The unfolding counter-transition in rural South Africa: Mortality and cause of death, 1994-2009

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to understand the impact of the HIV pandemic on mortality patterns in rural South Africa.
– It also examines the changes in mortality due to noncommunicable diseases and injuries.
– The study highlights the social inequalities in mortality and the burden of HIV/AIDS and TB in rural South Africa.
Study Highlights:
– Mortality increased in rural South Africa from 1994 to 2009, particularly after 2002 for ages 30-69.
– HIV/AIDS and TB deaths increased and plateaued at high levels in people under age 60.
– Noncommunicable disease deaths increased among those under 60 and also increased among those over 60.
– There was an inverse gradient between mortality and household socioeconomic status (SES), particularly for deaths due to HIV/AIDS and TB and noncommunicable diseases.
– Deaths due to injuries remained an important mortality risk for males but did not vary by SES.
– Address the high burden of HIV/AIDS and TB mortality in rural South Africa through targeted prevention and treatment programs.
– Develop interventions to reduce the increasing mortality due to noncommunicable diseases, especially among those under 60.
– Implement measures to reduce injuries and mortality risks, particularly among males.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and epidemiologists to analyze and interpret the data.
– Health policymakers and government officials to implement recommendations and allocate resources.
– Healthcare providers and community health workers to deliver prevention and treatment interventions.
– Community leaders and organizations to raise awareness and promote behavior change.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Funding for HIV/AIDS and TB prevention and treatment programs.
– Resources for noncommunicable disease prevention and management, including screening and treatment.
– Investments in injury prevention strategies, such as road safety measures and violence prevention programs.
– Training and capacity building for healthcare providers and community health workers.
– Communication and awareness campaigns to educate the public about health risks and promote healthy behaviors.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on data collected from the Agincourt health and socio-demographic surveillance system over a period of 15 years. The abstract provides detailed information about the methodology used, including the approval process, data collection methods, and statistical analysis. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could include information about the sample size and demographic characteristics of the study population.

The HIV pandemic has led to dramatic increases and inequalities in adult mortality, and the diffusion of antiretroviral treatment, together with demographic and socioeconomic shifts in sub-Saharan Africa, has further changed mortality patterns. We describe all-cause and cause-specific mortality patterns in rural South Africa, analyzing data from the Agincourt health and socio-demographic surveillance system from 1994 to 2009 for those aged 5 years and older. Mortality increased during that period, particularly after 2002 for ages 30-69. HIV/AIDS and TB deaths increased and recently plateaued at high levels in people under age 60. Noncommunicable disease deaths increased among those under 60, and recently also increased among those over 60. There was an inverse gradient between mortality and household SES, particularly for deaths due to HIV/AIDS and TB and noncommunicable diseases. A smaller and less consistent gradient emerged for deaths due to other communicable diseases. Deaths due to injuries remained an important mortality risk for males but did not vary by SES. Rural South Africa continues to have a high burden of HIV/AIDS and TB mortality while deaths from noncommunicable diseases have increased, and both of these cause-categories show social inequalities in mortality. © 2014 Houle et al.

The Agincourt health and socio-demographic surveillance system (HDSS) was reviewed and approved by the Committee for Research on Human Subjects (Medical) of the University of the Witwatersrand (protocol M960720 and M081145). Community consent from civic and traditional leadership was secured at the start of surveillance and is reaffirmed from time to time, while informed verbal consent is obtained at individual and household level at each annual follow-up visit and approved by the ethics committees. A record of participant consent is kept of the household respondent who consented to interview as well as the responsible fieldworker. This information is captured on each household roster (populated census form). We use data from the HDSS to describe the population living in the Agincourt subdistrict of Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa [35], [36]. The study area can be considered a border region of rural Southern Africa as well as South Africa: over 30% of the population are Mozambican immigrants, formerly refugees who entered the area following the Mozambican war and share family and kinship ties with the host South African population [35]. The data contain records of some 82,000 people (the exact number changes over time) living in 21 rural villages. Trained fieldworkers collect data by interviewing the most knowledgeable person in each household, including vital events (deaths, births), spatial movements, nuptial events and an array of other information. We use data from 1994 through 2009. Household socioeconomic status has been collected every two years since 2001 using a 34-item asset status survey [37]. The survey covers the living conditions and assets of the household, including factors such as access to water and electricity, and ownership of appliances, transport, and livestock. Each variable is normalized to have range zero to one. An index is created by categorizing assets into five groups: modern assets, livestock assets, power supply, water and sanitation, and dwelling structure. The scaled asset values are summed within each group and then scaled again on [0,1]. Finally, these five asset groups are summed to yield an overall asset score for each household in the range of zero to five. We operationalize household socioeconomic status by taking quintiles of this asset score over all the years in which it was collected. Our cause-specific models use cause-of-death information from verbal autopsy (VA) interviews. For every death recorded in an annual census round, trained lay fieldworkers interview the closest relative of the deceased person, using a standardized, validated instrument and approach [36], [38]. To identify the most likely cause of death, we analyze this information using InterVA-4 (, a Bayesian probability model for interpreting VA data [39], [40]. We specify the model to suit a local setting with high prevalence of HIV and very low prevalence of malaria. We have used InterVA-4 rather than a physician-based VA approach because InterVA-4 ensures consistent coding and hence comparability across time, whereas physician coders change periodically. A complementary analysis using physician-based assessments produced similar findings. Indeterminate causes of death were not included in the cause-specific analysis – these individuals were considered censored at the time of their death. An alternate model including these indeterminate causes as a separate cause of death category yielded similar findings. We model mortality using discrete time event history analysis [41] for non-repeating events [42]. Data are organized as person-years with one record for each fully-observed year lived by each person aged 5+ years, including the year they died if there was a death. Values for covariates are set at the beginning of each person year, and the death indicator is set to ‘1’ if there was a death during the year. We use logistic regression to estimate the yearly probability of dying from all possible causes and the relative importance of sex, age, time period, and household SES as predictors of death during a year. We use multinomial logistic regression to estimate the yearly probability of dying by specific cause-of-death categories and include covariates sex, age, time period, and household SES. Interactions between predictor variables are tested using likelihood ratio tests for nested models. Time periods are selected to simultaneously maximize our ability to detect change along the various dimensions included in the models, while acknowledging the fundamental dynamics of the HIV epidemic in the study population. HIV began affecting mortality in the period 1997–8, and consequently we include a break-point in the time periods between 1997 and 1998. For most models we use relatively wide four-year intervals to capture temporal change because this ensures sufficient deaths in each cell. For the SES model we use two-year time intervals because SES is updated on a two-year cycle. We categorize causes of death into four groups based on the Global Burden of Disease Study [43]: (1) HIV/AIDS and TB; (2) other communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional diseases (excluding HIV/AIDS and TB); (3) noncommunicable diseases; and (4) injuries. Group 1 includes HIV and TB because HIV is an underlying cause in most TB deaths and the VA method does not easily distinguish HIV-related from non-HIV-related TB deaths. Group 2 includes among others diarrhea, malaria, and respiratory diseases. Group 3 includes cancer, cardiovascular disease, congenital diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, kidney disease, liver disease, and upper gastrointestinal bleeds. Group 4 involves injuries from accidents (including transport accidents), assault, suicide, and other external causes. SES models are restricted to years 2001–2009. We estimate all models using Stata [44]. We summarize these models using predictive probabilities for discrete sex-age-period groups. Differences over time for each sex-age group are compared relative to the referent (earliest) time period. Full documentation associated with the Agincourt HDSS, as well as an anonymized 10% sample of the full database are available at the Agincourt data website ( Customized data extraction can be requested from Dr. F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé (az.oc.truocniga@reivaX). Full details of data sharing and collaborations are detailed elsewhere [35].

Based on the provided information, it is difficult to identify specific innovations for improving access to maternal health. The text primarily focuses on mortality patterns and causes of death in rural South Africa, rather than innovations or recommendations for improving maternal health. To provide recommendations for improving access to maternal health, it would be helpful to have information specifically related to maternal health services, challenges, and potential areas for improvement.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, it is difficult to identify a specific recommendation for improving access to maternal health. The description focuses on mortality patterns in rural South Africa, particularly related to HIV/AIDS, TB, noncommunicable diseases, and injuries. It also discusses the methodology and data sources used for the analysis.

To develop an innovation to improve access to maternal health, it would be necessary to gather additional information specifically related to maternal health in rural South Africa. This could include factors such as the availability and accessibility of healthcare facilities, the presence of skilled healthcare providers, transportation infrastructure, cultural and social barriers, and the specific needs and challenges faced by pregnant women in the region.

Once this information is gathered, it can be used to inform the development of targeted interventions and innovations to improve access to maternal health. These could include initiatives such as mobile clinics or telemedicine services to reach remote areas, training programs for healthcare providers to improve their skills in maternal healthcare, community outreach and education programs to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health, and initiatives to address cultural and social barriers that may prevent women from seeking or accessing maternal healthcare services.

Overall, the key recommendation is to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment specific to maternal health in rural South Africa and use the findings to develop targeted interventions and innovations to improve access to maternal healthcare services.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, including clinics and hospitals, in rural areas to ensure that pregnant women have access to quality maternal healthcare services.

2. Mobile health clinics: Implement mobile health clinics that can reach remote areas and provide essential maternal healthcare services, including prenatal care, vaccinations, and postnatal care.

3. Community health workers: Train and deploy community health workers who can provide basic maternal healthcare services, educate pregnant women about prenatal care, and facilitate referrals to healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Telemedicine: Utilize telemedicine technologies to provide remote consultations and medical advice to pregnant women in areas with limited access to healthcare facilities.

5. Maternal health awareness campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate communities about the importance of maternal healthcare, including prenatal care, nutrition, and family planning.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify key indicators to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, the number of maternal deaths, and the distance to the nearest healthcare facility.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of maternal health in the target area, including the number of pregnant women, the utilization of maternal healthcare services, and the existing healthcare infrastructure.

3. Model the impact: Use statistical modeling techniques to simulate the impact of the recommendations on the identified indicators. This could involve creating scenarios with different levels of implementation and estimating the potential changes in the indicators.

4. Validate the model: Validate the model by comparing the simulated results with real-world data, if available. This will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the simulation.

5. Analyze the results: Analyze the simulated results to assess the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve comparing different scenarios and identifying the most effective strategies.

6. Refine and iterate: Based on the analysis, refine the recommendations and the simulation model if necessary. Iterate the process to further optimize the strategies for improving access to maternal health.

It is important to note that the specific methodology for simulating the impact may vary depending on the available data, resources, and expertise.

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