National data system on near miss and maternal death: Shifting from maternal risk to public health impact in Nigeria

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Study Justification:
– The lack of reliable and up-to-date statistics on maternal deaths and disabilities in Nigeria is a major challenge to achieving the Millennium Development Goal related to Maternal Health.
– There are currently no functioning national data sources on maternal deaths and disabilities in Nigeria, making it difficult for program managers, health advocates, and policy makers to make informed decisions.
– This study aims to create a national data system on maternal near miss (MNM) and maternal mortality in Nigerian public tertiary institutions to provide accurate and comprehensive information on maternal health.
– This will be a nationwide cohort study that will include all women who experience MNM and those who die from pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperal complications in tertiary healthcare facilities across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.
– The study will evaluate the quality of care provided for direct obstetric complications and the health service events surrounding these complications.
– It will assess the magnitude of MNM and maternal deaths, identify areas of substandard care, and evaluate indicators of quality of care at facility, regional, and country levels.
– The study will provide useful information to health practitioners, policy makers, and international partners on the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructures provided for comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Nigeria.
– Implement a national data system on maternal near miss and maternal mortality in Nigerian public tertiary institutions.
– Conduct periodic reviews of the magnitude of MNM and maternal deaths, nature of events responsible for MNM and maternal deaths, and indices for the quality of care.
– Use the findings to collectively define and monitor the standard of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in the country.
– Establish Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths based on the data system to guide the formulation and revision of obstetric policies and practices in Nigeria.
– Use the lessons learned from this data system to set up similar structures at lower levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria.
Key Role Players:
– Centre for Research in Reproductive Health (CRRH) – responsible for overall project management.
– Regional Coordinators – responsible for coordinating the project at the regional level.
– Hospital Coordinators – responsible for data collection and coordination at each health facility.
– Data Collectors – trained staff responsible for prospectively collecting specific information on potentially fatal maternal complications.
– Central Coordinating Staff – responsible for efficient coordination of the project and data management.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Logistics for implementation of data collection, including training, monitoring, and transportation.
– Capacity strengthening expenses, such as manuals of operation, trainers, venue, and transportation for regional and national meetings.
– Data management and analysis, including software and personnel.
– Dissemination of findings through advocacy, scientific publications, conferences, seminars, and workshops.
– Potential funding for continuation of the project beyond the initial one-year period.
Please note that the provided information is based on the given text and may not include all details or nuances of the study.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong as it describes a nationwide cohort study with specific objectives, methods, and expected outcomes. However, there are some areas for improvement. Firstly, the abstract could provide more information on the sample size and data collection process. Secondly, it would be helpful to include information on the statistical analysis plan and potential limitations of the study. Lastly, the abstract could mention the ethical considerations and approval process for the study.

Abstract. Background. The lack of reliable and up-to-date statistics on maternal deaths and disabilities remains a major challenge to the implementation of Nigeria’s Road Map to Accelerate the Millennium Development Goal related to Maternal Health (MDG-5). There are currently no functioning national data sources on maternal deaths and disabilities that could serve as reference points for programme managers, health advocates and policy makers. While awaiting the success of efforts targeted at overcoming the barriers facing establishment of population-based data systems, referral institutions in Nigeria can contribute their quota in the quest towards MDG-5 by providing good quality and reliable information on maternal deaths and disabilities on a continuous basis. This project represents the first opportunity to initiate a scientifically sound and reliable quantitative system of data gathering on maternal health profile in Nigeria. Objective. The primary objective is to create a national data system on maternal near miss (MNM) and maternal mortality in Nigerian public tertiary institutions. This system will conduct periodically, both regionally and at country level, a review of the magnitude of MNM and maternal deaths, nature of events responsible for MNM and maternal deaths, indices for the quality of care for direct obstetric complications and the health service events surrounding these complications, in an attempt to collectively define and monitor the standard of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in the country. Methods. This will be a nationwide cohort study of all women who experience MNM and those who die from pregnancy, childbirth and puerperal complications using uniform criteria among women admitted in tertiary healthcare facilities in the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. This will be accomplished by establishing a network of all public tertiary obstetric referral institutions that will prospectively collect specific information on potentially fatal maternal complications. For every woman enrolled, the health service events (care pathways) within the facility will be evaluated to identify areas of substandard care/avoidable factors through clinical audit by the local research team. A summary estimate of the frequencies of MNM and maternal deaths will be determined at intervals and indicators of quality of care (case fatality rate, both total and cause-specific and mortality index) will be evaluated at facility, regional and country levels. Management. Overall project management will be from the Centre for Research in Reproductive Health (CRRH), Sagamu, Nigeria. There will be at least two meetings and site visits for efficient coordination of the project by regional coordinators and central coordinating staff. Data will be transferred electronically by hospital and regional coordinators and managed at the Data Management Unit of CRRH, Sagamu, Nigeria. Expected outcomes. The outcome of the study would provide useful information to the health practitioners, policy-makers and international partners on the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructures provided for comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Nigeria. The successful implementation of this project will pave way for the long-awaited Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths that would guide the formulation and or revision of obstetric policies and practices in Nigeria. Lessons learnt from the establishment of this data system can also be used to set up similar structures at lower levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria. © 2009 Oladapo et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

• This will be a nationwide cohort study that will ascertain all women who experience MNM and those who die from pregnancy, childbirth and puerperal complications according to the WHO criteria for MNM and maternal mortality among women admitted in tertiary healthcare facilities within the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. • Over a period of one year, women admitted for delivery or within 42 days of delivery or termination of pregnancy will be studied at all public hospitals of tertiary institution status (University hospitals and Federal Medical Centres). • Cases of MNM and maternal deaths during the period that the women remain on admission in the facility will be identified using pre-defined criteria amongst the cohort. • For every woman enrolled, the health service events (care pathways) within the facility will be evaluated to identify areas of substandard care/avoidable factors through clinical audit by the local research team. • Health service events will be compared between women who experience MNM and those who die to identify institutional factors contributing to maternal death in each facility. • Frequencies of MNM and maternal deaths among parturients will be compared between institutions across six geo-political zones and between those with less institutional capacity versus those with appropriate institutional capacity. • A summary estimate of the frequencies of MNM and maternal deaths will be determined at intervals. Indicators of quality of care (case fatality rate, both total and cause-specific and mortality index) will be evaluated at facility, regional and country levels. • This data system will undergo modification based on the experience gained from the pilot phase in the initial three months and publish report quarterly through the newsletter of NNRHRT. The proposed system will be run in consenting public tertiary healthcare institutions in Nigeria over a one-year period. Nigeria has an estimated population of 140 million inhabitants and consists essentially of six-geopolitical zones. There are 48 public tertiary hospitals (at State and Federal levels) which serve as referral centres for other health facilities within their environs (Table ​(Table1).1). Women with high and low risk pregnancies (with or without complications) are delivered at these hospitals under the guidance of the midwives, interns, obstetric specialist-in training and obstetricians. For the purpose of this project, data will be collected at all the tertiary health facilities that offer obstetric services. Geographic areas within each geopolitical zone and their corresponding tertiary obstetric facilities will constitute a region. Public tertiary institutions offering obstetric services according to the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria All women admitted for delivery or within 42 days of delivery or termination of pregnancy in the consenting health facilities during the study period will constitute the cohort for the study. Women will be included whether or not they primarily receive antenatal care and plan to deliver at the study site. Women who are brought in dead to the hospital will be noted but not be enrolled into the study. Women with incomplete data to assess the final outcome (MNM or MD), e.g. those who discharge themselves against medical advice before the resolution of their obstetric problems, will be noted but excluded from the survey. Data will be gathered continuously for a period of one year. Trained staff will conduct prospective surveillance of medical records and complete a simple individual level data form of all enrolled women within a day of their enrolment and extract information for the period that the women remain on admission in the hospital. A dedicated and trained senior house officer/resident will be responsible for data collection on a day to day basis at each institution. A hospital coordinator will supervise the data collection, resolving, completing and clarification of medical notes before data entry. Following daily review of cases managed at each facility, women who meet the WHO criteria for MNM and those who died will be identified by trained data collectors. Data will be recorded on a simple one-page data collection form. Incomplete data in medical records will be updated by working with attending staff before patient’s discharge. These data will be entered at the facility level in a database using Microsoft Excel 2003 software and electronically forwarded monthly to the regional coordinator by the hospital coordinator. Regional coordinators will then transfer the data for collation to the central coordinating unit for integration into the national database on a monthly basis. Individual level information to be collected is specific to these study objectives and includes the following areas. Sociodemographic characteristics (including age, parity, marital status, religion, educational level completed, weight, height, ethnicity and social class), booking status, pre-existing medical problem(s), pregnancy complications (e.g. preeclampsia, eclampsia, severe anaemia, preterm prelabour rupture of membranes), onset of labour (induced or spontaneous), mode of delivery (spontaneous, vaginal birth after previous caesarean section, caesarean section, vacuum extraction, forceps delivery, destructive vaginal delivery and symphysiotomy) and fetal birthweight. (A) MNM according to the validated criteria on MNM as proposed by WHO working group on maternal mortality and morbidity classification [7] (Table ​(Table2).2). For each case of MNM, data will also be collected on gestational age or time of puerperium at the time of sustaining the MNM injury, timing of MNM event with respect to admission (i.e. before or during admission), primary determinant factor of MNM (the first complication in the chain of events that led to MNM analogous to the basic causes of maternal death), criteria indicative of MNM according to WHO criteria, admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), including the reason(s) for admission to the ICU (monitoring and surveillance or intensive care) and duration of stay in the ICU, fetal outcome in those associated with labour and length of hospital stay. The WHO maternal near miss criteria: a woman presenting any of the following criteria life-threatening conditions and surviving a complication that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy should be considered as a maternal near miss case [7] a) Shock is a persistent severe hypotension, defined as a systolic blood pressure 2 L) b) Cardiac arrest refers to the Loss of consciousness AND absence of pulse/heart beat c) Gasping is a terminal respiratory pattern and the breath is convulsively and audibly caught. d) Oliguria is defined as an urinary output <30 ml/hr for 4 hours or <400 ml/24 hr e) Clotting failure can be assessed by the bedside clotting test or absence of clotting from the IV site after 7–10 minutes f) Loss of consciousness is a profound alteration of mental state that involves complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to external stimuli. It is defined as a Coma Glasgow Scale <10 (moderate or severe coma). g) Stroke is a neurological deficit of cerebrovascular cause that persists beyond 24 hours or is interrupted by death within 24 hours h) Pre-eclampsia is defined as the presence of hypertension associated with proteinuria. Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure of at least 140 mm Hg (systolic) or at least 90 mm Hg (diastolic) on at least two occasions and at least 4–6 h apart after the 20th week of gestation in women known to be normotensive beforehand. Proteinuria is defined as excretion of 300 mg or more of protein every 24 h. If 24-h urine samples are not available, proteinuria is defined as a protein concentration of 300 mg/L or more (≥ 1 + on dipstick) in at least two random urine samples taken at least 4–6 h apart i) For instance, continuous use of any dose of dopamine, epinephrine or norepinephrine (B) Maternal death according to the tenth revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by the WHO [15]. For each case of maternal death, data will be collected on gestational age or time of puerperium at the time of death, onset of complication resulting in death with respect to admission (i.e. before or during admission), underlying cause of death, admission to the intensive care unit, including the reason(s) for admission to the ICU (monitoring and surveillance or intensive care) and duration of stay in the ICU, fetal outcome in those associated with labour and duration of hospital stay at death. The care pathway of women enrolled within the facility will also be explored. Health service events of note will include time between diagnosis of the primary determinant of MNM or maternal death and definitive treatment/intervention required to save life, the level of most senior person who treat the patient and the time until the senior person arrive after admission (or after diagnosis for in-patients), and any deviation from standard management protocol. Where present, reason(s) for deviation from management protocol will also be examined and classified as administrative, patient-orientated, and medical personnel problems. Administrative problems will include cases where lack of power supply, transport and communication, essential drugs, blood for transfusion, or competent staff resulted in deviation from standard management protocol. Patient-orientated problems will include those generated by patient or her family either by way of delay in presentation to the hospital, refusal of intervention, or inability to pay for necessary services as at when due or lack of health insurance for necessary intervention. Medical personnel problems will range from delay in initial assessment by at least a senior personnel, deficiencies in promptly making correct diagnosis, inappropriate initial management plan and poor monitoring of the critically ill-patient. The factors that affect maternal outcomes may be determined by the varied distribution of prevailing problems and health resources. As a result of the relationship between poverty, access to health care, sociocultural characteristics of the population, such information will be included at the aggregate level. Various facility level variables will be collected to better understand the potential influence of health system complexities on MNM and maternal deaths. A health facility classification score adapted from that used in the WHO Global survey [16,17] will be used to summarize the features of the health facilities included in the system. This scoring system was developed based on the various characteristics that will be present on health facility form and connotes the hospital capacity in relation to 1. Basic Services, 2. General Medical Services, 3. Screening Tests, 4. Emergency Obstetric Care, 5. Intrapartum Care and 6. Human Resources. Three categories will be identified – basic, comprehensive and advanced. A point will be assigned for each item that the facility had under basic category while 2 and 3 points will be assigned for items that the facility had under comprehensive and advanced categories, respectively. The total scores will be summed up to identify those with high and low institutional capacities based on an arbitrary score of 24. This cut off score represents the maximum number of points attainable if all the resources for providing basic services are available in the facility. Data on the type (University hospital, Federal Medical Centre) and location (urban, semi-urban, rural) of the facility will also be recorded on the health facility form. Monthly record of the total number of deliveries and live births, number of women admitted during the puerperium and distribution of cases managed at the facility irrespective of the severity or final outcome (in an analogy to the basic causes of maternal death). These will serve as the denominators for calculation of the incidence of MNM and maternal death as well as cause-specific case fatality rates. MNM will be defined as acute obstetric complication that immediately threatens a woman's survival but do not result in her death either by chance or because of hospital care she receives during pregnancy, labour or within 6 weeks after termination of pregnancy or delivery while a MNM case is a woman with at least one MNM event according to the pre-specified criteria. For identifying MNM events, we will apply the criteria proposed for identification of MNM by the WHO working group on maternal mortality and morbidity classification [7] (Table ​(Table2).2). Maternal death will be defined according to the tenth revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by the World Health Organization [15]. A study procedure manual will be developed which will describe the study in simplified terms. This manual will stress the importance of correctness and completeness of data as well as the need for strict adherence to pre-defined methods of data collection. The manual will also contain definition of all terms used in the study (e.g. MNM), acronyms and synonyms of medical and obstetric terminologies and examples of specific questions with accompanying pre-coded answers. This is important to reduce the level of heterogeneity that may be introduced into the study by data collectors. The instrument for data extraction is designed for precision and easy use to optimize quality and reduce erroneous entries. The data instrument will be pre-tested over a period of one-month in selected secondary health facilities in each of the six-geopolitical zones. Investigators will then record their experience on the ease of use of data extraction tool, employment of the defined terms and data collection time. At the end of the pre-test, modification will be made to data extraction instrument as required. The regional coordinators for the six geopolitical zones will be trained on two occasions at coordinators' meetings. Individuals responsible for coordination of the project at the respective centres (hospital coordinator) will then have a step-down training from the regional coordinator at each geopolitical zone with the support of the central coordinating committee members. Data collectors will be trained and supervised by the hospital coordinators at the various health facilities. Regional coordinators will frequently visit participating hospitals and compare a random sample of medical records with their corresponding data forms. The maternal mortality and morbidity coverage in health facility will be assessed by comparing the data forms with total number of morbidities and mortalities in each centre, as independently recorded in hospital registers. The prospective surveillance by the hospital coordinator will be based on a daily visit to the obstetric ward, intensive care unit and others relevant facilities in the collaborative centre to ensure identification of all eligible cases. Data missing from medical charts shall be searched in a variety of data sources, like the hospital discharge database and antenatal and theatre records. The staff responsible for the woman's hospital care will not be told that the woman had been identified as an eligible case for the national data system on maternal deaths and disabilities in order to avoid possible biases in conduct. Institutions that fail to comply with continuous and accurate gathering of information and those that decide to disengage their participation will be excluded from the data system. High rate of poor data quality (≥ 20%) as identified by the methods of data quality assurance will also serve as the basis for discontinuation of institutions from the national data system. All the data will be centrally handled by the Data Management Unit of the Centre for Research in Reproductive Health (CRRH), Sagamu, Nigeria. Data extraction forms will be scrutinized daily by the hospital coordinator or as soon as they are submitted for updating and immediate treatment of erroneous entry. The quality of extracted data will be assessed by performing duplicated record extraction in randomly selected institutions. Identified problems through such efforts will also be addressed immediately. All problems encountered (both anticipated and unanticipated problems) will be recorded in a log book by the staff responsible for data collection. Methodological problems encountered during the implementation phase will be addressed by discussion with the regional or central coordinator. At the facility level, all data will be verified and entered into a Microsoft Excel database by the hospital coordinator. The excel file will be electronically forwarded on a monthly basis to the regional coordinator who performs the data cleaning before subsequent transfer to the central unit. Hard copies of data entry forms will be kept by the hospital coordinator for reference if questions arise from the central coordinating unit. Hospital coordinator not responding to monthly request for cases will be reminded repeatedly by email and phone. Absence of cases in a particular month will be communicated to the hospital coordinator to control for underreporting. All data will be coded and centrally entered into a computer database using Epi Info 2002 by a statistician at the Data Management Unit of the Centre for Research in Reproductive Health (CRRH), Sagamu, Nigeria. Each hospital and regional coordinator is expected to have a laptop or desktop computer system with Microsoft Office software dedicated to the project. Analysis of collected data will be performed centrally on a quarterly basis. Analysis techniques will essentially focus on obtaining descriptive data including total absolute number of maternal deaths and MNM cases, incidence of maternal death and MNM cases and CFR and mortality indices at facility, regional and country levels. Women with incomplete data to assess the final outcome (MNM or MD), e.g. those who discharge themselves against medical advice before the resolution of their obstetric problems, will be excluded from the analysis. The aim of the primary analysis will be to provide descriptive information on the magnitude of MNM and maternal deaths and assess whether the risk of early maternal morbidity and mortality is associated with health service events and facility complexities. ▪ Descriptive frequencies per collaborative centre will be calculated for MNM and maternal death. Overall estimate with 95% confidence interval will be calculated. The frequencies will be separately expressed per total number of deliveries as well as per total number of live births (maternal near miss incidence ratio) at each centre. Maternal near miss incidence ratio refers to the number of MNM cases per 1,000 live births [7]. ▪ Descriptive frequencies per collaborative center will be calculated for primary determinants of MNM and causes of maternal deaths. Overall estimates with 95% confidence interval will be calculated. Proportions of MNM cases by primary determinants will be calculated. Total CFR for each collaborative centre will be expressed as the proportion of women who died among all women that experienced all degrees and types of direct obstetric complications. Cause-specific CFR will be expressed as the proportion of women who died among all women that experienced a particular direct obstetric complication. In order to appreciate the standard of care provided for each determinant of MNM and maternal death, we will calculate the mortality index for each condition. This will be expressed as the number of maternal deaths resulting from a particular determinant divided by the sum of the MNM and maternal deaths occurring from such condition, expressed as a percentage [7,10]. This will reflect the proportion of each life-threatening obstetric complication, which ends in maternal death. The overall mortality index will also be determined for each institution. This refers to the number of maternal deaths divided by the number of women with life threatening conditions, expressed as a percentage [MI = MD/(MNM +MD)]. The higher the index, the more women with life-threatening conditions die (low quality of care) and vice versa. ▪ Descriptive frequency of various classes of avoidable factors in cases of MNM and maternal deaths will be calculated per collaborative center. Overall estimate with 95% confidence interval will be calculated. The proportion of the various classes of avoidable factors will be compared for cases of MNM and maternal deaths while controlling for maternal characteristics of enrolled women. ▪ Descriptive frequencies for all collaborative centres within each geopolitical zone will be calculated for MNM and maternal death. Overall regional estimate with 95% confidence interval will be calculated. ▪ Descriptive frequencies of MNM and maternal deaths stratified by institutional capacity derived from health facility classification scores. Comparison between the proportion of MNM cases and maternal deaths among institutions with low versus those of high capacity will be made to detect any difference between the two categories. All women managed at the tertiary obstetric units within the period of data collection in Nigeria will constitute the cohort. Women who experience MNM or die during the course of their management are the study population. Sample size will therefore not be determined a priori. The project will run for a period of one year and continuation beyond this period is subject to availability of funds and outcome of the first phase. Time line: 1. Development and revision of protocol: September to April 2009 2. Proposal submission to ethical review committees/organization of sites and teams: May to June 2009 3. Regional coordinators' meeting: August 2009 4. Pre-testing of data extraction instrument: August/September 2009 5. Regional coordinators' meeting to conclude training plans and system of data management: September 2009 6. Training of data collectors: September–October 2009 7. Data Collection: November 2009 to October 2010 8. Mid-term project review: April 2010 9. Report writing: November to December 2010 The central coordination of the project will be by the research team at CRRH, Sagamu. At each health facility, there will be a hospital coordinator and a dedicated clinician who will see to the day-to-day data collection from the health facility. There will be at least two meetings and site visits for efficient coordination of the project by regional coordinators or central coordinating staff. Training of regional coordinators will take place at CRRH, Sagamu, Nigeria and subsequent training of hospital coordinator will take place at convenient sites within each of the six geopolitical zones after the regional coordinators' meeting. Pilot project will commence immediately after step-down trainings of hospital coordinators and data collectors by regional coordinators. There are three main areas of potential limitations. These include logistics for the implementation of data collection, applicability of study findings and appropriateness of outcomes. The execution of the project described above in Nigeria represents an enormous but achievable task. This will mostly be apparent in the efforts needed to consistently maintain the system to be developed during the period of the project and thereafter. However, the NNRHRT, with CRRH as a coordinating unit is well qualified to execute this type of project. Success will largely depend on active and continuous participation of hospital coordinators and local research team for completeness of data. Continuous survival of the system will depend on adoption and funding of the system by the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). We envisage some difficulties in working with a large number of health institutions, staff, medical protocols, and records formats and fairly new definitions of terms, which could, regardless of the operation manual, produce some misclassification of MNM cases. To minimize these, we have restricted outcomes to MNM and maternal mortality and will commence data extraction as soon as the woman meets the inclusion criteria with the opportunity to review unclear or incomplete records directly with the attending medical staff. Another important challenge will be in the selection of hospital coordinators, data collectors and data clerks for electronic data transfer. This may be quite demanding in hospitals where obstetric specialists and qualified individuals are few and situations where an obstetrician plays multiple roles from data collector to hospital coordinator may arise. This challenge will, however, be eased with the help of central coordinating committee and previous research collaborators with the CRRH in some of the centres. Other logistic problem may arise in the area of training, monitoring of data entry forms and other capacity strengthening related expenses, e.g. manual of operation, trainers, venue and transportation at regional and national levels. The project is focused on identifying life threatening maternal complications among women managed in the tertiary hospitals, and consequently we will not measure information on women who do not have hospital births at this level. Since many women are also managed at other levels of healthcare delivery, it is possible that our findings may not be applicable to other levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria. In order to reduce the burden of data collection, we have chosen to measure only short-term in-hospital maternal outcomes given the challenges in data collection involved in conducting a nationwide multicentre study. Therefore, severe medium and long-term maternal outcomes will therefore not be measured especially among women who have vaginal delivery as they tend to be discharged earlier. Considering the fact that most maternal complications occur during hospital stay, we considered it efficient to limit outcome measure to those that occur in the hospital as large number of women can be followed with relative ease and expense through assessment of their medical records. Post-discharge follow-ups are likely to be expensive, incomplete and unrealistic as postpartum visits are generally infrequent and women discharged from hospitals in Nigeria hardly re-present even when complications arise after hospital discharge. Identification of avoidable factors by personnel who are possibly part of the management team of MNM cases may likely introduce detection bias into the study. The outcome of the study would provide useful information to the Nigerian health practitioners and policy-makers on the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructures provided for comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Nigeria, as reflected by the magnitude of MNM and maternal deaths and identified areas of substandard care contributing to these outcomes. In view of the currently insurmountable task of obtaining population-based maternal health indices, these will serve as the starting points for reliably assessing the country's efforts towards the attainment of MDG-5. The results will be disseminated through advocacy to policy makers (FMOH, MDG Unit at the Presidency e.t.c), scientific publications, organized conferences of obstetricians and midwives and seminars and workshops within the country. Interventions to address issues generated from the project will be promoted through advocacy with the authorities of the institutions as well their State governments through their Ministries of Health. Lessons learnt from the establishment of this data system can be used to set up similar structures at lower levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria.

The recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Nigeria is to develop a national data system on near miss and maternal death. This system will collect reliable and up-to-date statistics on maternal deaths and disabilities, which is currently lacking in Nigeria. The data system will be implemented in public tertiary healthcare facilities across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.

The objectives of the data system are to create a quantitative system of data gathering on maternal health profile, review the magnitude of maternal near miss and maternal deaths, evaluate the quality of care for direct obstetric complications, and monitor the standard of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in the country.

The data system will involve a nationwide cohort study of all women who experience maternal near miss and those who die from pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperal complications. Specific information on potentially fatal maternal complications will be collected, and the health service events within the facility will be evaluated to identify areas of substandard care and avoidable factors.

The frequencies of maternal near miss and maternal deaths will be determined at intervals, and indicators of quality of care will be evaluated at facility, regional, and country levels. The data system will undergo modification based on the experience gained from the pilot phase and publish reports quarterly.

The expected outcomes of the study include providing useful information to health practitioners, policy-makers, and international partners on the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructures provided for comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Nigeria. The successful implementation of this project will guide the formulation and revision of obstetric policies and practices in Nigeria. Lessons learned from the establishment of this data system can also be used to set up similar structures at lower levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria.

This recommendation aims to improve access to maternal health by providing reliable data on maternal deaths and disabilities, which will help identify areas for improvement in the healthcare system and guide policy-making decisions.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Nigeria is to develop a national data system on near miss and maternal death. This system will collect reliable and up-to-date statistics on maternal deaths and disabilities, which is currently lacking in Nigeria. The data system will be implemented in public tertiary healthcare facilities across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.

The objectives of the data system are to create a quantitative system of data gathering on maternal health profile, review the magnitude of maternal near miss and maternal deaths, evaluate the quality of care for direct obstetric complications, and monitor the standard of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in the country.

The data system will involve a nationwide cohort study of all women who experience maternal near miss and those who die from pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperal complications. Specific information on potentially fatal maternal complications will be collected, and the health service events within the facility will be evaluated to identify areas of substandard care and avoidable factors.

The frequencies of maternal near miss and maternal deaths will be determined at intervals, and indicators of quality of care will be evaluated at facility, regional, and country levels. The data system will undergo modification based on the experience gained from the pilot phase and publish reports quarterly.

The expected outcomes of the study include providing useful information to health practitioners, policy-makers, and international partners on the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructures provided for comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Nigeria. The successful implementation of this project will guide the formulation and revision of obstetric policies and practices in Nigeria. Lessons learned from the establishment of this data system can also be used to set up similar structures at lower levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria.

This recommendation aims to improve access to maternal health by providing reliable data on maternal deaths and disabilities, which will help identify areas for improvement in the healthcare system and guide policy-making decisions.
AI Innovations Methodology
The methodology described in the abstract aims to simulate the impact of the main recommendations on improving access to maternal health in Nigeria. The methodology involves the development of a national data system on near miss and maternal death, which will collect reliable and up-to-date statistics on maternal deaths and disabilities. This data system will be implemented in public tertiary healthcare facilities across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.

The methodology includes the following steps:

1. Nationwide cohort study: All women who experience maternal near miss (MNM) and those who die from pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperal complications will be included in the study. This will be done using uniform criteria among women admitted in tertiary healthcare facilities in the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.

2. Data collection: Specific information on potentially fatal maternal complications will be collected for every woman enrolled in the study. The health service events within the facility will be evaluated to identify areas of substandard care and avoidable factors.

3. Evaluation of quality of care: Indicators of quality of care, such as case fatality rate and mortality index, will be evaluated at facility, regional, and country levels. This will help assess the standard of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in the country.

4. Modification and publication of data: The data system will undergo modification based on the experience gained from the pilot phase. Reports will be published quarterly to disseminate the findings.

The expected outcomes of the study include providing useful information to health practitioners, policy-makers, and international partners on the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructures provided for comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Nigeria. The successful implementation of this project will guide the formulation and revision of obstetric policies and practices in Nigeria. Lessons learned from the establishment of this data system can also be used to set up similar structures at lower levels of healthcare delivery in Nigeria.

Overall, the methodology aims to improve access to maternal health by providing reliable data on maternal deaths and disabilities, which will help identify areas for improvement in the healthcare system and guide policy-making decisions.

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