Iron status of Kenyan pregnant women after adjusting for inflammation using brinda regression analysis and other correction methods

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to assess the iron status of pregnant women in Kenya, specifically focusing on the impact of inflammation on serum ferritin concentration. The justification for this study is that serum ferritin is commonly used as a biomarker to assess iron status in populations, but its interpretation becomes complicated in populations with high levels of infection-induced inflammation. Therefore, it is important to develop and compare different methods of adjusting ferritin concentration for inflammation to obtain accurate estimates of iron deficiency in pregnant women.
Study Highlights:
– The study analyzed data from pregnant women in two regions of Kenya, a rural area with high malaria endemicity and an urban area with low malaria prevalence.
– Different methods of adjusting ferritin concentration for inflammation were compared, including the newly proposed Brinda regression analysis and other previously proposed methods.
– All correction methods increased the prevalence of iron deficiency compared to unadjusted estimates, with the Brinda internal regression correction method resulting in the highest increase.
– Adjusting for both inflammation and Plasmodium infection led to lower prevalence estimates compared to uninfected women.
– Linear regression methods were used to adjust ferritin concentration for inflammation, resulting in decreased point estimates for ferritin concentration and increased estimates for the prevalence of iron deficiency in pregnancy.
Study Recommendations:
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations can be made:
1. When assessing iron status in pregnant women, it is important to adjust ferritin concentration for inflammation to obtain accurate estimates of iron deficiency.
2. The Brinda internal regression correction method showed the highest increase in iron deficiency prevalence and may be a useful approach for adjusting ferritin concentration for inflammation in populations with high infection burden.
3. Adjusting for both inflammation and Plasmodium infection can provide a more comprehensive assessment of iron status in pregnant women.
4. Further research is needed to validate and compare different methods of adjusting ferritin concentration for inflammation in diverse populations.
Key Role Players:
To address the recommendations of this study, the following key role players may be needed:
1. Researchers and scientists specializing in iron metabolism and nutritional status.
2. Public health officials and policymakers responsible for maternal and child health programs.
3. Healthcare providers, including obstetricians and gynecologists, who can implement appropriate iron supplementation strategies.
4. Laboratory technicians and facilities for accurate measurement of biomarkers, such as ferritin, CRP, and AGP.
5. Community health workers and outreach programs to ensure effective implementation of iron supplementation interventions.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
While the actual cost may vary depending on the specific context and implementation strategy, the following cost items should be considered in planning the recommendations:
1. Research funding for conducting further studies to validate and compare different methods of adjusting ferritin concentration for inflammation.
2. Training and capacity building programs for healthcare providers and laboratory technicians on iron status assessment and adjustment methods.
3. Procurement and maintenance of laboratory equipment and reagents for accurate measurement of biomarkers.
4. Development and implementation of iron supplementation programs, including the cost of iron supplements and distribution logistics.
5. Monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the impact and effectiveness of iron supplementation interventions.
6. Community engagement and awareness campaigns to promote iron supplementation and improve adherence among pregnant women.
Please note that the cost estimates provided are general considerations and may vary based on the specific context and resources available.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is relatively strong, as it describes a study conducted in two distinct regions in Kenya and provides detailed information about the study design and population. However, the rating is not higher because the abstract does not provide specific statistical results or conclusions. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include key findings, statistical analyses, and conclusions drawn from the study.

Serum ferritin concentration is the preferred biomarker to assess population iron status in the absence of inflammation. Interpretation of this biomarker is complicated in populations with a high burden of infection, however, because inflammation increases serum ferritin concentration independently of iron status. We aimed to compare estimates of iron status of Kenyan pregnant women, with circulating ferritin concentrations adjusted for inflammation using newly proposed methods by the BRINDA project, or using previously proposed adjustment methods. We re-analyzed data from pregnant Kenyan women living in a rural area where malaria is highly endemic (n = 470) or in an urban area (n = 402). As proposed by the BRINDA group, we adjusted individual ferritin concentration by internal regression for circulating concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and α 1 -acid glycoprotein (AGP). Other adjustment methods comprised: (a) arithmetic correction factors based on CRP or AGP; (b) exclusion of subjects with inflammation (CRP >5 mg/L or AGP >1 g/L); and (c) higher ferritin cut-off value (90 g/L. Venous blood samples were collected in EDTA tubes. Plasma concentrations of ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, transferrin, CRP, and AGP were assessed on a Beckman Coulter Unicel DxC 880i analyzer at Meander Medical Centre, Amersfoort, The Netherlands [9]. For CRP, data below the assay limit of detection (LOD) of 1 mg/L were censored and reported by the laboratory as imputed values at LOD/2 (i.e., 0.5 mg/L). Plasmodium infection was indicated by the presence in plasma of Plasmodium antigens (histidine-rich protein-2, which is specific for P. falciparum; or lactate dehydrogenase specific to either P. falciparum or to non-falciparum human Plasmodium species; Access Bio rapid dipstick test), or the presence in erythrocytes of P. falciparum-specific DNA, as determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Urban area (Nairobi) data: The MNS 2014 study concerned a survey to assess micronutrient status, nutritional knowledge, and dietary patterns among pregnant women in their second trimester of pregnancy who attended antenatal clinics at Aga Khan Hospital, St. Mary’s Hospital, and Mama Lucy hospital in Nairobi County, Kenya [8]. The three hospitals were purposely chosen to represent urban women from high, medium, and low socio-economic status, respectively. The subjects recruited were sampled consecutively and proportionately to the daily turnover of women in their second pregnancy trimester for each of these three facilities, until the sample size for each facility was attained. Experienced research staff were trained on study-specific procedures of data collection, specimen handling, and analysis. Venous blood was collected in EDTA tubes. Plasmodium infection tests were done on site using rapid diagnostic tests specific for P. falciparum (histidine-rich protein 2). Serum concentrations of ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, CRP, and AGP were measured by a multiplex enzyme immunoassay sandwich method with fluorescence detection [10]. No limit of detection was reported for CRP. Sample size requirements were calculated for the original purposes of each study and not reported because they are irrelevant to the present article. The PIMAL study was approved by independent ethics committees from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, and the Kenyatta National Hospital/University of Nairobi, Kenya. It was registered at (identifier: {“type”:”clinical-trial”,”attrs”:{“text”:”NCT 01308112″,”term_id”:”NCT01308112″}}NCT 01308112). For re-analysis of the Kisumu data for the current article, the authors obtained additional approval from the Kenyatta National Hospital/University of Nairobi Ethical Review Board. The MNS 2014 study was approved by the Kenya Medical Research Institute Scientific and Ethics Review Unit (KEMRI/CPHR/SERU/2769— and the Aga Khan University Research Ethics Committee (2014/REC-53). Written informed consent was obtained from all study subjects in both studies. The following data, collected in the second pregnancy trimester, were used for this article: Kisumu 2011–2013 data and Nairobi 2014 data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 22 and SAS 9.4 software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) were used for data analysis. As per recommendations by the BRINDA group, we used the Internal Regression Correction (IRC) approach (10) to adjust for inflammation using CRP and AGP. The IRC approach uses linear regression to adjust a biomarker by the concentration of CRP or AGP on a continuous scale and Plasmodium infection as a dichotomous variable. Ferritin concentration was log-transformed to normalize its distribution and to stabilize its variance, and concentrations of CRP and AGP concentrations were log-transformed under the assumption that this would linearize their relationship with the log-transformed ferritin concentration. Thus, the following regression equation was applied to adjust individual ferritin concentrations: where the subscripts adj and unadj refer to adjusted and unadjusted ferritin concentrations, β1, β2, and β3 are the regression coefficients for CRP, AGP, and Plasmodium infection, respectively, and the subscript ref refers to reference values that are recommended under the assumption that ferritin concentrations increase only when these inflammatory markers exceed this threshold value [5,11]. For CRP, internal reference values employed were 0.5 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L for Kisumu and Nairobi, respectively. For AGP, internal reference values utilized were 0.5 g/L and 0.3 g/L for Kisumu and Nairobi, respectively. A test of multicollinearity between log-transformed CRP and AGP (ln-CRP and ln-AGP) was assessed on the basis of a test of tolerance (>0.1) to determine whether it was appropriate to include all variables in the model. Because the BRINDA group did not report estimates for the regression coefficients for their meta-regression of data from pregnant women, we estimated these coefficients separately for the Kisumu and the Nairobi studies. Estimates for the regression coefficients were exponentiated to express associations in the original units of measurements. Iron deficiency was determined by applying a cut-off of 5 mg/L and AGP concentration ≤1 g/L); (3) early convalescence (CRP concentration >5 mg/L and AGP concentration >1 g/L); and (4) late convalescence (CRP concentration ≤5 mg/L and concentration AGP >1 g/L). In addition, CFs were derived by grouping those with inflammation or Plasmodium infection into 2 groups, in which CRP, AGP, or Plasmodium infection were used independently of each other. Internal Correction Factors (ICFs) were then generated by dividing geometric mean (GM) ferritin values of the non-inflammation group by GM ferritin values of each inflammation group: where ref and inflam denote the reference group and the inflammation group, respectively. Subsequently, raw ferritin values in individuals in the groups with raised inflammatory markers were multiplied by the ICFs matching their respective inflammation group to arrive at adjusted ferritin values. In line with the IRC approach, ICFs were calculated for each of the groups described above. To compare ferritin concentrations between Kisumu and Nairobi, after excluding cases with inflammation, a t-test was utilized to test the log-normal ratio of the geometric means and obtain corresponding 95% CIs. In the “exclusion” approach, individuals with inflammation (as defined by a CRP concentration >5 mg/L or AGP concentration >1 g/L, or both) or with Plasmodium infection were excluded from the analysis. The estimated prevalence of iron deficiency was then calculated among those remaining. The method used to calculate 95% CIs of prevalence estimates was Wilson’s score interval. For the increased ferritin concentration approach, we defined iron deficiency as ferritin concentrations <15 μg/L or 5 mg/L or AGP concentration >1 g/L, or both), respectively. Wilson’s score interval was used to calculate corresponding 95% CIs. Lastly, we reported unadjusted prevalence estimates for iron deficiency. Again, 95% CIs were obtained with Wilson’s score interval.

Based on the provided information, it appears that the study is focused on assessing iron status in Kenyan pregnant women and adjusting for inflammation using various correction methods. The study aims to improve the accuracy of estimating iron deficiency in populations with a high burden of infection. Some potential innovations or recommendations to improve access to maternal health based on this study could include:

1. Implementing the use of newly proposed methods by the BRINDA project: The study suggests using the Internal Regression Correction (IRC) approach to adjust individual ferritin concentrations for inflammation using C-reactive protein (CRP) and α 1 -acid glycoprotein (AGP). This method could be adopted in maternal health programs to improve the accuracy of assessing iron status in pregnant women.

2. Incorporating Plasmodium infection testing: The study highlights the importance of considering Plasmodium infection in adjusting for inflammation and estimating iron deficiency. Including Plasmodium infection testing as part of routine antenatal care could help identify pregnant women at higher risk of iron deficiency and guide appropriate interventions.

3. Enhancing laboratory capacity: The study mentions that blood samples were analyzed at external laboratories. Improving laboratory capacity within healthcare facilities, especially in rural areas, could expedite the assessment of iron status and reduce turnaround time for results, leading to more timely interventions.

4. Training healthcare providers: To effectively implement the recommended correction methods and interpret iron status results, healthcare providers should receive training on the use of these methods and their implications for maternal health. This would ensure accurate assessment and appropriate management of iron deficiency in pregnant women.

5. Integrating iron supplementation programs: Based on the study’s findings of a high prevalence of iron deficiency, integrating iron supplementation programs into routine antenatal care could help address this issue. Ensuring access to affordable and quality iron supplements, along with appropriate counseling on their use, would be essential.

6. Conducting further research: The study highlights the need for additional research on iron status assessment and correction methods in populations with a high burden of infection. Further studies could explore the effectiveness of different correction methods, evaluate the impact of iron supplementation programs, and assess long-term maternal and neonatal outcomes related to iron deficiency.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the information provided and may need to be further evaluated and tailored to the specific context and resources available in Kenya or other settings.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health is to implement the newly proposed methods by the BRINDA project for adjusting serum ferritin concentration for inflammation in pregnant women. These methods involve using internal regression to adjust individual ferritin concentration for circulating concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and α 1 -acid glycoprotein (AGP). Other adjustment methods include arithmetic correction factors based on CRP or AGP, exclusion of subjects with inflammation, and using a higher ferritin cut-off value.

Implementing these adjustment methods can help accurately assess iron status in pregnant women, particularly in populations with a high burden of infection where inflammation can increase serum ferritin concentration independently of iron status. By accurately assessing iron status, healthcare providers can identify and address iron deficiency in pregnant women, which is crucial for improving maternal health outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study described focuses on the iron status of pregnant women in Kenya and the impact of inflammation on serum ferritin concentration, which is used to assess iron status. The researchers compared different methods of adjusting ferritin concentration for inflammation and Plasmodium infection to obtain more accurate estimates of iron deficiency prevalence.

To improve access to maternal health, here are some potential recommendations based on the findings of the study:

1. Implement routine screening for iron deficiency in pregnant women: Given the high prevalence of iron deficiency among pregnant women, it is important to include routine screening for iron deficiency as part of prenatal care. This can help identify women who may require iron supplementation or other interventions to improve their iron status.

2. Provide iron supplementation to pregnant women: Iron supplementation has been shown to be effective in improving iron status in pregnant women. Based on the findings of this study, it is particularly important to provide iron supplementation to pregnant women in areas with a high burden of infection and inflammation, such as rural areas with high malaria prevalence.

3. Improve access to antenatal care: Access to antenatal care is crucial for ensuring that pregnant women receive appropriate screening, interventions, and support for their health needs. Efforts should be made to improve access to antenatal care services, especially in rural areas where access may be limited.

4. Strengthen health education and awareness: Many pregnant women may not be aware of the importance of iron in pregnancy and the potential consequences of iron deficiency. Health education programs should be implemented to raise awareness about the importance of iron, the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency, and the available interventions to improve iron status.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the target population: Determine the specific population that will be the focus of the simulation, such as pregnant women in a particular region or community.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current access to maternal health services, iron supplementation rates, iron deficiency prevalence, and other relevant indicators in the target population.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a mathematical model that incorporates the various factors influencing access to maternal health, such as availability of antenatal care services, iron supplementation programs, and health education initiatives. The model should also consider the potential impact of these interventions on iron deficiency prevalence.

4. Input intervention scenarios: Define different scenarios representing the implementation of the recommendations mentioned above. For example, one scenario could involve increasing the availability of antenatal care services, while another scenario could focus on improving iron supplementation rates.

5. Run the simulation: Use the simulation model to simulate the impact of each intervention scenario on access to maternal health and iron deficiency prevalence. The model should generate estimates of key indicators, such as the number of pregnant women accessing antenatal care, the proportion of women receiving iron supplementation, and the prevalence of iron deficiency.

6. Analyze and interpret the results: Analyze the simulation results to assess the potential impact of each intervention scenario on improving access to maternal health. Compare the outcomes of different scenarios to identify the most effective interventions for improving access to maternal health and reducing iron deficiency prevalence.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the simulation results, refine the intervention scenarios and the simulation model as needed. Repeat the simulation process to further explore the potential impact of different interventions and to optimize the strategies for improving access to maternal health.

By using this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of different interventions on improving access to maternal health and reducing iron deficiency prevalence. This can inform decision-making and help prioritize resources for interventions that are likely to have the greatest impact.

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