Association between fetal abdominal growth trajectories, maternal metabolite signatures early in pregnancy, and childhood growth and adiposity: prospective observational multinational INTERBIO-21st fetal study

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Study Justification:
The study aimed to investigate the relationships between maternal metabolite signatures, fetal abdominal growth, and postnatal growth, adiposity, and neurodevelopment. This research is important because obesity is a significant health issue, particularly in high-income countries and those undergoing epidemiological transition. Understanding the factors that contribute to childhood obesity, including prenatal factors, can help identify infants at risk and potentially inform interventions.
– The study enrolled 3598 pregnant women and followed up with their infants until the age of 2 years.
– Four distinct trajectories of fetal abdominal circumference growth were identified: faltering growth, early accelerating growth, late accelerating growth, and median growth tracking.
– These growth trajectories were associated with different feto-placental blood flow patterns and had implications for growth, adiposity, vision, and neurodevelopment outcomes in early childhood.
– Maternal metabolite signatures were found to be associated with these growth trajectories, with specific metabolites showing upregulation or downregulation depending on the trajectory.
– The study findings suggest that early pregnancy lipid biology associated with fetal abdominal growth trajectories can serve as an indicator of patterns of growth, adiposity, vision, and neurodevelopment up to the age of 2 years.
– The findings of this study could contribute to the earlier identification of infants at risk of obesity.
– Further research is needed to validate and expand upon these findings, including exploring the underlying mechanisms and potential interventions.
– Healthcare providers should consider monitoring fetal abdominal growth trajectories and maternal metabolite signatures as part of prenatal care to identify infants at risk and provide appropriate interventions.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in fetal development, metabolism, and childhood obesity.
– Obstetricians and gynecologists involved in prenatal care and monitoring.
– Pediatricians and child development specialists involved in monitoring the growth, adiposity, and neurodevelopment of infants and children.
– Public health officials and policymakers responsible for developing and implementing interventions to address childhood obesity.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding for further studies to validate and expand upon the findings.
– Equipment and resources for monitoring fetal growth and collecting maternal and cord blood samples.
– Training and education for healthcare providers on monitoring fetal growth trajectories and interpreting maternal metabolite signatures.
– Development and implementation of interventions to address childhood obesity based on the identified risk factors.
– Public health campaigns and educational materials to raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care and early identification of infants at risk of obesity.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong due to the large sample size, prospective design, and multinational nature of the study. The study collected data from 3598 pregnant women and followed up with their infants until the age of 2 years. The study also used ultrasound scans, metabolomic analysis, and neurodevelopmental assessments to measure various outcomes. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the statistical methods used, such as the specific regression models and adjustments made for confounding variables. Additionally, it would be helpful to include information on the effect sizes and confidence intervals for the associations found.

Background: Obesity predominantly affects populations in high-income countries and those countries facing epidemiological transition. The risk of childhood obesity is increased among infants who had overweight or obesity at birth, but in low-resource settings one in five infants are born small for gestational age. We aimed to study the relationships between: (1) maternal metabolite signatures; (2) fetal abdominal growth; and (3) postnatal growth, adiposity, and neurodevelopment. Methods: In the prospective, multinational, observational INTERBIO-21st fetal study, conducted in maternity units in Pelotas (Brazil), Nairobi (Kenya), Karachi (Pakistan), Soweto (South Africa), Mae Sot (Thailand), and Oxford (UK), we enrolled women (≥18 years, with a BMI of less than 35 kg/m2, natural conception, and a singleton pregnancy) who initiated antenatal care before 14 weeks’ gestation. Ultrasound scans were performed every 5±1 weeks until delivery to measure fetal growth and feto–placental blood flow, and we used finite mixture models to derive growth trajectories of abdominal circumference. The infants’ health, growth, and development were monitored from birth to age 2 years. Early pregnancy maternal blood and umbilical cord venous blood samples were collected for untargeted metabolomic analysis. Findings: From Feb 8, 2012, to Nov 30, 2019, we enrolled 3598 pregnant women and followed up their infants to 2 years of age. We identified four ultrasound-derived trajectories of fetal abdominal circumference growth that accelerated or decelerated within a crucial 20–25 week gestational age window: faltering growth, early accelerating growth, late accelerating growth, and median growth tracking. These distinct phenotypes had matching feto–placental blood flow patterns throughout pregnancy, and different growth, adiposity, vision, and neurodevelopment outcomes in early childhood. There were 709 maternal metabolites with positive effect for the faltering growth phenotype and 54 for the early accelerating growth phenotype; 31 maternal metabolites had a negative effect for the faltering growth phenotype and 76 for the early accelerating growth phenotype. Metabolites associated with the faltering growth phenotype had statistically significant odds ratios close to 1·5 (ie, suggesting upregulation of metabolic pathways of impaired fetal growth). The metabolites had a reciprocal relationship with the early accelerating growth phenotype, with statistically significant odds ratios close to 0.6 (ie, suggesting downregulation of fetal growth acceleration). The maternal metabolite signatures included 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid, and 11 phosphatidylcholines linked to oxylipin or saturated fatty acid sidechains. The fungicide, chlorothalonil, was highly abundant in the early accelerating growth phenotype group. Interpretation: Early pregnancy lipid biology associated with fetal abdominal growth trajectories is an indicator of patterns of growth, adiposity, vision, and neurodevelopment up to the age of 2 years. Our findings could contribute to the earlier identification of infants at risk of obesity. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The prospective, multinational, observational INTERBIO-21st fetal study was conducted in maternity units in Pelotas (Brazil), Nairobi (Kenya), Karachi (Pakistan), Soweto (South Africa), Mae Sot (Thailand), and Oxford (UK) between Feb 8, 2012, and Nov 30, 2019.10 We enrolled 3598 women who initiated antenatal care before 14 weeks’ gestation, identified by ultrasound dating,11 and monitored their pregnancies to delivery. Their children’s health, growth, and development were monitored until the age of 2 years; a corrected age was used for infants who were born preterm. The inclusion criteria for the women were: being 18 years or older, a BMI of less than 35 kg/m2, natural conception, and singleton pregnancy. A sample of non-fasting venous blood was obtained at the earliest possible opportunity, at a median (IQR) gestational age of 13·2 weeks (11·9–17·2), plus a sample of umbilical cord venous blood at delivery; all samples were processed and stored as per protocol.12 The study was approved by the Oxfordshire Research Ethics Committee, the research ethics committees of the participating institutions, and their regional health authorities. All mothers provided written informed consent. After the dating ultrasonography, the women underwent an ultrasonography every 5±1 weeks until delivery using identical equipment (Philips HD-9, Philips Ultrasound, Andover, MA, USA). The methods to measure abdominal circumference growth have previously been described.13 From 22 weeks’ gestation, the umbilical artery Doppler Pulsatility Index, a marker of feto–placental perfusion, was measured. Mean umbilical artery Doppler Pulsatility Index values were expressed as z-scores of the international standard (reference).14 The anthropometric measurement methods used have previously been described.15 Infant age-specific and sex-specific z-scores and centiles were compared with the WHO Child Growth Standards.16 We assessed neurodevelopment at the age of 2 years using the INTERGROWTH-21st Neurodevelopmental Assessment (INTER-NDA), a multicultural, psychometric tool for children aged 22–30 months, designed to be implemented by non-specialists across international settings, which measures multiple dimensions of early development using directly administered, concurrently observed, and caregiver reported items.17 Metabolite signatures were measured using untargeted mass spectrometry (Sapient Bioanalytics, San Diego, CA, USA) and compound identification was performed by spectral matching to open access and private spectral databases. To visualise the metabolite feature data, we used Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) with the Python package UMAP-learn.18 For more details of the metabolomic analysis, see the appendix (pp 3–5). To establish the abdominal circumference growth trajectories (the primary outcome of the study), we constructed models for the repeated measurement of abdominal circumference z-scores using finite mixture models.19 Group mean growth patterns were modelled using Gaussian distributions by applying a quadratic B-spline with one internal knot placed at the median.20 A z-score of 0 at 10 weeks’ gestation for each infant was added to highlight the growth trajectories relative to the initial ultrasonography and prevent grouping strictly by size. All mixture modelling was done using the hlme function of the R package lcmm.21, 22 Posterior group probabilities for models with three to five growth pattern groups were estimated,23 allowing for a low number of trajectories following recognised fetal growth patterns. Trajectories were established using only fetal measures without considering their 2-year outcomes or metabolomic data, to which the statistician (SAR) was masked during the analysis. The optimal number of groups for each growth measure was selected on the basis of the best model fit using the Bayesian Information Criterion, and the number of infant in the smallest group that comprised at least 2·5% of the total sample. Every infant received a posterior probability of being in each group and was then assigned to the definitive group with the highest probability (appendix p 9). Abdominal circumference growth trajectories comprised the primary independent variables. The trajectory tracking the 50th centile of the INTERGROWTH-21st standard13 was the reference group. Outcomes from the neurodevelopmental assessment were based on normative INTER-NDA scores.17, 24 Categories of low visual acuity (logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution [logMAR] >0·4) and high contrast sensitivity (>3%) were based on Cardiff normal values.25 We used linear regression models to assess the relationships with continuous and normally distributed measures of growth, cognition, language, and fine motor and gross motor domains stratified by the duration of any breastfeeding (<7 months or ≥7 months). The positive affect domain was reverse coded, and both positive and negative scales were modelled as count data using generalised linear models, with a Poisson distribution and log-link function and a variance correction for over-dispersion. Vision outcomes were modelled as binary variables using Poisson regression with robust standard errors because they were not rare outcomes and negative binomial regression models often did not converge. The results represent a change in score or relative risk for each trajectory compared with the reference median growth trajectory. A p value of less than 0·05 was deemed statistically significant. We corrected our results for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate correction to control for type 1 error rate at <0·05. We selected covariates suspected a priori to be in the causal pathway, using separate directed acyclic graphs for growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes (appendix p 21). In all adjusted models, we included the infant's sex and age at assessment, preterm birth, maternal age, maternal education, and smoking during pregnancy. As done previously,26 we conducted a primary stratified analysis to evaluate the effect modification by the duration of breastfeeding (<7 months or ≥7 months). We included abdominal circumference and head circumference trajectories in the models to explore the independent effect of abdominal circumference phenotypes.10 All analyses were performed using R (version 3.6.0; The R Core Team, Vienna, Austria) and STATA (version 15.1; StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). The funder of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Implementing telemedicine platforms and remote monitoring devices can allow pregnant women in low-resource settings to receive regular check-ups and consultations with healthcare providers without the need for frequent in-person visits. This can help improve access to prenatal care and early detection of any potential complications.

2. Mobile Health Applications: Developing mobile health applications that provide educational resources, personalized health information, and appointment reminders can empower pregnant women to take an active role in their own healthcare. These applications can also facilitate communication between healthcare providers and patients, ensuring timely access to information and support.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic prenatal care, education, and support to pregnant women in underserved areas can help bridge the gap in access to maternal health services. These workers can conduct regular check-ups, provide health education, and refer women to higher-level healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Integrated Care Models: Implementing integrated care models that bring together various healthcare providers, such as obstetricians, midwives, nurses, and nutritionists, can ensure comprehensive and coordinated care for pregnant women. This approach can help address multiple aspects of maternal health, including nutrition, mental health, and overall well-being.

5. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborating with private sector organizations, such as pharmaceutical companies and technology companies, can help leverage their resources and expertise to improve access to maternal health services. This can involve initiatives such as providing affordable or subsidized healthcare products, supporting research and development of innovative solutions, and implementing technology-driven interventions.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are general and may need to be tailored to the specific context and challenges of improving access to maternal health in different regions or communities.
AI Innovations Description
The study titled “Association between fetal abdominal growth trajectories, maternal metabolite signatures early in pregnancy, and childhood growth and adiposity: prospective observational multinational INTERBIO-21st fetal study” aimed to investigate the relationships between maternal metabolite signatures, fetal abdominal growth, and postnatal growth, adiposity, and neurodevelopment.

The study was conducted between February 8, 2012, and November 30, 2019, in maternity units in Pelotas (Brazil), Nairobi (Kenya), Karachi (Pakistan), Soweto (South Africa), Mae Sot (Thailand), and Oxford (UK). A total of 3,598 pregnant women were enrolled, and their infants were followed up until the age of 2 years.

The study collected maternal blood and umbilical cord venous blood samples for untargeted metabolomic analysis. Ultrasound scans were performed regularly to measure fetal growth and feto-placental blood flow. The infants’ health, growth, and development were monitored from birth to age 2 years.

The study identified four ultrasound-derived trajectories of fetal abdominal circumference growth: faltering growth, early accelerating growth, late accelerating growth, and median growth tracking. These trajectories had different outcomes in terms of growth, adiposity, vision, and neurodevelopment in early childhood.

The study also found associations between maternal metabolite signatures and fetal abdominal growth trajectories. Metabolites associated with the faltering growth phenotype were linked to impaired fetal growth, while metabolites associated with the early accelerating growth phenotype suggested downregulation of fetal growth acceleration. Specific metabolites, such as 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid and certain phosphatidylcholines, were identified in the maternal metabolite signatures.

Overall, the study suggests that early pregnancy lipid biology associated with fetal abdominal growth trajectories can serve as an indicator of patterns of growth, adiposity, vision, and neurodevelopment up to the age of 2 years. These findings could contribute to the earlier identification of infants at risk of obesity.

The study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study you provided, titled “Association between fetal abdominal growth trajectories, maternal metabolite signatures early in pregnancy, and childhood growth and adiposity: prospective observational multinational INTERBIO-21st fetal study,” focuses on understanding the relationships between maternal metabolite signatures, fetal abdominal growth, and postnatal growth, adiposity, and neurodevelopment.

To improve access to maternal health based on the findings of this study, potential recommendations could include:

1. Early identification and monitoring: Implementing routine ultrasound scans early in pregnancy to measure fetal abdominal growth trajectories and identify any deviations from normal patterns. This can help healthcare providers identify infants at risk of impaired growth and obesity.

2. Nutritional interventions: Providing targeted nutritional interventions to pregnant women based on their metabolite signatures. This could involve personalized dietary recommendations or supplementation to optimize fetal growth and reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

3. Health education and awareness: Increasing awareness among pregnant women about the importance of early antenatal care and the potential impact of maternal metabolite signatures on fetal growth and long-term health outcomes. This can empower women to seek timely healthcare and make informed decisions regarding their nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could involve the following steps:

1. Data collection: Gather data on the current access to maternal health services, including antenatal care utilization, ultrasound availability, and nutritional support programs. Collect information on the prevalence of impaired fetal growth and childhood obesity in the target population.

2. Modeling the interventions: Develop a simulation model that incorporates the potential recommendations mentioned above. This model should consider factors such as the population demographics, healthcare infrastructure, and resource availability.

3. Parameter estimation: Estimate the parameters required for the simulation model, such as the effectiveness of early identification and monitoring, the impact of nutritional interventions on fetal growth, and the potential increase in awareness and utilization of maternal health services.

4. Simulation and analysis: Run the simulation model using different scenarios, varying the implementation levels of the recommendations. Analyze the simulated outcomes, such as the reduction in impaired fetal growth and childhood obesity rates, changes in antenatal care utilization, and improvements in maternal health outcomes.

5. Evaluation and refinement: Evaluate the results of the simulation and assess the feasibility and effectiveness of the recommendations. Refine the model and interventions based on the findings to optimize the impact on improving access to maternal health.

By using this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential benefits and challenges of implementing the recommended interventions. This can inform decision-making and resource allocation to improve access to maternal health and reduce the burden of impaired fetal growth and childhood obesity.

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