Factors associated with tuberculosis infection, and with anti-mycobacterial immune responses, among five year olds BCG-immunised at birth in Entebbe, Uganda

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to investigate factors associated with tuberculosis infection and immune responses among five-year-old children who received the BCG vaccine at birth in Entebbe, Uganda. The BCG vaccine is widely used for tuberculosis prevention, but its efficacy varies. Identifying factors that influence vaccine efficacy and immune responses could help in the development of more effective tuberculosis vaccines.
Study Highlights:
– The study found that only urban residence and a history of TB contact or disease were positively associated with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) at age five.
– Factors associated with cytokine responses to mycobacterial antigen at age five included BCG vaccine strain, LTBI, HIV infection, asymptomatic malaria, growth z-scores, childhood anthelminthic treatment, and maternal BCG scar.
– Cytokine responses at one year were not associated with the acquisition of LTBI by age five.
– The risk of LTBI was mainly influenced by factors associated with exposure to infectious cases, such as a history of household contact and urban residence.
Based on the study findings, the following recommendations can be made:
1. Enhance efforts to identify and treat individuals with a history of TB contact or disease, especially in urban areas.
2. Improve access to HIV testing and treatment, as HIV infection was associated with cytokine responses and LTBI.
3. Implement strategies to prevent and treat asymptomatic malaria, as it was associated with cytokine responses.
4. Consider the impact of growth status and childhood anthelminthic treatment on immune responses to tuberculosis.
5. Further research is needed to identify biomarkers that can predict future protection against or acquisition of TB infection following BCG immunization.
Key Role Players:
To address the recommendations, the involvement of the following key role players is essential:
1. Public health officials and policymakers
2. Healthcare providers and clinics
3. TB control programs
4. HIV testing and treatment programs
5. Malaria prevention and treatment programs
6. Maternal and child health programs
7. Research institutions and scientists
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
While the actual cost will vary depending on the specific context, the following cost items should be considered in planning the recommendations:
1. Funding for TB contact tracing and screening programs
2. Resources for HIV testing, treatment, and counseling services
3. Investments in malaria prevention and treatment interventions
4. Support for growth monitoring and nutrition programs
5. Funding for research and development of new tuberculosis vaccines and biomarkers
6. Training and capacity building for healthcare providers and researchers
7. Monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the impact of interventions
Please note that the provided information is based on the study description and may not capture all the details or nuances of the original research.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is relatively strong, as it presents findings from a study conducted in Uganda that investigated factors associated with tuberculosis infection and immune responses among BCG-immunized five-year-olds. The study used a large birth cohort and employed various statistical analyses. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the sample size, study design, and statistical methods used. Additionally, it would be helpful to include information on potential limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.

Background: BCG is used widely as the sole licensed vaccine against tuberculosis, but it has variable efficacy and the reasons for this are still unclear. No reliable biomarkers to predict future protection against, or acquisition of, TB infection following immunisation have been identified. Lessons from BCG could be valuable in the development of effective tuberculosis vaccines. Objectives: Within the Entebbe Mother and Baby Study birth cohort in Uganda, infants received BCG at birth. We investigated factors associated with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and with cytokine response to mycobacterial antigen at age five years. We also investigated whether cytokine responses at one year were associated with LTBI at five years of age. Methods: Blood samples from age one and five years were stimulated using crude culture filtrates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a six-day whole blood assay. IFN-γ, IL-5, IL-13 and IL-10 production was measured. LTBI at five years was determined using T-SPOT. TB® assay. Associations with LTBI at five years were assessed using multivariable logistic regression. Multiple linear regression with bootstrapping was used to determine factors associated with cytokine responses at age five years. Results: LTBI prevalence was 9% at age five years. Only urban residence and history of TB contact/disease were positively associated with LTBI. BCG vaccine strain, LTBI, HIV infection, asymptomatic malaria, growth z-scores, childhood anthelminthic treatment and maternal BCG scar were associated with cytokine responses at age five. Cytokine responses at one year were not associated with acquisition of LTBI by five years of age. Conclusion: Although multiple factors influenced anti-myocbacterial immune responses at age five, factors likely to be associated with exposure to infectious cases (history of household contact, and urban residence) dominated the risk of LTBI.

We analysed data from the Entebbe Mother and Baby Study (EMaBS), a randomised double-blinded placebo-controlled trial of anthelminthic treatment in pregnancy and early childhood, conducted in a peri-urban and rural setting by Lake Victoria, Uganda (ISRCTN32849447). EMaBS was established to investigate effects of helminths and their treatment on immune responses to vaccines and on susceptibility to infectious and allergy-related diseases. The design and results of the trial have been reported [25–27]. Briefly, women attending antenatal care at Entebbe hospital were enrolled between April 2003 and November 2005, and randomised to receive single dose albendazole (400 mg) or placebo and praziquantel (40 mg/kg) or placebo in a 2 × 2 factorial design. At age fifteen months, their children were randomised to receive albendazole or placebo quarterly until age five years. In 2008, additional funding was awarded which allowed us to assess children for LTBI at age five. For this analysis, our primary objectives were to investigate (1) factors associated with LTBI at age five years, (2) factors associated with cytokine response to BCG at age five years, and (3) whether cytokine responses at one year of age were associated with acquisition of LTBI by age five years, among children with documented BCG immunisation in infancy. Socio-demographic data, blood and stool samples were obtained at enrolment during pregnancy. Children received routine BCG immunisation (with polio immunisation) at birth. The three BCG vaccine strains used were provided by the National Medical Stores according to availability: BCG-Russia (BCG-I Moscow strain, Serum Institute of India, India); BCG-Bulgaria (BCG-SL 222 Sofia strain, BB-NCIPD Ltd., Bulgaria); and BCG-Danish (BCG-SSI 1331, Statens Seruminstitut, Denmark) [13]. Participants were seen at the clinic for annual visits (at which they gave blood and stool samples and were weighed and measured) and when ill. Maternal history of TB exposure and disease was ascertained during pregnancy. History of TB exposure and disease in the child was ascertained at annual visits and through illness visits. At one and five years of age, cytokine responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis crude culture filtrate protein (M.tb-cCFP) were assessed. LTBI at age five was assessed using the Interferon gamma release assay (IGRA), T-SPOT.TB® (Oxford Immunotec, Abingdon, UK), for all children in the cohort who turned age five from March 2009 onwards (when the TB sub-study began). Z-scores for weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height at age five were calculated from World Health Organisation (WHO) growth standards, using WHO Anthro and AnthroPlus macros. The trial was approved by the Science and Ethics Committee of the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. During pregnancy, women gave written, informed consent for their and their child’s participation. The mother, father or guardian gave written informed consent for additional procedures in this study. Cytokine responses were assessed among children who had documented BCG immunisation in infancy and who provided a blood sample at five years of age, using a whole blood assay [12,18]. Briefly, unseparated heparinised blood was diluted to a final concentration of one-in-four (RPMI supplemented with penicillin, streptomycin and glutamine), plated in 96-well plates and stimulated with M.tb-cCFP (10 μg/ml; kindly provided by John Belisle, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, USA), tetanus toxoid (TT) (12 Lf/ml; Statens Seruminstitut, Denmark), phytohaemagglutinin (10 μg/ml; Sigma, UK), or left unstimulated. Supernatants were harvested on day six and frozen at −80 °C until analysed. Supernatant cytokine concentrations were measured by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (Becton Dickinson, UK). Cytokine production in unstimulated wells was subtracted from concentrations produced in response to stimulation. Cytokine responses were regarded as positive if greater than the higher of the mean plus two standard deviations of the negative control for all assays and the lowest standard in the assay (IFN-γ > 73 pg/ml; IL-5 > 34 pg/ml; IL-13 > 18 pg/ml; IL-10 > 48 pg/ml at one year [18] and IFN-γ >9 pg/ml; IL-5 > 8 pg/ml; IL-13 > 16 pg/ml; IL-10 > 8 pg/ml at five years). Values below the cut-off were set to zero. Age of infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) were determined by examining for Immunoglobulin G responses by ELISA (DiaSorin, Saluggia, Italy). To avoid confounding of secular trends with assay performance variability, assays were performed in a randomised sequence after completion of sample collection. Stool was examined for helminth ova and Strongyloides larvae using Kato-Katz [28] and charcoal culture [27] methods, respectively. Blood was examined for Mansonella perstans using modified Knott’s method [29] and for malaria by thick blood film and Leishman’s stain. HIV status was determined in mothers and children ≥18 months by rapid antibody test algorithm, and in younger children by polymerase chain reaction [27]. Data were double-entered into Microsoft Access (Redmond, WA, USA) and analysed using Stata v11 (College Station, TX, USA). The sample size was determined for the trial objectives; from the planned enrolment of 2500 women we expected to retain 1046 children in follow-up at age five [25]. Assuming standard deviation of 0.8log10 this sample size would give 80% power to detect a difference in mean cytokine response of 0.14log10 for an exposure with prevalence 50%, at 5% significance level. Outcomes for this analysis were LTBI at age five years determined by T-SPOT.TB® result, and cytokine responses (IFN-γ, IL-5, IL-13 and IL-10) to M.tb-cCFP at age five. Variables considered as exposures were maternal and childhood anthelminthic treatment, maternal socio-demographic characteristics and helminth infections at enrolment; child sex, birth weight, HIV status, illness history, TB exposure/disease, childhood helminth infections, and anthropometry at age five; BCG vaccine strain used for immunisation. In addition, T-SPOT.TB® status was considered as an exposure for age five cytokine responses. Analyses followed a hierarchical causal diagram approach (Fig. 1) [30]: factors at the same level were considered as potential confounders for each other and for proximal factors. Crude associations were examined and a 15% significance level used to decide which factors to consider in multivariable analyses. Anthropometry variables were not included together in multivariable models to avoid collinearity. Unadjusted effects of trial interventions are reported. Conceptual framework. Logistic regression was used to examine associations with LTBI at age five. Cytokine responses were transformed to log10 (concentration + 1) and then analysed using linear regression with bootstrapping to estimate bias corrected accelerated confidence intervals [31]; results were back-transformed to give geometric mean ratios. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between cytokines responses at one and five years were calculated. Logistic regression was used to investigate whether cytokine responses at one year were associated with LTBI at five years, restricting to children with history of TB exposure or disease (which implies exposure) between one and five years.

Based on the provided information, it is difficult to determine specific innovations for improving access to maternal health. The text primarily focuses on factors associated with tuberculosis infection and immune responses among five-year-olds in Uganda. To provide recommendations for improving access to maternal health, it would be helpful to have more information specifically related to maternal health and the challenges faced in accessing it.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, it appears that the study focused on factors associated with tuberculosis infection and immune responses among five-year-olds who received BCG immunization at birth in Entebbe, Uganda. The study aimed to identify factors that could potentially improve the efficacy of tuberculosis vaccines.

While the study did not directly address access to maternal health, there are several recommendations that can be derived from the findings to potentially improve access to maternal health and, consequently, maternal and child health outcomes. These recommendations include:

1. Strengthening maternal healthcare services: Enhancing the availability and quality of maternal healthcare services can contribute to improved maternal health outcomes. This can be achieved by increasing the number of skilled healthcare providers, ensuring access to essential medicines and equipment, and improving the overall infrastructure of healthcare facilities.

2. Promoting antenatal care: Encouraging pregnant women to seek early and regular antenatal care can help identify and address potential health issues during pregnancy. Antenatal care visits provide an opportunity for healthcare providers to assess the health status of pregnant women, provide necessary interventions, and offer guidance on healthy behaviors.

3. Implementing immunization programs: Ensuring that pregnant women receive appropriate immunizations, such as the BCG vaccine, can contribute to improved maternal and child health outcomes. Immunizations protect both the mother and the child from vaccine-preventable diseases, reducing the risk of complications and mortality.

4. Addressing social determinants of health: Recognizing and addressing social determinants of health, such as urban residence and history of TB contact/disease, can help improve access to maternal health services. This may involve implementing targeted interventions in areas with higher prevalence rates and providing support to individuals with a history of TB exposure.

5. Integrating maternal and child health services: Integrating maternal and child health services can improve access to comprehensive care for both mothers and children. By combining services, healthcare providers can ensure continuity of care, promote early detection of health issues, and provide appropriate interventions.

It is important to note that these recommendations are derived from the study’s findings and may need to be further explored and tailored to the specific context of improving access to maternal health in Entebbe, Uganda.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Clinics: Implement mobile clinics equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed with healthcare professionals to provide maternal health services in remote and underserved areas. These clinics can travel to different locations, making it easier for pregnant women to access prenatal care, vaccinations, and other essential services.

2. Telemedicine: Establish telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women to consult with healthcare providers remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for women in rural areas who may have limited access to healthcare facilities. Through telemedicine, pregnant women can receive prenatal check-ups, consultations, and guidance without the need for physical travel.

3. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services, education, and support in their local communities. These workers can conduct home visits, provide antenatal care, educate women on healthy practices during pregnancy, and refer them to healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introduce voucher programs that provide pregnant women with access to essential maternal health services. These vouchers can cover the cost of prenatal care visits, delivery services, and postnatal care, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent women from seeking necessary care.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific group of pregnant women who would benefit from improved access to maternal health services. This could include women in rural areas, low-income communities, or areas with limited healthcare infrastructure.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of maternal health access in the target population. This could include information on the number of women receiving prenatal care, the distance to the nearest healthcare facility, and any existing barriers to accessing care.

3. Define indicators: Determine the key indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations. This could include the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, the percentage of women delivering in healthcare facilities, or the reduction in maternal mortality rates.

4. Simulate the impact: Use modeling techniques to simulate the impact of the recommendations on the defined indicators. This could involve creating a mathematical model that takes into account factors such as population size, geographical distribution, and the effectiveness of the proposed interventions.

5. Analyze the results: Evaluate the simulated results to assess the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve comparing the baseline data with the simulated outcomes to determine the extent of improvement achieved.

6. Refine and adjust: Based on the analysis, refine the recommendations and adjust the simulation model as needed. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and optimization of the proposed interventions.

7. Implement and monitor: Once the recommendations have been refined, implement the interventions and closely monitor their impact in real-world settings. Collect data on the actual outcomes and compare them with the simulated results to validate the effectiveness of the interventions.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of innovations and interventions on improving access to maternal health. This information can guide decision-making and resource allocation to ensure that the most effective strategies are implemented.

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