Theory-based nutrition education intervention through male involvement improves the dietary diversity practice and nutritional status of pregnant women in rural Illu Aba Bor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia: A quasi-experimental study

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Study Justification:
– Maternal undernutrition is a major public health problem in low-income countries, including Ethiopia.
– Despite efforts to address maternal nutritional needs, undernutrition rates in Ethiopia remain high.
– This study aimed to evaluate the effect of theory-based nutrition education through male engagement on the dietary practice and nutritional status of pregnant women.
– The study was conducted in rural communities of Illu Aba Bor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.
– A quasi-experimental design was used, with 403 pregnant women participating in the study.
– The intervention involved nutrition education sessions delivered to couples (husband and wife) or pregnant women alone.
– The intervention significantly improved dietary diversity scores and the nutritional status of pregnant women in the couple group and women-alone group compared to the control group.
– Involving males in nutrition education interventions was found to be effective in improving the dietary diversity practice and nutritional status of pregnant women.
– Targeting couples in designing nutrition education interventions can be an effective strategy to improve the dietary practice and nutritional status of pregnant women.
– Scaling up theory-based nutrition education interventions through male involvement should be considered in similar rural communities to address maternal undernutrition.
Key Role Players:
– Public health professionals with a Bachelor of Science or Master of Public Health qualification to serve as educators and supervisors of the intervention process.
– Health extension workers (HEWs) to provide counseling and support to mothers.
– Trainers to provide training to educators and supervisors.
– Data collectors and supervisors to collect and monitor data.
– Field supervisors to provide onsite support for data collectors.
– Care providers in antenatal care (ANC) settings to deliver nutrition education to pregnant women.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training costs for educators, supervisors, HEWs, and trainers.
– Personnel costs for educators, supervisors, data collectors, and field supervisors.
– Materials and resources for nutrition education, including training guides, manuals, leaflets, and counseling cards.
– Transportation costs for educators, supervisors, HEWs, and trainers.
– Monitoring and evaluation costs, including supervisory visits and performance evaluation meetings.
– Data collection and analysis costs.
– Costs for ANC services, including nutrition education for pregnant women.
– Costs for scaling up the intervention in similar rural communities.
Please note that the actual cost of implementing the recommendations may vary and would require a detailed budgeting process.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is a quasi-experimental study, which is not as strong as a randomized controlled trial. However, the study used multiple statistical models to evaluate the intervention effect, which increases the strength of the evidence. The sample size calculation was based on power analysis, but it would be helpful to provide more information on the characteristics of the study population and the representativeness of the sample. Additionally, the abstract could provide more details on the intervention itself, such as the specific nutrition education strategies used and the content of the counseling sessions. Overall, the evidence is strong, but providing more information on these aspects would further improve the rating.

Maternal undernutrition is a major public health problem that disproportionately affects women in low-income countries. Despite attempts to address maternal nutritional needs, Ethiopia still has a high rate of undernutrition. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of theory-based nutrition education through male engagement on dietary practice and the nutritional status of pregnant women. A pretest−posttest quasi-experimental study was conducted among 403 pregnant women selected from 22 kebeles of Illu Aba Bor zone, Southwest Ethiopia from July to December 2019. A pre-tested, structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. A qualitative 24-h dietary recall was used to assess dietary diversity, and the Mid-Upper Arm Circumference was used to assess nutritional status. The intervention effect was evaluated using difference-in-difference, generalized estimating equation, and linear mixed-effects models. The mean dietary diversity score differed significantly between the couple group, women-alone and the control group (p < 0.001). According to the multivariable generalized estimating equations model, couples were 3.9 times; adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 3.91, 95% CI: (2.57, 6.88) and women alone were 2.8 times; AOR = 2.86, 95% CI: (2.17, 3.88) more likely to consume a diverse diet than the control group. The nutritional status of the women in the couple group improved significantly by the end of the intervention (p  0.5), Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (p ≤ 0.05), having commonality > 0.5 and not having the complex structure correlation of ≥0.40 were checked. The latent factor reflecting the wealth index generated using principal components analysis was then classified into wealth quintiles. The affective attitudes were assessed as women’s self‐evaluation at baseline and at study endpoint that is, before and after the intervention using the same questions. To assess behaviour controllability, the women were asked if they experienced challenges with sustaining a diverse diet. Subjective norm was assessed as individual versus family involvement in sustaining a diverse diet by asking the woman to evaluate the influence of self‐initiative over family support on the sustenance of the diverse diet. The field supervisors provided onsite support for data collectors daily. All completed questioners were collected by their respective supervisors and checked overnight. Morning sessions were arranged to provide feedback on issues of concern identified from fieldwork on the next day. Doubtful interviews and anthropometric measurements were repeated by the supervisors. The logbook was used for monitoring the data collection procedures. The intensive training and supportive supervision were important aspects of quality assurance efforts. Data were entered into Epidata version 3.5.1 and exported to SPSS version 23 for analysis. The study population was described using summary statistics of mean and percentages based on the study outcomes, sociodemographic characteristics and other factors. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between the dietary diversity score, nutritional status of pregnant women and the TPB constructs. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare means between the control and intervention groups. A post hoc test (Tukey HSD test) was employed to establish the level of significance of values between and within groups when ANOVA was statistically significant. Statistical significance was declared at a p value of less than 0.05. Difference‐in‐differences (DID) was used to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated by comparing the difference across time in the differences between outcome means in the control and treatment groups. This technique was used to control for unobservable time and group characteristics that confound the effect of the treatment on the outcome. The effect of the intervention on dietary diversity was assessed using the generalized estimating equation (GEE) with a binary logit function. First, we performed correlation on all structures, and the Quasi‐Information Criteria was the same for all correlation structures; therefore, we used an interchangeable correlation structure. The model was run to account for the clustered data and observational correlation within subjects. While fitting the model to account for the effects of various confounding variables, the unstructured covariance matrix was taken into consideration. Sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics, household food security status, time, intervention, time and intervention interaction were analysed. The effect of the intervention was assessed using time and the intervention interaction. The odds ratio was calculated along with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Statistical significance was determined at a p value of less than 0.05. A linear mixed‐effects model was used to estimate the effect of the intervention on changes in the nutritional status of pregnant women over time. Before fitting the model, the normality assumption of the outcome variable (MUAC) was assessed by using the Shapiro−Wilk’s test and the test showed that the assumption was satisfied (p > 0.05). We used the Akaike information criterion (AIC) to assist in selecting the appropriate statistical model. We chose the model that demonstrated the minimum AIC. Variables with p < 0.2 in the bivariate linear mixed regression model were selected as candidate variables for the multivariable linear mixed model analysis. The intervention's effectiveness was assessed by examining the interaction between time and the intervention.

The study recommends implementing theory-based nutrition education interventions that involve male partners to improve access to maternal health. The intervention involved providing nutrition education to couples (pregnant women and their husbands together) and to pregnant women alone. The education sessions were conducted once a month for three consecutive months, with each session lasting for 45-60 minutes. The education materials were developed based on the WHO recommendation of community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package and the Federal Ministry of Health training manual for trainers.

The intervention focused on improving personal and normative nutrition actions towards diversified diet sustenance. The core contents of the education sessions included describing nutrients in foods and their role in promoting good health, the consequences of inadequate nutrient intake, and key recommendations for including a variety of foods to increase intake of essential nutrients. Adherence to iron/folic acid supplements and iodized salt was also emphasized.

In addition to the education sessions, health extension workers were assigned to each intervention village to provide counseling and support to pregnant women. They made home visits once per month for the duration of the intervention period to counsel the women on adopting recommended practices following the nutrition education.

The intervention was evaluated using difference-in-difference, generalized estimating equation, and linear mixed-effects models. The results showed that couples who received the nutrition education were 3.9 times more likely to consume a diverse diet compared to the control group. Pregnant women who received the education alone were 2.8 times more likely to consume a diverse diet. The nutritional status of women in the couple group also improved significantly.

Based on these findings, the study recommends targeting couples in designing nutrition education interventions to improve access to maternal health. By involving male partners in the education process, it can lead to better dietary practices and improved nutritional status among pregnant women.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation from the study to improve access to maternal health is to implement theory-based nutrition education interventions that involve male partners. This intervention was found to be effective in improving the dietary diversity practice and nutritional status of pregnant women in rural Illu Aba Bor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.

The intervention involved providing nutrition education to couples (pregnant women and their husbands together) and to pregnant women alone. The education sessions were conducted once a month for three consecutive months, with each session lasting for 45-60 minutes. The education materials were developed based on the WHO recommendation of community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package and the Federal Ministry of Health training manual for trainers.

The intervention focused on improving personal and normative nutrition actions towards diversified diet sustenance. The core contents of the education sessions included describing nutrients in foods and their role in promoting good health, the consequences of inadequate nutrient intake, and key recommendations for including a variety of foods to increase intake of essential nutrients. Adherence to iron/folic acid supplements and iodized salt was also emphasized.

In addition to the education sessions, health extension workers were assigned to each intervention village to provide counseling and support to pregnant women. They made home visits once per month for the duration of the intervention period to counsel the women on adopting recommended practices following the nutrition education.

The intervention was evaluated using difference-in-difference, generalized estimating equation, and linear mixed-effects models. The results showed that couples who received the nutrition education were 3.9 times more likely to consume a diverse diet compared to the control group. Pregnant women who received the education alone were 2.8 times more likely to consume a diverse diet. The nutritional status of women in the couple group also improved significantly.

Based on these findings, the study recommends targeting couples in designing nutrition education interventions to improve access to maternal health. By involving male partners in the education process, the study suggests that it can lead to better dietary practices and improved nutritional status among pregnant women.
AI Innovations Methodology
The methodology used in the study to simulate the impact of the main recommendations on improving access to maternal health involved a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The study was conducted in rural communities of Illu Aba Bor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. A total of 403 pregnant women were selected from 22 kebeles (administrative units) in the zone.

The intervention consisted of theory-based nutrition education delivered through male involvement. Pregnant women and their husbands received nutrition education together in the couple group, while pregnant women alone received education in the women-alone group. The control group did not receive any education. The education sessions were conducted once a month for three consecutive months, with each session lasting for 45-60 minutes. The education materials were developed based on the WHO recommendation of community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package and the Federal Ministry of Health training manual for trainers.

In addition to the education sessions, health extension workers were assigned to each intervention village to provide counseling and support to pregnant women. They made home visits once per month for the duration of the intervention period to counsel the women on adopting recommended practices following the nutrition education.

The impact of the intervention was evaluated using difference-in-difference, generalized estimating equation, and linear mixed-effects models. The dietary diversity practice and nutritional status of pregnant women were assessed using a pre-tested, structured interviewer-administered questionnaire and a qualitative 24-hour dietary recall. The Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) was used to assess nutritional status.

The results showed that couples who received the nutrition education were 3.9 times more likely to consume a diverse diet compared to the control group. Pregnant women who received the education alone were 2.8 times more likely to consume a diverse diet. The nutritional status of women in the couple group also improved significantly.

Based on these findings, the study recommends targeting couples in designing nutrition education interventions to improve access to maternal health. By involving male partners in the education process, it can lead to better dietary practices and improved nutritional status among pregnant women.

The study was published in the journal Maternal and Child Nutrition in 2022.

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