Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

Address: 25 Mel Mentz St, Ermelo, 2351, South Africa

Service ID: 52355

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, temperatures will range from a low of 12.83°C to a high of 33.4°C, ideal for setting a hospital appointment. The best days for minimal weather disruption are December 4th and December 9th, both with clear skies and low precipitation probabilities (5% and 0%, respectively). The wind will be gentle on these days. On December 4th, the temperature will hover around 23.89°C, comfortable for travel. Considering possible rain on later dates, mornings are recommended as they typically offer the calmest conditions. December 4th morning would thus be the safest and most comfortable time to visit the hospital.

Résumé généré par l’IA de l’examen et des recommandations des utilisateurs


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Ce résumé donne un aperçu général des avis et des notes, mais il est de la responsabilité du fournisseur de services d’examiner chaque commentaire individuellement et de prendre les mesures appropriées.

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3,5 étoiles sur 5 (selon 30 avis)

Noluvuyo Langa's Review

avril 25, 2022

Great service, from the cleaners to the nurses.

Avatar de Noluvuyo L
Noluvuyo L

Nombali Mkhonza's Review

janvier 2, 2022

My child got admitted on the 23rd December 2021. The staff was professional and quick to provide the needed assistance. We waited less than 5 minutes to get help at the casualty ward.

The children’s ward was very clean and decorated with Christmas lights and they played soothing Christmas carols. The sleeper couch in my son’s ward was comfortable and we got provided with enough linen for us to feel warm and comfy.

The Christmas menu was thoughtful and “Christmassy” including smoked gammon, roasted chicken etc.

Overall a pleasant experience and the standard is top notch as expected for any hospital under the Mediclinic group.

Avatar de Nombali M
Nombali M

Angelique's Review

septembre 1, 2021

Apparently only of colour children my visit there parents and siblings not white children.

Avatar de Angelique

moses mathabela's Review

juin 16, 2021

They are responsible and caring

Avatar de moses M
moses M

Thembelihle Barbara Gama's Review

mai 21, 2021

Nurses and very friendly and professional, the hospital is clean, however the security guards are annoying and rude.

Avatar de Thembelihle G
Thembelihle G
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