Understanding the rural–urban disparity in acute respiratory infection symptoms among under-five children in Sub-Saharan Africa: a multivariate decomposition analysis

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to understand the rural-urban disparity in acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms among children under the age of five in Sub-Saharan Africa. ARIs are a significant burden on children in this region, and rural children are particularly vulnerable. By identifying the factors associated with ARI symptoms and analyzing the rural-urban disparity, this study provides valuable insights for public health interventions to reduce the impact of ARIs on rural children.
– The study used the most recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 36 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, making it a comprehensive analysis.
– Factors associated with lower odds of ARIs among under-five children included being female, ever breastfeeding, belonging to a better wealth status, and having better maternal educational status.
– Factors associated with higher odds of ARIs among under-five children included small or large size at birth, not taking vitamin A supplementation, being severely underweight, having diarrhea, no media exposure, no vaccination, and being in the age groups of 36-47 months and 48-59 months.
– The multivariate decomposition analysis revealed that 64.7% of the rural-urban difference in ARI prevalence was explained by differences in characteristics (endowment), while 35.3% was explained by differences in the effect of characteristics (change in coefficient).
– Public health interventions should target impoverished households, home births, and unvaccinated and malnourished children to reduce the excess burden of ARIs in rural children.
– Improved access to healthcare services, including vaccination programs and nutritional support, should be prioritized in rural areas.
– Health education programs should focus on promoting breastfeeding and improving maternal education to reduce the risk of ARIs in children.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for implementing public health interventions and policies.
– Healthcare Providers: Involved in delivering healthcare services and implementing interventions.
– Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Can support and collaborate with the government in implementing interventions and providing resources.
– Community Health Workers: Play a crucial role in delivering healthcare services and health education at the community level.
– Researchers and Academics: Can contribute to further research and evidence-based interventions.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Healthcare infrastructure development and maintenance.
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers and community health workers.
– Vaccine procurement and distribution.
– Nutritional support programs.
– Health education materials and campaigns.
– Monitoring and evaluation of interventions.
– Research funding for further studies and evaluations.
Please note that the cost items provided are general categories and may vary depending on the specific context and resources available in each country or region.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is rated 8 because it provides a comprehensive analysis of the rural-urban disparity in acute respiratory infection symptoms among under-five children in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study used a large sample size and multivariate decomposition analysis to identify significant factors associated with ARIs. The methodology and statistical analysis are clearly described. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could include more information on the limitations of the study, such as potential biases in the data collection process or the generalizability of the findings to other regions. Additionally, providing specific recommendations for public health interventions based on the study’s findings would further enhance the actionable steps.

Background: Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) account for more than 6% of the worldwide disease burden in children under the age of five, with the majority occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa. Rural children are more vulnerable to and disproportionately affected by ARIs. As a result, we examined the rural–urban disparity in the prevalence of ARI symptoms and associated factors among children under the age of five in Sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: We used the most recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 36 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study included 199,130 weighted samples in total. To identify variables associated with ARIs symptoms, a multilevel binary logistic regression model was fitted. The Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with a 95% CI was used to determine the statistical significance and strength of the association. To explain the rural–urban disparity in ARI prevalence, a logit-based multivariate decomposition analysis was used. Results: Being female, ever breastfeeding, belonging to a poorer, better wealth status, and having better maternal educational status were significantly associated with lower odds of ARIs among under-five children. Whereas, small size or large size at birth, not taking vitamin A supplementation, being severely underweight, having diarrhea, didn’t have media exposure, never had the vaccination, being aged 36–47 months, and being aged 48–59 months were significantly associated with higher odds of ARIs among under-five children. The multivariate decomposition analysis revealed that the difference in characteristics (endowment) across residences explained 64.7% of the overall rural–urban difference in the prevalence of ARIs, while the difference in the effect of characteristics (change in coefficient) explained 35.3%. Conclusion: This study found that rural children were highly affected by ARIs in SSA. To reduce the excess ARIs in rural children, public health interventions aimed at impoverished households, home births, and unvaccinated and malnourished children are crucial.

This study used the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) data of 36 sub-Saharan African countries conducted from 2005 to 2019, which was conducted using nationally representative samples to estimate core demographic and health indicators of the whole country. To recruit the samples, a multistage stratified cluster sampling technique was used, with Enumeration Areas (EAs) serving as primary sampling units and households serving as secondary sampling units [34]. The Kids Record dataset (KR file) was used for this study after we obtained an authorization letter from the measure DHS program for data access. The outcome variable was ARI symptoms among under-five children. The presence of ARIs is defined as children having a history of cough within two weeks accompanied by short, rapid breathing or difficulty of breathing and fever within two weeks preceding the survey. In DHS, mothers of under-five children were asked whether their children had a history of cough within two weeks preceding the survey. For children who had a cough, the mother was asked whether the child’s cough was accompanied by short, rapid breathing or difficulty of breathing and fever within two weeks preceding the survey. It was obtained from the question “did he/she breathe faster than usual with short, rapid breaths or have difficulty breathing in the 2 weeks preceding the survey?”. Then categorized as “Yes” if a child meets all the above-mentioned criteria and “No” otherwise [35]. The independent variables were categorized into child characteristics, mother characteristics, household characteristics, and contextual factors. Child characteristics include child age, sex of the child, breastfeeding, vitamin A supplementation, diarrhea in the last two weeks, ever had vaccinated, type of birth, child size at birth, and child nutritional status (stunting, wasting, and underweight); mothers-related characteristics include maternal age, media exposure, and maternal education, and household characteristics and contextual characteristics include household wealth status, residence, and country. To assess a child’s nutritional status DHS used anthropometric measures (height, age, and weight), height for age measures stunting, weight for height measured wasting, and weight for age measured for underweight. Stunting is defined as the height for age z-score less than 2 standard deviations below the median of the reference population, wasting is defined as the weight for height z-score less than 2 standard deviations below the median of the reference population, and underweight is defined as weight for age z-score less than 2 standard deviations below the median of reference population [36]. To adjust for the non-response and sampling design, the data were weighted using the primary sampling unit, strata, and weighting variable. STATA version 16 statistical software was used for analysis. Since the DHS data has a hierarchical nature, under-five children within the same cluster might share similar characteristics to children from different clusters. This could violate the assumptions of the traditional logistic regression model; these are the independence of observations and equal variance assumptions. Therefore, a multilevel binary logistic regression model was fitted to identify factors associated with ARIs using EAs as a random variable. The presence of the clustering effect was assessed using the Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Likelihood Ratio (LR) test. ICC quantifies the degree of heterogeneity of ARIs between clusters (the proportion of the total observed individual-level variation in ARIs that is attributable to cluster variations) Six models were fitted and model comparison was made using deviance as the models were nested models. Null model (empty model), Model I (residence), Model II (Model I + child characteristics), Model III (Model II + mothers characteristics), Model IV (Model III + household characteristics), Model V (Model IV + country-level characteristics (sub-Saharan African region)) were fitted and a model with lowest deviance value was chosen as the best-fitted model for the data. We identified the independent variables based on previous literature conducted on determinants of ARIs. Variables with a p-value less than 0.2 in the bi-variable analysis were considered for multivariable analysis. The Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) and p-value < 0.05 in the multivariable model were used to declare significant determinants of ARIs. Logit-based Multivariate Decomposition analysis was used to identify factors that contributed to the rural–urban difference in ARIs. The analysis was based on the logit link function which uses the output from the binary logistic regression model by dividing the difference in ARIs among under-five children into components. The overall rural–urban difference in the prevalence of ARIs among under-five children can be explained by the difference in composition between residences (i.e., differences in characteristics or endowment) and/or the difference in effects of the explanatory variables across residences (i.e., differences in coefficients). The mvdcmp STATA command was used to generate the overall and detailed multivariate decomposition analysis results [37]. Variables with a p-value < 0.2 in the bi-variable Logit-based multivariate decomposition analysis were considered for the multivariable Logit-based multivariate decomposition analysis. Finally, p-value < 0.05 and the corresponding coefficient (B) with a 95% confidence interval were used to declare significant factors that contributed to the rural–urban difference in ARIs. There was no need for ethical clearance as the researcher did not interact with respondents. The data used was obtained from the MEASURE DHS Program, and permission for data access was obtained from the measure DHS program through an online request from http://www.dhsprogram.com. The data used for this study were publicly available with no personal identifier. For details about the ethical considerations of the DHS, the program sees https://dhsprogram.com/methodology/Protecting-the-Privacy-of-DHS-Survey-Respondents.cfm.

Based on the provided description, here are some potential innovations that could be considered to improve access to maternal health:

1. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine services can provide remote access to healthcare professionals, allowing pregnant women in rural areas to receive medical advice, consultations, and monitoring without the need for travel.

2. Mobile health (mHealth) applications: Developing mobile applications that provide educational resources, appointment reminders, and personalized health information can help improve maternal health awareness and engagement, especially in areas with limited access to healthcare facilities.

3. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers in rural areas can help bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and pregnant women. These workers can provide basic prenatal care, health education, and referrals to appropriate healthcare services.

4. Mobile clinics: Establishing mobile clinics that travel to remote areas can provide essential prenatal care, including check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings, to pregnant women who may not have easy access to healthcare facilities.

5. Public-private partnerships: Collaborating with private healthcare providers to establish satellite clinics or mobile services in rural areas can help expand access to maternal health services and reduce the burden on public healthcare facilities.

6. Health education programs: Implementing comprehensive health education programs that focus on prenatal care, nutrition, hygiene, and childbirth preparation can empower pregnant women with knowledge and skills to take care of their health and make informed decisions.

7. Improved transportation infrastructure: Investing in transportation infrastructure, such as roads and transportation services, can facilitate easier access to healthcare facilities for pregnant women in remote areas.

8. Maternal health incentives: Introducing financial incentives, such as cash transfers or subsidies, for pregnant women in rural areas can encourage them to seek timely and appropriate maternal healthcare services.

9. Mobile ultrasound and diagnostic devices: Utilizing portable ultrasound and diagnostic devices that can be easily transported to remote areas can enable early detection of complications and improve access to prenatal screenings.

10. Maternal health awareness campaigns: Conducting targeted awareness campaigns to educate communities about the importance of maternal health, the availability of services, and the benefits of seeking timely care can help overcome cultural barriers and increase utilization of maternal health services.

It is important to note that the specific implementation of these innovations should be context-specific and tailored to the needs and resources of the target population.
AI Innovations Description
The study you described focuses on understanding the rural-urban disparity in acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms among children under the age of five in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study used data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in 36 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim was to identify factors associated with ARI symptoms and to explain the rural-urban disparity in ARI prevalence.

The study found that rural children in Sub-Saharan Africa are more vulnerable to and disproportionately affected by ARI symptoms. Several factors were identified as significantly associated with higher odds of ARIs among under-five children, including small or large size at birth, not taking vitamin A supplementation, being severely underweight, having diarrhea, lack of media exposure, lack of vaccination, and being in the age groups of 36-47 months and 48-59 months. On the other hand, being female, ever breastfeeding, belonging to a better wealth status, and having better maternal educational status were associated with lower odds of ARIs.

To explain the rural-urban disparity in ARI prevalence, a logit-based multivariate decomposition analysis was conducted. The analysis revealed that 64.7% of the overall rural-urban difference in ARI prevalence can be attributed to differences in characteristics (endowment) across residences, while 35.3% can be attributed to differences in the effect of characteristics (change in coefficient).

Based on these findings, the study recommends public health interventions aimed at impoverished households, promoting institutional births, ensuring vaccination coverage, and addressing malnutrition among children. These interventions are crucial for reducing the excess burden of ARIs in rural children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

It’s important to note that the study used nationally representative data and statistical analysis techniques to provide insights into the factors contributing to the rural-urban disparity in ARI prevalence. The findings can inform policymakers and public health practitioners in developing targeted interventions to improve access to maternal health and reduce the burden of ARIs among children in Sub-Saharan Africa.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, especially in rural areas, by providing adequate resources, equipment, and trained healthcare professionals. This can help ensure that pregnant women have access to quality maternal healthcare services.

2. Increase awareness and education: Implement comprehensive maternal health education programs to raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, safe delivery practices, and postnatal care. This can be done through community outreach programs, health campaigns, and the use of media platforms.

3. Expand mobile health (mHealth) initiatives: Utilize mobile technology to provide maternal health information, reminders, and support to pregnant women, especially in remote areas. Mobile apps, SMS messages, and telemedicine can help bridge the gap between healthcare providers and pregnant women, enabling them to access timely and accurate information.

4. Improve transportation and logistics: Address transportation barriers by providing reliable and affordable transportation options for pregnant women, particularly in rural and underserved areas. This can include establishing ambulance services, improving road infrastructure, and implementing transportation subsidies.

5. Enhance community engagement: Foster community involvement and participation in maternal health initiatives. This can be achieved through community-based organizations, local leaders, and traditional birth attendants. Engaging communities can help increase awareness, reduce cultural barriers, and promote the utilization of maternal healthcare services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify specific indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of antenatal care visits, skilled birth attendance rates, or postnatal care utilization.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather relevant data on the selected indicators from existing sources, such as national health surveys, health facility records, or population-based surveys. This data will serve as the baseline for comparison.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the recommended interventions and their potential impact on the selected indicators. This model should consider factors such as population size, geographical distribution, healthcare infrastructure, and socio-economic factors.

4. Input intervention parameters: Define the parameters for each intervention, such as the number of healthcare facilities to be improved, the coverage of mobile health initiatives, or the extent of community engagement activities. These parameters should be based on evidence-based estimates or expert opinions.

5. Run the simulation: Use the simulation model to project the potential impact of the interventions on the selected indicators. This can be done by adjusting the intervention parameters and observing the resulting changes in the indicators.

6. Analyze the results: Evaluate the simulation results to assess the effectiveness of the recommended interventions in improving access to maternal health. Compare the projected outcomes with the baseline data to determine the magnitude of the impact.

7. Refine and iterate: Refine the simulation model and intervention parameters based on the analysis of the results. Iterate the simulation process to explore different scenarios and optimize the interventions for maximum impact.

By following this methodology, policymakers and stakeholders can gain insights into the potential benefits of implementing specific interventions to improve access to maternal health. This can inform decision-making and resource allocation towards effective strategies for maternal health improvement.

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