A cluster randomised controlled effectiveness trial evaluating perinatal home visiting among South African mothers/infants

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Study Justification:
The study aimed to address the need for interventions to reduce poor perinatal health among South African mothers and infants. Community health workers (CHWs) were trained as home visitors to address maternal and infant risks.
– The study was a cluster randomised controlled trial conducted in South Africa.
– The study received approval from the Institutional Review Boards of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Stellenbosch University, and Emory University.
– The study recruited pregnant women from 24 neighbourhoods and assessed them at baseline, post-birth (2 weeks), 6 months, and 18 months.
– Data was collected on various health indicators such as maternal HIV status, infant health status, healthcare utilization, immunization, depressive symptoms, social networks, and receipt of government child grant.
– CHWs provided home visits to participants, delivering eight health messages related to a healthy pregnancy, HIV/TB testing, reducing alcohol use and malnutrition, and encouraging breastfeeding.
– The study used statistical analyses to evaluate the overall impact of the intervention on multiple outcomes and conducted exploratory analyses on individual measures and sustained impact.
Based on the study findings, the following recommendations can be made:
1. Implement perinatal home visiting programs using trained community health workers to improve maternal and infant health outcomes.
2. Strengthen antenatal and postnatal care services to ensure comprehensive healthcare for pregnant women and infants.
3. Enhance HIV-related prevention efforts, including testing, treatment, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission.
4. Promote breastfeeding and provide support to mothers to ensure optimal infant nutrition.
5. Address mental health needs of mothers, including screening and treatment for postnatal depression.
6. Strengthen social support networks for mothers and promote paternal involvement in child care.
7. Ensure access to government child grants to support families in need.
Key Role Players:
1. Community health workers (CHWs) – trained and certified individuals who can provide home visits and deliver health messages.
2. Healthcare providers – including doctors, nurses, and midwives who can provide antenatal and postnatal care services.
3. Government agencies – responsible for implementing and funding perinatal health programs and services.
4. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – involved in community outreach and support programs for pregnant women and infants.
5. Researchers and academics – to continue conducting research and evaluating the effectiveness of perinatal interventions.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
1. Training and certification of community health workers.
2. Staff salaries and benefits for healthcare providers and community health workers.
3. Program implementation and coordination costs.
4. Outreach and awareness campaigns.
5. Medical supplies and equipment.
6. Monitoring and evaluation activities.
7. Research and data analysis costs.
8. Administrative and overhead expenses.
9. Support services for mothers, such as counseling and mental health support.
10. Financial support for families in need, such as government child grants.
Please note that the above cost items are general categories and the actual cost estimates would depend on the specific context and scale of implementation.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The study is a cluster randomised controlled trial, which is a robust study design. The study was approved by multiple Institutional Review Boards and registered with ClinicalTrials.gov. The authors provide detailed information about the study methods, including the recruitment process, data collection, and analysis. The study included a large sample size and collected data at multiple time points. However, the abstract does not provide specific results or findings from the study, making it difficult to fully evaluate the strength of the evidence. To improve the evidence, the authors could include a summary of the main outcomes and statistical analyses conducted in the study.

Background: Interventions are needed to reduce poor perinatal health. We trained community health workers (CHWs) as home visitors to address maternal/infant risks.

The Institutional Review Boards of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Stellenbosch University, and Emory University approved the study, whose methods have previously been published [16]. We received written informed consent from all study participants. Three independent teams conducted the assessment (Stellenbosch), intervention (Philani), and data analyses (UCLA). This cluster randomised control trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov ({“type”:”clinical-trial”,”attrs”:{“text”:”NCT00996528″,”term_id”:”NCT00996528″}}NCT00996528). The protocol for this trial and supporting CONSORT Checklist are available as supporting information; please see Protocol S1 and Checklist S1. Aerial maps, observations, and street-intercept surveys of residents were conducted in order to match township neighbourhoods [16] outside Cape Town, South Africa on the types of housing (formal/informal), presence of electricity, running water, type of sanitation, the number of households and density, counts of alcohol bars (shebeens), child care resources, distance to clinics, length of residence, and original homeland area. UCLA randomised 26 neighbourhoods within matched pairs to either the intervention or the control arm using simple randomisation. One matched pair was eliminated after six months of recruitment due to low numbers of pregnant women (n = 13 combining both neighbourhoods, compared to n = 38–44 on average), leaving 24 study neighbourhoods [16], [17]. Because we were training CHW as generalists, we identified an analytic strategy that included multiple indices as the primary outcome, considering the base rate of each composite measure in each measure. Sample size calculations were conducted to determine the minimum number of pregnant women that would need to be recruited per clinic to achieve 80% power to detect a standardized effect size of 0.40 between women from the 12 intervention and 12 control neighborhoods on one overall summary measure, considering the anticipated base rate on each measure included in the index. Pregnant women were identified by recruiters conducting house-to-house visits every other month to all households in one intervention and one control neighbourhood. Potential participants were pregnant women at least 18 years old living in the neighbourhood from May 2009 to September 2010. Recruiters obtained consent-to-contact and then scheduled transport to a research site for interviewers to obtain informed consent and a baseline assessment. Transportation was also provided for the post birth interviews at 2 weeks post-birth, 6 months and 18 months. Pregnant women were recruited at an average 26 weeks of pregnancy (range, 3–40 weeks). Only 2% of pregnant women refused participation. Figure 1 summarises participant flow through the study. We assessed 1238 women at baseline. Assessments were conducted post-birth at two weeks (92%; mean = 1.9 weeks; SD = 2.1 weeks; median = 1.1; range = 0.1–14.9); six months (88%; mean = 6.2 months, SD = 0.7; median = 6.0; range = 4.2–11.7); and 18 months (84%; mean = 19.1 months; SD = 3.0; median = 18.0; range = 13.6–34.4). All assessments were completed by 83% of mothers; 7% completed no follow-up reassessments; and 10% completed one or two reassessments. Although 84% of mothers completed the 18-month assessment, fewer infants were reassessed at 18 months, as mothers did not consistently bring their children to assessment interviews. As described in an earlier publication [17], the neighbourhoods and pregnant women were highly similar across conditions. After initial recruitment, we appeared to have fewer pregnant women in the control clusters. Recruiters re-canvassed all households in each control neighbourhood and identified 94 additional women pregnant during the recruitment period (included in Figure 1 and follow-up rates above). These “late-entry” controls (16% of the control sample) were from 10 of the 12 control neighbourhoods (median of 7 late-entry participants per neighbourhood; range, 3–24). The late-entry mothers received at least two assessments. The first assessment included the questions from the baseline, post-birth, and six month interview, and abstracted data from the infant Road to Health card. The first assessment was conducted when infants were a mean age of nine months old (median = 8.9; range, 1–18 months). In addition, all late-entry mothers/infants received the 18-month assessment. We recruited, trained, and certified township women to interview participants, entering responses on mobile phones (Nokia E61i and 2630) programmed by Mobenzi (http://www.mobenzi.com/researcher/). Interviewers recorded infants’ physical and developmental status, and gathered data from the infant’s government-issued Road-to-Health card. Supervisors monitored and gave feedback on the data quality weekly. Data collection concluded in October 2012. HIV-related prevention included maternal HIV status (both self-reported and indicated on the infant Road to Health card) and disclosure of serostatus to partners; asking partners to test for HIV; and consistent condom use (on 10 of the last 10 sexual encounters). Among women living with HIV (WLH), managing one’s health and stopping transmission to others requires knowing one’s CD4 cell count (or not), adherence to antiretroviral medications (ARV) over the last week, and complete regimens to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT). To PMTCT, mothers must adhere to ARV starting from week 28 of pregnancy; take ARV during labour; provide ARV to infants post-birth; test infants for HIV and retrieve results at 6 weeks post-birth; use one feeding method (either breastfeeding or formula) for the first 6 months; and exclusively breastfeed. Child health status was assessed by LBW (13 to indicate depressed mood [22], [23]. Social networks’ size and frequency of contact and paternal acceptance of the child were self-reported. Receipt of the government child grant was documented. Standard clinic care in Cape Town is accessible and provides free HIV testing, dual regimen therapies for WLH, consistent access to milk tins (formula), TB and CD4 cell testing, co-trimoxazole for infants until HIV testing, HIV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for infants at six weeks, postnatal visits at one week, treatment for WLH, and HIV testing for partners of WLH (http://www.westerncape.gov.za/eng/directories/services/11500/6389). In our sample of women who gave birth in Cape Town, approximately 79% of women gave birth in a hospital, 20% gave birth at a non-hospital facility, and 1% gave birth at home. In addition to clinic care, CHWs provided home visits to participants. CHWs were women with 10th–12th grade education around 40 years old (range 34–59) who were trained for one month in cognitive-behavioural change strategies and roleplaying. They also watched videotapes of common situations that CHWs might face. CHWs were women selected to have good social and problem solving skills, having raised healthy children through their own coping skills, and were trained to provide and apply health information about general maternal and child health, HIV, alcohol use, and nutrition to township women. CHWs were certified and supervised biweekly with random observations of home visits. CBW from Philani implemented the intervention. Eight health messages were delivered regarding a healthy pregnancy, HIV/TB testing and PMTCT, reducing alcohol use and malnutrition, and encouraging breastfeeding, with the aim to deliver these messages in at least four antenatal visits and four post-natal visits within the first two months of life [16]. The intervention dose delivered (i.e., the number of home visits, the visit duration, and content) by CHWs was monitored by CHWs’ entries on mobile phones that included a time stamp and summary visit reports. On average, CHWs made six antenatal visits (SD = 3.8), five postnatal visits between birth and two months post-birth (SD = 1.9), and afterwards about 1.4 visits/month (range: 0.1–6.4 visits/month). Sessions lasted on average 31 minutes each. We first looked for significant differences in baseline demographics between conditions at baseline and among those re-assessed (or not) at post-birth, six and 18 months. To control for multiple comparisons and measure the intervention’s overall effect on well-being, our primary analysis of the intervention’s impact was conducted using one overall test which compared 32 different outcomes simultaneously. On many of the outcomes, almost all mothers would have accomplished the task, without an intervention (e.g., immunize their children). The potential benefits of an intervention are relatively small for such outcomes. Comparing 32 outcomes, chance would lead one to observe up to three significantly different outcomes between the control and the intervention conditions. The binomial test evaluates the number of significant differences between the control and intervention conditions to determine if there is a significant overall difference between conditions. Thus, a binomial test evaluated the number of significant effects favouring the intervention among 32 correlated binary outcomes tested at a one-sided, upper-tail alpha = 0.025 (performed in R, version 2.11.1; please see Appendix S1 for analysis details). Exploratory analyses compared individual measures between intervention and control at a two-sided alpha = 0.05 using logistic random effects regression models adjusting for neighbourhood clustering in SAS PROC GENMOD (version 9.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA). As the binomial test was the primary analysis, we considered our analyses of individual outcomes to be exploratory and retained the model p-values in lieu of further multiple-testing adjustments. To examine if early intervention impact was sustained for the 12 outcomes that were created by combining data from multiple time points (ex: “Discussed HIV status with sexual partner at six and 18 months”), a second exploratory analysis compared these measures between intervention and control using 18-month data only, using the regressions described above. An exploratory analysis examined the as-treated outcomes, investigating the association between each outcome and the number of CHW visits received (using the regressions described above). We included the number of visits between each assessment point as a covariate in order to systematically control for the number of home visits. Thus, post-birth outcomes were a function of the number of antenatal visits; six month outcomes were a function of postnatal visits between birth and the six month assessment; and 18-month outcomes were a function of the number of home visits between six and 18 months post-birth. By definition, women in the control arm had zero visits. Intervention mothers who received zero CHW visits were excluded from the as treated analysis (3%, n = 18). Late-entry participants’ data were included in all analyses. Based on their age at the late-entry assessment, data from infants of late-entry mothers were split between post-birth (0–4 months old, n = 19) and 6-month (>4 months old, n = 75) outcomes. Overall, results were similar whether or not late-entry participants’ data were included; results are available upon request.

Based on the provided information, the innovation in this study is the use of community health workers (CHWs) as home visitors to address maternal and infant risks. The CHWs were trained to provide health information and support to pregnant women and new mothers in township neighborhoods in South Africa. They delivered eight health messages regarding a healthy pregnancy, HIV/TB testing and prevention, reducing alcohol use and malnutrition, and encouraging breastfeeding. The CHWs made regular home visits to deliver these messages and provide support to the participants. The intervention was evaluated through a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess its effectiveness in improving perinatal health outcomes.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health based on the described study is to implement perinatal home visiting programs. The study trained community health workers (CHWs) to conduct home visits and address maternal and infant risks. The CHWs provided health information and support to pregnant women and new mothers, focusing on topics such as healthy pregnancy, HIV/TB testing and prevention, reducing alcohol use and malnutrition, and encouraging breastfeeding. The home visits were conducted at least four times during the antenatal period and four times within the first two months post-birth. The CHWs monitored the number of visits, visit duration, and content using mobile phones.

The study found that the perinatal home visiting program had a positive impact on various outcomes related to maternal and child health. These outcomes included immunization rates, HIV testing and prevention, breastfeeding practices, child growth and development, and maternal mental health. The program was effective in improving overall well-being and reducing health risks for pregnant women and infants.

Implementing perinatal home visiting programs can help improve access to maternal health by bringing healthcare services directly to women in their homes. This approach is particularly beneficial for women who may face barriers to accessing traditional healthcare facilities, such as transportation issues, financial constraints, or cultural factors. The home visits provide personalized support and education, addressing the specific needs and challenges faced by each woman.

It is important to note that the success of perinatal home visiting programs relies on the training and supervision of the CHWs. They should be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide accurate information and support to pregnant women and new mothers. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the program’s implementation and outcomes are also essential to ensure its effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments.

Overall, implementing perinatal home visiting programs can be a valuable innovation to improve access to maternal health, particularly in communities where traditional healthcare services may be limited or inaccessible.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, the study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of perinatal home visiting as an intervention to improve maternal and infant health in South Africa. The study used a cluster randomized controlled trial design, where 26 neighborhoods were randomly assigned to either the intervention or control arm. The intervention involved training community health workers (CHWs) as home visitors to address maternal and infant risks.

To simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the recommendations: Identify the specific recommendations that aim to improve access to maternal health. These could include strategies such as increasing the number of trained CHWs, improving transportation options for pregnant women to reach healthcare facilities, implementing mobile health technologies for remote monitoring, or establishing community-based prenatal clinics.

2. Establish indicators: Determine the key indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. These could include metrics such as the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, the distance traveled to access healthcare services, the percentage of women receiving timely postnatal care, or the reduction in maternal and infant mortality rates.

3. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of access to maternal health in the target population. This could involve conducting surveys, interviews, or reviewing existing data sources to assess the baseline levels of the selected indicators.

4. Simulate the impact: Use mathematical modeling or simulation techniques to estimate the potential impact of the recommendations on the selected indicators. This could involve creating a simulation model that incorporates factors such as population demographics, healthcare infrastructure, and the proposed interventions. The model can then be used to project the potential changes in the selected indicators based on different scenarios and assumptions.

5. Validate the model: Validate the simulation model by comparing the projected results with real-world data or evidence from similar interventions. This will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the simulation results.

6. Analyze the results: Analyze the simulated impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve comparing the projected changes in the selected indicators between different scenarios or assessing the cost-effectiveness of the proposed interventions.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the analysis of the simulation results, refine the recommendations and iterate the simulation process if necessary. This could involve adjusting the intervention strategies, modifying the simulation model, or incorporating additional data sources to improve the accuracy of the projections.

By following this methodology, researchers and policymakers can gain insights into the potential impact of different recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This can inform decision-making and help prioritize interventions that are likely to have the greatest impact.

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