Planned early delivery versus expectant management to reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes in pre-eclampsia in a low- and middle-income setting: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (CRADLE-4 Trial)

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Study Justification:
– Pre-eclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).
– Clear guidelines exist for managing pre-eclampsia before 34 weeks and after 37 weeks, but the optimal timing of delivery between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks is unclear.
– This study aims to evaluate whether planned early delivery can reduce adverse maternal outcomes without increasing severe neonatal morbidity in LMIC.
Study Highlights:
– The CRADLE-4 Trial is a non-masked, randomized controlled trial comparing planned early delivery (within 48 hours of randomization) with routine care (expectant management) in women with pre-eclampsia between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks’ gestation in India and Zambia.
– The primary objective is to determine if planned early delivery can reduce adverse maternal outcomes without increasing severe neonatal morbidity.
– Secondary objectives include assessing perinatal outcomes, health care resource use, and the impact of external factors on intervention effectiveness.
Study Recommendations:
– The World Health Organization recommends delivery for all women with pre-eclampsia from 37 weeks onwards, but there is a lack of guidance for managing pre-eclampsia between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks.
– The results of this trial will provide valuable information on the optimal timing of delivery in pre-eclampsia in LMIC, where resources and disease burden differ from high-income settings.
– The balance of risks and benefits of early delivery versus expectant management needs to be carefully assessed before making firm recommendations.
Key Role Players:
– Healthcare providers: Clinicians, nurses, and midwives involved in the care of women with pre-eclampsia.
– Research team: Members responsible for the smooth running of the trial, including recruitment, data collection, and monitoring.
– Trial coordinator: Oversees the overall coordination and management of the trial.
– Data Monitoring Committee (DMC): Reviews study progress, outcomes, and safety data, and makes recommendations regarding the continuation or modification of the study.
– Trial Steering Committee (TSC): Oversees the overall conduct and progress of the trial.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Recruitment and training of research team members.
– Development and dissemination of culturally appropriate trial materials.
– Provision of mobile phones and airtime for key personnel at referring healthcare facilities.
– Additional strategies to boost trial recruitment, such as additional sites or small financial incentives for clinical staff.
– Costing of health care resource use, including management of pre-eclampsia, hospital stays, and neonatal unit admissions.
– Data collection and storage, including secure online databases and backup systems.
– Monitoring visits to recruiting centers by the study monitor.
– Reporting of serious adverse events to the research ethics committee.
– Analysis and reporting of study outcomes, including statistical analysis and publication costs.
Please note that the above cost items are for planning purposes and do not represent actual costs. The actual budget for implementing the recommendations will depend on various factors, including the specific context and resources available in the study settings.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study protocol is well-designed and includes a randomized controlled trial with a clear objective and primary outcome measures. The trial will be conducted in multiple sites, which increases the generalizability of the results. The feasibility study conducted prior to the main trial provides valuable information for protocol development. The study also includes strategies to ensure participant engagement and recruitment. However, the abstract lacks information on the sample size calculation and statistical analysis plan, which are important for assessing the study’s power and validity. Additionally, more details on the intervention and control groups, as well as the expected outcomes, would enhance the clarity of the abstract.

Background: Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure and multi-organ dysfunction in the mother. It is a leading contributor to maternal and perinatal mortality, with 99% of these deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Whilst clear guidelines exist for management of early-onset ( 48 h due to neonatal morbidity (necessitating admission to the neonatal unit according to local guidelines) until primary hospital discharge. Secondary maternal outcomes will include assessment of: Secondary perinatal outcomes will include assessment of: Written consent will be sought from the woman only after she has been given a full verbal explanation and written description of the trial (via the participant information leaflet, in her preferred language). The local research team at each site are fluent in English and the relevant local languages spoken by the majority of the population across the trial sites (Bemba and Nyanja at the Zambian sites, Kannada at the Indian sites). The participant information leaflet will be read aloud to women who are unable to read it themselves. Partners and relatives will be included in the discussion but may not consent on the woman’s behalf. Additionally, three short video clips addressing key topics (pre-eclampsia, trial participation and the neonatal unit) will be made available to all potentially eligible participants, particularly those with limited literacy. Written informed consent will be given using an informed consent form, completed, signed (thumbprints also accepted) and dated by the woman and signed by the member of the research team who obtained informed consent. After written informed consent has been obtained, a member of the research team will enter the baseline maternal details onto the online database and perform randomisation, communicating the results directly to the woman and her clinical team. Antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care will be in accordance with local guidelines and capacity at each site. Delivery will typically be through induction according to local protocol (most commonly oral or vaginal administration of misoprostol). The schedule of care for each group will be as follows: The intervention is planned delivery, to be undertaken as soon as feasible (aimed to be commenced within 48 h) after randomisation. Use of antenatal corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity will be at the discretion of the clinician, in accordance with local guidelines (confirmed as readily available across all facilities). Postnatal care will be in accordance with local protocols and guidelines. Expectant management involves close monitoring of the maternal and fetal condition until the woman reaches 37 weeks, or a crisis develops necessitating delivery. Delivery is recommended if the woman develops severe pre-eclampsia. This is in accordance with the World Health Organization guidelines [4] which are followed at all of the proposed trial sites. Following randomisation to either the planned delivery group or expectant management group, the time of onset of planned delivery (first method for induction of labour or time of planned caesarean section along with the indication) or onset of spontaneous labour will be recorded for all women. This will enable the monitoring of adherence to protocol for both study groups to be reviewed and protocol deviations to be identified and investigated. The sample size for the CRADLE 4 study is calculated on the ability to detect a clinically important reduction in the primary maternal outcome: a short-term composite based on the presence of one or more of 22 maternal morbidities. Based on data acquired at the sites prior to start of the main trial, we anticipate an event rate of 80% for the primary maternal outcome in the expectant management arm. We have calculated that a sample size of 558 would provide 90% power to detect a 15% relative risk reduction. If the trial is recruiting well, we will continue to recruit 872 participants which would give 90% power to detect a 12.5% relative risk reduction and greater precision to detect secondary outcomes. The data monitoring committee (DMC) will review the primary event rate and usual safety data and make a recommendation to continue or stop. A one-sided non-inferiority analysis is planned for the primary neonatal composite. Our data acquired at the sites prior to starting the main trial showed an event rate of 24% for the primary neonatal outcome. Complete data on 480 women (240 per group) are required for 90% power to exclude a difference against planned delivery of 10% or more. To exclude a difference of 7.5%, 852 women (426 per group) are needed. The calculation uses a one-sided significance test and confidence interval and assumes that the true event rate is 24%. This is in line with the planned sample size as detailed above. Randomisation will be managed by a secure web-based randomisation facility hosted by MedSciNet. The allocation ratio of intervention (planned early delivery) to control (expectant management) will be 1:1. Participants will be stratified by centre and minimised by parity (0 or ≥ 1), single/multi-fetal pregnancy (singleton or multi-fetal) and gestational age (34+ 0–34+ 6, 35+ 0–35+ 6, 36+ 0–36+ 6) at randomisation. MedSciNet will write the randomisation programme and hold the allocation code. Following randomisation, a clinician will then arrange for delivery or ongoing expectant management as the randomisation indicates. Due to the nature of this study, masking of clinicians, nursing staff and participants is not possible. In view of arrangements for the conduct of the trial at these sites, it is not feasible to arrange for a separate team of outcome assessors masked to intervention allocation. Data analysis will be conducted masked to group allocation. Much of the outcome data for this trial are routinely recorded clinical items that can be obtained from the clinical notes. No additional blood or tissue samples are required for this study. Outcomes will be recorded prospectively using case report forms (CRFs). When possible, online versions will be used (eCRFs) and outcomes therefore recorded directly on the trial database. If, due to power shortages or lack of internet connectivity, this is not feasible, paper case report forms will be used, and data then directly transcribed into the database. The DMC will ensure the wellbeing of study participants and will periodically review study progress and outcomes as well as reports of unexpected serious adverse events (SAEs). The DMC will, if appropriate, make recommendations regarding continuance of the study or modification of the study protocol. An adverse event is any untoward medical occurrence in a participant, which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this intervention. Due to the high incidence of adverse events routinely expected in this patient population, only those adverse events identified as serious will be recorded for the trial. A serious adverse event is any untoward medical occurrence that: Expected SAEs are those events which are expected in the patient population or as a result of the routine care/treatment of a patient. The following events are expected in women with pre-eclampsia and their infants and will be recorded as part of outcome collection (during a woman’s participation in the trial—from randomisation until primary hospital discharge of either mother or baby) but do not require reporting as SAEs. An unexpected SAE is any event that meets the definition of a SAE and is not detailed in the list above as expected. The following events, whilst not entirely unexpected in this population, are nevertheless serious enough that they should be reported. However, we anticipate that these will be more related to the disease process in this setting and not directly related to the intervention. With this in mind, they will be aggregated and reviewed on a 3-monthly basis by the DMC. All SAEs (described above) will be recorded from randomisation to postnatal discharge from hospital of mother and baby. Unexpected SAEs for both the mother and infant will be recorded and reported to the DMC as described above. Details of the SAE should be recorded on an SAE form (either electronically via the study database or in paper format). Paper forms will be emailed to the trial coordinating team. An SAE occurring to a participant will be reported to the research ethics committee that gave a favourable opinion of the study where in the opinion of the principal investigator the event was ‘related’ (resulted from administration of any of the research procedures) and ‘unexpected’ in relation to those procedures. Reports of related and unexpected SAEs will be submitted within 15 working days of the principal investigator becoming aware of the event, using the health research authority (HRA) report of serious adverse event form. All reported SAEs will be reviewed by the DMC at regular intervals throughout the study. The principal investigator will inform all investigators concerned of relevant information that could adversely affect the safety of participants. The site research team will be responsible for the day-to-day smooth running of the trial at a recruiting site. The central trial research team will monitor recruitment against targets, provide staff education and training and monitor the completeness and quality of collected data. The study monitor will perform regular visits to all recruiting centres and will verify the source data for selected participants during these visits. The primary analysis for all maternal outcomes will be by the intention to treat principle with participants analysed in the groups to which they are assigned regardless of deviation from the protocol or intervention received. We will analyse the difference between arms in the randomisation to delivery interval (3 monthly) to ensure intervention compliance. Women in the expectant management arm will frequently be delivered prior to 37 weeks of gestation due to clinical need and this will not be considered a protocol deviation. The primary analysis for all perinatal and infant outcomes will be both an intention to treat and a per-protocol analysis, since the hypothesis under examination for these outcomes is a non-inferiority hypothesis. The per-protocol analysis will exclude babies of women who do not receive the allocated intervention as per protocol and will be further defined in the statistical analysis plan. All outcomes will be analysed adjusting for minimisation factors at randomisation where possible [14]. Where possible, continuous outcomes will be adjusted for baseline measurements of the same variable [15]. Binary outcomes will be analysed using log binomial regression models. Results will be presented as adjusted risk ratios with associated confidence intervals (CI). If the model does not converge, logistic regression with robust variance estimation will be used [16]. Continuous outcomes will be analysed using linear regression models. Results will be presented as differences in means with associated CIs. 95% CIs will be presented for all primary outcomes and 99% CIs for secondary outcomes. For the analysis of perinatal outcomes, we will treat all infants (singletons or multiples) separately, adjusting standard errors for clustering by mother. Pre-specified subgroup analyses will be undertaken for gestation at randomisation (test for trend) and for single vs. multi-fetal pregnancy, country and region (with a region being tertiary centre and referring healthcare facilities). The consistency of the effect of planned delivery vs. expectant management across subgroups will be assessed using a likelihood ratio test for interaction. Loss to follow-up is expected to be about 5% for the short-term outcomes. A secondary per-protocol analysis will look at the primary outcomes according to the treatment actually received and time of randomisation. The primary maternal outcome is maternal mortality and morbidity based on miniPIERS [11] plus severe hypertension (Table 1) during pregnancy or before hospital discharge. The maternal mortality and morbidity component of the primary outcome will be reported separately, as will the severe hypertension component. Additionally, a maternal mortality and morbidity composite of components detected by a clinical diagnosis only will be reported separately (outlined in further detail in the statistical analysis plan). Health care resource use will include information collected on the management of pre-eclampsia, maternal hospital length of stay related to pre-eclampsia and delivery, maternal intensive care unit admissions and perinatal neonatal unit admissions and hospital length of stay. Health care resource use will be costed using published sources and will be reported in United States Dollars (USD); costs will be reported in local currencies where possible. Mode of onset and mode of delivery will also be included in the costing. Means and standard deviations will be reported for health care resource items and costs. Linear regression and bootstrapping will be used to calculate the difference between treatment groups and 95% confidence intervals, adjusting for minimisation factors at randomisation. The end of the intervention phase will be when the last participating mother and infant have been discharged from hospital, or 42 days after the final participant has been recruited (whichever occurs sooner). For regulatory purposes, the end of the trial is defined as the date when the study database is locked. An end of study declaration will be made to the approving research ethics committees within 3 months of this date. In the light of interim data and other evidence from relevant studies, the DMC will inform the trial steering committee (TSC) if, in its view, there is proof beyond reasonable doubt that the data indicate that the trial should be terminated. A decision to inform the TSC of such a finding will in part be based on statistical considerations. A purposeful sample of participants will be approached for consent to a qualitative interview exploring their experience of the trial intervention (or usual care arm). The impact of external factors (specifically resource availability and health system factors) on the effectiveness of the implementation of the intervention will be assessed by conducting an audit of key resources available at each participating healthcare facility at regular (6 monthly) intervals during the trial, which will be reported using descriptive statistics. A subgroup analysis of the main trial results by site will identify any meaningful variations by site, which may be influenced by local resource availability. Anonymised data be will collected by the local research team under the supervision of the trial coordinator. When possible, all anonymised data will be directly entered onto a secure, online database (MedSciNet). If the low-resource nature of the environments where we will be collecting the data means this is not possible, the local research team will be trained to accurately transfer any paper-based data onto MedSciNet, whilst maintaining confidentiality always. Consent forms and source data where paper based will be kept in files in secure areas at each central site. Only healthcare providers involved in trial participants’ care, research assistants, the local trial coordinator and the UK-based trial manager will have access to these. All paper documents will be stored securely and kept in confidence in compliance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998. All data entered on the MedSciNet database in each facility will be automatically stored and backed up. Collection and storage of clinical data in the database will be governed by the UK Data Protection Act 1998. All participants will be given a unique trial identifier and no personal information will be entered into the clinical trial database or sample database. Personal contact information will be held on a local database kept in a locked environment, after gaining written informed consent from trial participants. All MedSciNet data is stored on high-capacity servers that are operated by an external company. Servers are stored in locked rooms, with system monitoring 24 × 7, physical surveillance and surveillance cameras. A tape backup system is used for backing up the database. The MedSciNet database will remain live for 1 year following completion of the main trial. A copy of this will then be kept on the KCL server for 20 years following the trial completion date, in accordance with the KCL Data retention schedule.

The innovation described in the study protocol is the comparison of planned early delivery with routine care (expectant management) in women with pre-eclampsia between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks’ gestation in low- and middle-income settings. The aim is to establish whether planned early delivery can reduce adverse maternal outcomes without increasing severe neonatal morbidity. This trial is the first to evaluate the optimal timing of delivery in pre-eclampsia in low- and middle-income countries, where resources and disease burden are different. The study will be conducted in five tertiary hospitals across India and Zambia, with recruitment anticipated to take 22 months. The primary objective is to determine if planned early delivery can reduce adverse maternal outcomes, and the secondary objective is to assess the impact on perinatal outcomes. The trial will collect data on maternal and neonatal outcomes, health care resource use, and the impact of external factors on the implementation of the intervention. The data will be analyzed using intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses, adjusting for minimization factors at randomization. The trial will be monitored by a data monitoring committee, and adverse events will be recorded and reported. The trial will also include qualitative interviews with participants to explore their experience of the intervention. Overall, this trial aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for the management of pre-eclampsia in low- and middle-income settings.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation from this study is to conduct a randomised controlled trial comparing planned early delivery (initiation of delivery within 48 hours of randomisation) with routine care (expectant management) in women with pre-eclampsia between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks’ gestation in low- and middle-income settings. The primary objective is to establish whether a policy of planned early delivery can reduce adverse maternal outcomes without increasing severe neonatal morbidity. This trial aims to provide evidence on the optimal timing of delivery in pre-eclampsia in low- and middle-income countries, where resources and disease burden are different. The trial will be conducted in five tertiary hospitals across India and Zambia, including their referring district healthcare facilities. The study protocol includes feasibility studies, recruitment strategies, eligibility criteria, informed consent procedures, intervention protocols, outcome measures, data analysis plans, and data management and storage procedures. The trial will be monitored by a data monitoring committee and ethical considerations will be followed throughout the study. The results of this trial will contribute to improving access to maternal health by providing evidence-based recommendations for the management of pre-eclampsia in low- and middle-income settings.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, the trial aims to evaluate whether planned early delivery in pre-eclampsia between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks can reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes compared to expectant management in low- and middle-income settings. The primary objectives of the study are to establish whether planned early delivery can reduce adverse maternal outcomes without increasing severe neonatal morbidity.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population that would benefit from improved access to maternal health, such as pregnant women with pre-eclampsia between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks in low- and middle-income settings.

2. Identify the barriers to access: Conduct a thorough assessment to identify the barriers that currently limit access to maternal health services in the target population. This could include factors such as geographical distance, lack of healthcare facilities, limited availability of trained healthcare providers, cultural beliefs, and financial constraints.

3. Develop innovative solutions: Based on the identified barriers, brainstorm and develop innovative solutions that can address these challenges and improve access to maternal health. This could include interventions such as mobile health technologies for remote consultations, community-based outreach programs, training programs for healthcare providers, and financial support mechanisms.

4. Conduct a feasibility study: Before implementing the recommendations, conduct a feasibility study to assess the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed innovations. This could involve pilot testing the interventions in a small-scale setting, collecting feedback from stakeholders, and evaluating the impact on access to maternal health.

5. Simulate the impact: Using data from the feasibility study and other relevant sources, create a simulation model to estimate the potential impact of the recommended innovations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve analyzing factors such as the number of additional women who would have access to care, the reduction in adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the cost-effectiveness of the interventions.

6. Evaluate the results: Analyze the simulation results to determine the potential benefits and limitations of the recommended innovations. Consider factors such as scalability, sustainability, and equity in access to ensure that the proposed solutions are feasible and effective in the long term.

7. Implement and monitor: Based on the evaluation results, implement the recommended innovations in a phased approach. Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of the interventions to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

By following this methodology, stakeholders can gain insights into the potential impact of innovations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions on implementing effective strategies.

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