Associations between individual variations in visual attention at 9 months and behavioral competencies at 18 months in rural Malawi

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Study Justification:
The study aimed to investigate the association between individual variations in visual attention at 9 months and behavioral competencies at 18 months in rural Malawi. Theoretical and empirical considerations suggested that differences in infant visual attention could correlate with variations in cognitive skills later in childhood. This study sought to test this hypothesis in infants from rural Malawi.
– The study included 444 infants without known congenital malformation, severe illness, or visual impairment.
– Infants were assessed with eye tracking tests of visual orienting, anticipatory looks, and attention to faces at 9 months.
– Conventional tests of cognitive control, motor, language, and socioemotional development were conducted at 18 months.
– The results showed no significant associations between measures of infant attention at 9 months and cognitive skills at 18 months.
– Measures of physical growth and family socioeconomic characteristics were also not correlated with cognitive outcomes at 18 months.
– The study suggests that the current tests of infant visual attention may not be predictive tools for 18-month-old infants’ cognitive skills in the Malawian setting.
– The limitations of the employed infant tests and unique characteristics of early cognitive development in low-resource settings are discussed.
Based on the study findings, the following recommendations can be made:
1. Further research: Conduct additional studies to explore other potential factors that may influence cognitive development in infants from rural Malawi.
2. Test refinement: Improve and refine the tests used to assess infant visual attention to enhance their predictive value for cognitive skills in low-resource settings.
3. Longitudinal studies: Conduct longitudinal studies to track the development of cognitive skills from infancy to later childhood in rural Malawi.
4. Intervention programs: Develop and implement intervention programs targeting cognitive development in infants from low-resource settings.
Key Role Players:
To address the recommendations, the following key role players may be needed:
1. Researchers: Conduct further research, refine tests, and design intervention programs.
2. Health professionals: Implement intervention programs and provide support for cognitive development in infants.
3. Policy makers: Allocate resources and support the implementation of intervention programs.
4. Community leaders: Raise awareness and promote the importance of cognitive development in infants.
Cost Items:
While the actual costs are not provided, the following budget items may need to be considered in planning the recommendations:
1. Research funding: Allocate funds for further research, test refinement, and longitudinal studies.
2. Intervention program development: Budget for the development and implementation of intervention programs targeting cognitive development.
3. Training and capacity building: Provide training for health professionals and community leaders involved in supporting cognitive development.
4. Resource allocation: Allocate resources for the implementation of intervention programs, including materials and equipment.
5. Monitoring and evaluation: Budget for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of intervention programs.
Please note that the actual costs will depend on various factors and would need to be determined through detailed planning and budgeting.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 3 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is weak because the results showed no significant associations between measures of infant attention at 9 months and cognitive skills at 18 months. The correlations varied between -0.08 and 0.14, which are very low. To improve the strength of the evidence, future studies could consider increasing the sample size to improve statistical power and include a more diverse population. Additionally, using more sensitive measures of infant attention and cognitive skills may provide more accurate results.

Theoretical and empirical considerations suggest that individual differences in infant visual attention correlate with variations in cognitive skills later in childhood. Here we tested this hypothesis in infants from rural Malawi (n = 198–377, depending on analysis), who were assessed with eye tracking tests of visual orienting, anticipatory looks, and attention to faces at 9 months, and more conventional tests of cognitive control (A-not-B), motor, language, and socioemotional development at 18 months. The results showed no associations between measures of infant attention at 9 months and cognitive skills at 18 months, either in analyses linking infant visual orienting with broad cognitive outcomes or analyses linking specific constructs between the two time points (i.e., switching of anticipatory looks and manual reaching responses), as correlations varied between -0.08 and 0.14. Measures of physical growth, and family socioeconomic characteristics were also not correlated with cognitive outcomes at 18 months in the current sample (correlations between -0.10 and 0.19). The results do not support the use of the current tests of infant visual attention as a predictive tool for 18-month-old infants’ cognitive skills in the Malawian setting. The results are discussed in light of the potential limitations of the employed infant tests as well as potentially unique characteristics of early cognitive development in low-resource settings.

444 infants without known congenital malformation, severe illness, or visual impairment were enrolled after birth into a prospective cohort study in Lungwena and Malindi areas, Mangochi District, Malawi [32]. Recruitment was stratified based on infants’ gestational age at birth to enroll infants born preterm (32.0–36.9 gestational weeks), early term (37.0–38.9 gestational weeks), and full term (39.0–41.9 gestational weeks). Infants took part in eye tracking tasks at the chronological age of 9 months (±14 days) and development assessments at the age of 18 months (±1 month). Anthropometrics and background data were collected between the enrollment and 18 months of age. We conducted the study in accordance with the ethical standards of the Helsinki declaration. The study protocol was approved by the College of Medicine Research and Ethics Committee, Malawi; the Ethics Committee of Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Finland; and the Ethics Committee of the Tampere Region, Finland. A written informed consent was obtained from a parent or legal guardian on behalf of the participants at the enrollment and before the 18-month-visit. Infant’s cognitive development at 9 months of age was measured with three eye-tracking-based tasks (Fig 1) generating measures in four domains of early attentional capacities: visual search latency, visual search in the context of interfering stimuli, anticipatory attention shifts, and attention to faces. Details of these assessments are provided in Pyykkö et al. [32]. a) Three conditions of the visual search task. b) Sequence of the anticipatory attention shifts task. c) Sequence of the attention to faces task. Infants were seated in front of a 22-inch monitor which displayed the tasks and their gaze was tracked with a remote Tobii X2-60 eye tracker (Tobii Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). Gaze data were recorded on 60 Hz and consisted of the onset times of images, xy-boundaries of active areas of interest on the screen, and xy-coordinates with validity estimates of the participants’ point of gaze. After calibration, the three tasks were performed twice with a break between two sessions. Calibration had five points (cartoon images in four corners and the center of the screen) which appeared one at a time, after the participant moved their gaze into one. Calibration was done a maximum of three times to achieve a satisfactory calibration. Assessor rated the calibration as “good”, “OK”, “poor”, or “invalid” by comparing the visualization of the calibration outcome to predefined criteria. In the visual search task (based on [26]), we measured infants’ reaction time to move their gaze to a salient visual target (a red apple). As described in Pyykkö et al. [32], the task started with an “oh” sound and the presentation of an image of a red apple (5 visual angle) on the center of the screen. After the infant looked at the apple and 2,000 ms elapsed (or a maximum wait period of 4,000 ms elapsed), the apple was removed for 500 ms and subsequently reappeared in a randomly chosen location on the screen. Depending on an experimental condition, the apple reappeared either alone (one-object condition), together with four or eight distractors of one kind (e.g., four blue apples or four rectangle-shaped sliced apples, multiple-objects condition), or together with four or eight distractors of two kinds (e.g., two/four blue apples and two/four red sliced apples, conjunction condition). When the infant’s point of gaze hit the target or 4,000 ms elapsed from the start of the trial, the target made a spinning movement on the screen and a reward sound was played. There were four trials per condition in one session, i.e., 24 trials in total. A blank screen was presented for 500 ms between trials. In the anticipatory attention shifts task (adapted from [14]), we examined infant’s ability to anticipate the appearance of a visual stimulus in a predictable location [32]. The infants were presented first with an attention-getting stimulus (a pink pig face, 5 visual angle) in the center of the screen. When the infant’s gaze hit the central stimulus, the stimulus was removed and an auditory cue was presented together with two empty rectangles on both sides of the screen. A reward image (an animated duck) was subsequently shown in one of the two rectangles. The reward was presented on the same side (counterbalanced left or right) during the first eight trials (pre-switch). The side was then switched for the last eight trials (post-switch). There were a total of 16 pre-switch and 16 post-switch trials in two sessions. The time interval from the presentation of the two empty rectangles to the presentation of the rewards was contingent on the participant’s behavior. If the infant made a “correct” anticipatory saccade to the placeholder where the reward stimulus was about to appear, the reward was presented without a delay. If there was no correct anticipatory saccade, the reward was presented after a 1,000-ms delay. The attention to faces task was an overlap paradigm in which infant’s dwell time on a central stimulus (a non-face pattern or a face) was measured before its shift to a lateral distractor (following [29, 30, 46–48]). Each trial started with an attention-grabbing stimulus in the center of the screen. After a fixation at this stimulus, the attention-grabber was removed and two new stimuli were presented with a 1,000-ms onset asynchrony. First, a non-face pattern or a face on the center, then on the left or right side of the screen a black and white geometric shape superimposed by a cartoon. When the infant’s gaze moved to the lateral image or 1,000 ms elapsed, the cartoon picture turned into a video animation. The faces were pictures of two Black females with happy and fearful expressions. The non-face patterns were rectangular and phase-scrambled from the faces. Trials were presented in a random order and consisted of eight non-face trials and eight face trials (four happy and four fearful) per session (16 non-face trials and 16 face trial in total). Raw eye tracking data were preprocessed and analyzed offline by using a library of automated MATLAB (The MathWorks Inc.) functions [31]. The analyses followed the approach described in Pyykkö et al. [32] and no changes to the analyses of the eye tracking data were made for the current association analyses. The xy-coordinates corresponding to the two eyes were combined by taking a mean of the coordinates (or by using the eye with valid xy-coordinates if one of the coordinates for one of the eyes was invalid), extrapolated to fill missing data points (maximum of 200 ms), and median filtered with a moving window of nine samples to remove abrupt technical spike artefacts from the data. In each task, trials that failed to meet predetermined data quality criteria (i.e., violated upper limit of extrapolation) were excluded. Additional task-specific exclusion criteria were applied for the assessment of attentional dwell times in the face task so that trials with < 70% fixation on the central stimulus prior to attention shift and trials on which the shift occurred during a period of extrapolated data were excluded. From the visual search task, we extracted the visual search latency by calculating the mean latency of gaze shifts that entered the target area within a time period that started 150 ms after the onset of the target and ended 850 ms later. These limits are based on the convention that orienting responses shorter than 150 ms are considered anticipatory and orienting responses longer than 1,000 ms as delayed or missing responses. The search latencies were calculated by using data from the one-object condition because this condition was the only one that had a high rate of successful responses in all participants (mean 92%, range 20–100%) and because previous studies assessing infant’s processing speed as a predictor of cognitive development have used comparable measures [6, 7]. The latencies were calculated from a maximum of 8 trials per participant. Given variable number of successful search responses in the other (multi-object) conditions of the visual search task, the proportion of successful search responses (instead of latency) was calculated to obtain performance indicators for the multiple-objects and conjunction conditions. These indicators were calculated by counting the number of trials on which the point of gaze entered the target area within 2,000 ms and dividing the count by the total number of valid trials. From the anticipatory attention shifts task, we extracted the proportion of anticipatory gaze shifts to the correct side of the reward stimulus. As described in Pyykkö et al. [32], anticipatory responses were defined as entries of the point of gaze in the correct area of interest (i.e., side of the reward stimulus) within a 1,150-ms time window that started at the onset of the two empty rectangles and ended 150 ms after the onset of the reward stimulus. Again, the time window was extended to 150 ms after the onset of the reward stimulus on the basis of the commonly held assumption that gaze shifts that are shorter than 150 ms are typically considered anticipatory and could not, therefore, be reflecting a reactive saccade to the reward. Anticipatory gaze shifts were analyzed separately for the pre-switch and post-switch conditions. Trial numbers 1, 9, 17, and 25 were excluded from pre- and post-switch success rates as they were not predictable. Thus, for each condition, there was a maximum of 14 trials per participant. The data from the tasks assessing attention to faces was analyzed by computing the duration the infant gaze dwelled in the center area of interest (AOI) before an attention shift to the peripheral AOI occurred [32]. The analyses were censored at 3,500 ms meaning that if no attention shift occurred before this time-out value, the dwell time was 3500 ms. The dwell times ∣0.20∣ significant following previous association analyses in infants. The sample size varied between analyses (n = 198–377) depending on the availability of valid data. For the constructs of the 9-month developmental scores, growth, and family characteristics, with the smallest sample size of a construct (n = 198, 254, and 262, respectively) and using a Bonferroni adjustment for the number of tests in each family of hypothesis tests (n = 16, 44, and 16, respectively), the two-sided p-values for the correlation coefficient ∣0.20∣ are < 0.08 (p = 0.076, 0.060, and 0.018, respectively). In the main analyses, we calculated correlation coefficients between measures of infant attention at 9 months and the developmental outcomes at 18 months. When necessary, the measure of interest was adjusted for related, but non-critical variability in task performance by using partial correlation tests (e.g., the proportion of successful visual searches in the context of interfering stimuli was adjusted for general proportion of successful visual searches in conditions that did not have the interfering elements). We focused on the four constructs that the eye tracking tasks were designed to measure at 9 months of age: (a) visual search latency using data from the one-object condition, (b) visual search interference (i.e., the proportion of successful visual searches using data from the conjunction condition; adjusted to the proportion of successful searches in one-object and multiple-objects conditions), (c) the ability to update anticipatory attention shifts after a change in stimulus contingency (i.e., proportion of correct anticipatory responses on post-switch trials; adjusted to proportion of correct anticipatory responses on pre-switch trials), (d) average dwell time for faces (adjusted to average dwell time for non-face patterns). The development outcomes at 18 months of age consisted of the four constructs measuring (e) language, (f) socioemotional behavior, (g) motor development (adjusted to child’s behavior during the test), and (h) A-not-B score. To obtain a variable reflecting the child’s behavior during the test, the mood, activity level and interaction with the assessor were ranked and combined to one variable, extracted from the first component of a principal component analysis. In secondary analyses, associations between growth and developmental outcomes were examined by linking (i) gestational age at birth, (j) anthropometric measurements (z-scores for length, weight, head circumference, mid-upper arm circumference) at 9 months of age (adjusted to the measurement at enrollment), and (k) change in anthropometric measurements between 9 and 18 months of age (adjusted to the measurement at 9 months of age) to the developmental outcomes at 18 months. In addition, we examined associations between family characteristics using (l) maternal cognition, (m) maternal psychosocial well-being, (n) socioeconomic status, and (o) care practices and the developmental outcomes at 18 months.

Based on the provided information, it is difficult to identify specific innovations for improving access to maternal health. The information provided focuses on a study conducted in rural Malawi that examines associations between infant visual attention at 9 months and behavioral competencies at 18 months. The study does not directly address innovations for improving access to maternal health. To provide recommendations for innovations in maternal health, it would be helpful to have more information on the specific challenges or areas of improvement needed in maternal health access.
AI Innovations Description
The description provided is a research study conducted in rural Malawi that examines the associations between individual variations in visual attention in infants at 9 months and their behavioral competencies at 18 months. The study aimed to determine if differences in infant visual attention could predict cognitive skills later in childhood.

The results of the study showed no significant associations between measures of infant attention at 9 months and cognitive skills at 18 months. This was observed in both broad cognitive outcomes and specific constructs between the two time points. The correlations varied between -0.08 and 0.14, indicating a weak or negligible relationship. Additionally, measures of physical growth and family socioeconomic characteristics were also not correlated with cognitive outcomes at 18 months.

The study involved 444 infants without known congenital malformation, severe illness, or visual impairment. The infants participated in eye tracking tasks at 9 months and development assessments at 18 months. Anthropometric measurements and background data were collected between enrollment and 18 months of age. The study was conducted in accordance with ethical standards and obtained written informed consent from parents or legal guardians.

The eye tracking tasks assessed four domains of early attentional capacities: visual search latency, visual search in the context of interfering stimuli, anticipatory attention shifts, and attention to faces. The development assessments at 18 months included language development, socioemotional development, motor development, and executive functioning.

The statistical analyses used correlation coefficients to examine associations between variables. Nonparametric methods were employed due to deviations from normal distribution. The sample size varied depending on the availability of valid data.

In conclusion, the study did not support the use of the tested measures of infant visual attention as predictive tools for cognitive skills in 18-month-old infants in the Malawian setting. The results suggest potential limitations of the employed infant tests and highlight the unique characteristics of early cognitive development in low-resource settings.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study described in the provided text focuses on the associations between individual variations in visual attention at 9 months and behavioral competencies at 18 months in rural Malawi. The study aimed to test the hypothesis that differences in infant visual attention would correlate with variations in cognitive skills later in childhood.

To improve access to maternal health, it is important to consider innovations that can address the specific challenges faced in rural areas of Malawi. Here are some potential recommendations:

1. Mobile Clinics: Implementing mobile clinics that can travel to remote areas and provide maternal health services can greatly improve access. These clinics can offer prenatal care, vaccinations, and other essential services to pregnant women who may not have easy access to healthcare facilities.

2. Telemedicine: Using telemedicine technologies, such as video consultations, can connect pregnant women in rural areas with healthcare professionals in urban centers. This allows for remote monitoring, consultations, and guidance, reducing the need for travel and improving access to specialized care.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services and education in rural areas can help bridge the gap in access. These workers can conduct prenatal check-ups, provide health education, and assist with referrals to higher-level healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Health Education Programs: Implementing health education programs that specifically target maternal health can empower women with knowledge and skills to take care of themselves and their babies. These programs can be conducted in community settings and cover topics such as nutrition, hygiene, and prenatal care.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the indicators: Identify key indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of prenatal visits, percentage of women receiving skilled birth attendance, and maternal mortality rates.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of these indicators in the target rural areas. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and existing health records.

3. Simulate the interventions: Using a simulation model, simulate the implementation of the recommended innovations. This could involve estimating the number of mobile clinics needed, the coverage of telemedicine services, the number of community health workers required, and the reach of health education programs.

4. Estimate the impact: Based on the simulated interventions, estimate the potential impact on the identified indicators. This could involve projecting the increase in the number of prenatal visits, the improvement in skilled birth attendance rates, and the reduction in maternal mortality rates.

5. Sensitivity analysis: Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of the results. This involves testing the impact of different assumptions and scenarios to understand the range of potential outcomes.

6. Refine and iterate: Based on the results of the simulation, refine the interventions and iterate the process to further optimize the impact on improving access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of the recommended innovations and make informed decisions on how to improve access to maternal health in rural areas.

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