Baseline assessment of the WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA maternal and newborn quality-of-care standards around childbirth: Results from an intermediate hospital, northeast Namibia

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Study Justification:
– Quality of care around childbirth can significantly reduce stillbirths and newborn deaths.
– Neonatal mortality in northeast Namibia is higher than the national level.
– There is a lack of review on the quality of care provided around childbirth in the region.
– This study aims to assess the baseline implementation of WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality measures around childbirth in an intermediate hospital in northeast Namibia.
– Mixed-methods research design was used to assess quality of care.
– Data collected from 53 observed women, 20 staff interviews, and 100 women discharged after delivery.
– Gaps were identified in routine postpartum and postnatal newborn care, provider-client interactions, information sharing, and companionship.
– Only 45% of staff received in-service training on postnatal care and breastfeeding.
– Mothers were not adequately informed about breastfeeding, postpartum care and hygiene, and family planning.
– Improving training in communication skills for staff is likely to have a major positive impact on reducing neonatal deaths.
– Provide in-service training/refresher on postnatal care and breastfeeding for staff.
– Improve communication skills of staff to educate clients about breastfeeding, postpartum care and hygiene, and family planning.
– Strengthen routine postpartum and postnatal newborn care, provider-client interactions, information sharing, and companionship.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health
– University of the Western Cape
– Hospital management
– Staff members
– Nursing students
– Data collectors
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training programs for staff
– Educational materials for clients
– Communication skills workshops
– Quality improvement initiatives
Please note that the provided information is a summary of the study and its findings. For more detailed information, please refer to the publication “Baseline assessment of the WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA maternal and newborn quality-of-care standards around childbirth: Results from an intermediate hospital, northeast Namibia” in Frontiers in Pediatrics, Volume 10, Year 2023.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a mixed-methods research design and provides a comprehensive assessment of the quality of care around childbirth in an intermediate hospital in northeast Namibia. The study used qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, including observations, interviews, and record reviews. The results highlight gaps in the implementation of WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality standards, particularly in provider-client interactions and information sharing. The study provides valuable insights for improving training in communication skills and educating clients. To improve the strength of the evidence, the abstract could include more specific details about the sample size, data analysis methods, and limitations of the study.

Background: Quality of care around childbirth can reduce above half of the stillbirths and newborn deaths. Northeast Namibia’s neonatal mortality is higher than the national level. Yet, no review exists on the quality of care provided around childbirth. This paper reports on baseline assessment for implementing WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality measures around childbirth. Methods: A mixed-methods research design was used to assess quality of care around childbirth. To obtain good saturation and adequate women opinions, we purposively sampled the only high-volume hospital in northeast Namibia; observed 53 women at admission, of which 19 progressed to deliver on the same day/hours of data collection; and interviewed 20 staff and 100 women who were discharged after delivery. The sampled hospital accounted for half of all deliveries in that region and had a high (27/1,000) neonatal mortality rate above the national (20/1,000) level. We systematically sampled every 22nd delivery until the 259 mother–baby pair was reached. Data were collected using the Every Mother Every Newborn assessment tool, entered, and analyzed using SPSS V.27. Descriptive statistics was used, and results were summarized into tables and graphs. Results: We reviewed 259 mother–baby pair records. Blood pressure, pulse, and temperature measurements were done in 98% of observed women and 90% of interviewed women at discharge. Above 80% of human and essential physical resources were adequately available. Gaps were identified within the WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality standard 1, a quality statement on routine postpartum and postnatal newborn care (1.1c), and also within standards 4, 5, and 6 on provider–client interactions (4.1), information sharing (5.3), and companionship (6.1). Only 45% of staff received in-service training/refresher on postnatal care and breastfeeding. Most mothers were not informed about breastfeeding (52%), postpartum care and hygiene (59%), and family planning (72%). On average, 49% of newborn postnatal care interventions (1.1c) were practiced. Few mothers (0–12%) could mention any newborn danger signs. Conclusion: This is the first study in Namibia to assess WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality-of-care measures around childbirth. Measurement of provider–client interactions and information sharing revealed significant deficiencies in this aspect of care that negatively affected the client’s experience of care. To achieve reductions in neonatal death, improved training in communication skills to educate clients is likely to have a major positive and relatively low-cost impact.

Qualitative and quantitative methods were both used to assess the baseline implementation of quality-of-care interventions around childbirth at an intermediate hospital in northeast Namibia. We applied mixed-methods data collection as it aligns with the Donabedian and WHO frameworks for assessing quality-of-care facility. Also, the frameworks best suit our study as they are modeled to tell a story on care provision through the three components of care. The components include inputs, outputs/processes, and outcomes around childbirth. The qualitative data were collected by observing women in the maternity ward as they navigated admission, labor, and childbirth. In contrast, quantitative data assessed facility functionality and readiness, record review, and structured interviews with women discharged after delivery, staff, and the facility manager. The research was supported by the Namibian Ministry of Health and the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Ethical approval was obtained from UWC and the Namibian Ministry of Health. Kavango region, northeast Namibia, was purposively sampled because it has the only intermediate-referral hospital in that region. The hospital accounts for half of all deliveries in the region and has a high neonatal mortality rate (27/1,000) above the national level (20/1,000) (16). The factors that influenced the selection of the hospital included (1) high case load/deliveries, (2) poor newborn health indicators, and (3) being a UNICEF-supported region/hospital for maternal newborn programs. Also, the region records 72.8% health facility deliveries, 75% deliveries by skilled birth attendants, and 47.7% postnatal care within 2 days (16). Meanwhile, northeast Namibia’s intermediate hospital deliveries increased from 8,823 in 2019 to 11,967 by 2020. By the time of data collection, infrastructure and human resources for health (17) were inadequate to accommodate the increasing deliveries, posing a challenge to the healthcare system, which is expected to improve quality healthcare amidst an overcrowded maternity unit. Yet, no quality improvement program existed. The selection of staff for the interview (N = 20) was purposeful. The selection criteria included staff working with pregnant women, in the labor and delivery unit, and in the postnatal care and premature unit. The facility manager was conveniently selected for the interview as the only manager for the facility. Observed women (N = 53) were conveniently sampled as they were admitted in the maternity ward for labor and delivery during the data collection period. The women who delivered (N = 100) were also sampled conveniently for the interview during data collection when they were discharged home. The sampled numbers of the facility manager, staff, and observed and interviewed women were based on the estimated good reach on saturation and obtaining adequate voice representation. The woman was counted as part of the 53 if she was observed but did not completed four stages of childbirth. The stages included are as follows: admission into the maternity ward, labor, delivery, and immediate care after birth on the day of data collection. Of 53 observed women, 19 women completed the four stages. For the record review, we purposively chose January to December 2016 and systematically sampled every 22nd delivery until the necessary sample size was reached. The calculated sample size was per the study protocol using 5,716 deliveries in 2016. With 0.05 alpha and 0.80 power, we needed a sample size of 211 before and after groups. So, for a full review of records as part of this baseline study (before the group), considering potential information in the records, we indicated reviewing 250 records of mother–newborn pairs. Thus, because of missing records, we reviewed 259 mother–baby pairs. The endline paper will report the results of the pre- and postintervention phases. The EMEN tool is divided into six tools or forms. The facility’s structural and functionality readiness form1 assesses physical resources, supplies, equipment, and medicine. The management interview form2 assesses the policy environment, while form3 assesses the formal and refresher training the staff received in maternal and newborn care. The form also has vignettes to test staff knowledge of the subject areas. Form4 observes the women from admission to labor and delivery as she navigates the process of care. Form5 captures data on the care provided from the medical record. The form also collects outcome data and reviews partographs and records of women who underwent a cesarean section to deliver. Form6 assesses women’s perceptions of the quality of care they received during hospitalization (Supplementary Table S3). The EMEN assessment tool was developed by pulling together the best interventions of WHO’s Service Availability Readiness Assessment (SARA) and those used in vigorous research settings (9). By using the tool to collect data, we were able to capture gaps in quality of care identified in other large studies (9, 18–20) and across the WHO/UNICEF quality framework (Supplementary Figure S1 and Table S3). This demonstrates the strong validity and reliability of the EMEN tool and the results of this study. Since no single tool is sufficient to capture all quality measures (21–23), we encourage researchers to use a mixture of tools to derive the best benefit from the results. Even if it is one quality domain to be assessed, we used at least 3–4 EMEN tools to capture quality standards widely (Supplementary Table S2). Despite the EMEN tool having found a high implementation of human, essential physical resources, and drugs, we observed a few inconsistencies on the ground vs. the findings. Assistant data collectors comprised one retired nurse and two nursing students who interviewed staff and reviewed maternity records. The data collectors also included two student doctors who conducted observations and exit interviews. The first author interviewed medical doctors. We collected data by adapting the Every Mother Every Newborn (EMEN) assessment tool into local context. The EMEN tool assesses the quality-of-care interventions during childbirth, especially the first 24 h (24). EMEN tool development was based on harmonizing interventions from tool(s) of WHO’s SARA and those used in robust research settings (9). The final version incorporated experiences from implementing the same tool in Bangladesh, Ghana, and Tanzania. The assistant data collectors were trained by the UNICEF international consultant who led cross-sectional studies using similar study tools in the three countries. The training included observing them in practice, ensuring data quality and consistency. The EMEN tool has strong validity and reliability as it incorporates experiences from large-scale studies and robust surveys (9). Our other paper that assessed the capacity of the EMEN tool found it strong in capturing WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA maternal and newborn quality standards (15). The collected data did not include any respondents’ personal identifiers. Prior to each interview, the assessors read the oral consent script and asked the participant to respond “yes” or “no.” The interview proceeded with only those who consented. The data collection was from December 10, 2019 to January 19, 2020. Quantitative data were entered, coded, cleaned, and analyzed using SPSS for Mac, version 27. We used descriptive statistics to summarize key results into tables and figures. Since it was one site, the facility’s structural and functionality readiness and manager questionnaires were manually analyzed. We applied all six EMEN assessment tools to capture quality-of-care interventions around childbirth. We adopted the scoring analysis approach of the tools from Brizuela et al. (22). We found the approach useful and built on it to analyze data from the EMEN tool by benchmarking our results/responses captured by the tool against each quality measure (Supplementary Table S2). We expanded on the Brizuela et al. (22) scoring approach for assessing the capacity of tools to capture quality standard measures. In addition, instead of just reporting the number of quality items/questions present, we analyzed the proportion of responses from each tool against a WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA standard measure (Supplementary Table S2). All the questions in the tools included measures related to inputs/processes/outputs/outcomes. We reviewed each questionnaire and matched questions in the tools with the WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality measures associated with the standards. A detailed description of the mapping exercise is published in our other paper (15). In summary, we matched questions/responses in the tools to each of the measures, which required warranting that all responses/questions in the tools and all measures were considered. For instance, responses on the availability of lifesaving supplies and functioning equipment for emergency care and newborn resuscitation were captured under facility readiness and observation of care tools. For these analyses, we used descriptive statistics to calculate the average or proportion of responses captured by each tool. For quality measures with multiple subcomponents/questions, at least one of the subcomponents captured was considered enough. For example, a quality measure might list several medicines and the tool might measure a subset of the medicines on the list unless the quality measures clearly require that all subcomponents be present for the measure to be met (e.g., provision of essential newborn care required four elements, and the tools had to capture responses for all four). Then, we calculated the average or response percentage of quality measures captured per tool (e.g., the average response proportion of quality measures of a given quality statement captured within a specific tool) (Supplementary Table S2). This was a crucial step in having a summarized table of results depicting clearly which indicator(s) or quality intervention(s) were poorly, moderately, or highly practiced. It then becomes easier to tell from the table (Supplementary Table S2) which EMEN tool captured most of the WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality measures under each quality statement and/or standard. Data management for data collected around childbirth was performed using paper-based tools. The principal investigator checked the first 10 responses of each tool for completeness and consistency of codes. Since the principal investigator was on site, forms with identified problems were immediately given back to the assessor for verification and correction. The data were declared as a missing value if it could not be corrected using a register or the mother was not present at the time of verification. All completed clean data were handed over to the principal investigator for safekeeping. Only the data management team had access to the data. The data were entered into SPSS software by a statistician from Namibia University of Science and Technology, who, after entry, handed back all the records to the principal investigator for safekeeping and storage. The first author performed data cleaning before analysis.

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could be recommended to improve access to maternal health:

1. Implementing a comprehensive training program: Develop and implement a training program for healthcare providers that focuses on communication skills, including educating clients about breastfeeding, postpartum care and hygiene, and family planning. This training program should also include regular in-service training and refresher courses on postnatal care and breastfeeding.

2. Strengthening provider-client interactions: Address the identified gaps in provider-client interactions by implementing strategies to improve communication and information sharing between healthcare providers and women. This could include promoting respectful and compassionate care, encouraging shared decision-making, and ensuring that women are well-informed about their care options and newborn danger signs.

3. Enhancing infrastructure and human resources: Address the inadequate infrastructure and human resources in the healthcare facility by investing in the expansion and improvement of the maternity unit. This could involve increasing the number of delivery rooms, improving the availability of essential physical resources, and hiring additional healthcare staff to accommodate the increasing number of deliveries and provide quality healthcare.

4. Utilizing technology for remote consultations: Explore the use of telemedicine and mobile health technologies to provide remote consultations and support for pregnant women in remote areas. This could help overcome geographical barriers and improve access to maternal health services, especially for women who have limited access to healthcare facilities.

5. Implementing quality improvement programs: Establish a quality improvement program that focuses on implementing and monitoring the WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality measures around childbirth. This program should include regular assessments, feedback mechanisms, and continuous training and support for healthcare providers to ensure the consistent delivery of high-quality maternal health services.

These innovations aim to address the identified gaps in quality of care and improve access to maternal health services in northeast Namibia. By implementing these recommendations, it is expected that the quality of care around childbirth will improve, leading to a reduction in neonatal mortality and improved maternal and newborn health outcomes.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the following recommendation can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

Implement a comprehensive training program for healthcare providers on postnatal care and breastfeeding: The baseline assessment identified gaps in staff training and knowledge related to postnatal care and breastfeeding. To address this, a comprehensive training program should be developed and implemented for healthcare providers. The program should focus on improving communication skills and educating providers on the importance of postnatal care and breastfeeding. This training program can be delivered through workshops, online modules, and on-the-job training. By improving the knowledge and skills of healthcare providers, the quality of care provided to mothers and newborns can be enhanced, leading to improved maternal and neonatal health outcomes.

Additionally, the training program should include modules on newborn danger signs to ensure that healthcare providers can effectively identify and respond to any potential complications or emergencies. This will help in early detection and timely intervention, reducing the risk of neonatal mortality.

To ensure the sustainability of the training program, it is important to establish a system for continuous professional development and refresher courses for healthcare providers. This will help to reinforce the knowledge and skills acquired during the initial training and keep healthcare providers up-to-date with the latest evidence-based practices in postnatal care and breastfeeding.

Furthermore, the training program should incorporate a multidisciplinary approach, involving not only healthcare providers but also other relevant stakeholders such as community health workers, traditional birth attendants, and peer educators. This will help to create a supportive network and ensure consistent messaging and support for mothers and newborns throughout the continuum of care.

By implementing this comprehensive training program, healthcare providers will be better equipped to provide high-quality postnatal care and breastfeeding support, ultimately improving access to maternal health services and reducing neonatal mortality rates.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen provider-client interactions: Address the identified gaps in provider-client interactions, such as communication skills, information sharing, and companionship. This can be achieved through targeted training programs for healthcare providers to improve their communication skills and ensure that essential information is effectively shared with mothers.

2. Enhance postnatal care and breastfeeding support: Develop in-service training or refresher programs for healthcare staff on postnatal care and breastfeeding. This will ensure that mothers receive adequate information and support regarding breastfeeding, postpartum care, and hygiene.

3. Improve family planning education: Implement strategies to increase awareness and knowledge of family planning methods among mothers. This can be done through educational campaigns, counseling services, and integration of family planning services into maternal health programs.

4. Strengthen the implementation of WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA quality standards: Address the identified gaps within the quality standards, particularly in routine postpartum and postnatal newborn care. This can be achieved through regular monitoring and evaluation, feedback mechanisms, and continuous quality improvement initiatives.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed using the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify key indicators that reflect access to maternal health, such as the percentage of mothers receiving postnatal care within a specified timeframe, the percentage of mothers practicing exclusive breastfeeding, or the percentage of mothers receiving family planning counseling.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the selected indicators before implementing the recommendations. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or record reviews.

3. Implement the recommendations: Introduce the recommended interventions, such as training programs, educational campaigns, or quality improvement initiatives.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the implementation of the recommendations and collect data on the selected indicators. This can be done through regular assessments, surveys, or data analysis.

5. Analyze the data: Compare the post-intervention data with the baseline data to assess the impact of the recommendations on the selected indicators. Use statistical analysis techniques to determine if there are significant improvements in access to maternal health.

6. Interpret the results: Interpret the findings to understand the effectiveness of the recommendations in improving access to maternal health. Identify any challenges or areas for further improvement.

7. Adjust and refine: Based on the results, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the recommendations to optimize their impact on improving access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions for future interventions.

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