in age, the marginal cost of investing in renewing health exceeds its marginal benefits, at which point this relationship becomes negative.29,30 Also, the literature shows the demand for healthcare to be higher among children under the age of five years and among the elderly.31 Empirical extensions of Grossman’s work have included other factors such as gender and region of residence. In this paper, the set of explanatory includes gender, age, household per capita consumption expenditure, highest level of education attained by the head of the household, employment status of the household head, residential location of the household, type of illness reported by an individual and the type of healthcare provider visited. Household consumption expenditure was used as a proxy for household income or wealth. Table 1 provides the full list of variables used and their definitions. Abbreviations: OOP, out-of-pocket; ZMK, Zambian Kwacha. Empirically, our approach leads us to estimate two models. First, we specify a multinomial logistic regression model of an individual’s decision regarding healthcare utilisation. In the second part of the analysis, we analyse determinants of the magnitude of OOP healthcare expenditure conditional on visiting a health provider using a two-part estimation procedure. The logistic regression to estimate the probability of an individual incurring a positive expenditure and the generalised linear model to analyse the determinants of the magnitude of OOP healthcare expenditure. Given that the response variable is at three mutually exclusive levels (sought formal care, performed self-medication, or did nothing), and our intention to model effects (on the response variable) that operate at the community level, we fit a multilevel multinomial logistic regression model. In a multinomial logistic model, the probability of an individual i living in primary sampling unit j, choosing care option p is given by πijp = Pr (care option = p). Thus, p = 1,..,q (q = 3). One of the response categories is taken as the reference category. In this case, the “did nothing” was the “reference” response category. We estimated a simultaneous set of q-1 logistic regressions for the other two “care option” categories, contrasting each category with the reference category. Thus, a separate intercept and slope parameter was estimated for each of the categories, as indicated by the p superscripts. The multilevel multinomial logistic regression model is specified using the following logit link: Probability,πijp, is a function of a vector of covariates denoted by X, and the specified community level (i.e. psu) random effects (ujp). The term represents random variation in the likelihood of doing nothing relative to formal care, or doing nothing compared to self-medication, at psu level. The parameter β(p) represents the fixed part of the model which is interpreted as the change in the odds of being in category p relative to the “reference” category associated with a 1‐unit increase in the explanatory variable denoted by X, if X is continuous. In the case of discrete explanatory variables, β(p) represents the change in the odds associated with being in one category (eg, living in a rural area) relative to being in the reference category (being in an urban area). The model assumes that uj ~ N(0,σu2). Further, the residual error term denoted εpij is random error at individual level which is assumed to have a logistic distribution with mean zero and variance π23 . In this hierarchical structure, we take account of variations in choice of care option that operate not just at the individual or household levels but also at the community level. Community level or neighbourhood in this case is defined by the survey clusters called primary sampling unit (psu). It is plausible that observed variations in healthcare choices might be partly explained by community level influences on health-related behaviour.32-34 In this approach, unobserved variations in healthcare choices are captured as random effects operating at the community level through the parameters uj.32 The model was estimated using the maximum likelihood method in the generalised linear latent mixed model (gllamm) framework. The gllamm procedure provides an estimation algorithm that is more robust than either ordinary least squares (OLS) or traditional maximum likelihood estimators.32 In this part of our analysis, we model the determinants of the magnitude of outpatient OOP healthcare expenditure. In the survey, only individuals who reported a visit to a health provider were asked about expenditure incurred during a visit. Those who did self-medication were not asked to state how much they may have spent. In estimating the health expenditure model, we considered a number of methodological challenges commonly reported in the literature.35,36 Specifically, the distribution of OOP expenditure shows a high density at zero and a right-skewed continuous distribution of positive amounts. These findings are because, as stated earlier, user fees at all public and mission primary level healthcare facilities have been abolished for primary health services. For example, if an individual did not incur any transportation (ie, if they may have walked to the facility) or other health visit related expenses, their total health expenditure for the visit would be zero. Thus, the zeros in the data are real zeros, and not due to censoring (censoring typically referring to reporting a zero OOP expenditure simply because an individual did not fall sick or did not seek care) but akin to a semi-continuous dependent variable problem.37 In such a case, applying the standard OLS estimation procedure would result in biased and inefficient estimates.35 Based on guidance from the literature,35,36,38,39 we applied a two-part estimation procedure. The first part of this model constructs a logistic regression to estimate the probability of an individual incurring a positive expenditure among, which is expressed as follows: where OOPi is the level of OOP expenditure on an outpatient visit by individual i, x is a vector of covariates (as defined earlier, plus distance travelled to a facility, in kilometres), β denotes coefficients of the corresponding estimates, εi is the stochastic error term. The second part of the model predicts the magnitude of OOP expenditure for a visit, conditional on expenditure being positive, using the set of explanatory variables identified above. In this part of the model, we estimate the expected OOP expenditure given the same set of explanatory variables as defined earlier (with the inclusion of distance travelled), denoted by x. Thus, E(OOPx) = xβ. In estimating the second part of the model, we considered the generalised linear model (glm) and OLS estimators, taking into account the trade-offs in bias and efficiency each estimator brings. Given a kurtosis coefficient on the log-scale residuals of the glm estimator of 3.18 and the overall superiority over OLS, we chose the glm estimator.40 Specification of the glm framework requires the analyst to choose a link function that models how the dependent variable is connected to the explanatory variables, and a distribution function that models the relationship between the mean and variance of the expectation of the dependent variable. We tested alternative link-distribution combinations appropriate for the type of data at hand. The best fitting model was the glm with a gamma distribution and a log link function. The gamma-log glm yielded the lowest value of the Akaike information criterion (AIC) (2.9) and the deviance statistics (7483.7) compared to other glm specifications. It is also theoretically a more appropriate fit for our data.41 To improve on model efficiency, robust standard errors were clustered at the primary sampling unit (psu) level. All computations were done using the tpm routine in Stata 13.


Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Develop and implement mobile applications or text messaging services that provide pregnant women with information on prenatal care, nutrition, and reminders for appointments. These tools can help overcome barriers to accessing healthcare by providing information and support directly to women’s smartphones.

2. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers to provide maternal health education, support, and referrals in rural and underserved areas. These workers can bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and communities, improving access to care and ensuring women receive the necessary information and services.

3. Telemedicine: Establish telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women to consult with healthcare providers remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for women in remote areas who may have limited access to healthcare facilities. Telemedicine consultations can provide prenatal care, monitor high-risk pregnancies, and offer guidance on maternal health concerns.

4. Transportation Solutions: Develop innovative transportation solutions to address the challenge of distance and transportation costs for pregnant women. This could include providing subsidized transportation services or partnering with existing transportation providers to ensure women can easily access healthcare facilities for prenatal visits and delivery.

5. Financial Incentives: Implement financial incentives, such as conditional cash transfers or vouchers, to encourage pregnant women to seek and utilize maternal health services. These incentives can help offset the costs associated with accessing healthcare and encourage women to prioritize their maternal health.

6. Maternal Health Clinics: Establish dedicated maternal health clinics that provide comprehensive prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care in one location. These clinics can offer a one-stop-shop for maternal health services, making it easier for women to access the care they need.

7. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between the public and private sectors to improve access to maternal health services. This could involve partnering with private healthcare providers to expand services in underserved areas or leveraging private sector expertise to develop innovative solutions for maternal health.

It’s important to note that the specific context and needs of Zambia should be taken into consideration when implementing these innovations.
AI Innovations Description
The study mentioned focuses on the determinants of healthcare utilization and out-of-pocket payments in the context of free public primary healthcare in Zambia. The findings suggest that despite the removal of user fees on public primary healthcare, access to healthcare is still influenced by an individual’s socio-economic status, illness type, and region of residence.

Based on the study, here is a recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Targeted interventions for vulnerable populations: Develop targeted interventions specifically designed to address the barriers faced by vulnerable populations, such as the poor and those living in rural areas. These interventions could include providing transportation services to healthcare facilities, ensuring availability of essential maternal health services in remote areas, and implementing community-based outreach programs to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health.

By implementing targeted interventions, it is possible to address the specific challenges faced by vulnerable populations and improve their access to maternal health services. This can help reduce maternal mortality rates and improve overall maternal health outcomes in Zambia.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Investing in the development and improvement of healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas, can help increase access to maternal health services. This includes ensuring the availability of skilled healthcare providers, essential medical equipment, and necessary supplies.

2. Enhancing transportation services: Improving transportation infrastructure and services can help overcome geographical barriers and enable pregnant women to reach healthcare facilities in a timely manner. This can involve initiatives such as providing ambulances or implementing transportation subsidies for pregnant women.

3. Promoting community-based healthcare: Implementing community-based healthcare programs can increase access to maternal health services, especially in remote areas. These programs can involve training and empowering community health workers to provide basic maternal healthcare services and education.

4. Increasing awareness and education: Conducting awareness campaigns and providing education on maternal health can help address cultural and social barriers that prevent women from seeking healthcare. This can include promoting the importance of antenatal care, safe delivery practices, and the availability of free or affordable healthcare services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define indicators: Identify key indicators that reflect access to maternal health, such as the percentage of pregnant women receiving antenatal care, the percentage of births attended by skilled healthcare providers, and the average distance traveled to reach a healthcare facility.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of these indicators in the target population. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or analysis of existing data sources.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the identified recommendations and their potential impact on the selected indicators. This model should consider factors such as population size, geographical distribution, healthcare infrastructure, transportation availability, and community engagement.

4. Define scenarios: Define different scenarios that represent the implementation of the recommendations. For example, one scenario could involve strengthening healthcare infrastructure and transportation services, while another scenario could focus on community-based healthcare and education.

5. Simulate outcomes: Run the simulation model using the defined scenarios to estimate the potential impact on the selected indicators. This can be done by comparing the outcomes of each scenario to the baseline data.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the simulated outcomes to assess the effectiveness of each recommendation in improving access to maternal health. This can involve comparing the changes in the selected indicators between different scenarios and identifying the most impactful recommendations.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the analysis of the simulation results, refine the recommendations and the simulation model if necessary. Iterate the process to further optimize the strategies for improving access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare stakeholders can gain insights into the potential impact of different recommendations and make informed decisions on how to allocate resources and implement interventions to improve access to maternal health.

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