A seamless transition’: How to sustain a community health worker scheme within the health system of Gombe state, northeast Nigeria

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Study Justification:
The study focuses on the sustainability of a Village Health Worker (VHW) Scheme in Gombe state, northeast Nigeria, which was introduced as part of a donor-funded project. The justification for the study is to provide insights into how to sustain such community health worker schemes within the health system, even after donor funding ends. The study aims to contribute to the existing literature on sustaining donor-funded interventions and provide lessons for decision-makers in Nigeria and other low- and middle-income settings.
Study Highlights:
1. The study identified six key actions essential for promoting the sustainability of the VHW Scheme:
a. Government ownership and transition of responsibilities
b. Adapting the scheme for sustainability
c. Motivating VHWs
d. Institutionalizing the scheme within the health system
e. Managing financial uncertainties
f. Fostering community ownership and acceptance
2. The study followed a phased implementation approach, starting with a test phase in 57 out of 114 wards in Gombe state. The scheme was then scaled up throughout the state.
3. The VHWs received training, a small stipend, a uniform, and job aids. They were supervised by Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs) and their work was reviewed by Ward Development Committees (WDCs).
4. The study used qualitative methods, including interviews and focus group discussions, conducted in 2017 and 2018. Data collection points aligned with the scheme’s implementation phases.
5. The study emphasized the importance of reflection, adaptation, government and community ownership, and phased transition of responsibilities for the sustainability of community health worker interventions.
1. Decision-makers should prioritize government ownership and transition of responsibilities to ensure the sustainability of community health worker schemes.
2. The scheme should be adapted to address sustainability challenges and align with the local health system context.
3. Efforts should be made to motivate and support VHWs, including providing appropriate incentives and recognition.
4. The scheme should be institutionalized within the health system to ensure long-term integration and support.
5. Financial uncertainties should be managed through effective budget planning and resource allocation.
6. Community ownership and acceptance should be fostered through community engagement and participation.
Key Role Players:
1. Gombe State Primary Health Care Development Agency
2. Implementing partners
3. Government officials and policymakers
4. Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs)
5. Ward Development Committees (WDCs)
6. Community and religious leaders
7. Researchers and academics
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
1. Training and capacity-building for VHWs and CHEWs
2. Stipends and incentives for VHWs
3. Uniforms and job aids for VHWs
4. Supervision and support for VHWs
5. Budget allocation for the institutionalization of the scheme within the health system
6. Community engagement and awareness campaigns
7. Research and evaluation activities to monitor and assess the sustainability of the scheme
Please note that the provided information is based on the given description and may not include all details from the original publication.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it presents findings from a qualitative study conducted over multiple rounds of data collection. The study includes interviews and focus group discussions with various stakeholders and community members, providing a comprehensive understanding of the Village Health Worker (VHW) Scheme’s sustainability. The study also identifies six key actions essential for promoting the scheme’s sustainability. To improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more specific details about the sample size and demographics of the participants, as well as the data analysis methods used. Additionally, including a summary of the main findings or conclusions would further enhance the abstract.

Health interventions introduced as part of donor-funded projects need careful planning if they are to survive when donor funding ends. In northeast Nigeria, the Gombe State Primary Health Care Development Agency and implementing partners recognized this when introducing a Village Health Worker (VHW) Scheme in 2016. VHWs are a new cadre of community health worker, providing maternal, newborn and child health-related messages, basic healthcare and making referrals to health facilities. This paper presents a qualitative study focussing on the VHW Scheme’s sustainability and, hence, contributes to the body of literature on sustaining donor-funded interventions as well as presenting lessons aimed at decision-makers seeking to introduce similar schemes in other Nigerian states and in other low- and middle-income settings. In 2017 and 2018, we conducted 37 semi-structured interviews and 23 focus group discussions with intervention stakeholders and community members. Based on respondents’ accounts, six key actions emerged as essential in promoting the VHW Scheme’s sustainability: government ownership and transition of responsibilities, adapting the scheme for sustainability, motivating VHWs, institutionalizing the scheme within the health system, managing financial uncertainties and fostering community ownership and acceptance. Our study suggests that for a community health worker intervention to be sustainable, reflection and adaption, government and community ownership and a phased transition of responsibilities are crucial.

Initially the scheme was implemented in 57 of Gombe’s 114 Wards to test and refine it before subsequent scale-up throughout the state. The Agency planned to recruit approximately 1200 VHWs across these wards, serving an estimated population of 1 628 481 (Nigeria, 2006). VHW selection criteria were they were women, aged between 18 and 49 years, preferably married and literate in English. VHWs were expected to work in their own communities, and their role involved delivering maternal, newborn and child healthcare messages; encouraging improved health and healthcare seeking behaviours; undertaking basic healthcare provision, such as treating pregnant women for anaemia and referring women to health facilities, thereby promoting healthcare uptake. They received 4 weeks’ training, a small stipend, a uniform and various job aids. VHWs were directly supervised by Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs) who provided a link between primary health facilities and the communities they served. CHEWs, a cadre that is specific to Nigeria, are trained for 3 years and deliver basic health services in primary healthcare clinics and in the community. In addition, the work of VHWs was reviewed and discussed by Ward Development Committees (WDCs), a community management structure introduced in Nigeria to oversee the delivery of health and development services, and to represent their communities. An ‘adaptive management process’ was adopted whereby stakeholders periodically reflected on progress and, when necessary, adapted the intervention’s design to operate more effectively. The process involved three phases (Figure 1). In collaboration with the Agency, the ‘set-up phase’ involved the nongovernmental implementer recruiting and training VHWs, and agreeing a phased transition whereby the Agency would take responsibility of implementation and finances. During the ‘consolidation phase’, VHWs received further training, the scheme became fully operational, and the transition began where the Agency’s funding contribution increased incrementally. Finally, the ‘mature phase’ involved the full handover of implementation and financing responsibilities from the nongovernmental implementer to the Agency. Village Health Worker Scheme’s implementation phases and data collection rounds We embraced a health policy and systems research approach using qualitative methods. The health policy and systems research approach was appropriate to our aim as the focus is on understanding the influence of policy processes including policy and programme development and implementation, and on intervention outputs rather than measuring outcomes and impacts (Gilson, 2012). We conducted three rounds of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions in 2017 and 2018, which allowed us to trace the scheme’s development over time. Our data collection points aligned with the scheme’s implementation phases (Figure 1). During the ‘set-up phase’, our interviews and focus group discussions explored how sustainability featured in the scheme’s planning and set-up. In the ‘consolidation phase’, we focussed on adaptations aiming to improve the scheme’s sustainability. We conducted a final round of interviews and focus group discussions during the ‘mature phase’, where we asked respondents to reflect on the transition process and the handover of responsibilities to the Agency. After each round, we presented emerging findings to the Agency, the nongovernmental implementer and the donor in the form of oral presentations and research briefs. Hence, the researchers acted as ‘critical friends’, which enhanced our access to research participants and meant our findings could benefit the scheme as it developed (Coghlan and Brydon-Miller, 2014). Nevertheless, this may also have impacted on the data we collected, and our ability to fully capture more negative and critical aspects of the scheme. Our focus was on identifying and better understanding the key actions promoting the scheme’s sustainability. Our interviews and focus group discussions were informed by the literature on sustainability, specifically Hirschhorn et al. (2013); Larson et al. (2014); Torpey et al. (2010); WHO and ExpandNet (2010). Specifically, we explored the following themes: Data collection focused on two of Gombe’s 11 Local Government Areas (LGAs), Kaltungo and Nafada, purposively selected as those with the highest and lowest facility deliveries, giving us insights into contrasting health system contexts. Within each LGA, we selected the ward with the best VHW performance, based on monitoring data from the scheme’s first 6 months, because our focus was on identifying the actions promoting the scheme’s sustainability, rather than challenges or failures. Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with stakeholder groups and beneficiary communities that had experienced the scheme (Figure 2 and Table 1). The focus group discussions, which were moderated by experienced researchers, involved between six and twelve participants, and focussed on intervention design, health worker motivation and social sustainability. Our respondents represented all of the major stakeholder organizations at different levels of the health system involved in the implementation of the scheme. Individuals within those organizations were purposively selected based on their direct involvement and therefore detailed knowledge of the scheme. All VHWs were women. Most CHEWs were women, although two were men. Stakeholders and WDC members were both women and men. In each LGA, we approached community and religious leaders to help us to recruit willing community participants within those areas. Those leaders endorsed our work and encouraged community members to participate but did not influence which community members we invited to be part of our focus group discussions. Refreshments were given to participating VHWs and communities, and community members were each given a bar of soap. Stakeholder groups at different levels of the health system Number of interviews and focus group discussions Informed by our framework, we created a topic guide to explore key themes with our interviewees and focus group discussion respondents, while being attentive to emerging themes. Hence, our approach was both deductive and inductive (Pope and Mays, 2000). We created versions of the topic guide for each stakeholder group, with questions tailored for each round of interviews and focus group discussions. A team of Gombe-based researchers experienced in qualitative interviewing and focus group discussions assisted with the data collection. They were orientated about the study’s purpose, the topic guide and requirements relating to research ethics; they also helped to refine and modify the topic guide. Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted in English or Hausa, based on participants’ preferences. While in the field, emerging themes for follow-up in future interviews and focus group discussions were discussed during daily debriefings. The recordings were transcribed, and where necessary, translated into English. For each round of data collection, the researchers conducted initial analysis by structuring interview and focus group discussion transcripts according to the major themes within our framework. We deliberately ensured the themes within the framework were broad, and hence, the data collection process was open to emerging themes, rather than confined to rigid categories. Hence, we took a primarily deductive approach while drawing out issues emerging within each theme within our framework. Thematic analysis was then formally conducted by the first author after each round using NVivo 11 to code all of the transcripts. We adopted different approaches to enhance the reliability and validity of our findings (Seale, 2017). We conducted reliability checks of a sample of sound recordings against corresponding transcripts. During daily debriefings, the research team including the first author discussed emerging findings to help triangulate them. The first author also shared and discussed all emerging findings based on NVivo coding with the research team in order to reach a shared interpretation. Reporting emerging findings to stakeholders allowed us to refocus the study after each round of data collection and strengthen the validity of our findings through member checking. In practice, these stakeholders agreed with our findings, and hence, no changes were made on this basis. Before every interview and focus group discussion, each participant was informed about the study and gave written or recorded consent (Hausa or English), including whether we could use sound recorders and include quotations in our outputs. We explained that participants could withdraw from the study at any time. Each day, recordings, field notes, transcripts and consent forms were stored securely on password protected computers. Ethical approval was granted by the authors’ institutes.

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that can be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Village Health Worker (VHW) Scheme: The implementation of a VHW scheme can help provide maternal, newborn, and child health-related messages, basic healthcare, and referrals to health facilities. VHWs can be recruited from the local community and trained to deliver essential healthcare services.

2. Government ownership and transition of responsibilities: To ensure the sustainability of the VHW Scheme, it is crucial to promote government ownership and a phased transition of responsibilities. This involves gradually transferring the implementation and financing responsibilities from the nongovernmental implementer to the government agency responsible for healthcare.

3. Adapting the scheme for sustainability: Regular reflection and adaptation of the VHW Scheme’s design are essential to operate more effectively and ensure long-term sustainability. This can involve making adjustments based on feedback from stakeholders and community members.

4. Motivating VHWs: Providing incentives and support to VHWs can help motivate them to continue their work and improve access to maternal health. This can include offering a small stipend, uniforms, job aids, and opportunities for further training and career advancement.

5. Institutionalizing the scheme within the health system: Integrating the VHW Scheme within the existing health system can contribute to its sustainability. This involves establishing clear roles and responsibilities for VHWs, ensuring their supervision by trained healthcare professionals, and incorporating the scheme into the overall healthcare delivery framework.

6. Managing financial uncertainties: Developing strategies to manage financial uncertainties is crucial for the sustainability of the VHW Scheme. This can include exploring alternative funding sources, advocating for increased government funding, and establishing partnerships with donors and other stakeholders.

7. Fostering community ownership and acceptance: Engaging and involving the community in the VHW Scheme can help foster ownership and acceptance, leading to better utilization of maternal health services. This can be achieved through community mobilization, awareness campaigns, and active participation of community members in decision-making processes.

These innovations aim to improve access to maternal health by strengthening the healthcare system, empowering community health workers, and ensuring long-term sustainability of interventions.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health based on the described study is to implement a Village Health Worker (VHW) Scheme. This scheme involves recruiting and training VHWs who will provide maternal, newborn, and child health-related messages, basic healthcare, and referrals to health facilities. The key actions identified for promoting the sustainability of the VHW Scheme include:

1. Government ownership and transition of responsibilities: The government should take ownership of the scheme and gradually transition the responsibilities from the implementing partners to ensure long-term sustainability.

2. Adapting the scheme for sustainability: The scheme should be continuously reviewed and adapted to operate more effectively, based on periodic reflections and feedback from stakeholders.

3. Motivating VHWs: Providing incentives such as a small stipend, uniforms, and job aids can help motivate VHWs to perform their roles effectively.

4. Institutionalizing the scheme within the health system: The scheme should be integrated into the existing health system to ensure its sustainability and effectiveness.

5. Managing financial uncertainties: Strategies should be developed to manage financial uncertainties, such as securing government funding or exploring alternative sources of funding.

6. Fostering community ownership and acceptance: Engaging and involving the community in the scheme, through mechanisms like Ward Development Committees, can help foster ownership and acceptance, leading to better sustainability.

By implementing these recommendations, the VHW Scheme can be developed into an innovation that improves access to maternal health in Gombe state, northeast Nigeria.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen government ownership and transition of responsibilities: Ensure that the government takes ownership of the maternal health intervention and gradually transitions the responsibilities from donor-funded projects to the government itself. This will help sustain the intervention even after donor funding ends.

2. Adapt the intervention for sustainability: Continuously assess and adapt the intervention to make it more sustainable in the long run. This may involve incorporating feedback from stakeholders, addressing challenges, and making necessary adjustments to ensure the intervention remains effective.

3. Motivate Village Health Workers (VHWs): Implement strategies to motivate and incentivize VHWs, such as providing regular training opportunities, offering fair compensation, recognizing their contributions, and creating a supportive work environment. This will help retain and empower VHWs, ensuring the continuity of maternal health services.

4. Institutionalize the intervention within the health system: Integrate the VHW Scheme into the existing health system by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, coordinating with Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs), and involving Ward Development Committees (WDCs) in the oversight and management of the intervention. This will help embed the intervention within the healthcare system, making it more sustainable.

5. Manage financial uncertainties: Develop strategies to manage financial uncertainties, such as exploring alternative funding sources, advocating for increased government budget allocation for maternal health, and promoting cost-effective practices. This will help ensure the financial sustainability of the intervention.

6. Foster community ownership and acceptance: Engage and involve the community in the design, implementation, and monitoring of the intervention. This can be done through community mobilization, awareness campaigns, and active participation of community members in decision-making processes. By fostering community ownership and acceptance, the intervention is more likely to be sustained and effectively utilized.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify specific indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of facility deliveries, antenatal care coverage, or maternal mortality rates. These indicators should align with the goals of the intervention.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the selected indicators before implementing the recommendations. This will serve as a baseline against which the impact of the recommendations can be measured.

3. Implement the recommendations: Put the recommendations into action, ensuring proper implementation and monitoring.

4. Collect post-intervention data: After a sufficient period of time, collect data on the same indicators to assess the impact of the recommendations. This data will help determine whether access to maternal health has improved as a result of the implemented recommendations.

5. Analyze the data: Compare the baseline data with the post-intervention data to determine the extent of improvement in access to maternal health. Statistical analysis can be used to quantify the impact and identify any significant changes.

6. Evaluate the findings: Interpret the results of the data analysis and evaluate the effectiveness of the recommendations in improving access to maternal health. This evaluation can help identify areas of success and areas that may require further attention or adjustment.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the evaluation findings, refine the recommendations and iterate the process to continuously improve access to maternal health.

It is important to note that this methodology is a general framework and can be customized based on the specific context and resources available for the evaluation.

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